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It's time my story needs to be heard

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posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I don't think you understood me. I didn't say that I was basing the visiting entities' alignment on appearance. Your descriptions of them emanated a very strong down current of negativity & malevolence. Even if you've felt that you might get ill from something like cancer since you were young, that doesn't mean that they didn't intend to force the fact. Let's assume these beings are psionic/physic & could completely read you like an unabridged book. There's no lack as to what they could see & do to you even if an abduction had never taken place. I truly suspect that the dark insectoid entity's intentions were quite unholy when it made you pass out & perpetuated your strongly impressionable belief that you were going to have difficulties ahead. The strong negativity you felt towards your own life attracted this attention & may have been just one more avenue to get to you in addition to what appears to be an already predisposed marking on your mother's side of the family. You maybe the culmination of certain parameters that these beings had hoped for & took full advantage of you. Rarely do I see stories of people that deal with spirits & otherwordly entities that appear neutral or friendly as ending well. I hope that you come out of this for the best.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 01:22 PM
Honestly, this sounds like early indoctrination by your mothers profound intrest with ETS and the X-files, thus the fear of abduction by these beings seeped into both your consciousness and un-consciousness from a very early age. The fact you had a irrational fear of these 'aliens' before anything sinister even happened to you sums up this early indoctrination.

You next go on to state how you would wake up frozen in your bed, and then gradually you began to see the alien beings. Sleep paralysis is something millions around the world (including myself) go through, and you display all the symptoms of it. You even refer to it as sleep paralysis at first then change your diagnosis to that of alien abduction. This is a big and irrational leap.. your early childhood fears perhaps came back to haunt you at this stage and you reverted back to your im being abducted hypothisis. I have hallucinated all variety of things when going through sleep paralysis, including the sterotypical grey alien portayed by the media. I did not come to the conclusion that I was being abducted, its enivatable my mind would project things such as the aliens when Im undergoing sleep paralysis due to being exposed to these things via the media. 100's of years ago people projected demons etc when undergoing sleep paralysis because that was the theme of the time, now its aliens. The fact you were exposed to these things from an early age must of made your paralysis extra terrifying, but predictable in the sense that in paralysis we often display our irrational fears and yours was always going to be aliens. Im gonna guess you went through these experiences as a adolescene, they usally begin in that age catagory.

Im sorry to hear about your cancer, but the fact that you tried to seek answers from listening to the likes of coast to coast AM and reading things on here and taking that information in as facts highlights that you do not want to seek a rational explanation for what you have been going through, and instead cop out to the 'Alien beings in my bedroom' stance. Its also not a suprise your mother complied with your claims of alien abduction and smiley face boxes, considering she had been looking at material which complied with your claims since you were a child, perhaps longer.

Who knows, maybey I cant accept the truth.. Ive had some weird stuff happen to me, like you reffering to your mother feeling like she was floating out of her bed has happened to me a few times. Once I woke up frozen and felt like an alien being was next to me, and I actually 'Talked' with it. I begged it to let me go, saying 'sorry' repeatedly. Suddenly I felt more content than I have ever felt like it had activated a relaxant in my brain, and I felt like I was floating out of my window. I later had nightmares where I was paralysed on a table of some sort and the grey being told me I was 'Off the list'. Lol. I rationalize these things as crazy dreams/sleep paralsysis because its far more plausable than being abducted by aliens.

Intresting you mention the electrionic noise you heard as a child. My mom told me a story a while back where she woke up suddenly and could hear a loud electronic sounding whooshing noise eminating through the house. In a daze she wandered into my sisters room where she saw a device flashing brightly. Her memory goes here, she woke up the next day and looked for what she assumed was some form of toy but could not find it. She brought this up after I brought up my feelings that my sleep paralysis now required medical help and the things I was seeing in the states of paralysis. Her to talk about anything like this is completely out of her character, shes a steadfast championer of science/logic.

edit on 15-8-2012 by therovers because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Spartaxa

As a student of cultural anthropology, I know exactly how people around the world were dealt with by Christian missionaries for being "demonic." It's ranks up there as one of the saddest points of history IMO (the age of colonialism and paternalism). The methods have mostly changed, but the attitudes haven't

Sorry for going off-topic.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

My apologies if I misunderstood or misrepresented any parts of your post; that definitely was not my intention. And what you post now makes a lot of sense. I am skeptical of any entities or beings that show up in my bedroom!--and you are right, I probably was a perfect target for them in some way. I used to be a very negative and hateful person.

