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ATS is way too racist

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by DeadSnow

Uhh, it's common sense that all races have it's racists. I'm talking about ATS in specific.

I wasn't talking about that, more in terms of being mixed and not belonging to a specific race.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by XeroOne
Yes, I had considered using The Constitution to bolster my argument, and was soooo tempted to do that. It would have been lazy of me.

But it doesn't bolster your point. It under minds it. The 1st is aim at the government, not the public. THAT'S the point.

Not really, if The Constitution disallows the Supreme Court to add caveats to the 1st Amendment. Besides, the person who brought up the Supreme Court was citing case law, which is essentially interpretation that's easily challenged.

The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
edit on 18-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Way too many Hitler worship threads, which is just.....disturbing

Way too many posts generalizing the whole black race

Nearly all the threads on race get closed be cause of posters being hatefully racist

If black people commit a crime their race is always correlated. If white people do their race is never ever mentioned. If black people shoplift from Walmart it is somehow worse and less civilized then if whites steal on wallstreet. They claim blacks idolize criminality yet they ignore all the mafia, drug smuggling, bank robbing and war movies that all star whites and were written by such..

The whole point humans have bad traits in general. Under the right conditions we do bad things, someones race doesn't put them at a predisposition to be violent or do crime. Its the environment.

I always thought it was common sense that people are a product of their environment. Most of the negative stereotypes come with being born in the inner city. All the people that live in the ghetto, regardless of race generally have these issues.

The open racism on ATS is an embarrassment to the conspiracy community and takes away from the sites credibility.

Troll thread, race baiting.....
worthless if you ask me.

if the facts support a race acting a certain way fine, if ignorance replaces the ability to provide facts then you have a point.

otherwise you're part of the problem for divisiveness and promulgating this issue...

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:53 PM
reason number 3 on a long list why the world needs cleansed and a new beginning is needed = #racism

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

One of my very good friends is a black man. He is intelligent, witty, good looking, and crap tons of fun to hang out with. I like him better than all my white friends. I see the way people treat him a little different than me in public, and it disturbs me, I'm glad it disturbs me. It needs to disturb me.

He paid his own way through school because he refused to take government hand outs because he was black. He does not use the color of his skin for benefit, neither does he let it change his self image. Which is that of a good man. He is not racist even though white people have treated him as lesser at times. He understands that they are the ones to be pitied. Their small minds, and unwarranted hate make their lives empty, and less fulfilled. He understands that while, and black men died to bring about social change, and the cultural revolution that is still ongoing to bring true equality. His being black doesn't make him better or special. His being a great human being makes him better, and special it is the content of his heart, which is HUGE.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:04 PM
You are what you:

Listen too

Yes some idiots are racist and it is very sad, yet at the same time people should not expect empathy for what they associate themselves with.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:05 PM
Anyway you slice it, people aren't going to change. What one person might see as racist, another might see as reality.

The great thing about the internet and freedom is.... you can leave this site anytime you want. You can ignore the threads you might deem as racist. You can go create your own alternative news site.

You won't always be able to have people see things from your perspective.

See, I don't spend ungodly amounts of time on the New topic Firehouse like most regulars trying to be the first to comment and I don't read threads that don't interest me. And I sure as hell don't post on threads that I know are full of emotion unless I'm ready to enter into a heated debate. But that's just me. My point being, I don't see a lot of the racist posts/threads that you brought up. But like I said, if someone doesn't like ATS for whatever reason. I bid you a-dieu.

edit on 18-7-2012 by six67seven because: it is in rant

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Binder

That's the thing. One shouldn't see color. Is a wo/man of quality of character? Color doesn't matter. Same as the lack of quality. We've got excellent people of color and those that are white. There are asshats that are of color and those that are white. If it comes down to color it says more about the one perceiving than the one perceived imo.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:42 PM
I can't see why people just can't see we are all human beings living as pawns under one big biosphere. The attitudes of some are disgusting.
edit on 18-7-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Amen. Wow, thanks for putting this together. ATS did not used to be like this (pre Obama), it is only over the past 2 years or so that bigot trolls have come and dominated threads. It definitely hurt my relationship with this site.

It's the saddest part of the community. I'm not sure if it has to do with age (assume it does), or level of intelligence, but i'm sure even in this thread you will have plenty of bigots trying to explain the bigotry and hatred in a justifiable fashion.

Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by six67seven

Yeah, I mean its obvious we have the freedom to come and go as we please (i hope), but I think we are trying to talk about the overall health and value of discussion is lowered and beaten when threads (ats) is dominated by hate speech and hidden racist rhetoric. It makes some of us less likely to come because the over all quality is threatened and it just turns into a place of hatred and old mad people.

To me, like I said in my previous post, I know for a fact that the quality of this site has lowered since bigots started relentlessly trolling. Before, there was respected members who called them out and kept people in line. Not any more.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Kastogere
Like Morgan Freeman said, if you stop talking about it over time it goes away.

And honestly, I have ran into more racist black folk than I have racist white folk..and black folk seem to make a bigger stink about it than anyone else. Even if said perceived racism doesn't actually exist.

And unfortunatly you can look at any race that carries a stereotype and find truth in it. Is that what bothers you?

