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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:15 AM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The GUT

GUT...I watched the VID...a few things that this man was teaching are completely the wrong techniques to take down an enemy.

I site the demonstration of placing a Garrote around your enemies neck and in his video the man with the Garrote improperly turns his back and spins. The only purpose of turning your back to your enemy while a...HOPEFULLY...wire Garrote has been placed around your enemies neck is to lift them off their feet quickly while bending your self forward with one of your legs and foot planted firmly in front of the other with some space in between for your balance...then as you quickly bend at your waist with one leg and foot placed causes your enemies own weight as they are pulled up and bent in reverse to easily and QUICKLY...break their NECK.

You would NEVER this places you off balance and offers more time for your this will not allow the proper leverage for you to break their neck or sever their WIND PIPE OR CAROTID ARTERY...and this time could allow your enemy to grab a KNIFE on their person and STAB YOU IN YOUR KIDNEY OR AROUND YOUR TORSO AND STAB YOUR LIVER OR OTHER MAJOR ORGANS.

The purpose and GOAL of using a Garrote is usually reserved for a QUIET KILL as they cannot speak and is used for Killing for the purpose of INFILTRATION. NO ONE uses this technique unless it is all they have to kill someone with.

The use of a Garrote is also never associated with interrogation. Sorry but this does not jive. I know what I am talking about. Split Infinity

How many combatants have you killed using this method? Experience counts, ya' know

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:24 AM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The GUT

GUT...I watched the VID...a few things that this man was teaching are completely the wrong techniques to take down an enemy.

I agree that he has INCOMPETENCE written all over his life story, Split, unless you count "squealing" for bucks as a skill.

On Topic: What does Parallel worlds, as you mentioned previously, do to the ETH? I mean I know it doesn't necessarily negate it, but couldn't the UFO phenomenon, in that case, actually be visitors from a parallel dimension and thusly, in part, support the interdimensional hypothesis?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by BoilingFrog

I have my own Demons to deal with and no matter how tough I may seem to be to my Team or anyone else....this still doesn't mean I have no feelings.

Killing someone or anything living is a loss in one way or another no matter how much a necessity or how much deserved. Every time a person Kills...a little bit of the one Killing also dies.

This is how I know whether or not a person has had to Kill. If you have done any is not something a person is proud of...nor is it something that they like to talk about...unless the SOB that you Killed almost Killed you or someone that you Love and people who have Fought and done so with others...develop a LOVE for each other that is so deep that it cannot be expressed by words...but a look into one another's eyes will express more than any words or some BOOK that someone has written as people who have done these things...RARELY WRITE ABOUT THEM. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by The GUT

OK...just to make sure we are talking about the same thing...when you typed ETH....are you refering to the Theory of Ether or what is talked about in the Townsend Brown Effect as in a Theorized Substance that Electromagnetic Waves Travel? Or did you mistype and are referring to the Earth?

Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:51 AM
The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH)

All I know about ether. Split, is that on one hand--back in tha' day--it got some poor drunks sucky sailing jobs they didn't ask for, and that in the metaphysical sense it's a non-scientific concept.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH)

All I know about ether. Split, is that on one hand--back in tha' day--it got some poor drunks sucky sailing jobs they didn't ask for, and that in the metaphysical sense it's a non-scientific concept.

OK...Now that I know what we are talking about...I know as a 100% FACT....and I really wish I did not...that E.T. is a REALITY. As far as E.T. travel...what little Glimpse I have because of my Third Job...they are FOLDING SPACE and using a form of GRAVITIC DRIVE.

As far as Interdimensional Traveling E.T.'s...I Honestly have no idea. There is a misconception that the concept of Interdimensionanal Space or Aliens coming from another Dimension is different than E.T. Traveling from one Alternate Universal State of Reality to another. There is not.

Dimensionality is simply Space/Time Geometry. Alternate Divergent Universal Reality is a Universal State Divergent from our own but somehow Connected on a Quantum Level. If it was not connected then it could be a Universe where a completely different Law of Physics was prevalent thus they could not exist within it.

So as far as I know...we are aware of Various Races of E.T. from within our Universal Reality. Some of these races are KNOWN...many are UNKNOWN. It is the UNKNOWN RACES that we are concerned about as I have said before...and this is not breaking any rules to say as it has been said before in various conjecture in many forms of Media...We have DEALS AND AGREEMENTS in place with KNOWN RACES...these DEALS were the direct result of there attempts successful attempts to get our attention with the Massive Early 1950's Washington DC E.T. Craft flyovers of the U.S. How these deals went down is not something I know about but I do know it took time and was difficult. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:14 PM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:19 PM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
OK...Now that I know what we are talking about...I know as a 100% FACT....and I really wish I did not...that E.T. is a REALITY. As far as E.T. travel...what little Glimpse I have because of my Third Job...they are FOLDING SPACE and using a form of GRAVITIC DRIVE.

I'm having a hard time with this. You are speaking with the Voice Of Authority as an apparent "insider" who, of course, must speak somewhat cryptically to avoid violating agreements of one sort or another with the mysterious "Third Job." I've encountered the concept of "folding space" in the novel and movie "Dune," by Frank Herbert. I have no idea what "Gravitic Drive" is. It's a phrase that could have many meanings.