But keep in mind, as I have said so often in this thread, that the experiences are well over and done with. It's been over 10 years since I had these encounters. It has been almost as long since I have been cancer-free. I am in a good place now. Whatever these things intended to do to me or my family, they are gone (forever, I hope)

I still have some trouble with some of those habits like checking the door every time I wake up. But I certainly do not live in fear. I am not crippled with psychological trauma. Just have a few nervous habits, I guess.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by therovers
1)Honestly, this sounds like early indoctrination by your mothers profound intrest with ETS and the X-files

2)You even refer to it as sleep paralysis at first then change your diagnosis to that of alien abduction. This is a big and irrational leap..

3)I have hallucinated all variety of things when going through sleep paralysis, including the sterotypical grey alien

4)Im sorry to hear about your cancer, but the fact that you tried to seek answers from listening to the likes of coast to coast AM and reading things on here and taking that information in as facts highlights that you do not want to seek a rational explanation

5)Who knows, maybey I cant accept the truth

edit on 15-8-2012 by therovers because: (no reason given)

1) My mom's only interest was really in watching the X-Files. We did not have books or movies galore on the subject. Some movies like Close Encounters are unavoidable. No posters or other media. There was only one picture that I can recall from Weekly World News that I have already mentioned. And it was in a place I hardly ever went to or saw it (her bathroom.) I hardly call that a profound interest; but she definitely showed a passive interest in it. Honestly, Star Trek was abuzz around the apartment more than the X-Files. I actually had only seen bits and pieces of the X-Files as I was inherently too scared to actually watch the show! I watched Star Trek much more often. I suppose Gene Roddenberry is to blame for my indoctrination. By the way, my mom hated Star Trek.

2) I referred to it as sleep paralysis when I was having sleep paralysis. I knew exactly what sleep paralysis was not long after I started experiencing it. I was well aware of the science of it. And, I wouldn't ask you to re-read my OP as it is so dreadfully long, but never had I mistaken sleep paralysis as alien abduction. At the time, I had considered it as a possibility in conjunction with sleep paralysis ( knowing full well what sleep paralysis was at a later date.) But, I was also like 13-14 years old. So, seeking rationality was a tough thing to do at that age! You will also notice how reluctant I am to even say I had experienced alien abduction. I do not claim to be an ET abductee/contactee even once in this entire thread. I had experienced sleep paralysis quite often (and still do) around the time of my sightings 10 years ago. Curiously, the sightings did not even happen during sleep paralysis. Every time I had such a sighting, I was quite awake, lucid, aware, and alert. I was also able to move my head, eyes, and body. Thus, the sightings did not happen during sleep paralysis state. Please don't confuse the two! Because I certainly did not.

3) I have had all kinds of hallucinations during sleep paralysis too. Oddly, not once did I ever hallucinate an ET or alien or gray alien of any type. So much for indoctrination? Maybe.

4) I was not listening to coast to coast AM to get answers on my cancer. I hope that wasn't what you were inferring. But, here's the thing. I started listening to coast to coast (where I soon after heard about ATS) a few years ago because I had exhausted all rational and scientific sources. I know about sleep paralysis. I know a great deal about sleep and dreaming states. I know intimately the quirks of my sleeping disorder, narcolepsy. I am educated in scientific method myself. I did not find the answers that satisfied me. Science could not adequately put to rest my questions. I went from hailing science as the be-all, end-all to knowledge until I discovered how little it could actually explain my experiences. Believe me, I had like eight years to look into the science before I even delved into the paranormal and the likes of ATS and Coast to Coast. This does not mean I have dismissed science--but, I usually need some kind of synthesis between the two. If that means I'm irrational, then so be it.

