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Australia Is A Facist Dictatorship

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posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

Mate, it saddens me to see it has taken you so long to come to this realisation. There are agenda's that need to be met, and whoever is in power, no matter who it is, these agenda's will always be implemented. I'm not talking about some kind of mass conspiracy with TPTB, even though I do think they exist and run most of the world, but the fact that politicians are always going to be lying scumbags, they are the only one's who brown nose and bs their way enough to make it to the top. They will always lie, manipulate, deceive. The GST was a classic case of this.. Labor claimed they wouldn't bring it in if they were voted in, but everyone knew that was bs. Johnny got the vote anyway and it was brought in, but anyone with a brain knows that it was coming one way or another.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

Australia is facing horrible issues from within right now from what I know of. It's suffering like many other Nations of it's kind. It's a sad state of affairs because Australia is one of the greatest Nations on Earth in my opinion and that is coming from a Yank.

It going to sort itself out one way or another eventually. Either by the hand of the people or by the hand of the powers that be. Here is hoping for the former.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:52 AM
I've read comments about Kevin Rudd. The crux of the problem here is you have mentioned the public's popularity for him, and you believe he'd still make a good PM. The other side is he's been hugely despised in the Labor Party for years - he couldn't work with people in the QLD Labor Party and personally I believe he was a rotten choice for PM because of his inability to work with people in government. I fully supported his removal back in 2010 for these reasons, but looking back Juliar is just dreadful. It would have been better letting Kevin go to an election in his own right and taking their chances. I haven't voted Labor in over 20 years, but this Labor Party is just appallingly dreadful. You are right we have little choice here in Australia. Tony Abbott will make a poor PM. I feel like selling up and moving to a tropical island.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by EHowardHuntClub

You sir have my respect and you are 100% correct!!!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by knightwhosaysnih
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

Mate, it saddens me to see it has taken you so long to come to this realisation. There are agenda's that need to be met, and whoever is in power, no matter who it is, these agenda's will always be implemented. I'm not talking about some kind of mass conspiracy with TPTB, even though I do think they exist and run most of the world, but the fact that politicians are always going to be lying scumbags, they are the only one's who brown nose and bs their way enough to make it to the top. They will always lie, manipulate, deceive. The GST was a classic case of this.. Labor claimed they wouldn't bring it in if they were voted in, but everyone knew that was bs. Johnny got the vote anyway and it was brought in, but anyone with a brain knows that it was coming one way or another.

I came to this realisation when Julia Gillard came to power through that coup, if that happenend in anyother country there would be civil war. But in Australia, Aussies just sit back and do nothing!!!
Is there any hope left for us?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra
Please offer a suggestion of where to start and what to do, when left with this level of predicament. We have a politician here called Peter Garrett, who was of greater conviction than any Australian of the wrongs of politics(listen to Midnight Oil lyrics and see). Yet he is completely sitting in the backwater and watching this rubbish unfold, unable to change a single thing. Please stop being hostile to people for having an opinion.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Flint2011
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

Australia is facing horrible issues from within right now from what I know of. It's suffering like many other Nations of it's kind. It's a sad state of affairs because Australia is one of the greatest Nations on Earth in my opinion and that is coming from a Yank.

It going to sort itself out one way or another eventually. Either by the hand of the people or by the hand of the powers that be. Here is hoping for the former.

Thanks for your concern, I think Australia is in a better position than America but I also think that Australia still has some time to set itself back onto the right path. Like I said previously Julia Gillard must be voted out, and will forever wear the shame of the worst primeminister in Australian history.
Yes eventually its going to hit the fan sooner or later. Take care.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:09 AM
I've been living in China for the past 5 years and you think things are bad in Australia? Thank christ I'm Australian I tell you that, move to China for 2 or 3 years and then tell me your thoughts.
A couple of things that really pisses me off about Australia though while I've been away is.

1. Seems Australians are accepting more bull from the gov without much of a fight (un Australian)
2. I really wish Boeing Bob would come over to China and sort out the Australian consulates here, man they may say 'Australian Consulate' on the door, but it seems like I'm walking into a Chinese government department where you have to know someone there to get the most mundane thing done, plus they don't even attempt to help you with any hard questions.

edit on 3-7-2012 by crackerjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by CrimsonKapital
I like many of you have been keeping a close eye on the loss of freedom in the so called "land of the free", and being replaced by a capitalistic oligarchy.

Some people keep forgetting that what you described is SOCIALISM, not capitalism. Any time the government/state has control, and regulates everything, it is socialism.

Even fascism is a socialist ideology.

But you are right, Australia, like so many other countries, has/is becoming a Fascist/Socialist dictatorship.

The final goal of the Socialist/Fascist world elites is to FORCE people into accepting a World Social/Socialist/Fascist/Democratic Government.

"Democracy" is the will of the mayority over the minorities, and if you are the "world Socialist/Fascist elites" you think you are the mayority...

edit on 3-7-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:22 AM
G'day CK

Sorry it's taken a while to reply. Was out today picking up a new tungsten tip chain. Re what has Newman done. When he was mayor of Bris, many people who were on the other side of the political fence lost their jobs quite soon after he came to power. Now, within a feas fart of being elected he's up to his usual sleazy tricks. Just because someone has a different colour political bent should NOT be a reason for losing a position. Was up in Tannum the other day near Gladstone and ran into a friend from a few years back that works for the port authority.
Asked him about the loss of positions of a few head honchos there and he said that they were openly opposed to the lib philosophy. Isn't it funny, he axed them. Wow, what a surprise. He said that people are now reticent to mention their political persuasion. This bloke smiles well but under that "sweet" smile imo there lurks someone that will remove anyone that even shows a hint of disagreeing with his views. I have a real bad feeling about how he will handle his premiership. Similar feeling to what I had when GW Bush slithered into the white house.

