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It's time my story needs to be heard

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I was looking through your threads and posts on your profile and started reading this thread. Very interesting stuff. And well written. I have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), not related to any unearthly encounters that I am aware of. I've been through a number of things in my life... and... well... I've been left kind of "twitchy" from it all. My point is - I can relate. "I've seen some stuff. And Some things. Wouldn't recommend it". I heard that in an episode of "King of the Hill". Always cracked me up. Advice? Just keep living and make the best of it. Is this hollow advice? I used to think so, but not so much anymore. Life, after all, is a Kobayashi Maru test of indefinite length and scope. This has recently become my core philosophical belief. And yes, I can tell the difference between fiction and reality. But sometimes life imitates art, and vice versa.


posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

It’s not hollow advice at all. I have always believed that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Well, it’s the people who’ve “seen some things” that ought to be the most formidable on the planet! –as long as they’re able to cope and adjust in a healthy manner. I like to think I’ve accomplished that. I’m sure some ATS members might disagree haha.

Maybe that’s why some people like you and I see this 11:11? I tend to think of myself as a protector for those who haven’t “seen stuff.” I’m always the one people come to for help and advice. I’m always the one who people can open up to and have an emotional discourse with. Where they feel others might see weakness and exploit their vulnerability, they know I can empathize and be helpful…or at least listen with sincerity.

By the way, I started seeing 11:11 before I knew about ATS or fringe topics or anything like that. It's part of what pushed me to learn more about fringe/ paranormal etc. I saw 11:11 and 444 for years—always knowing it meant something, but always wondering exactly what! During my cancer treatments out of state, there was a mileage sign on the way driving back home: from this sign my hometown was 44 miles away and the nearest town was 4 miles. So, the way they were stacked on the sign made me think “444—almost home!” And that’s how I still view 444 now. It means “going home soon!” [In an earlier post I mistakenly said 444 miles to my hometown instead of making the distinction as I have done so here.]

I see 11:11 and 4:44 in the most uncanny ways! Not just on digital clocks. I often wake up precisely at said times and make note of it before going right back to sleep. I see them often and have for many, many years.

Now that you told me a bit about yourself, I suddenly see the courage and strength of Christopher Pike in that avatar! And I loved King of the Hill too haha! Hank Hill was a good man, I tell you what!

Kobayashi Maru? Sorry, this_is_who_we_are, but I don’t believe in no-win scenarios! As long as we stay true and honest with ourselves and with others—while holding hope and love in our hearts—we win the no-win scenario!

Thanks for posting and taking an interest in the thread. Please post anything else that you feel is relevant or any questions you may have.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:48 PM
Hey SF, sleep paralysis is more commen then u think!
I also had trouble with open doors,
I had visits from shadow beings when i was young, even got strangled by one.
Also had a weird alien paralysis. Aint gonna elaborate, but it was unpleasent. Wrote it in my thread, cant seem to find it though. (ill try have a look after this).
Ive had quite a few, but they come on and off, last time i went for 8 months w/o any occurence.
Sometimes i dont dream for weeks. But then suddenly its like a lever turning it back on.
Then i just get alot of vivid dreams and paralysis'

I only write this because i hope it can help some people. its not neccecarely directed at you.
But i know alot of people have sleep paralysis and experience terrifying things. (i know i did).

I had a really nice encounter with a old man and a cat, "white-ghostly looking". At the age of 19 i think (24 now), and it totally changed it for me. to long to describe it all, but again i think i described it in my thread.

I dont fear paralysis anymore, i dont allow myself to be scared anymore. Its quite a nice change actually.
I keep telling myself im stronger then this, i wont allow them to scare me, and im not gonna waste my attention on them. As a result i kinda consider myself fearless today.

