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Iraqi resistance fighters deliver ultimatum to US

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posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 11:55 PM
I have to point out that we tried to kill the beliefs of a nation with the Japanese. Take away the laws of bushido and say the emperor is not divine. That failed. Bushido is alive and well today just used in a different manner and is also why we crippled the japanese economy some years back - they were becoming too powerful and independent from us.

Ignorance is bliss - it's not better to be pure and ignorant of reality. Thats how the german nation was right before the holocaust - sure and pure.

America is not a dictatorship so no war fought against a nation can survive? Why, because it can only last eight years. When George Bush says we did something historical here he isn't lieing. We conquered ancient Babylon. How many generals in history can say that? Thats whats important to a military general from west point - history - immortality. Troops are just chess pieces.

When he says we are going to insure the freedom of Iraqi people he is lieing to himself and to the American people. Do you think the 48th president is going to have the same agenda as George Bush? Not possible. There would have to be a draft for continued engagements and each president will have to uphold that draft against American will. The CIA knows this they just need to get in the door.

Mr. Bush knows this, that a sustained war is not possible with the united states in another country unless we plan to colonize. At least he should know because thats reality. The only other option is civil war, dictator, muslim regime, or whatever - it certainly won't be democracy in a non democratic nation LOL. The people will prevail. So unless we stay in Iraq and kill a lot of people it won't be democratic it will be muslim. (We have to kill them off to change their minds) A good Iraqi would be a democratic Iraqi or a dead muslim. It's not rocket science just confused by all the BS. Simple war - kill to conquer. Make no mistake about it - we are not liberators. I wouldn't be liberated if a 500 pound bomb blew up my neighborhood, I'd either be dead or pissed. We are not clearing our al quaeda but resistance fighters. LOL the resistance fighters are the Iraqi civilians.

George Bush says they are the leftover regime loyal to Sadaam. Good way to say that. That was Iraq's master plan. "All of us will lay down our arms and pretend we are civilians and then when they least expect it we'll kill them." Sounds good right? Makes for a good movie called "The Iraqi's who played possum."

Here is reality people. Any man or women who had their kids body blown to ashes or father and mother riddled with shrapnel and die in their arms - they are the resistance. They are the insurgents. And there are plenty of 'advisors' roaming to aid them in their 'cause.' That is war, everything else is just smooth words and politics.

We'll call it "A Muslim democracy," it's a new kind of government that has never existed before.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Actually, I was a Corporal of Marines not a Sergeant. I can understand why you find it hard to believe that anyone would post an avatar that actually represents themselves, since so many here seems to be living in cartoonland (no offense intended). You can, however, rest assured that I am whom I say I am.

"Floundering" would've worked, too, Grady but thank you for the
websters link. Never knew there was a word for:
"disabling an animal through excessive feeding." Life is strange.

Every Vietnam Vet I know opposed sending troops to Iraq and wants an immediate withdrawal for the sake of our soldiers; that's why I doubt you are a real veteran. However, there are always exceptions to the rule and I could be wrong.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by bushblows]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:24 AM
What kind of christian nation is this one where we are living in that it feels is ok to go into another nation take out their leader because the administration does not like him in the name of his god, and kill their population over 10,000 "casualties" because is all in the name of freedom and democracy.

Wake up America our president sucks.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by torque
They're not resistance fighters or insurgents. They know who the troublemakers are just like I know where to find the scum in my own neighborhood. Time to take control and deliver their own ultimatum.

Have you ever stops and think that perhaps the reason the Iraqi citizens are not fighting back the "Terrorist" is because their family members are their ranks?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason for the "regular" Iraqi people not getting involved is because their own is in the fight against the "invaders"puz:

Absolutely, Marg. That's the ultimate horror in this situation. Our forces don't know who to trust. Bear in mind, too, any Iraqi who works with the US is targeted by insurgents. Nice!

Quite frankly I never lost sleep over "the plight of Iraqis." Don't recall any US citizens expressing upset over Iraq injustices prior to our entering the country, either. It's funny how people are suddenly willing to sacrifice our military for a people they didn't give a hoot about 3 years ago, isn't it?

[edit on 6-10-2004 by bushblows]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by bushblows
It's funny how people are suddenly willing to sacrifice our military for a people they never gave a hoot about 3 years ago, isn't it?

