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Did the Holocaust Really Happen?

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:48 PM
Yes it did happen. It pains me to see denial throughout. When I was a kid, my grandparents would bring our family to visit long time friends of the family, considered family(RIP). They were survivors, tattoos and all.

They are worshiping your eternal pain
But with technology comes insecurity and a lack of faith
I’m here to calm you down, but it’s over
The worst is over now

St. Edith- Ayria

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:50 PM
Maybe the best bet is just to stay as far away from the Jehovah Witness as you can get. Then you can avoid making a jack ass out of yourself in public.

Just a suggestion.
edit on 7-18-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:04 PM
The Nazi's slaughtered millions. Not all of them were Jews. Zionism tells us that Hitler rounded up all the Jews and tortured and murdered them. Like the Jews were the only victims. Just like any other mass conspiracy, you aren't allowed to question the 'facts' without being branded all these bad names and told you're a bad person. Total brain washing.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:06 PM
OP, I would strongly suggest that you pay a visit to the remains of Auschwitz, or talk to any elderly Jew who has a number tatooed on his arm.

When remembering the Holocaust, it's also important to remember that Joseph Stalin also slaughtered 20 MILLION of his own people during his own reign of terror.
edit on 18-7-2012 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:14 PM
If any one doubts the Jewish Holocaust is a complete idiot.......however there are elements of the Holocaust that is in serious doubt be that of the true exact number of genuine Jews that perished and the alleged "gas" chambers.

By saying that, how many Americans care to admit the Indian Holocaust?

The Nazis took up to 6 million Jewish lives for their possessions and homes.......

Europeans and Americans took 100 million Indian lives for their land and resources:

Today, we see the "colonists" doing much the same thing in the Middle East!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:18 PM
If you're trying to undo the presence of jews in society, the most successful way of doing it would be to start your own publication or movie company. When you become successful with it and people start listening to what you have to say, hope you can resist the money offered by one of the big name jewish media. Assuming you portray something other than anti jew sentiment, to which society has already been groomed to chant anti semitic at you.

I'm personally sick of always having to see the same jewish themes in every movie I watch. My own ethnic background suffered all sorts of attrocities under Hitler and Stalin. I dont want to see an underdog running from evil forces every time I watch television. I don't want to see the values and morals of the jewish people being demonstrated in the decisions the character makes. That's why I haven't been to the movies in maybe ten years.

If you don't like jews, stay away from them. You get your news from alternative sources, for entertainment you can watch youtube videos. I'm currently watching Big Brother television series. Even though its all about surveillance, the decisions made by these characters are their own.

Creating discussion topics about wether or not the holocaust existed is the same thing as creating topics about wether or not a specific race is inferior to others. I'm thinking of 4chan when I say this. Every 30 minutes, somebody posts a topic giving precise details as to why blacks are inferior. All you're doing is trying to get a reaction. This is known as internet trolling. We can debate wether a lot of events did or did not occur. To debate wether or not the jews really suffered in the past, wouldn't change where they are today. They don't even need the world to believe in the holocaust. All you have to do is accuse people of being terrorists and you can invade them freely. The necessity of believing in holocaust is over. It's already served its purpose. The purpose being to make jews scared enough to own every media outlet and movie production company. There was never any purpose for you.

Did the holocaust occur? How the expletive would I know. All I have to go by is the stories of my grandparents, who fled the country for their lives. If they had stayed, who's to say they would or would not have been killed. Your voice would be just as legitimate third person opinion as theirs, had you been around at the time and posting this idea back when it was still relevant.
edit on 18-7-2012 by Kapkalna because: I linked the wrong person, who got mad

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Kapkalna

Why the hell did you point that at me? Did you even read the OP? The OP questioned whether the Holocaust happened based on some weird Jehovah Witness account. I said "stay away from Jehovah Witness and you won't make an ass out of yourself" you're railing against me as if I'm the one questioning whether the Holocaust happened.


