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ATS is way too racist

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posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by mortalengine

Yes, I have worked with a fair few South Africans in the UK. I like them, the accent is fascinating!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:27 AM
It would be nice to get some more input from mods... As to why they allow so many different types of racism on ATS..It really lets the ATS community down. Many times I have alerted racist comments and nothing is done about it.... I hope this thread makes front page and something is done about it.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

There are too many posts on here the de evolve into racists posts. Too many stereotypes flying around. I am not black or white i guess i will just say I am brown... (not the ones considered terrorist by default(

Even at work I have had some pretty dumb people say bone headed things due to stereotypes. A few months after I began my current job a man I worked with said to me after three weeks together.. " When they said you were coming to our department I didn't know what to expect from your kind but you are just like us. I think you are okay." I face palmed and just said "thanks karl." Inside i was dieing of laughter. I think other people would have been insulted but this man is a huge bone head and has told co worker women they are fat without knowing it. It is hilarious watching him figure out he said something stupid and trying to do damage control. The messed up part is that i can tell many others thought the same as this man but didn't say anything about it. You can just tell.

I think many people let things like this keep them down. I have had parents hate me because I date their daughter for not being white. After they got to know me they love me and I have had at least one Dad of a girl I dated wish i married his daughter.

I have been followed around in stores for not being white, I just poke fun at them and make them feel stupid. I remember i went into a liquor store and one of the employees followed me around with a broom sweeping up non existent dirt off the floor. i was the only non white patron in there. I laughed inside hard and double backed a few times just to mess with him.

Had a few bosses tell me early on during college i would never get anywhere and I would work minimum wage the rest of my life. I just laughed.

Why do I just laugh?? because those people have problems. People like those would and will find anything to put others down. if it was not my race it would have been my income level, education level, my physical appearance, or my circle of friends.

Some people are just dumb. Also I just accept not everyone is going to like me and that is okay. I would not focus so much on this.

On this site I have seen threads about intelligence in different races and how whites are better... yet in university I had all different races asking me for help. I tutored calc and differential equations for all different races so that study was full of fail. I have been mentored by white, asian and arabic. What I found is that intelligence is not genetic when it comes to individuals but when you do generalizations it turns out that genetics do matter.

I have seen threads about how black people are the majority on welfare but the only people I have known to be on welfare have been white women involved with white men who have tried to sell me food stamps for money.

The prison figures are more spot on but that does not have to do with the ability of that race but their mentality and culture they are brought up in. Some have the ability to crawl out of that situation and others do not.

Statistics really mean nothing to me as i live in reality. Some stereotypes do apply but thinking that all stereotypes fit every individual who could have those stereotypes apply to them is very naive.

In a sense I have always liked that some people have not expected much from me due to my race. Simply because when I outperform their expectations they think I am some kind of prodigy when reality i am just normal.

For all of you who feel racial discriminated whether black or white. Just let it go and deal with it like any other type of discrimination. Some people like chocolate over vanilla and vice versa.. and that is okay.
edit on 19-7-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-7-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Humans are racist by nature - its a simple fact. They are emotional, judgmental and like to put things into easy reference - to do away with racism is to do away with humanity - end of story.

I've been to Haiti a country founded by and for freed black slaves and you know what it's the same as every African country I have been too. I was in Mali before the coup and people were walking 6 blocks to use a hole to crap in behind the presidential palace where telecom equipment was being setup. I suppose that its the white mans fault that it's over populated. That people who are starving to death and dying of disease have 10 kids they can't care for and watch them die one after the other - generation after generation after generation after generation.

I was in Antigua and the government is so crooked they are actually conspiring against there own public telecommunications utility because another company bribed them.

I actually had friends of my family tell me I owe them reparations because I'm white - my family came to this country 100 years after slavery ended - I don't owe them #. And the fact they are both successful lawyers just reinforces how baseline racist even many successful black people are. That would be like me asking them for payment on there boat fare to America.

