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Are Americans secretly racist?

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posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:40 PM
What I don't get is that if we as Americans say that we do not like a rude white person, then we are tagged as someone who took a stand to a rude person to try and knock them In line. Now if we say we do not like the company of a rude Muslim, we are simply tagged as a racist.

The other day at my job, I was called rude and a racist simply because of language barriers. It is not my fault that I could not fully understand a Muslim's Arablish (mix between Arab and English.) does that make the Muslim a racist for not understanding that I could not understand. I have never in my life been called rude or a racist in the workplace.

Would that make the Muslim a racist for suggesting that I am a racist? I was not trying to offend the person by saying, "excuse me" after every other sentence. Racism is a very loose term nowadays and I believe that language and cultural barriers are the main result of many of the racist accusations.

Yes, a person may be able to understand where they come from, but it is more difficult for people to understand their values and how to interact respectfully with those from a different descent.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:47 PM
I think that a lot (not all), but a lot of Americans are fearful and ignorant. If you combine those two things you have a recipe for all sorts of unpleasantness. Be it racism or otherwise. I was raised around many different races, dad was in the navy and I while I am as white as a girl could get, it didn't matter to me because of my exposure. I wasn't afraid of something that was different, I just needed things explained to me. I think too few people have that opportunity so they grow up with their fear ruling their emotions on such things.

I remember when I was little that my mom had her friend over, she was a black lady from Germany, married to a US Naval officer. They were sitting around talking and the story goes that I was fascinated with her and kept looking from her arm to mine for the longest time. I remember her smiling at me and talking to mom. I finally asked her why her skin was so much darker than mine and she replied "because God likes variety baby!" As a kid that was all I needed to hear and off I went. It wasn't a big explanation, it was just what I needed at my level and it made sense to me at the time, there for I accepted it as it was and let go of fear of differences.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Nope. Not racist, but PLENTY of greed though which is almost as bad as being a racist.

And the pro-israel bias of course!

Come, come, come to america and become the next millionare. Be like Donald Trump and be like the birthers who keep insisting Obama produce his birth certificate for the billionth time and prove for the quadrillion time that he is no socialist.

And of course HATE on all muslim nations since they are supported by make-believe communist nation russia and china. Sometimes I REALLY WONDER what americans eat and read if they do NOT KNOW that russia and china are now capitalists..........after 20 years of the berlin wall collapsing.
edit on 12/6/12 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 11:41 PM
America is the least racist nation on Earth. Clearly if anyone studied history, this would be apparent.

America as a nation is a 'melting pot' where people come together from different cultures and learn to live and work together and co-exist.

All of the nations of which we fled from suffer from far more horrific forms of "racism", with far more than one civil war under their belts.

Look at the racial tensions in any of our 'homeland' nations, you will see it is far worse there than it is here. In fact, that is why most of us fled from those lands to the land of America in the first place. Racism combined with political, religious, and economic oppression.

Of course I am focusing on America of today, currently.
100-300 years ago America was far more racist and brutal in how things worked, we can just ask the remnants of Native populations who were here first. But that's beside the point, because the OP article we are discussing pertains to the current day situation politically in respect to racism in America.

I implore everyone to investigate any nation around the globe and it's religious, political, and racial tensions and conflicts, and then come back and tell me America has it bad. Because truth be told, racism has been tempered greatly in America overall.

In other nations they have a specific culture/race they identify with, and so any "other races" are considered outsiders in many cases.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

of COURSE americans are racist. look at obama's inauguration, he was standing behind thick bullet proof glass. i mean, just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to shoot anybody

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Nope. Not racist, but PLENTY of greed though which is almost as bad as being a racist.

And the pro-israel bias of course!

Come, come, come to america and become the next millionare. Be like Donald Trump and be like the birthers who keep insisting Obama produce his birth certificate for the billionth time and prove for the quadrillion time that he is no socialist.

And of course HATE on all muslim nations since they are supported by make-believe communist nation russia and china. Sometimes I REALLY WONDER what americans eat and read if they do NOT KNOW that russia and china are now capitalists..........after 20 years of the berlin wall collapsing.
edit on 12/6/12 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

I wouldn't feel comfortable saying that the USA, China, or Russia/USSR were or are "capitalist" or "communist" exactly.

I would feel far more comfortable claiming that all three nations adopt both capitalistic and communistic policies when it suits their agenda. And when it does not suit their purposes, they reject it.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

Are Americans secretly racist?

Many are open about it.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 12:17 AM
We all need to cut the crap..lmao..WE ARE ALL RACIST ON EVERY RACE, COLOUR AND THE WHOLE 9!! I am very racist against people who are racist..makes I am black and if I see black kid or man thug, gang"sta" walking down the street or in a property after 12am, pants sagging, looking over his shoulder, drinking in public, swearing in front of women and children and acting like an animal..what do you expect?..I'm all over that tail and I will judge and I will stop him and he will get question!