Statistically speaking you have more black people in prison than white folk, more black people on welfare, more black people perpatrating violence (especially on each other) and you think that for someone to perceive a generalization on that point would be wrong in doing so? If the roles were reversed I dont think you'd have a problem would you?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...guess what.....its a duck, doesnt matter what color the duck is.

And no Im not going to call someone african american, thats just stupid...your either american or you aint. Now if i have to describe someone then I will use black to give one the idea in there head as to what that american looks like....I let them draw their own conclusions.

I view everyone with equal disdain, color doesnt matter to just cant fix stupid..and stupid is color blind.

As far as Hitler goes, the man was a big jerk, not a nice guy. But in his actions before he went on his amphetamine and murder diet the man showed genius in his nation building, all bigotry aside of course. As a matter of fact there were many tyrants that had a play or two stolen from them by todays governments of the world. You just don't hear about it.

Chances are the only one with the real problem with racism is you OP. And while i agree with your premise for doing so. Your rant is only going to end up shutting down another thread, because you like others are bound to argue over perceptions you cannot agree on, and any insecurities that follow.

Until we stop talking about it and drop it can we really move forward. Racism in itself is a petty projection brought on by the weakminded for the purpose of control and to pass the buck on self responsibility. Not only for those who use racism, but for those also who propose to use it as an excuse to be a false victim when they also may very well be to blame for the racism mess that is stupidity for all involved.

Sticks and stones........

This is simply to tell you how awesome your post is

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:25 PM
I disagree. I am shocked that the recent thread entitled "Adolf Hitler, the greatest story never told" has been removed???? It was really interesting and gave the complete history of Adolf Hitler. It certainly didnt appear to be racist.

What is going on ATS?

I have Polish ancestors who were killed at the hands of the Nazis, but i don't find this type of content racist or offensive. Its interesting to see history from an alternative perspective.

edit on 18-7-2012 by 11I11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Kastogere

And honestly, I have ran into more racist black folk than I have racist white folk

So? I've experienced more racist White people than racist Black people.

Statistically speaking you have more black people in prison than white folk,

Well if you want to go there then we can go into the socio-economic conditions and racial prejudice and injustice in the judicial system.

more black people on welfare,

That's an absolute lie. The main recipients of welfare benefits are children and the majority of people on welfare are WHITE WOMEN!

edit on 18-7-2012 by CoolerAbdullah786 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I agree to a certain extent, but let's call it bigotry or prejudice, because unless the situations you describe here on ATS somehow prevent you and others from living life, or unless they actually infringe upon your liberty and pursuit of happiness, it isn't racism. The word racism, and the label of racist is more played out then "Sweet Home Alabama" at any college bar. Racist used to be a terrible thing to call someone, and the charge was taken seriously. Now it is just a talking point used to change the course of debate, usually by those who have an opinion but can't rationally articulate it. No one is forcing you to read the Hitler threads, or any other thread. If you don't like it then don't read it, OR disprove what they are saying with your own argument.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

AGREED! The ATS from a few years ago is gone. As a long time lurker I cannot believe the difference. It is a shame. It is similar to when the Huffington Post merged with AOL. All the AOL posters began posting on HP. Now, it is a haven for right wing talking points and name calling. ATS has become the same.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

AGREED! The ATS from a few years ago is gone. As a long time lurker I cannot believe the difference. It is a shame. It is similar to when the Huffington Post merged with AOL. All the AOL posters began posting on HP. Now, it is a haven for right wing talking points and name calling. ATS has become the same.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

hypocritical of you to be "racist" from the beginning of your rant about being "racist"..

The whole point humans have bad traits in general. Under the right conditions we do bad things, someones race doesn't put them at a predisposition to be violent or do crime. Its the environment.

except for Hitler right? you know for a fact he was "racist"?

did you ever think to learn about the conditions in which Hitler was living?

the political atmosphere of the day? why do you feel you know all the facts & can pass judgement on

the entire German people because of one man you assume to know?

what laws are on the books right now in America that mimics Hitlers government that you agree with?

have you ever thought about all the technological advancements made by the German people that are in your life today? have you ever seen a picture of space? the moon? flown on a plane? German rockets did this, and there's more German tech still in the world..

have you realized that history is written by the victors?

do you understand what propaganda is?

if so, then would you concede you my not have all the facts surrounding WWII?

and why would discussing Germany automatically be "racist"?

learning about history is not being "racist"..

clinging onto ignorant assumptions without regard to oneself being part of a diverse human race separated by superficial genetics is... and of course not willing to learn or grow trapping ones mind in said ignorance...

hence.. the ATS motto...deny ignorance..

we should encourage discussion of historical people & events to avoid repeating them today..

seems this rant of yours should be deleted then by your own standards..

for being "racist" & judgmental..

but its ok when the racists come out of the wood work at ATS & are on your side right?


I totally notice it too. But I take comfort in the fact that this is all they have left. They can't effect me. They can't touch me. They can't do shet anymore like they used to 50/60 years ago. All they have left is their hatred. Their birthrate is dropping all over the globe. This is the last kicking and squirming you see when a roach gets sprayed. You know they are gonna die, but boy are they going out fighting.

what race is going to die off due to a low birth rate exactly? how comforting..

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:16 PM
You make it sound as if its a bad thing.If race is the issue then it will be mentioned.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by g146541

Racism is dead? i beg to differ as the race issue is getting worse.

Anyway,its very ignorant of you to assume that all racists are ''knuckle draggers''.

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