Am I supposed to somehow be immune to all of that and think oh it's just those billion black people and not generalize them - dream on.

edit on 19-7-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I don't know if you saw this,

With regard to the rest of you issues, it's just the world today. We do everything we can to keep blatant racism off our site, if you see it ALERT it. The trick is to allow for the free exchange of ideas and information while not allowing hate speech, racism, and all the other sheer stupidity that seems to be permeating much of society, it's not an easy job.


posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by circuitsports
Humans are racist by nature - its a simple fact. They are emotional, judgmental and like to put things into easy reference - to do away with racism is to do away with humanity - end of story.

No it's not.

You aren't born racist, bigotted or with any kind of fear of somebody else because of their skin color, sexual orientation or religion.

Those are taught. Society teaches us to be this way. It's not inherent, it's learned and can be removed from our society if we all tried a bit harder.


posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:48 AM
Yeah right - who taught me when I was 4 years old that the 2 playground bullies were both the only two black kids in preschool - they did when they started fighting everyone. Don't pass that off on society. That stereotype is earned.

Turn on the tv and it's filled with black crime after black crime after black crime it's all societies fault those 2 19 year old black kids went into the internet cafe with a busted gun and baseball bat to rob people.

Every race has stereotypes and most of them are earned, not taught. What you want is for people not to react naturally - to program themselves to respond without emotion - well you live like spock all you want but as I can recall that quite often didnt work for him either.
edit on 19-7-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:52 AM
There is racism, and it's still rife, whether privately or openly. People who say, "I'm not racist, but..." are kidding themselves. You are making a (usually) derogatory comment about someone else, and making a specification on that person's race.

Also, at the same time, you have reverse-racism. Those who will bleat and bleat that they are being treated such and such a way, because of the fact they are a different race. Very rarely this happens because something actually racially motivated is happening, but more of an over-reaction to either make others feel bad, or to kick up a stink.

Personally I feel the latter is the worst. Not only do you have to deal with the persecution and prejudice already in place, but people screaming that others are being racist toward them when they are not, are just helping taint the waters.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Originally posted by circuitsports
Humans are racist by nature - its a simple fact. They are emotional, judgmental and like to put things into easy reference - to do away with racism is to do away with humanity - end of story.

No it's not.

You aren't born racist, bigotted or with any kind of fear of somebody else because of their skin color, sexual orientation or religion.

Those are taught. Society teaches us to be this way. It's not inherent, it's learned and can be removed from our society if we all tried a bit harder.


I had to quote both because I feel both posts have valid points.

To use an example, my son is a 4 year old Caucasian. He has loads of friends of different nationalities, and his best friends one is a mixed race boy, and the other is a girl who speaks no English. We were at the doctors once, and a family came in and there was a little boy who looked exactly like his friend who is mixed race, same colour skin, same tight curly hair (but not afro, just very very curly). And my son said to me, "That boy looks like XYZ!"

Children don't ignore obvious differences, but also they can be taught that people who are different are better/worse/bad/good/the same as every one else. But you can't teach that without acknowledging that some people are different. And it's sometimes hard to teach young children why people are different, especially if you find it difficult to confront those differences yourself.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I think the issue is that people still believe that racism is just in people's heads, that what they may perceive as being an issue possibly linked with race, is in their heads and they are the actual racists themselves...If you're white.

Yet this is the problem that so many on here who are going on about racism can't seem to get in to their heads!

My experience with ethnic minorities, on the whole, has not been great. From growing up in a community with majority ethnic minorities, being bullied at school for being white, neighbours having a go at my mum calling her white bitch, you name it we and other white families we knew suffered it.

Now on to work, I for the most part have worked within the public sector and I have a lot of dealings with inner city communities much like I grew up in. Now what strikes me as amazing is that there are trash in all races, but there are certain races that really do feel like I, or white people, owe them a living and use what history they have been brainwashed in to excuse themselves for a)their actions and b) their circumstances.

I then have to look at internal policies in the work place, which blatantly discriminate against white people.

I then listen to family members and friends, some of which are very liberal, or at least were, talk of similar things happening in their work place or in their area.

Yet in all of this, I never hear outright nasty racist talk, just concerns that white people are getting discriminated against, yet it is this talk that will then be called racism, because at the end of the day, anti-racist policies and movements seem to be another name for anti-white policies and movements.

