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ATS is way too racist

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by RealSpoke

I totally notice it too. But I take comfort in the fact that this is all they have left.

They can't effect me. They can't touch me. They can't do shet anymore like they used to 50/60 years ago. All they have left is their hatred. Their birthrate is dropping all over the globe.

This is the last kicking and squirming you see when a roach gets sprayed. You know they are gonna die, but boy are they going out fighting.

It will stop. Soon.

But who will you depend on to take care of you when it does?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I agree with you to a certain extent. I feel offended a lot on ATS. A lot of anti American generalizations. I make it my point to prove that every Americans aren't like the ignorant posts that I witness on ATS.

The black culture in America is built towards:making money, nice cloths, getting bitc&&&. I understand that this is a generalization but this is what is presented in popular culture. The whole world witnesses this trash that 14 yo white people buy.

I'm sry just listen to 10 mins of Gucci man radio on Pandora...

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Actually, it is more than likely a reaction to the relentless media barrage of images, implications, and memes that white males are evil genius manipulators or incompetent buffoons, or somehow- incomprehensibly- both.

Also a 30+ year old federal public education/propaganda program that basically promotes the same agenda and creates a religious worship of victim-hood and dependence (as somehow benign).

It is likely a reaction to the absolute reality that black on white crime is never described as such in the media, but white on black crime (no matter the facts or reality or lack of pertinence to a national audience) is nationalized as a great human tragedy, the white person being the vile villain.

It is likely a reaction to the growing "progressive" notion that the Founding Fathers were evil and abusive white men. That the Constitution they created is out of touch or "culturally biased".

It is part of the systemic policy that is trying to get everyone (not just minorities) on the federal/corporate plantation.

It is an ugly reaction, but a perfectly natural and expected one.

edit on 18-7-2012 by pierregustavetoutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by pierregustavetoutant

We are all slaves trying to get though the BS. good post

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:52 PM
edit on 18-7-2012 by WhatAreThey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:07 PM
Months ago I pointed out the disturbing increase of open racism on this site, and people denied it and acted as if I was crazy. It remained unchecked, and now it's gotten so blatant that the staff had no choice but to address these ignorant internet racists. Also, the staff's threats to ban those who engage in this nonsense seem empty to me..for proof, see the "Black Mob in Walmart" thread. I agree with the OP 100%, this site is quickly losing credibility due to its acceptance (almost to the point of support) of all this Nazi rhetoric .
edit on 18-7-2012 by aaron2388 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:13 PM
Yes, I've noticed this lately and also a slew of homophobia and hate against homosexuals as well. You'd think for a website where people are told to deny ignorance and be open minded, these narrow minded opinions wouldn't have a place here.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

You are correct. Everyone commits crime. There are shoplifters, murderers, prisoners... from EVERY race.

There are also great disparities and extreme disproportion in the crime rates... based on race.

Considering that there are ~243 million whites in the US, and ~40 million blacks then there should be about 6x more of these crimes perpetrated by whites.

However, if we look at... (pulls crime out of hat) say, murder rates by race:

We see that there are 20 homicides per 100,000 blacks/per year
and that there are approx 3 homicides per 100,000 whites/per year

2430 groups of 100,000 whites means that there are 7290 homicides per year by whites.
400 groups of 100,000 blacks means that are are 8000 homicides per year by blacks.

That FAR outnumbers 6x more homicides committed by whites than blacks. If whites were proportionally committing homicidal murders in proportion to blacks, then whites would be committing about 43,740 homicides per year!

Now, if we add 2000 more groups of 100,000 blacks to the mix to imagine a country that was nearly 50% white and 50% black, the murder rates look like this:

2430 groups of 100,000 whites means that there are 7290 homicides per year by whites.
2400 groups of 100,000 blacks means that are are 48,000 homicides per year by blacks.

Let's look at it another way... let's swap the races around for a moment and keep the crime rates so we can get a better feel for the disproportionate ratio we are actually dealing with in this country:

2430 groups of 100,000 blacks (at 20 murders per 100,000) means that there are 48,600 homicides per year by blacks if there were as many blacks now as their are whites.

400 groups of 100,000 whites (at 3 murders per year) means that are are 1,200 homicides per year by whites if there were only as many whites as there are blacks now.

So, you are right my friend: white people commit crime too.
edit on 18-7-2012 by WhatAreThey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:23 PM
This "Race Card" has become so over used since Obama became President in 2008 and began to divide America using race, rich vs. the not so rich; main street v s, Wall Street, Illegal aliens vs the American Citizens and the legal Immigrants, and on and on and on and on........
Wake up people; have your heard of the term; "Divide and Conquer?" Our president is dividing and distracting us so we don't see what is really going on with our country. Don't fall for this distraction; pay attention to what is REALLY going on.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Racism is alive and well in this country and around the world. It is not going away any time soon. There are all types of racists. As long as there are different ethnicities, religions, beliefs, etc., there will be racism. For those who says it does not exist, they are living in a fantasy world of their own. If all the black and white people died today, their would still be racism because there would still be other ethnicities to hate each other. We are a strange lot indeed.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

what's racist about a thread about hitler? or false history? gulf of tonkin? heard of it?

rather than censor the "racist" comments/responses....ATS censors the thread/information.

transparent? yes. do you "get it"? apparently not.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:41 PM
This is a complaint I have had with ATS since I joined...sadly, little is done about it.

