posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:55 PM
I have to weigh in again and sorry if I reiterate many of my previous points. Evil exists in all religions and all races. I think that any group that
plots to enslave humanity is evil and that is what I see from the zionists but this is a digression.
What is NAZI = National Socialist + Zionist. Do I believe there was a holocaust; absolutely. Do I believe in human skin lampshades, shrunken heads
and zyklon B gas in shower heads; no more than Santa Claus. We talk about the extermination of 6 million jew in the second world war. If this is the
real holocaust and the only holocaust then why is it illegal to question the holocaust. I was taught that truth does not fear investigation. Why then
is it than in so many countries including Austria, Germany,Canada and others is it legal to question and challenge the existence of God and Jesus
Christ but not the holocaust. I hear people say revisionists are opportunists because most survivors of the so called "death camps" are now dead.
I also have to question why, if jews going to camps were slated for extermination, did they have to tag them and institute the assistance of IBM to
keep an inventory. Why not just take them off the train and put them into the gas chambers. Surely the Germans with the technological resources of the
time at their disposal could not some industrial engineer made the process efficient enough that an inventory control system was not needed.
Hitler resented the jews in Germany disproportionate to their numbers controlling so much of the government and economy. In America there is a
similar resentment of the 1%; is this not natural.
We are shown photos of piles of dead bodies ready for disposition. We are told that these were all jews that had been gassed. Hunger was a real
issue in Germany as supply lines were cut off by the allies. Many if not most of these bodies are not jews as contrary to popular belief, the camps
contained, prisoners of war, dissidents and political prisoners who were not jewish.
Typhus was a big problem in the German work camps. It was carried by lice. For this reason it was common to see photos of people whose heads were
shaved. Zyklon B gas was used as a disinfectant to delice clothing to control the spread of the disease. Many of the bodies in photos are victims of
typhus. There are much more efficient ways to dispose of people than the use of zyklon B gas or from diesel exhaust as claimed.
This was supposedly the only holocaust in the war. What about the 50 million civilian casualties in Europe. There are no monuments to these and
history treats this as a non event.
Hitler by his own words wanted a jew free Europe, not to exterminate the race. The zionists who are the instigators of the holocaust like to make
this claim just as the twist the words of Almadinejad of Iran. He was never against a separate state for the jews. Kenya and Madagascar were mentioned
but rejected. Deals such as the 1934 transfer agg't was made to transfer property from Germany to Palestine to encourage immigration of jews to
People need to study the relationship between the zionists and Nazis. Who has a motive here. The Zionists wanted a state of Israel in Palestine. If
they could create the myth of a persecuted people then world public opinion would be on their side. Not even Red Cross official figures match the 6
million number. In reality there were Jewish officers in Hitler's army and many enlisted jewish soldiers. Why would they fight for Germany if , they
had a bulls eye on their forehead. Why did the zionists stop other countries including the US in the early 30's from allowing jewish immigrants to
enter these countries. It was to force jews to move to Palestine so they could justify Israel.
Instead we have a cover-up on a grander scale than 9/11. We are not allowed to question the official story, without fear of retribution or
reprisal. Men like Ernst Zundel, and Gemar Rudolf who had the courage to stand up and investigate and went to jail for their courage. Why? These men
are not racists, they have the facts, they have done the homework and they seek the truth. They are not some southern rednecks in white hooded frocks
full of vitriolic hatred. They are intelligent articulate, well educated men, and have the facts and evidence to support their claims. The holocaust
is not self evident, like one of Newton's laws. Certainly civilian jews died in WW2 and that is a tragedy. 30 million Russians dying under the
Bolshevik regime in Russia is no less a tragedy. Pol Pots slaughter of millions of his people too is a tragedy. 1.7 million germans dying in
Eisenhowers pow camps is equally a tragedy. What makes the holocaust so special. I suspect there is a greater agenda here.