5) Again, I have not claimed any truth or revealed any epiphanies in my thread. The only thing true about this thread is that I have told my story with as much accuracy to chronology and fact as possible. I do not make any claims. I do not have any messages of "truth." I simply experienced, observed, and eventually shared with ATS. I am still in doubt and on the fence about many topics relating to my story. I am not dismissing science. And I do not dismiss metaphysics or paranormal. They both hold essential pieces to the puzzle, I think.

So, you got a few things skewed. No big deal. That's why I'm here to clarify. I enjoyed hearing about some of your experiences as well. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for posting your questions/concerns.

edit on 15-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

No harm done.
I'm glad that it's turned out for the better. You've shown real class in explaining your situation thoroughly & pondering many avenues of thought. I'll definite keep my eyes open while reading your thread for anything else that might catch my eclectic perception.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately), this is one of those cases where no avenue can go unexplored. I think the most telling thing about this thread is that so many people have come forth with similar sightings of the Hooded Entity and other bizarre creatures/beings.

Before finding ATS, I thought I was the only one who ever saw such an absurd thing. Now, I realize there are dozens of threads on the topic as well as A LOT more testimony out there on the web and in other alternative/paranormal sources.

For the first time in about 10 years, I felt like "Wow, it's not just me who saw this!"

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

We're all like bundles of lightning, but only some choose to actually pay attention to the fact of the bundling of that power we've been granted. How we learn to utilize what we've been given is another issue all in itself. I choose not to sit idly & let my abilities (physically/mentally/spiritually) go to waste.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by CrimsonKnight13
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

We're all like bundles of lightning, but only some choose to actually pay attention to the fact of the bundling of that power we've been granted. How we learn to utilize what we've been given is another issue all in itself. I choose not to sit idly & let my abilities (physically/mentally/spiritually) go to waste.

Well said--if slightly cryptic. It's really no accident that there were so many revered thunder/ lightning gods in ancient times; many of them sitting at the top of the pantheon such as Zeus (Greek) and Indra (Vedic Hindu). Then there are many, many others (Thor, for example, in the Norse mythos) all over the world. Thunder and lightning was a pretty important, powerful force of nature to a lot of cultures hmmm....I wonder if this could be some sort of metaphor for the human being and spiritual growth hmmm...

You may just be on to something with this "bundles of lightning" within us waiting to unbundle

edit on 16-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
Well said--if slightly cryptic. It's really no accident that there were so many revered thunder/ lightning gods in ancient times; many of them sitting at the top of the pantheon such as Zeus (Greek) and Indra (Vedic Hindu). Then there are many, many others (Thor, for example, in the Norse mythos) all over the world. Thunder and lightning was a pretty important, powerful force of nature to a lot of cultures hmmm....I wonder if this could be some sort of metaphor for the human being and spiritual growth hmmm...

You may just be on to something with this "bundles of lightning" within us waiting to unbundle

Due to have strong sensitivity to energy, I generally associate the spiritual with the electricity & lightning. As humans, we have a very strong electromagnetic field that interacts with a lot of objects. Even pure spiritual entities tend to alter the atmosphere in rooms or weather itself. We can do so in the same sense the stronger we grow in spiritual power. My personal belief is that many of these gods were full of great spiritual power but due to lack of understanding of who or what they were, people decided to worship them in fear.

Here are my own associations with what I can sense about certain aspects of life.

Lightning - spiritual/astral. I sense this from people who have strong faith or spiritual "gravity". Does not imply "religiousness" but rather true believers in what they can do in the spirit. Any spiritual entity gives off the same feeling to me. I think a lot of people who experience the paranormal are of a much higher concentration & definitely attract attention of inter/intra/extra-dimensional entities due to it showing like a beacon from afar. Objects that have been imbued/cursed/blessed can have a positive or negative electrical energy. Someone that is highly sensitive to this can sense a good or bad zap (like static electricity but different) when such an object has been touched.

