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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:50 PM
Gravity also only attracts, which I believe is unique amongst the forces?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

How about the strong force? That only attracts as well. Maybe its related in some way to gravity, only gravity is known as the weakest of the forces.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:04 PM
I thought the strong force acted via the meson exchange a constant push and pull effect?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

I don't think we really know how it works. But from my point of view it causes a net force pulling inward. We don't have any idea how gravity works either.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by The GUT

This is where my journey has brought me also, at least from my own sighting. I believe that both are around, and have been for a very long time. What I experienced seemed to have a more of an intelligence and to be "alive". It was definitely not a machine. I know in my heart that myself and "it" had an interaction and it forever changed me then it phased back to wherever it came from, but not before rocking my world up for good.

You can read about it here if you wish.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by timewalker
Hey, thanks for sharing your experience timewalker. I S&F'ed your thread and enjoyed it a lot especially since you took the time to search out materials to try and flesh it out.

See ya around!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by ExopoliticianSupreme
I can understand why you are all pissy, Mods slammed the door on your rather silly and completely fraudulent Oberg thread you proffered...

...that's no reason to go all "in your period" with me.

edit on 18-7-2012 by ExopoliticianSupreme because: (no reason given)

Probably the last time I'll reply to you unless you actually start to make sense rather than troll. Don't get me wrong, I like a good troll smackdown, but it ain't no fun against lightweights.

However, you mention the word "fraudulent" in association with a thread of mine that got pulled. Can you back that up? Nope you can' what does that make you?

There was nothing fraudulent about it, it was pulled, I was told, because we're not allowed to make threads about other members.

The content was true. It was in regards to an Open Letter to CSETI which can be found here. Second item on the page. It details some, imo, very truthful information about the aspect of ufology sometimes referred to as the Ufology Mythos, and as such, might actually have some bearing here on this thread.

Now, do you want to discuss anything about the ETH vs the IDH or EDH or UDH?

edit on 18-7-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

GUT, I apologize, I really didn't mean to bring out your mean side. Let's drop it. Someday I'll probably get a thread I started slammed into my face too.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme
GUT, I apologize, I really didn't mean to bring out your mean side. Let's drop it. Someday I'll probably get a thread I started slammed into my face too.

It's cool, Brother. I holds my own when I have to. Most of the time I'm pretty cuddly.

Your opinion is welcome here, ES, it's just that we usually elaborate and explain why we feel the way we do.

For example and back on topic; One of the reasons a dimensional hypothesis appeals to me is that virtually every culture that has ever existed--even small wandering tribes in rain forests--have a conceptualization of another world "just beyond the veil."

Is that built in? Or is it because there is a world of wonder on the other side of that veil? I proffer: Both!

Can I prove it to anyone? No. But I don't have to. Can one find personal "proof" for such a concept? Indubitably!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme
GUT, I apologize, I really didn't mean to bring out your mean side. Let's drop it. Someday I'll probably get a thread I started slammed into my face too.

It's cool, Brother. I holds my own when I have to. Most of the time I'm pretty cuddly.

Your opinion is welcome here, ES, it's just that we usually elaborate and explain why we feel the way we do.

Oh, pal-o-mine, thanks for your ever giving soul.

Originally posted by The GUT
For example and back on topic; One of the reasons a dimensional hypothesis appeals to me is that virtually every culture that has ever existed--even small wandering tribes in rain forests--have a conceptualization of another world "just beyond the veil."

"He had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the veil on the other side of the archway. Gripping his wand very tightly, he edged around the dais, but there was nobody there; all that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil."
—Harry Potter encountering the Veil.

Originally posted by The GUT
Is that built in? Or is it because there is a world of wonder on the other side of that veil? I proffer: Both!

Can I prove it to anyone? No. But I don't have to. Can one find personal "proof" for such a concept? Indubitably!

I can only offer my decades of research into the [para]normal and my expertise in exoconsciousnesses as my poor credentials.

Surprising numbers of people will tell you that, once you grasp multiverse concepts, it will dawn on you that “this is it!” or “so this is what I’ve been experiencing all along!” Your life and mind will broaden, expand and change. You will see and hear farther, and you'll feel the connections. You'll realize that you don't need time machines, spaceships, or drugs once you know the real secret to success: It’s not about me. It’s about all of us.

That’s why I am not a “ghost hunter” or “UFO researcher.” Don’t “chase” demons or Bigfoot, GUT. I am humbly nothing less than “cosmic sojourner” and, I shyly suggest, a multiversal diplomat and bridge-builder.

Be assured that I have met a number of friends of various species who are trying to do the same from their own corners of the multiverse.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme
Surprising numbers of people will tell you that, once you grasp multiverse concepts, it will dawn on you that “this is it!” or “so this is what I’ve been experiencing all along!” Your life and mind will broaden, expand and change. You will see and hear farther, and you'll feel the connections...It’s not about me. It’s about all of us.