Did you just recommend to me that the more intellectual thing to do is watch Big Brother? I think not.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Reading through many of the replies here, I'm getting the feeling a large majority of people who are posting comments in this thread haven't read through the first couple of paragraphs of the OP. :| But that is not news since the other half are telling those who are posting comments without reading to please read the OP first.

It is worth the read as it gives convincing proof that the Holocaust indeed did take place. In fact it points out the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses were the largest persecuted religious group by the Nazi (aside from the Jews).

If any here would like further information regards the JWs and the Holocaust you can visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Valhall

I posted that to OP, you dont need to get on your internet boxing gloves. I'm top bracket IQ, so I would go with what I said the more intellectual thing is. The more intellectual thing is to avoid this topic altogether.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:29 PM
As far as my own research has gone, yea the Holocaust happened. I have my grandfathers stories as well as photos he snuck out of there. My other grandfather was killed in the last days of the war, having been shot down over Buchen. The reference for the latter info is in the book "Last Flight of the Luftwaffe". The pics are now put away as part of my family's genealogical record, as is a copy of the book. This particular book, while no longer in print, can be picked up quite cheaply on Amazon. I don't care what nationality or ethnic group you came from, if you weren't the perfect picture of what they thought an "Aryan" should look like, or if your background showed anything they didn't like, you were hauled off. There is so much more to this story than could ever be discussed in this forum.

Just remember folks, that those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.


posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by SubAce
Reading through many of the replies here, I'm getting the feeling a large majority of people who are posting comments in this thread haven't read through the first couple of paragraphs of the OP. :| But that is not news since the other half are telling those who are posting comments without reading to please read the OP first.

It is worth the read as it gives convincing proof that the Holocaust indeed did take place. In fact it points out the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses were the largest persecuted religious group by the Nazi (aside from the Jews).

If any here would like further information regards the JWs and the Holocaust you can visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

Okay, you educated me. I read the OP and read it wrong. I read it as the JW saying that the Jews were not so persecuted. My bad. Yes, I know the JW were a persecuted group. NO...they were not the more persecuted and the statistics show they were not the more persecuted unless you want to go by per capita of population of the persecuted group. There weren't very many JW's in Germany at that time, but the per capita persecution of JW's was extraordinarily high.

But I did misread what the OP was trying to convey. While I don't agree with the JW bent on things, I do agree ALL groups that were labeled "threats" to the Hitler regime's plan were severely death. Now I understand the attack in the post a couple of posts up.
edit on 7-18-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Kapkalna
reply to post by Valhall

I posted that to OP, you dont need to get on your internet boxing gloves. I'm top bracket IQ, so I would go with what I said the more intellectual thing is. The more intellectual thing is to avoid this topic altogether.

I probably won't be taking your advice. Live with it.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Valhall

I don't have to live with anything, nor do I have any advice for you. You made the grave error of assuming what the intellectual avenue would have been, to which I'm forced to respond.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by SkullAndBeats235

no i dont think so
edit on 18-7-2012 by SkullAndBeats235 because: (no reason given)

You should visit a Concentrate Camp in Germany..

edit on 18-7-2012 by SkullAndBeats235 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-7-2012 by SkullAndBeats235 because: (no reason given)

Those were all photoshopped.......jk....But seriously, the holocaust definitely did happen, it was one of the most tragic events in human history. For there to be a thread questioning whether it happened or not is shocking to me... I guess the OP, and any doubter, can tell the survivors of the concentration camps that they didnt really experience what they experienced...