Fire - emotion/ether. When ever I have strong emotions, I can feel them emanating from my own body at varying levels of intensity. Anger will feel like hot fire. Excitement will feel like an electric fire (ties in with spiritual I suspect). Sadness will feel like cold fire (not sure how to describe any other way since it feels like fire that's polar opposite of anger). Joy will feel like sunlight shining from one's face & extending outwards. I'm not sure what certain spiritual beliefs cover but I found that emotional energy seems to really go strong through one's face but can also emanate from the hands & arms.

Water - sleep/dreams. Sometimes when I'm falling asleep, I feel like I'm sinking beneath waves of dreams. I don't have many lucid dreams, so my experience is limited in describing this more.

Overall, I suspect you have a high energy signature (lightning) & attracted the attention of the beings you saw.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

You are very in tune with your body and your self. That's excellent and thanks so much for sharing your ideas! They're not all that different from what I have learned through experience.

The balance of ether, water, fire, and earth is a lot like many systems of healing such as ayurved from India. Don't forget the hot and cold principles of Chinese medicine. A lot of herbal systems also draw on these observations.

Like I said, I believe it is no accident that the likes the Zeus and Indra (Lightning gods) were usually the highest of the high in their time. The ability to wield that lightning within us is the sign of a true master.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Glad to provide what knowledge I can. I've learned to "listen" to what's going on around & inside of me. I never stopped believing that there's more to what I've experienced since I was very young. I hope to provide more knowledge when I discover it in my spiritual journey.

I'm not too familiar with earthly energies, so that's one part that I couldn't translate in my list. I do know when the seasons will change or when a big storm is heading my way. I can feel when the sylvan & earthly spirits are preparing for a new season (even late or early!) or storm that may change the atmosphere considerably. I'm always sensing what's going on around me to make sure I'm not caught off guard from a malevolent spirit.

I definitely believe there is truth in why those gods are described as they are. It could be a lengthy debate among ATSers as to what they are. I do think that they deserve credit & respect in some way since they represent strong spiritual beings at the very least even if we don't believe they were/are gods at all.

I continue to look forward to more conversations regarding such things with you & others.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Also, thanks for the compliments. I really appreciate that.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

Likewise. Thanks for visiting and contributing to this thread. It has taken so many unexpected and pleasant changes in direction thanks to top-notch posters like you.

edit on 18-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 12:42 AM
Honestly, this sounds like early indoctrination by your mothers profound intrest with ETS and the X-files, thus the fear of abduction by these beings seeped into both your consciousness and un-consciousness from a very early age. The fact you had a irrational fear of these 'aliens' before anything sinister even happened to you sums up this early indoctrination.

You next go on to state how you would wake up frozen in your bed, and then gradually you began to see the alien beings. Sleep paralysis is something millions around the world (including myself) go through, and you display all the symptoms of it. You even refer to it as sleep paralysis at first then change your diagnosis to that of alien abduction. This is a big and irrational leap.. your early childhood fears perhaps came back to haunt you at this stage and you reverted back to your im being abducted hypothisis. I have hallucinated all variety of things when going through sleep paralysis, including the sterotypical grey alien portayed by the media. I did not come to the conclusion that I was being abducted, its enivatable my mind would project things such as the aliens when Im undergoing sleep paralysis due to being exposed to these things via the media. 100's of years ago people projected demons etc when undergoing sleep paralysis because that was the theme of the time, now its aliens. The fact you were exposed to these things from an early age must of made your paralysis extra terrifying, but predictable in the sense that in paralysis we often display our irrational fears and yours was always going to be aliens. Im gonna guess you went through these experiences as a adolescene, they usally begin in that age catagory.