Oh, don't I ever know it. I've probably hung out with as many of those folk as you have. The "elightened." The next thing I know about 2/3 of them are preparing themselves for Ascension and blaming their neuroses on the process.

Many of them have met these other "beings" as well. There is usually some "channeling" involved. Don't get me wrong, some of them are meeting "something" in my opinion. I don't peremptorily doubt you on that at all.

That’s why I am not a “ghost hunter” or “UFO researcher.” Don’t “chase” demons or Bigfoot, GUT. I am humbly nothing less than “cosmic sojourner” and, I shyly suggest, a multiversal diplomat and bridge-builder.

Be assured that I have met a number of friends of various species who are trying to do the same from their own corners of the multiverse.

So, if I'm decoding you correctly, it seems that you do, after all, subscribe (from personal experience) to a concept that might be referred to as multi-dimensionality?

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
My question to some of y'all that are familiar with Physics is this: Do any of those concepts have room for plasma lifeforms?

And I'm talking the whole range of life from something like Trevor James Constable's proposed (and allegedly photographed) "Critters" to full-blown "I think therefore I am" intelligent species.

Is there room in traditional physics for a "dimension" that rests--most of the time--just outside of our normal human senses, but containing a range of lifeforms having the ability to finagle their "density" or some-such thereby coming in range of our ability to perceive them.

Bohm would seem to have somewhat suggested so. How does Plasma Physics relate--or not--to Quantum & String theories?

On a related note, I don't know how "Plasma" fits into Persinger's hypothesis, but the following does seem to have some overlap with some of the suggestions made here i.e. certain aspects of advanced extraterrestrial technology that can distort our human perceptions:

Canadian neuropsychologist Dr. Michael Persinger has made a strong case for a plasma/geomagnetic basis to the UFO phenomenon. In his Canadian lab, Persinger has subjected volunteers to electromagnetic fields that stimulate certain temporal lobe brain structures, particularly the amygdala, causing altered states of consciousness that seem to mimic effects and sensations similar to reported out-of-body excursions, a spirit presence, and alien abduction perceptions.

Gut --- I have a hard time believing in the existence of plasma entity's, just like I have a hard time believing in the existence of beings that live in a dimension other than our own.

Plasma is plasma --- that is...photons bouncing off of protons. Any perceptions of an alien presence, should come from the brainwaves of a living entity --- not from the mechanics of a fluid plasma drive of an alien starship.

Plasma...besides being the fuel for the photon drive of a starship that lacks photon sources, such as starlight on dark alien world's; is probably used for landings that can clear away brush and trees in the landing zone.

Besides that other speculation --- is that the plasma --- is the primary secret weapon of a Foofighter. The plasma is encased between two magnetic shields of the starship. The red-orange heavy plasma is induced into a spin, creating a polarized electrically charged plasma much like our sun. The computer run magnetic shield of the Foofighter, creates an magnetic extended funnel towards the intended target. The plasma is allowed to flare in the funnel --- once two unlike poles of a flare come together --- a charge of x-rays pulses toward the target. Milliseconds later: the CME [coronal mass ejection] wave, follows the x-ray at approx. 1 million miles per hour; with devastating results on the target.
edit on 19-7-2012 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 19-7-2012 by Erno86 because: typo

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:22 PM
First of all dimensions aren't proven. Even if there were and some stories about Andromedians. Pleiadeans, Arcturians were true, then not all beings are dimensional according to that theory. Some of them like Alpha Draconians cannot enter dimensions and fear those who can.

How do you like that? Because it's one thing to say they COULD be interdimensional but it is starting to look to me like propaganda almost trying to convince and make people believe that there are beings and they are necessarily from another dimension.

So how do you like the talk about aliens from Draco, Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades Star System? Less credible than your 'so credible' ET are interdminesionaL? Dont think so

Wait I will raise this question again: what if some organic thing were found on another planet or Moon - wouldn't it be alien? Of course it would! What would you say about it? Do you know that Comeths some studies of the dust of a cometh (I do not remember which cometh that was) they have found organic compounds some of which could develop life if they evolve at later phase?

Stop indoctrination

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
So, if I'm decoding you correctly, it seems that you do, after all, subscribe (from personal experience) to a concept that might be referred to as multi-dimensionality?

Multiverse ideas are very ancient, and they really are quite simple. That is to those who do not enter the multi-fray with closed, materialistic science poisoned minds.

What’s difficult is getting past the way we in the modern West (Europe and North America – and now just about everywhere) have been trained to look at the world.

Western thinking makes two basic mistakes. One: It assumes that reality is what it appears to be through our five physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. It only trusts our brains.

Second, it assumes that we can understand this material world we perceive (and ourselves) by studying its components. For example, in school we study astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, etc. separately, thinking that’s the way to understand the world. In school we also study biology, psychology, medicine, and maybe theology and philosophy, all separately, thinking that’s the way to understand ourselves.