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:45 PM
The senseless murder of any person is reprehensible whether it be a jew, Jehovah's Witness or whatever. I don't for a minute believe Hitler was a benevolent dictator like Quadaffi. On the other hand I do not believe he was the barbarian he is portrayed to be. He correctly identified the beast as the zionist Jews yet below the radar he had to play ball with them as the financed his rise to power as a counter balance to Stalin who became difficult to control. It was when Hitler threw the Zionist Jews out of the banking business in Germany and set up gov't banks and created a prosperous economy that they decided he had to go.
Those of us who are awake can see the power of the press to control public opinion through lies, spin and omission. The press is particularly powerful when it's propaganda is directed at a dumbed down population which is constantly distracted by bread and circuses and incapable of critical thinking ie. the American Public. The press in Germany and the rest of the world was and is Jewish Controlled as is Hollywood.
If Hitler was so anti Jewish why were have the elite in his gov't full or half jews. Why would 15,000 jewish soldiers fight for the Reich. Hitler made deals with the Zionists that helped justify the need for a state of Israel.
In 1933 who controlled Roosevelt and other western leaders to restrict immigration of European Jews. Why did the Zionists not pay the $2 million demanded by Eichmann (jewish??) for the exodus of all jews from Germany.
Where did the 6 million number come from? We see pictures of concentration camp deaths. How many were jews and how many were non jews? Did they die from Zykron B gas (insecticide) used for delousing or did most die to starvation due to allied bombing disrupting supply lines. If jews were brought to camps to be slaughtered then why did the nazis need to develop a complex registration system to track them.
Why is it that over and over again we are forced to hear about a non verified number of 6 million jews but nothing about millions of American, British, Canadian and other casualties. Isn't it ironic that we have to accept the existance of God's existance on faith but accept the holocaust and the death of 6 million jews as fact.
If the holocaust and it's number of casualities was indeed true, the story would stand on it's own and would not fear investigation. We have all heard the statement "The Truth Will set you free". Anyone who has dared to challenge or Investigate the holocaust has been prosecuted to the the full extent of the law.
In Germany which has been made to endure the brunt of the guilt over the so called Holocaust a defendent charged as a Holocaust denier cannot bring evidence into the court in his defence. How outrageous is this. In other countries such as Canada denial of the holocaust is considered a hate crime. Why is it that the holocaust story cannot stand on it's own. What are the Zionists trying to hide. Why is something which is not allowed to be verified being used as a propaganda tool in the school system. Why is challenging this event a crime?
The Zionist Jews use the holocaust story to try to get sympathy from the International Community. It helps to create an image of the Jews as an underdog constantly being persecuted. It is used as a tool to prevent the spotlight from falling onto Zionist Crimes. For example, the Goldman Sachs and Zionist Banking rule of the ponzi scheme we call the fiat money system and fractional reserve banking Forbes 400 list never ever includes a member of the worlds leading Zionist or any other banker. Is that because the Forbes list only includes billionaires and not trillionaires. Think about it; the Jewish Zionists are far from the underdogs, they control the western world and it's political and financial systems. They are in the process of wrecking it and impoverishing and destroying human civilization.
Before their wrecking ball is finished the pain and suffering imposed on humanity will eclipse any damage done to the Jews by Hitler. Hitler was well aware of the power wielded by the Jews and the devestation that they caused to humanity. Even the founding fathers talked about the dangers of privately held central banking which is zionist Jewish controlled. Want to know the next country to be invaded. Just look at countries that do not have banking systems controlled by the Zionists. Does Lybia come to mind. How about Syria and Iran.
Those that do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Those few who are awake will stand by knowing and understanding that the Zionist Jews are at it again; the ignorant and misinformed masses will see Zioists as the good guys "Gods Chosen" while they curse and hate the muslims and celebrate the invasion of those few remaining nations lacking Zionist controlled banking systems. Little will they realize that the underdog runs and controls the illusion that they live in. Miller Time!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Kapkalna
reply to post by Valhall

I don't have to live with anything, nor do I have any advice for you. You made the grave error of assuming what the intellectual avenue would have been, to which I'm forced to respond.

Actually it gets down to the fact that you consider JW's "true christians" and a reliable source for much information at all. I do decide, on a personal level, to believe they did commit acts of valor and religious commitment during the Nazi persecution, but that's only because I choose to and based on outside information...not on the religious organization's statements. That's not even intellectually measurable. I'm not going to argue with someone whose Messiah's return date has been reset - what, 3 times now? and then it got changed to he really did come back, but in invisible form? Have I got that right? In then on top of that your intellectually stimulating choice is to watch Big Brother.