And when ATS allows small racists comments to go unpunished, while they gather star after star, eventually it will produce what we saw this past week...more and more pronounced racisim...Hitler worship.

ATS allows people to hate on illegal the point where people advocate to set up shoot to kill soldiers on the borders...women...children...doesn't matter...just those lazy Mexicans crossing the border.

ATS allows people to point out race when discussing the recent Walmart incident...plastered right there in the thread title "BLACKS".

I'm glad ATS took the stance it did on the Hitler topic...but it was their own doing. I've given up on trying to convince them to do something about the disgusting racism towards illegal immigrants, blacks, and arabs...because I honestly don't think they care...and it's sad.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Point out the racism on my part. I've never claimed any racial superiority over another nor generalized an entire race of people. The whole theme to my posts are that all races do bad things, people are a product of their environment. Where's the racism?

It's an ATS thing.

If you point out someones are the is racist logic.

Hey...I've even been punished for calling out racism on ATS...because it was a "personal attack"...however...the other member was still allowed to spout racial slurs because it wasn't directed to any member and was just his opinion.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

First off, you contradicted yourself by stating a stereotype that whites are never ever mentioned when they commit a crime. Did you know white people have been stereotyped for stealing and robbing banks? Did you know whites have been stereotyped as being lunatics? I guess you didn't. Also, just because you grow up in the hood doesn't mean you are more susceptible to being violent just because there is a lot of violence. Its 50/50. Half of the people are influenced by their environment while the other half is not. For example, there are many people who live with a family of addicts but are all of them more susceptible to doing drugs? No! In fact many experiencing this have adverse effects on their thoughts about drugs. There for you are wrong. Lastly, giving racism attention just makes the infection that much more infectious.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

Seriously!! Why do people pay attention to racism if they aren't racist? It just boggles my brain a topic like this would even be popular at all. This is sad.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:03 AM

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by RealSpoke

I totally notice it too. But I take comfort in the fact that this is all they have left.

They can't effect me. They can't touch me. They can't do shet anymore like they used to 50/60 years ago. All they have left is their hatred. Their birthrate is dropping all over the globe.

This is the last kicking and squirming you see when a roach gets sprayed. You know they are gonna die, but boy are they going out fighting.

It will stop. Soon.

Yes indeed

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:52 AM
What has always got to me, is how racism is considered one way. I grew up and lived in a majority non-white community and my life and familys was made hell for being white and english in england. I think you may call it racist threads op but all i see are threads that are exposing the now blatant policies where whites are discriminated against and may be you dont like it. Its easy to label racist rather than look at why racism exists and why is it seemingly on the increase. I do want to believe its a class issue but in my experience the level of hatred for whites within black communities is way too disturbing and way too ignored. Until racism is no longer strictly for non whites to be a victim of then this will continue and increase.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by aaron2388

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by RealSpoke

I totally notice it too. But I take comfort in the fact that this is all they have left.

They can't effect me. They can't touch me. They can't do shet anymore like they used to 50/60 years ago. All they have left is their hatred. Their birthrate is dropping all over the globe.

This is the last kicking and squirming you see when a roach gets sprayed. You know they are gonna die, but boy are they going out fighting.

It will stop. Soon.

Yes indeed

the same kind of nazi rhetoric that you have just agreed with i take it you are against? Once again case and point.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:37 AM
I really couldn't care less about anyone's race.
Maybe it's because I has Asperger's and don't really get people unless I'm trying.
I'm to busy keeping track of the difference between happy face and sad face and what that means in relation to something I just said or did.
Quite frankly It's freaking exhausting, I don't have enough spare energy to notice or care what someone's race is.

Are there benefits to having Asperger's? Yeah I actually come across as more empathetic because I have to constantly pay attention.
Heck it even lets me do damn good cold reads on people but that's another story.
Since I have to pay attention all the time, it seems like I'm actually caring or tuned into peoples emotions.
Catch me when I'm tired though and I won't understand half of what you're saying.

I can say this, most people are the same no matter what their race.
Sure there might be minor differences based on how they were raised but the majority of the social queues I have to constantly pay attention to like: where the eyes go, the corners of the mouth, the hand placement.
It's the same across the board.

As far as racism on ATS?
I don't know anyone's race or gender even, I treat them all the same and call idiots, idiots.
To me everyone here is just a faceless entity expressing their opinions and if I don't like what they are saying I speak up.

I was going to go on and rant on how calling me racist because of my race is itself racist.
I'm not going to bother, people who have a chip on their shoulder(for whatever reason) will alwayse try and demonize others.
Even more so when they can't refute a point someone has made.
It's easier to call someone a racist, which makes everything they say evil/wrong, instead of actually addressing what they said.

So keep calling others racists just because you don't agree with what they said.
I don't care anymore, all you do is discredit yourself.

That's not to say there aren't times when calling someone a racist is valid, it's just thrown up too often in my opinion.

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