I dont want this to come off the wrong way, like im some arrogant mofo
But all we have to fear, is fear itself. (obviously), but there is more to it then that.
Stay truthful to yourself, u know what emotions matters and what others should be harnessed!.
If u encounter beings, tell them to piss off in your best cockney english!
Keep telling yourself "why should i fear them? theyre just weak leeches feeding off our and kids fears!!, i mean can u get lower in the foodchain?... probably even products of our imagination! so actually were in complete control. And thats when it gets fun
This morning i had a SP, Some random guy / being. Rested his arms on my arm (was laying on my side), and said "Hi Nikolaj!", now i couldnt really make out what it looked like, as its rly hard to look 90 degress, in such a weird state!. But wasnt very big, probably the size of a 10-13 year old, and seemed friendly lol. I react kinda weird to SP, due to my "self-training", so i tryed to poke my fingers in its eye so it would piss off. (i werent scared, i was like "wtf get the hell off me").
I also had a SP maybe 1 month ago, were a being was sitting crouched on my sofa, and was stare-ing at me.
I was like "omg its that shadow entity again, this time im gonna GET IT and whoop its ass", so thats what i tried, i kept trying to leap up after it, and then suddenly i with enough will i just leaped/floated up, and landed on the corner crouched, just were it had sit, but facing the opposite way.
I saw the shape of my dog on sitting on the floor, i moved towards it, and i got VERY dizzy couldnt focus on anything at all, it was dark and all i could see was silhouette's of my dog, and three kids. And everywere i looked, there was the silhouette's of them. I werent scared rly, i was confused, dazed and feeling a sence of achievment (for leaping out of my paralysed body). This wasnt a dream to begin with, im 110% positive, ive experienced enough paralysis' to know that.

All i know is, were stronger then we give ourselves credit for, we can achieve amazing things with our mind.
Aslong as we keep belive'ing in ourselves, that our capabilites are limitless!. We are what we choose. Thats truth, thats life, Choices. For good or worse, for fear, or harmony.

hoped it can help some of you out there taming your fears, both in nightmares, paralysis and your everyday life.

Mind over matter!

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Johnkie
Hey SF, sleep paralysis is more commen then u think!

I know that sleep paralysis is common. I know that that alone does not have any special meaning attached to it. What is unusual (IMO) is the frequency with which I have sleep paralysis. If I sleep on my back, I will have it probably 3 times a week. I have experimented with it so much (albeit, not much anymore, as I find it undesirable) that I have learned how to initiate and abort SP at will. I have also successfully had a few lucid dreams and/or out of body astral type events.

What is different in my opinion about sleep paralysis is that I believe it is actually a natural function rather than a so-called sleep disorder or sleep glitch. I believe it is somewhat of a trance-like state that acts as a threshold to other states of consciousness (such as the lucid and OOBE stuff.) A bold statement, I know. But my experiments and investigations have led me to believe this.

The 3 distinct beings I have mentioned in this thread, however, were not the results of sleep paralysis or hypnagogia. I know so many want to tell me that it was. But, they didn't experience these things, so, I reserve the right to make my own judgements and distinctions on the matter!

I dont fear paralysis anymore, i dont allow myself to be scared anymore. Its quite a nice change actually.
I keep telling myself im stronger then this, i wont allow them to scare me, and im not gonna waste my attention on them. As a result i kinda consider myself fearless today.

Paralysis isn't new and strange and scary for me like it used to be either. I had an especially sinister attack not too long ago though! It was definitely scary, but as always the trick is to remain as calm as possible until you can abort it (there are several tried and true techniques for doing so.)

I have become fearless as well! I think I said this in a recent post on this thread but, I'll say it again. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I'm like a rock by now! Pure Diamondium, Adamantium, and Dolamite alloy haha!

Thanks for your contribution and positive encouragement!

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

Now that you told me a bit about yourself, I suddenly see the courage and strength of Christopher Pike in that avatar! And I loved King of the Hill too haha! Hank Hill was a good man, I tell you what!

First, I read your OPs and I'm very fascinated by your experiences. When describing your childhood, and some of your feelings about your family - I really could relate.

But, of more importance, is your mention of Christopher Pike.... that isn't just the name of some Star Trek character. It also happens to be the pen name of a man who writes YA fiction. Fiction is a loose term there.

Based on the end of your intro and what you say you've been drawn to (meditation, Krishna, spirituality), I would highly recommend you read some of his books. They are cleverly disguised (IMO) by the YA category, cheesy covers and descriptions. There is solid gold within the pages of his books.

Try "The Starlight Crystal," maybe for starters. "The Last Vampire," "The Season of Passage," "Sati." If you check them out, please let me know what you think!

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by ElectricGreen

Thanks for the tip! I toyed with the idea of being a young adult author while taking so many creative writing classes in idea I have abandoned for now.

I certainly do love reading though. Currently I am reading L Frank Baum's "The Master Key" (one of several books I am in the middle of). Yes, they are technically children's books (might qualify as a young reader now.) It is about a demon who gives a young boy futuristic inventions to experiment and play with.