I don't know what to say to that.

The Holocaust happened, irrespective of what the JW organization has to say of it. I respect the individual acts of valor recorded about the JW's commitment to their "religion", but that's about it.

While I absolutely don't agree with the Jehovah Witness thingy (whatever it may be called), I do respect you guys should be able to believe whatever Verson X.X you're on and not get incinerated for doing it.
edit on 7-18-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Actually it gets down to the fact that you consider JW's "true christians"

I don't consider anybody anything. You might have an easier time fighting your anti JW or anti christian agenda when I actually mention any of those groups. I can only recommend, and yes, this time it will be an actual recommendation for you: do some exercise for 30 minutes. You'll feel better about yourself and less apt to rage against people who are neither talking to you, or even discussing your subject matter.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by ken10
By the numbers more Russians and Chinese died than Jews, and by proportion more Gypsies died than Jews.

The Jewish deaths are just a statistic within a very horrible time in history, Please don't let the suffering of the many be used as an agenda of a few.

The term Holocaust should refer to ALL that died (as it used to) and not just to the Jews, otherwise you are placing a group of peoples deaths higher than others.

With all due respect 'The Holocaust' refers to the intentional mass killing/murder of innocents by Nazi Germany, be they Jews, Poles, Russians, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Mentally or Physically Handicapped, etc. its just Jew haters who try to make out Jews only remember their own!

Go to the Holocaust Memorial at yad Versham in Israel, they show films the Nazi's recorded their brutal treatment, not just of Jews and they have meticulous records in rememberance of every holocaust victim on record Jew and non Jew!

Of course the Holocaust was a big disaster for the Jewish population of Europe, losing millions of their own faith (once again) the survivors were proof enough,let alone those Jewish families that lost so many loved ones.

People love to hate on the Jews and claim they are eternal victims, well no more and they hate that even more because Israel will not be bullied by anyone (rightly or wrongly). Yes 20 Million russians were killed (mostly as a direct result of vicious battles or being shot by their own officers. Those that say that Jews used this event to get their own country are entirely correct, they did to protect themselves from any future pogroms or holocausts, as they have been the victim of these throughout history!

For those Jew haters, don't worry your Karma is coming and you are going to be reborn a Jew and find out what its like to be hated for no reason other than your a Jew!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Valhall

Originally posted by SubAce
Reading through many of the replies here, I'm getting the feeling a large majority of people who are posting comments in this thread haven't read through the first couple of paragraphs of the OP. :| But that is not news since the other half are telling those who are posting comments without reading to please read the OP first.

It is worth the read as it gives convincing proof that the Holocaust indeed did take place. In fact it points out the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses were the largest persecuted religious group by the Nazi (aside from the Jews).

If any here would like further information regards the JWs and the Holocaust you can visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

Okay, you educated me. I read the OP and read it wrong. I read it as the JW saying that the Jews were not so persecuted. My bad. Yes, I know the JW were a persecuted group. NO...they were not the more persecuted and the statistics show they were not the more persecuted unless you want to go by per capita of population of the persecuted group. There weren't very many JW's in Germany at that time, but the per capita persecution of JW's was extraordinarily high.

But I did misread what the OP was trying to convey. While I don't agree with the JW bent on things, I do agree ALL groups that were labeled "threats" to the Hitler regime's plan were severely death. Now I understand the attack in the post a couple of posts up.
edit on 7-18-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

Even in your post saying you read the original post wrong, you still read SubAce's post dead wrong. Your on a roll. This is what he said.

In fact it points out the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses were the largest persecuted religious group by the Nazi (aside from the Jews).

So he says the jews were the most persecuted and then the JW. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!
How could you even say you read the OP wrong? its so obvious if you actually read it. More likely you spent 30 seconds scanning through a paragraph and you consider that read.
edit on 18-7-2012 by Nephlim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:09 AM

edit on 7/19/2012 by OrphenFire because: (no reason given)

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