Im sorry to hear about your cancer, but the fact that you tried to seek answers from listening to the likes of coast to coast AM and reading things on here and taking that information in as facts highlights that you do not want to seek a rational explanation for what you have been going through, and instead cop out to the 'Alien beings in my bedroom' stance. Its also not a suprise your mother complied with your claims of alien abduction and smiley face boxes, considering she had been looking at material which complied with your claims since you were a child, perhaps longer.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by therovers

Is there a reason you copy/pasted and re-posted something you already posted? If you were just trying to re-affirm your original opinion, then that's just lazy haha

Otherwise, thanks for stopping by and bumping my thread.
edit on 22-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 08:49 AM
I checked back on my recent posts and saw you did not respond. Thus I copied and pasted the post assuming you had missed it. I know now you either feel my point lacks credibility to the extent of not deeming it worthy of any meaningful response/rebuttal, or you simply do not want to debate any interpretation of your events that do not coincide with how you view them (judging by your posts im assuming your interpretation of your experiences/events is that you were/are in contact or going through a lasion of sorts with various paranormal/alien beings, if not from a different planet/galaxy then perhaps from a different dimension). If you only wish to discuss your story wih those that unanimously agree with your interpretation of your events in the first place rather than exploring all the options, such as you describing tell tale signs of sleep paralysis in some of your descriptions (not all), that is fine. I hope I have not offended I am just trying to rule out a common denominator (sleep paralysis) before jumping to the rarest of them all (alien/paranormal activity).

edit on 22-8-2012 by therovers because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha

Originally posted by therovers
1)Honestly, this sounds like early indoctrination by your mothers profound intrest with ETS and the X-files

2)You even refer to it as sleep paralysis at first then change your diagnosis to that of alien abduction. This is a big and irrational leap..

3)I have hallucinated all variety of things when going through sleep paralysis, including the sterotypical grey alien

4)Im sorry to hear about your cancer, but the fact that you tried to seek answers from listening to the likes of coast to coast AM and reading things on here and taking that information in as facts highlights that you do not want to seek a rational explanation

5)Who knows, maybey I cant accept the truth

edit on 15-8-2012 by therovers because: (no reason given)

1) My mom's only interest was really in watching the X-Files. We did not have books or movies galore on the subject. Some movies like Close Encounters are unavoidable. No posters or other media. There was only one picture that I can recall from Weekly World News that I have already mentioned. And it was in a place I hardly ever went to or saw it (her bathroom.) I hardly call that a profound interest; but she definitely showed a passive interest in it. Honestly, Star Trek was abuzz around the apartment more than the X-Files. I actually had only seen bits and pieces of the X-Files as I was inherently too scared to actually watch the show! I watched Star Trek much more often. I suppose Gene Roddenberry is to blame for my indoctrination. By the way, my mom hated Star Trek.

2) I referred to it as sleep paralysis when I was having sleep paralysis. I knew exactly what sleep paralysis was not long after I started experiencing it. I was well aware of the science of it. And, I wouldn't ask you to re-read my OP as it is so dreadfully long, but never had I mistaken sleep paralysis as alien abduction. At the time, I had considered it as a possibility in conjunction with sleep paralysis ( knowing full well what sleep paralysis was at a later date.) But, I was also like 13-14 years old. So, seeking rationality was a tough thing to do at that age! You will also notice how reluctant I am to even say I had experienced alien abduction. I do not claim to be an ET abductee/contactee even once in this entire thread. I had experienced sleep paralysis quite often (and still do) around the time of my sightings 10 years ago. Curiously, the sightings did not even happen during sleep paralysis. Every time I had such a sighting, I was quite awake, lucid, aware, and alert. I was also able to move my head, eyes, and body. Thus, the sightings did not happen during sleep paralysis state. Please don't confuse the two! Because I certainly did not.

3) I have had all kinds of hallucinations during sleep paralysis too. Oddly, not once did I ever hallucinate an ET or alien or gray alien of any type. So much for indoctrination? Maybe.