This narrow thinking fails to find the intimate connections between all people and all things, leaving our knowledge and us incomplete. As a result, most of us down deep feel that we’re missing something. Many of us feel lost, even betrayed and bitter.

Down deep, without really knowing how to put our finger on it, we feel as though we’ve been lied to. And we have.

edit on 19-7-2012 by ExopoliticianSupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Imtor

So how do you like the talk about aliens from Draco, Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades Star System? Less credible than your 'so credible' ET are interdminesionaL?

Wait I will raise this question again: what if some organic thing were found on another planet or Moon - wouldn't it be alien? Of course it would! What would you say about it?

I would say that closed minds often hide overt stupidity.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by ExopoliticianSupreme

That's what I see too, some unwilling to accept other things only to call them dimensional

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme

Originally posted by Imtor

So how do you like the talk about aliens from Draco, Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades Star System? Less credible than your 'so credible' ET are interdminesionaL?

Wait I will raise this question again: what if some organic thing were found on another planet or Moon - wouldn't it be alien? Of course it would! What would you say about it?

I would say that closed minds often hide overt stupidity.

The closed-mind argument is a revolving door on this spaceship it seems.

The multiverse theory is, in effect, very compatible with dimensional theory though that's not to say they're concatenate:

Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, transpersonal psychology and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy. In these contexts, parallel universes are also called "alternative universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternative realities", "alternative timelines", and "dimensional planes," among others.

Can you describe for us, ExoSup, some of these multiverse denizens you've come into contact with? What kinds of dialogue have you had with the most coherent of them?

What was the apparatus used to make contact? The mind in conjunction with meditation or something?

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
First of all dimensions aren't proven. Even if there were and some stories about Andromedians. Pleiadeans, Arcturians were true, then not all beings are dimensional according to that theory. Some of them like Alpha Draconians cannot enter dimensions and fear those who can.

Psssst....Imtor....what if they lie about where they are from?

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Erno86
The plasma is encased between two magnetic shields of the starship. The red-orange heavy plasma is induced into a spin, creating a polarized electrically charged plasma much like our sun...

Yes, Erno, I would have to admit that your description is a pretty tight fit in relation to what I saw.

Squeaky tight i.e. "red-orange," "spin," "plasma," and "sun." The colors and look of it on "full pulse" pretty much looked like telescopic pictures taken of the sun.

I don't base my leanings towards the dimensional hypothesis totally on my sighting though.

But technology like that, if it exists, would give me pause for reflection.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and participation.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Can you describe for us, ExoSup, some of these multiverse denizens you've come into contact with? What kinds of dialogue have you had with the most coherent of them?

What was the apparatus used to make contact? The mind in conjunction with meditation or something?

The apparatus is the mind,

if people constantly live by a certain set of rules or a certain point of view (in other words, by a certain set of assumptions), they create a quantum bell curve, and that's how the world will appear to them. But "when you do and experience extraordinary things" like shamans or open-minded, clear-of-assumptions paranormal investigators, all that changes.

Drop the assumptions. Clear the mind. And the universe -- the multiverse -- opens to you, with the paranormal -- in a whole new light -- as your guide. How do you do that? Not easy. Very, very non-comforting. But, if you can handle it, it's the first step to liberation, knowledge, understanding and peace. How?


Shut up, listen, and let the "haunted" site teach you. You'll find that the whole planet is "haunted" - that the [para]normal is completely normal, that it does NOT abide by human standards nor bow to human science. And you'll find that the paranormal opens the door to many, many worlds -- some like ours, some very alien, many just as physical, but most with very different laws of physics -- and that our whole universe is only a microscopic part of an ineffably vast whole.

Shut up, listen, and forget the seance room, fireside ghost stories, 19th century spiritism and the flat-Earth theory. Unless you're prepared to admit that clothes, cars, trucks, houses, streets and whole villages, and physical characteristics like voices, can be spirits too, you'll notice that ghosts are not what they appear to be.

Shut up, listen, and know that we have deadly enemies and powerful friends throughout the muliverse. Know that you can have profound experiences of love or horror across the boundaries of these worlds.

Shut up, listen, and travel through time.

Forget the assumptions and LISTEN, and this is what the paranormal can do for you and for all of us -- or to you and to us.

Why is this so important? Because understanding the paranormal and, through it, the multiverse we live in, has implications for EVERYTHING we believe about God, ourselves, our science, our world, our relationships with others, and our destinies.

Because even WE are not what we appear to be.
edit on 19-7-2012 by ExopoliticianSupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
First of all dimensions aren't proven. Even if there were and some stories about Andromedians. Pleiadeans, Arcturians were true, then not all beings are dimensional according to that theory. Some of them like Alpha Draconians cannot enter dimensions and fear those who can.

Originally posted by The GUT
Psssst....Imtor....what if they lie about where they are from?

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