I read everything from L Frank's Wonder Tales to Dr. Seuss to Alexandre Dumas. I read comic books, and religious scriptures and texts. I read MAD magazine and National Geo. No idea too big or too small in all that literature for me to absorb and cherish. I'm still not ready to join the ranks and become a writer though.

I have been urged countless times to write about my experience with cancer, or my experience with the paranormal, or my experience with spirituality and meditation, or a combination of all of the above! Honestly, I don't think I want to write and I don't think anybody wants to read it haha! The good people of ATS have been very kind with this thread and that's good enough for me.

"Sati" sounds interesting. I wonder if it's related at all to the Hindu tradition of a wife throwing herself into the funeral pyre of her dead husband. Sati is also Shiva's wife. Interesting title for a young adult novel.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read the OP and alert me to some more good reading.
edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Hello NarcolepticBuddha,

I read your thread when it first came out back when i was a lurker. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I too have been getting SP since I was 12. The times a week or month vary through out my life. There was a time I would get them nightly some times 2 or 3 times a month now a days I only get monthly visits.

For me though they are all different, many types of entities that have their own vibe to each SP episode. Some scary, some scary does not even cross my mind.

I've seen different things and one of them reminds me of the cloaked black entity you spoke of he difference is it was standing over my bed looking down at me in the dark. it's face was not visible at first until it noticed I was looking at it and it yelped and ran out of the room I could see it had big eyes and a small mouth. it did not have a robe like yours though it was wearing what looked like a trench coat and a round hat ike they did in the 30's, it was kind of dressed like a 30's gumshoe directive lol.

I went through a faze when I would use anger to be able to move my arms and eyes and even slowly speak while under SP. It took a lot of practice but i could move very slowly and dare what ever was there to show itself. When I was able to do this they changed their tactic and would and would submerse my mind in a video game illusion while they did what ever it was they did. heh I would find the same buzzing sounding feeling of SP but i would see a simple car race video game that would entertain me lol!

I though I was a real bad ass when it came to SP and who ever was causing it was not in control.....

Until one night I was visited by what I call "The guy you don't #$%! with". I have never in my life felt something so strong as what ever this thing was, IT WAS STRONG! to understand just how powerful this thing was you have to understand that I can move under full SP. I can be completely paralyzed and feel the buzzing and I can slowly move my arm, sit up and say 'Shoooooow yoooooour seeeeeelf!" while under SP, fulled with anger converted from fear. So the more scary the situation the more anger and the more I can move and fight before breaking out of SP, years and years of practice.

But when I was paid a visit by "the guy you don't #$%! with" I was completely a rag doll. It was pitiful the fight I put up. So I get SP, thinking i'm such a bad ass I push back, it slams me in my bed. still thinking I can fight this I get super angry and like bench pressing 200 lb on your last rep I slowly push up and break full out of SP. Sitting up in my bed fully out of SP thinking to my self heart racing "what in the hell was that!" I suddenly feel so tired my eyes close and I think to myself "NO! NO! this is not possible!" as I'm slammed with such force deep into my pillow as that well known buzzing sensation takes my whole body.

I could not fight back I got so angry but could not fight back an the force was so strong I felt I was embedded into my pillow. Suddenly I hear y fathers voice (we were having some trouble between us at the time) he was saying "the kid is so stupid! so stupid!". My fathers voice was weird though like the revers of when we hear our own recorded voice, I was hearing how my fathers voice sounds to him in his head!

Suddenly I felt how many images it takes us to form a thought, with each image it was a torturous scraping, it was beyond what we understand as pain (imagine if some running their nails across a chalk board was physical pain to your mind, real claws scratching your mind not your brain).

I frantically fought to break out of SP and did, stood up walked around and went back to lay down and think about what had just happened. Well it was not over again I was pushed into SP and the only thing i could do was whimper like a puppy, that's all I could do fr what seemed like a long, long time. Finally I broke out of SP and went into my younger brothers bed and slept there with him because I was so afraid, keep in mind I was a 27 year old man when i did this lol.

I'm not posting this to scare anyone I do not in the slightest think this was a bad entity, on the contrary I think this was a good entity setting something right in my life, a very powerful boot in the butt so to say. You can feel evil or bad entities and good ones this was just a good one you don't wan to #$%! with lol. Just wanted to share my experiences.

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:02 AM
Excellent post! I always love to hear other peoples' experiences with sleep paralysis. I think you are right that each time it is a little different (really just depends on your state of mind, I think--just as dreams are affected by stress etc.)