4) I was not listening to coast to coast AM to get answers on my cancer. I hope that wasn't what you were inferring. But, here's the thing. I started listening to coast to coast (where I soon after heard about ATS) a few years ago because I had exhausted all rational and scientific sources. I know about sleep paralysis. I know a great deal about sleep and dreaming states. I know intimately the quirks of my sleeping disorder, narcolepsy. I am educated in scientific method myself. I did not find the answers that satisfied me. Science could not adequately put to rest my questions. I went from hailing science as the be-all, end-all to knowledge until I discovered how little it could actually explain my experiences. Believe me, I had like eight years to look into the science before I even delved into the paranormal and the likes of ATS and Coast to Coast. This does not mean I have dismissed science--but, I usually need some kind of synthesis between the two. If that means I'm irrational, then so be it.

5) Again, I have not claimed any truth or revealed any epiphanies in my thread. The only thing true about this thread is that I have told my story with as much accuracy to chronology and fact as possible. I do not make any claims. I do not have any messages of "truth." I simply experienced, observed, and eventually shared with ATS. I am still in doubt and on the fence about many topics relating to my story. I am not dismissing science. And I do not dismiss metaphysics or paranormal. They both hold essential pieces to the puzzle, I think.

So, you got a few things skewed. No big deal. That's why I'm here to clarify. I enjoyed hearing about some of your experiences as well. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for posting your questions/concerns.

From Sled: He DID reply. Look up.

edit on 8/22/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by therovers

I did respond (actually, it's on this very page just a few posts upward), and then Sled735 was so kind to re-post the quote for me (and for you.) I am not offended and I did not mean to offend you. I am ready to discuss this with skeptics. Just don't expect me to convince you or anybody--for that is the nature of the skeptic--one who does not believe until self-experience changes their mind. (I am a skeptic myself on things I have not experienced. I understand.)

Yes, I do suffer from sleep paralysis. Please be aware that I also suffer from a neurological sleeping disorder, narcolepsy. Furthermore, be aware that I have experienced these quirky states of consciousness for over 10 years and I know a thing or two about them. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I know a lot more about their nature than a lot of people. Don't be surprised if you meet a doctor who's either never heard of narcolepsy, thinks it's a myth, or does not fully understand it; because I've met plenty of them. (I am not saying my theories are correct and that the science is incorrect. I simply believe there is much more going on here than "sleep paralysis hallucination".)

Most of my visions and sightings did not actually happen in the sleep paralysis (aka hypnapompic/ hypnagogic) sleep state. And it can get a little tiring and insulting when people try to rationalize something they haven't even experienced with something they have (eg. sleep paralysis.)

It is a little beyond me how I say plainly in my OP and throughout this thread, "I was awake, I could think and move and see and feel and cogitate. This was NOT sleep paralysis."

And then somebody comes along and says, "Oh. You had sleep paralysis. Let me post a link and a video you've probably seen 100,000 times. Story debunked."

Please remember, we are here to learn from each others' experiences in the quest to deny ignorance...Some people choose to perpetuate it by resorting to "sleep paralysis" as an explanation for every single paranormal encounter that happens in a room with a bed in it.

No hard feelings either way.

edit on 22-8-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Ah sorry I missed that

Your points are sound and fair, I dont want to be become nor be labelled as a mindless skeptic who adjudicates every strange experience that happens in a bedroom as sleep paralysis without looking into the issue correctly, as that would be insulting to people like you who feel/know in their minds that their experiences do not fit into the criteria/modus oporandi of a classic sleep paralysis experience. Whilst I pesonally think some of your experiences check the checklist so to speak as a Sleep paralysis experience, some clearly do not. I jumped onto the sleep paralysis bandwagon too quickly, and for that I apologize. I do not want to discredit paranormal events as a reality, infact quite the opposite, my mom has reported strange things to me in the past whilst my uncle once claimed he was walking alone one night and saw a man in the distance who began to disintigrate into thin air the closer he got, something I would have never expected him to say as he was always the type who very much believed in the scienctifically explainable over the truly unexplainable, but that event changed him. Some of your experiences truly do fall into that unexplainable catagory and I hope you can find the answers you seek about them.

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