As far as Interdimensional Traveling E.T.'s...I Honestly have no idea. There is a misconception that the concept of Interdimensionanal Space or Aliens coming from another Dimension is different than E.T. Traveling from one Alternate Universal State of Reality to another. There is not.

Here's that Voice Of Authority again. I had thought we were discussing the difference between the ETH, saying that ET came from and traveled through Outer Space to get here versus the idea that ET was from another dimension altogether. That does not rule out the idea that ET is actually "from Outer Space," i.e.: Resides on a planet in our known universe, and uses an interdimensional gateway of some sort to get here. And we're also not ruling out both possibilities as they are not mutually exclusive.

Dimensionality is simply Space/Time Geometry. Alternate Divergent Universal Reality is a Universal State Divergent from our own but somehow Connected on a Quantum Level. If it was not connected then it could be a Universe where a completely different Law of Physics was prevalent thus they could not exist within it.

I'm not sure I can even parse this paragraph. What is an "Alternate Divergent Universal Reality"? Why would a different (set of the) Law(s) of Physics preclude some entity from existing?

So as far as I know...we are aware of Various Races of E.T. from within our Universal Reality. Some of these races are KNOWN...many are UNKNOWN. It is the UNKNOWN RACES that we are concerned about as I have said before...and this is not breaking any rules to say as it has been said before in various conjecture in many forms of Media...We have DEALS AND AGREEMENTS in place with KNOWN RACES...these DEALS were the direct result of there attempts successful attempts to get our attention with the Massive Early 1950's Washington DC E.T. Craft flyovers of the U.S. How these deals went down is not something I know about but I do know it took time and was difficult. Split Infinity

Now here you come out of theory with claims of deals, races, and places, many of which we have heard of before. There are whole books written on the deals and races. Countless threads on ATS discuss them. This kind of sounds like Dan Burisch talking, or maybe aliens preferring strawberry ice cream. Holloman AFB is there. I have no idea here where reality ends and fantasy begins. It's impossible for anyone, I would maintain, to untangle the knots here.

We WERE discussing the differences between the hypotheses of ETH vs IDH. The basic idea is that the ETH, what I call the "Bludgeon our way through space" approach, has some real issues, perhaps unsurmountable ones, but at least we can "do the math" on it. The IDH solves the problem, but we don't know the math to it. It amounts to a semantic solution, kind of like Gravitic Drive. What the hell is that? We've all done this, cheated with semantics.

I want to know and understand WHY this works and HOW it works. I want to know how Reality is strung together to allow this to work. I want to know what the math is. Where is the science to all this? Where is the beef? You've not provided that (not that you are required to.)

You are saying, "This is reality because I have seen it." Now, you weren't there in 1950 to see the saucer flyovers, so that means you are accepting someone else's explanation of those events. We simply do not know what things you say here are from your own direct experience and which are related second or third hand. And since you provide zero evidence for both yourself or these events, you have put us in an awkward position. I'm not claiming you have no credibility; I'm saying we can't get there. Of course, it's all because of the secret thing. Yeah, I know that. Been there before. And no, I don't begrudge someone trying to save their own life.

Besides, the issue really isn't, "Is ET here?" The issue is, "How did he get here?"

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

So we have a complete poser here who has entertained himself this way - why? You seem completely unperplexed here, inscutable even GUT. Care to tell us what the story inside the story is?

There is no inside story except what rolls around inside ole guTTIE's paranoid "multiversal" head.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by ExopoliticianSupreme
I got a word for ya, ExoSup: Ubiquitous. Even somewhat charmingly so.

Welcome back, the thread has run it's course anyway. Although, I, like you, am game for further discussion.

I would prefer, however, to hear yours, rather than Eno's opinion on the subject ha-ha. Or heck we can go off-topic again.

* Bond and Blofeld sit down and have a cyber-beer together *

Cheers Mate.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme

Originally posted by schuyler

So we have a complete poser here who has entertained himself this way - why? You seem completely unperplexed here, inscutable even GUT. Care to tell us what the story inside the story is?

There is no inside story except what rolls around inside ole guTTIE's paranoid "multiversal" head.

The problem with that, is folk can see right through you. What's amazing is that you claim cointelpro skills and try to use child psychology to cover your blatant tracks.

You only insult yourself, mang. Leave my thread contributors alone. Word.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:19 PM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:24 PM

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by ExopoliticianSupreme

Threats, ExoSup? You of all folk should know what some folk feel compelled to do when they are threatened.

Which reminds me: How did Frater210 end up? I'd love to know. Thanks.

1. ExopoliticianSupreme
2. PeaNice
3. BoilingFrog...and counting...
edit on 23-7-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:45 PM


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:54 PM
Found this TED talk by Jacques Vallee. Haven't finished it, but it seems rather wide-ranging and my skipping around on it revealed some interesting topics.

While it's not about the IDH, it does seem to illuminate some of the associated issues.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Which reminds me: How did Frater210 end up? I'd love to know. Thanks.

Reportedly, this was his suicide post.
He was as loony about this "Frank Camper" BS as you are.

How The Mentally Unstable Show Themselves

edit on 23-7-2012 by ExopoliticianSupreme because: (no reason given)

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