The "man you don't want to **** with"? Awesome description!--because I know exactly what you're saying haha. Yeah, I have come across a few of those types as well. Most of the "attacks" that happen to me end relatively quickly. I just tell them to leave me alone and they usually do.

Sometimes I will come across more persistent visitors. Did you see my recent post about the sleep paralysis where I saw someone pushing down on my abdomen with the index finger? Well, I didn't tell the part about the being that runs into my room and starts gnawing on my head very rapaciously. I have seen this hallucination happen a few times. Always it's something that runs into the room and starts munching away while I have to deal with illusory "pain" and fear. That is probably the toughest I've dealt with. Sometimes those sleep paralysis beings come in the form of animals (usually rats or spiders) and come nibble on me as well. I told one being, "Go ahead, I dare ya!" taunting it on. And it stuck a screwdriver in my..well, you get the idea. Even though it happens in the paralysis state, it still "feels" painful, doesn't it? You can still feel some kind of sensation that is attached to it--probably just because it's what our brain expects to feel while seeing the imagery.

I've dealt with some nasty devils in that sleep paralysis state. The worst part is when you break out of the paralysis and quickly get sucked back in with overwhelming drowsiness like you described. I don't even have time to sit up and slap myself in the cheek to wake up--I just drift back away before I can even make myself wake up.

The one that decided to chow down on my cranium--I tried to stay calm and say my usual mantra. But I almost lost that one and felt like crying. I felt so helpless. I started screaming that mantra with a trembling, inner voice. I almost lost my cool, but the paralysis didn't last much longer, thankfully.

Which brings me to my next point: You think you can move during the paralysis if you try REALLY hard. But in actuality, you can't. What you're feeling and seeing is the "shadowy" astral body. Your physical body is still paralyzed and motionless. You can't actually make any sounds either. You hear yourself shouting or talking, but in reality, you might just be gurgling a bit. You are hearing the 'inner' instruments of action (speech etc.) and sensing with the 'inner senses'. If you were to set up a video cam of yourself during sleep paralysis, I think you wouldn't actually be moving at all. Maybe a few twitches at best.

I'm just guessing on that last point because I haven't actually seen a video of someone during sleep paralysis. I'm sure it's on youtube, but I don't need to see it. I know what my ideas and experiences are and no video will convince me otherwise. I must come to that revelation myself if there is one to be had. The only thing I want to see on the video would be someone's eyelids opening during the sleep paralysis. I've always wondered how common this is because I've seen some posts where people write that their eyelids don't open during sleep paralysis. I'd love to get some more data on this.

--By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that while I often speak of the wonders and terrors of sleep paralysis, my initial 3 visitations were NOT in the sleep paralysis state, but during complete wakefulness and cognizance!

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
Excellent post! I always love to hear other peoples' experiences with sleep paralysis.

I told one being, "Go ahead, I dare ya!" taunting it on. And it stuck a screwdriver in my..well, you get the idea. Even though it happens in the paralysis state, it still "feels" painful, doesn't it? You can still feel some kind of sensation that is attached to it--probably just because it's what our brain expects to feel while seeing the imagery.

The one that decided to chow down on my cranium--I tried to stay calm and say my usual mantra. But I almost lost that one and felt like crying. I felt so helpless. I started screaming that mantra with a trembling, inner voice. I almost lost my cool, but the paralysis didn't last much longer, thankfully.

It stuck a screwdriver in your .... OUCH!!!!!!!!
I will stick to my paranormal experiences, thank you very much!
I can't imagine going through SP! There is always these sinister little devils of some kind reeking havoc on the person! Chewing on your head.... are you serious?! Where does all this weirdness come from, if it is all in the mind, and these "things" aren't real? I don't understand SP because I haven't gone through it, thank God! And I hope I never do! This has to be terrible knowing you may have to experience this when you sleep! I really can't imagine it.

I wanted to add that I liked the person's post above yours too. Sorry, I already forgot the name.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by sled735

Yes, sleep paralysis can be excruciatingly frightening! And I don't know from whence in the collective unconscious some of this imagery comes from. Remember, our ancestors from time immemorial were probably scavenging hominids that chewed meat right off the bones of fallen prey.

Maybe this could be evidence of evolution, reincarnation, and the psychological theory of the collective unconscious? No, no--I'd love to believe that, but that is too big of a leap for even me to take haha. Either way, it is some pretty disturbing imagery sometimes. The underworld is full of all kinds of wickedness, I'm sure--lower beings that just love to feast on us when we're helpless.