On another note, I agree with many of your posts but the lib thing, well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. At least we can still do that here hey mate

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 04:29 AM

I have read the Australia "Constitution". It is not a Constitution at all, but more of a "Franchise Agreement", strangely similar to the kind Burger Joints have with their parent corporations. Instead of fielty to the Hamburger Headquarters, yours still gives authority to the sovereign of England, (Royal Assent). Despite the feeling the Westminster Statute gives a separate country, it is still only by Royal Assent.
reply to post by EHowardHuntClub

indeed and nicely said.
Lets not forget poor old harold holt either.
re; austalian constitution

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 04:41 AM
Well, like most modern democracies we have strayed away from the original tennants but i think it's a bit extreme to suggest that we are a facist dictatorship.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 04:43 AM
Ditch the Witch, am sick of the Ginger Haired Turkey and her lies.

Get rid of the Greens and also Monkey-Boy in the speedos.

Let's return to. True democracy
The Sodd.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Ok cheers thanks for correcting me.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by steve1709
G'day CK

Sorry it's taken a while to reply. Was out today picking up a new tungsten tip chain. Re what has Newman done. When he was mayor of Bris, many people who were on the other side of the political fence lost their jobs quite soon after he came to power. Now, within a feas fart of being elected he's up to his usual sleazy tricks. Just because someone has a different colour political bent should NOT be a reason for losing a position. Was up in Tannum the other day near Gladstone and ran into a friend from a few years back that works for the port authority.
Asked him about the loss of positions of a few head honchos there and he said that they were openly opposed to the lib philosophy. Isn't it funny, he axed them. Wow, what a surprise. He said that people are now reticent to mention their political persuasion. This bloke smiles well but under that "sweet" smile imo there lurks someone that will remove anyone that even shows a hint of disagreeing with his views. I have a real bad feeling about how he will handle his premiership. Similar feeling to what I had when GW Bush slithered into the white house.

On another note, I agree with many of your posts but the lib thing, well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. At least we can still do that here hey mate

Are some of the job cuts you are referring to the government job cuts? Because apparently there are 30,000 unneeded atm, and Newman is trying to save money wherever he can.
But to put it this way, politicians are all the same aren't they? Why is Newman any different.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Raivan31
Well, like most modern democracies we have strayed away from the original tennants but i think it's a bit extreme to suggest that we are a facist dictatorship.

IMO we are headed on the path to becoming a facist state. I just used that title like all of my past provocative titles to lure in the fish!!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by TheSodd
Ditch the Witch, am sick of the Ginger Haired Turkey and her lies.

Get rid of the Greens and also Monkey-Boy in the speedos.

Let's return to. True democracy
The Sodd.

I've heard if you say it loud enough a single shoe will fall from the sky... Nah jks.

Instead of turning to true democracy, why don't we rebuild this country starting off with a republic?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:52 AM
face it were all #ed , ever since the end of world war 2 , the nazi's were shipped off to America , given immunity and new identity , war crimes forgotten , and the nazi facist /corpratist playbook , was retitled , democracy and capitalism in action!
We were sold a lie under a different name ! the new american empire , built on nazi intelligence and tactics
was then spread throughout the world and has their axis of power in almost everywestern Allied country.

the United states is slipping to a facist dictatorship , given time the goose stepping will begin and before we know it we are all doomed , Australia included !

- and mostly everyone is oblivious and or doesnt give a rats ass as long as they arent directly effected.

we know they have facist / corpratist tendencies and we can prove it , but no one will do anything
they have invaded many countries in the name of democracy , the UK are guilty of this as well
they all are !

correct me if im wrong but didnt we start a world war against hitler for invading countries with no legal basis !
now it seems as though its happening again and we are all on the facist side ! Living it up with our flatscreen tv's our internet and our tv shows and fancy cars !

how has this happened
edit on 3-7-2012 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:53 AM

1. Seems Australians are accepting more bull from the gov without much of a fight (un Australian)

Is it? I never really thought it was in our blood to protest. We're just not like that usually. Or at least any protests here get eclipsed by other country's protesters. We'll complain, sure, but we won't get off our arse and do anything about it.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by titzycronulla
reply to post by Xcathdra
Please offer a suggestion of where to start and what to do, when left with this level of predicament. We have a politician here called Peter Garrett, who was of greater conviction than any Australian of the wrongs of politics(listen to Midnight Oil lyrics and see). Yet he is completely sitting in the backwater and watching this rubbish unfold, unable to change a single thing. Please stop being hostile to people for having an opinion.

Peter Garrett is a wanker and a hypocrite.

He campaigned against pokies, yet he (and the rest of his tone deaf band) made thier fame & fortune on the backs of the RSL's & Leagues Clubs in NSW.

I knew Peter when he was in his late teens and washing taxis for a living in Brookvale. (The Manly Cabs depot opposite Warringah Mall).

He was a loser and complete idiot back then and he still is.

He couldn't sing and now he cannot perform as a politician. His list of failures outweigh his achievements. Pink Batts etc.

Hope his bed is burning tonight with him in it.

Total wanker and advocate for the abo's rights.


SORRY? Sorry for what ??? Speak for yourself you tosser. And Midnight Oil are the most talentless, tone deaf bunch of losers. The reason they became so popular is due to the fact that 99% of their audience were so pissed or out of it on speed, coc aine etc that any noise would have sounded sweet. I know... I was there!

edit on 3-7-2012 by Littlejohnny1 because: (no reason given)

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