Now through all this, you want me to come on here and be all smiles and say we are all one and we all happy? I have had to sit in friend's family get togethers/occassions, where everyone there, all of colour, are telling each other how better the world would be if there were no white people. I have had to sit at work and listen to colleagues, who are as friendly and nice as they come, speak in the same manner.

Does this get mentioned on here? No, because that would be racist! Will many of you see this as another bigoted racist post, more than likely.

How on Earth do you expect racism to go away, when too many have this idea that racism is a one way street? That because these white ruled countries and white man runs these countries and this business and that wealth, that racism can't exist towards whites! How many of you can say that and not burst in to laughter, while I burst in to tears thinking what kind of future will my children have, if these people who so proclaim to be against racism, the same people that speak of the entire white race in the same manner that they are apparently against, become the majority, become in places of power?

What difference is it me thinking this way, through all I have experienced, than a black person thinking the way they do, through what they believe to be historically true, regardless of whether or not they have experienced it? Oh yeah, I'm white and I have exeperienced it.

So you can go on about racism all you want, until its acknowledged as a two way street, until government and society acknowledges this as a two way street, then racism will continue. My prediction is that ti will continue to be a one way street, because making it a two way street, would be "racist".

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:51 PM


posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Originally posted by circuitsports
Humans are racist by nature - its a simple fact. They are emotional, judgmental and like to put things into easy reference - to do away with racism is to do away with humanity - end of story.

No it's not.

You aren't born racist, bigotted or with any kind of fear of somebody else because of their skin color, sexual orientation or religion.

Those are taught. Society teaches us to be this way. It's not inherent, it's learned and can be removed from our society if we all tried a bit harder.

Society teaches us to be this way to a certain extent. The choices you make in life is not all because of society. People need to start taking accountability for themselves.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by aaron2388

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by RealSpoke

I totally notice it too. But I take comfort in the fact that this is all they have left.

They can't effect me. They can't touch me. They can't do shet anymore like they used to 50/60 years ago. All they have left is their hatred. Their birthrate is dropping all over the globe.

This is the last kicking and squirming you see when a roach gets sprayed. You know they are gonna die, but boy are they going out fighting.

It will stop. Soon.
It didn't start 50/60 years ago. It started way back before Egypt was even a world super power. So, keep holding one race accountable for everything and you will find you are racist yourself.

Yes indeed

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by SecretFace
What has always got to me, is how racism is considered one way. I grew up and lived in a majority non-white community and my life and familys was made hell for being white and english in england. I think you may call it racist threads op but all i see are threads that are exposing the now blatant policies where whites are discriminated against and may be you dont like it. Its easy to label racist rather than look at why racism exists and why is it seemingly on the increase. I do want to believe its a class issue but in my experience the level of hatred for whites within black communities is way too disturbing and way too ignored. Until racism is no longer strictly for non whites to be a victim of then this will continue and increase.
Exactly, racism should never be considered one way. Anyone can be racist or have racist views and not necessarily be racist. People need to start studying the dictionary so they understand the words they use and how to perceive things.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by XeroOne

Sorry, it is not freedom by your definition either if you have to run over people to make a statement. That is the definition of Satanism.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:06 PM
OP what you have done is the exact thing you're complaining about.

You've lumped everyone into one stereotype.

You say, "ATS is way too racist", but what you should have said is, "some of the people on ATS are way too racist"

If you don't like being stereotyped and grouped. Then you shouldn't be doing it yourself.

Your attitude displayed in this thread appears to be racist. So I guess you're part of the problem.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by XeroOne
I can picture some conspiracy theorist asking him/herself right now why a certain perspective of an historical event was censored four times. Why discussions about it were silenced.
edit on 18-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

Maybe the blank that blanks this website is in bed with that other site which is also in bed with tavistock..sorry, I meant tacostock.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:29 PM
A bunch of people put me on their foe list because of this thread

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
A bunch of people put me on their foe list because of this thread
That's silly.
I don't have a foe list. As much as I might disagree with someone on many different things, I always seem to find something that I agree with them on.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
A bunch of people put me on their foe list because of this thread

That's ridiculous! Wow....
All I got for that is


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