[edit on 6-10-2004 by bushblows]

It's a reason Bushblows most Americans believe what their leaders feed them as truth, indeed "Ignorance is a bliss "for some, but for others the truth hit them in their faces when love ones are dying in Iraq.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
zcheng is a Chinese communist who is fond of defending his hero Mao Zedong as the savior of China and dismissing the 40,000,000 innocent people he murdered as a "mistake."

Oh yeah the US is waaaay better at killing than those silly red maoist chinese people!

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 10:04 AM
Don't speak for all Americans. Many Americans have had a keen interest in places which have the human rights/torture problems Iraq had under Saddam. I know I'm not the only one who wished there could be some action against these countries. As I've said before, Bush's agenda may have been different from mine, his methods might have been different than ones I'd want employed, but the end result is the same one I have wanted for years; Saddam and Sons are gone. I only wish we had the manpower and money to go to a few other places.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 10:11 AM
Iraqi 'resistance fighters' issue ultimatum.
'Resistance fighters'?
Nope. Murderous terrorists.
The people of Iraq don't want them in the country.
AND ... they are for the most part not Iraqi's.
Many come from Syria and Iran.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Iraqi 'resistance fighters' issue ultimatum.
'Resistance fighters'?
Nope. Murderous terrorists.
The people of Iraq don't want them in the country.
AND ... they are for the most part not Iraqi's.
Many come from Syria and Iran.

Why do not Iraqi people indentify the resistance and report to US and Iraqi puppets, if they are so against the Resistance?

As a matter of fact, the majority of Resistance are Iraqi people, and they are fighting for Iraqi Freedom and Liberation from Occupation, just as US did in the 18th century against England.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by zcheng
Why do not Iraqi people indentify the resistance and report to US and Iraqi puppets, if they are so against the Resistance? .

Here's a good reason why, zcheng. This poll was conducted in April.

82 percent of Iraqis oppose U.S. occupation
By Thomas E. Ricks
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON � Four out of five Iraqis report holding a negative view of the U.S. occupation authority and of coalition forces, according to a new poll conducted for the occupation authority.
In the poll, 80 percent of Iraqis surveyed reported a lack of confidence in the Coalition Provisional Authority, and 82 percent said they disapprove of the United States and allied militaries in Iraq.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by bushblows]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:42 AM
The truth is too hard to digest by most Americans in favor of Iraqi occupation, they cannot possibly imagine that the liberators are not longer wanted.

Specially when so many civilians are dying.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:50 AM
That's just it, though. I personally don't know anyone who supports "occupation". I don't want us to stay there. I'd like these a-holes to stop blowing everybody up, have their elections and then leave. If they were smart, they'd stop this crap and just let it all happen. They don't want elections. They're killing their own people instead of coalition troops. They want control. Well that's fine. They need to stop the hostility, let us leave and then they can continue destroying their own people with us out of the way.

Of course when that happens we'll still be blamed because nobody wants to put the responsibility on the terrorists for their own actions. What kind of resistance kills their own people? Keep defending them, though.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Torque I agree with the first part of your statement, but on the second part you and I know that US will never leave that country never. Oil is too strong a necessity to leave it to "the terrorist" in Iraq, elections or not elections and by the way we know already who the next "elected" PM in Iraq is going to be, one that will let all the American companies like Texaco, Mobil, and chevron take care of the Iraqi oil, hummm!!!!!!!!!!Before occupation they could only dream of tapping into that oil.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by torque
Of course when that happens we'll still be blamed because nobody wants to put the responsibility on the terrorists for their own actions. What kind of resistance kills their own people? Keep defending them, though.

Many of those Iraqi people joined Resistance because to tens of thousand Iraqi civilian killed by the "Coalition". What will you do, if your brother, sister, mother, father, son, etc died because of the invasion and occupation.

With every US action killing civilians, US will drive more people to Resistance. That is fundemental reason why US will be defeated in Iraq.

If US troops sit idle, they will be attacked by existing Resistance. If US attack, and causing destruction to civilians, more will join the Resistance.

There is no good solution for US to the quagmire, but WITHDRAW ASAP.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:17 PM
So they "resist" by murdering their own people? I would fight the people I felt I had a beef with. I wouldn't kill my own people.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by bushblows

Every Vietnam Vet I know opposed sending troops to Iraq and wants an immediate withdrawal for the sake of our soldiers; that's why I doubt you are a real veteran. However, there are always exceptions to the rule and I could be wrong.