By the way, there is a very old Hindu axiom that states whatever we eat here in the physical realm will eat us in the spiritual realm. If you eat beef, then the soul of that cow will feast on you from the other side. I've got to stop eating spiders and rats then! Because they love to bother me during sleep paralysis.

I have learned how to handle sleep paralysis though.

Now, paranormal and ghosts and hauntings..honestly, that stuff scares me far more! I can't be harmed during sleep paralysis. From what I've heard, people can be physically and psychologically harmed during paranormal phenomena such as poltergeists etc.

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by sled735

Remember, our ancestors from time immemorial were probably scavenging hominids that chewed meat right off the bones of fallen prey.

Ummmm..... maybe yours were, but I don't think we're related. Ha!

Now, paranormal and ghosts and hauntings..honestly, that stuff scares me far more! I can't be harmed during sleep paralysis. From what I've heard, people can be physically and psychologically harmed during paranormal phenomena such as poltergeists etc.

Anything that can cause physical harm is usually demonic, and has to be removed by a priest. Your normal, everyday ghost is just annoying, and likes to play pranks... and sometimes scare the hell out of people! Ha!

As for psychological harm... well, that could be true. Just look at me!

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by sled735

I know your thread isn't about ghosts, but I wanted to clarify from my post above that all ghosts aren't bad. Sure, some are pranksters, and annoying, but some are family members, or friends just trying to get our attention. They will flicker lights, make electronic devices go on and off by themselves, make banging sounds, etc. Whatever they can do to say, "Hey, I'm here! Acknowledge me!"

Some ghosts can be influenced by demonic entities to do really bad things to the living. These are the bad guys!
Being scratched, pushed, slapped, anything physically harmful comes from demonic forces. They appear as very dark in color. The darker the color, the more demonic the entity.

Poltergeists are manifestations of bottled up emotions from a living human. They reek havoc wherever this person lives, but that's all I really know about poltergeists. I'm still learning things about these. I don't know if they can harm a human, or not. If so, then a demonic force is probably using the energy for its benefit.

Spirits are the souls who have crossed over, but have the choice to come back and help others through hard times. They help, then they go back to the spiritual realm. They appear light in color.

Ghosts (earthbound spirits) appear to walk on the same level ground as we do (if you see one), while a spirit seems to float just above the ground. So if you're ever in doubt of which one you are seeing, try to notice this.

E.T.s are another whole ball game. I'm still learning about the many different species of these beings.
edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by CrimsonKnight13

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
Well said--if slightly cryptic. It's really no accident that there were so many revered thunder/ lightning gods in ancient times; many of them sitting at the top of the pantheon such as Zeus (Greek) and Indra (Vedic Hindu). Then there are many, many others (Thor, for example, in the Norse mythos) all over the world. Thunder and lightning was a pretty important, powerful force of nature to a lot of cultures hmmm....I wonder if this could be some sort of metaphor for the human being and spiritual growth hmmm...

You may just be on to something with this "bundles of lightning" within us waiting to unbundle

Due to have strong sensitivity to energy, I generally associate the spiritual with the electricity & lightning. As humans, we have a very strong electromagnetic field that interacts with a lot of objects. Even pure spiritual entities tend to alter the atmosphere in rooms or weather itself. We can do so in the same sense the stronger we grow in spiritual power. My personal belief is that many of these gods were full of great spiritual power but due to lack of understanding of who or what they were, people decided to worship them in fear.

Here are my own associations with what I can sense about certain aspects of life.

Lightning - spiritual/astral. I sense this from people who have strong faith or spiritual "gravity". Does not imply "religiousness" but rather true believers in what they can do in the spirit. Any spiritual entity gives off the same feeling to me. I think a lot of people who experience the paranormal are of a much higher concentration & definitely attract attention of inter/intra/extra-dimensional entities due to it showing like a beacon from afar. Objects that have been imbued/cursed/blessed can have a positive or negative electrical energy. Someone that is highly sensitive to this can sense a good or bad zap (like static electricity but different) when such an object has been touched.

Fire - emotion/ether. When ever I have strong emotions, I can feel them emanating from my own body at varying levels of intensity. Anger will feel like hot fire. Excitement will feel like an electric fire (ties in with spiritual I suspect). Sadness will feel like cold fire (not sure how to describe any other way since it feels like fire that's polar opposite of anger). Joy will feel like sunlight shining from one's face & extending outwards. I'm not sure what certain spiritual beliefs cover but I found that emotional energy seems to really go strong through one's face but can also emanate from the hands & arms.

Water - sleep/dreams. Sometimes when I'm falling asleep, I feel like I'm sinking beneath waves of dreams. I don't have many lucid dreams, so my experience is limited in describing this more.

Overall, I suspect you have a high energy signature (lightning) & attracted the attention of the beings you saw.

That is an interesting perspective! I have long felt that I am attracting things to me, almost as if by a magnetic pull. A lot of electronic devices act up around me. Street lights often turn off (sometimes on) when I walk near them, automatic doors sometimes don't work for me (forcing me to leap inside right behind someone as they enter, to avoid being squashed) and various devices (such as vacuum cleaners) have broken down the moment I touch them (and I do mean that literally (just picking it up or hitting a button.)

Your senses of this seem more acute than mine. It'd be interesting to see what you could pick up from me if we ever met in person. I'm not sure if you can pick things up from people online; it sounds like this is when you see them in physically. What you describe sensing in others is much like how I feel about myself.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I probably should have waited longer, as you did, before sharing my own. My take on this is that spirits meet us half way and can take on many different shapes and forms. I think your fear and fascination of alien abduction is what led to your contact with these beings. This is just my perspective of course and I don't know everything. I have had encounters with UFO's and they always seemed more organic to me than technological.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by LoneCloudHopper2
That is an interesting perspective! I have long felt that I am attracting things to me, almost as if by a magnetic pull. A lot of electronic devices act up around me. Street lights often turn off (sometimes on) when I walk near them, automatic doors sometimes don't work for me (forcing me to leap inside right behind someone as they enter, to avoid being squashed) and various devices (such as vacuum cleaners) have broken down the moment I touch them (and I do mean that literally (just picking it up or hitting a button.)

Your senses of this seem more acute than mine. It'd be interesting to see what you could pick up from me if we ever met in person. I'm not sure if you can pick things up from people online; it sounds like this is when you see them in physically. What you describe sensing in others is much like how I feel about myself.

I definitely sense a lot w/o even trying but there are less incidents regarding electrical devices thankfully. As of late, I've seen a whole block of street lights go out in front of me & suddenly turn back on after I was past them.
Since I deal with IT, I'd prefer to keep my hobby & career intact with a low incident rate of electronics failure.

There are times when the anonymity of online presence doesn't stop me from picking up on certain details about people, events, supernatural entities & areas. Making sense of what is truth over falsehoods is a much harder endeavor to deal with.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 09:19 PM
Okay, this is an interesting story.
I read some comments as well.

I myself have never been abducted, but here are some similarities between some of you and I:
> Sleep paralysis/lockjaw (I wake up with my usual overbite being opposite...Instead of my top teeth being in front of bottom teeth, I get lock jaw with them behind them...?)

> Feer of mirrors, the dark and open doors at night

> Sleeping under the covers seems to still offer me that protection that kids think it actually has

I definitely have a strong fascination with the sky. I always look up at the sky during the day and night. For some odd reason I worship the sky. But it's not God, or anything like that.
I look at the stars and I talk to them.
Often I try to coax someone to make a sign. I am not afraid of aliens like y'all though...In fact I would honestly do a lot if I could be abducted & come back with memories. To me, Space is truly mindblowing. I would do anything to make contact with aliens, even if that means pain, trauma or soon death.

Anyways, good thread OP!
Flag for sure.

edit on 26-1-2013 by Ghostx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

I usually feel a psychic connection to someone when I meet them (in person) for the first time with an open mind, look them in the eye and shake their hand. I'll usually pick up on the worst things about them though. If they've molested children, beaten their wife, have swindled people, or are being abused, etc. I don't usually try to learn anything; these insights just pop in my head. They are not judgments, but automatic insights I know to be true. Otherwise, I only pick up on subtle things (like emotions that people try to keep hidden.) But again, all of this is accidental. Online, I hardly pick up on anything empathically.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

I'd venture to guess that we're just "geared" differently as far as "discerning" or "sensing" goes. Have you ever tried focusing purposely on the good & see where that takes you?

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 09:22 PM
I have had some. I tend to get tied down with the negative a lot though.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:14 PM
That was a very interesting, thought provoking story .. .to be kinda honest with you your story scared the crap out of ~ i have no idea what advice to give you ~ whats been happening to me has been a whole other different ball game But i hope things get better for you if they havent already

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