What makes you think that the vets you know are representative. I know that there are some rabidly anti-war vets out there, but I don't think they are representative. How many Vietnam veterans do you know? I'm sitting here trying to think of how many I know now, not over the years, and I can only think of one.

There must be others, but I can't think of them. I've only been living in this area for six years and I am not active in any veterans' groups here. I am a life member of the Miliatary Order of the Purple Heart and my membership remains in Post 1955 in New Orleans, where I resided for twenty-two years.

But, I am speaking of those who served in-country, not Vietnam-era vets. There is a lot of confusion among civilians about this distinction. The vets of my era have chosen to include era vets in many, if not all of the major organizations we have and sometimes the distinction is lost on some. A further distiction is those who served in combat and those who served in support positions in the "rear." I put rear in quotations, because in reality there was no rear in Vietnam, only more or less heavily fortified positions.

But, I have to tell you this. There are many anti-war individuals out there who say they are Vietnam veterans just to add weight to their arguments and most Americans wouldn't know a real veteran if one bit him on the behind. I knew one of those scoundrels where I used to work. He went around to all the ladies telling them he was some kind of hero and never said a word to me, because he knew that I would be able to see through his scam.

When I heard about it, I confronted him and you never saw a face turn redder in your life and because he claimed to be a green beret, I sent all the identifying information I could get on him to one of the websites that exposes frauds. He left suddenly a few months later and I never asked him why.

And no rational person desires immediate withdrawal from Iraq, even if they disagreed with the invasion. The job must be finished and I would have to question any combat veteran who feels otherwise.

[edit on 04/10/6 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by bushblows
82 percent of Iraqis oppose U.S. occupation
By Thomas E. Ricks
The Washington Post

In the poll, 80 percent of Iraqis surveyed reported a lack of confidence in the Coalition Provisional Authority, and 82 percent said they disapprove of the United States and allied militaries in Iraq.

I would like to know how one goes about conducting a scienitific survey in a country that is in a state of war with minimal infrastructure.

Eighty percent of Iraqis surveyed? How many were surveyed? How were they contacted? How was the sampling frame derived for the universe of respondents?

Research results are meaningless without some knowledge of the methodology.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
And no rational person desires immediate withdrawal from Iraq, even if they disagreed with the invasion. The job must be finished and I would have to question any combat veteran who feels otherwise.
[edit on 6-10-2004 by bushblows]

We disagree on a lot of things Grady but on this one I back you 100%

You dont stop in the middle of a fight once the first punch is thrown all questions are over.

I myself think it was a mistake to go into Iraq but I believe it would be a lot worse mistake to pull out before we are done. The time to bitch about going in was BEFORE we went in everybody knew we were going in and if you had a problem with it you should have wrote your congressman or something after all they ALL (well almost all) voted yes on this war.

Now is the time to back your sons, daughters, friends, husbands and wives that are over doing a dirty, nasty, nightmarish job the best way they can. To stop now will only encourage more terrorists and in the long run will cost even more lives.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:55 PM

What kind of christian nation is this one where we are living in that it feels is ok to go into another nation take out their leader because the administration does not like him in the name of his god, and kill their population over 10,000 "casualties" because is all in the name of freedom and democracy.

Wake up America our president sucks.

What kind of a nation (or international community) allows a leader to basically ignore conditions of surrender for a dozen years? Or supports terrorism by instituting a reward program for suicide bombers, and allowing terrorist training camps to operate within it's borders?

Saddam had to go...on that I'll agree with Bush. The methods we used to do it though, leave much to be desired.... Instead of doing it the right way, it seems the Cheney/Bush team (I use Cheney first, as he's the real President
) went about it more as a business deal for both oil rights, and the resulting no-bid contract for Halliburton. No matter who wins the election though, we won't see the US leave permanently EVER. We won't even see a major pullout until a democratic, US-friendly government is firmly in power...and that will take time (as the people there don't want it in the first place).

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Now is the time to back your sons, daughters, friends, husbands and wives that are over doing a dirty, nasty, nightmarish job the best way they can. To stop now will only encourage more terrorists and in the long run will cost even more lives.

You all better go to Iraq now. "your sons, daughters, friends, husbands and wives " needs you in Iraq.

If not, "your sons, daughters, friends, husbands and wives " and you will be died in US because of terror attack.

Remember: empty words means nothing to "your sons, daughters, friends, husbands and wives " in Iraq.

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