If a white kid (man) is walking into a black gang infested neighbourhood full of drugs and such after a curfew time and if he doesn't live there..yea..I will judge him by stopping him, question him and such. It doesn't matter how we look at it..we are all racist or stereotyping to an extent and thats the facts of life.

My white friends will tell me to my face.."oh no, I'm not rascist, I hate that "word", I would never say that and I'm like..GTFOH! As soon someone does not belong, or act like a donkey in a manner of incorrective behaviour or will say it and vice versa to all.

Some of you may not like the leader of this country because he his black ok, that is true to some but not all. Some may not like that after hundreds of years the leaders of this country were white and again will be in the future. You will let the dirty tar words spill out your mouth about that persons race and colour. The goddang point is..we are all incorrect when this subject comes up, don't deny it..its true but at the doesn't matter what race you are or it doesn't matter if you wear a pillow case over your head, I will not stand or watch you suffer because we are all human and really deep down inside one another we are made to love eachother. If that person doesn't know how to love your skin colour..well you better figure out a way because at the end we if don't get our act together..we will continue to bleed the same colour!


posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 12:21 AM
Seriously, an American now days is anyone who comes to this country to become an American, which is quite universal....Specific?....

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 12:52 AM
Also wanted to point out that a lot of things are called racist when they are not. Someone told my son he was racist when he used the description of 'Hispanic' when he was trying to explain something. My son flat out told him that he didn't believe he was better than Hispanics simply because he was white and that they probably didn't even know the meaning of the word racist. It makes me often wonder if people even know the definition of racist. So many things are labeled as racist when they really are not. Makes me wonder if maybe people are so ignorant to believe that making a comment about a race makes them racist and there for would even think they are racist because of what they have been told constitutes racism.

noun /ˈrāsist/ 
racists, plural

A person who believes that a particular race is superior to another

adjective /ˈrāsist/ 
racists, plural

Having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Jaellma

Nobody is secretly anything.
They are what they are and it is right up front.

Are Americans racist?
Maybe that is a better question.
Everyone thinks where they came from is BEST

(no matter where that is)

From that point of origin we tend to like and trust people according to where they are on the
concentric circle from the immediate family, and so on and ...farther out - not so much.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:23 AM
You're damn right Americans are racist just like ever other person on this planet. Not only is it guranteed as a constitutional right to be racist in America, but people in general will always be racist. Do I agree with racism? Yes. And let me tell you why. We are not the same. No matter how much you want to brainwash people with political correctness, we will never be the same. People have different cultures, ideas, upbringings, etc. You can put 2 white people in the same room and eventually they will argue over something.

Listen. I was born in a trailer park and raised in a black school. I'm a white male that understands that there is racism everywhere in the world and it will never change. Instead of pretending that we're all the same and pointing the finger at anyone that thinks different, why don't we just look at the differences between cultures and accept them as being different? We do it with language, so why not with skin color?

There are white racists, black racists, and asian racists. There is no hispanic culture because hispanics came from Spain which is a European state that mixed with northern Africans. Native Americans are Asian that came to the land we call the United States long before the English stabbed their own people in the back. The point is, we are all connected in some way.

A word doesn't make you racist. Calling a black man a n***** is nothing but a statement. People need to stop acting like children and view the world as a grown man (or woman) and move on already. We are not the same and there's a good reason for it.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:29 AM
I'm not racist, just intolerant....

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by dayve
I'm not racist, just intolerant....

Intolerant of what? Your own species? People always want to say look at our history. Look at America and what they did to black people. And what was their excuse? The entire world was doing the same thing at the time. Tell me what our excuse is now? Oh? Do you not think that this AMERICA that is at war with only Muslim nations (AKA brown people) isn't about nothing more than a religious/holy war?

We are the same human species that we were 200 years ago. And with it, we are the same animals that belong in the same food chain as the rest of the species that evolved on this planet. People seem to forget living in their cities where their roots are (and yes that is a pun). Humanity needs to grow the hell up.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by disgustingfatbody
Everyone it's racist. No group of people is exempt.

Anyone may claim they're not, but they'd be lying.

I'm racist. All it took was exposure to crime.

Incidentally, I wasn't raised that way.
edit on 6/12/2012 by disgustingfatbody because: ADDED CONTENT

Not me mate.

I may not like someone and I could well hold a grudge (but I try not to) however I don't "hate an entire race of people" because I don't like someone, this is what racism is supposed to mean.

Now hate is another ball game altogether but it seems everyone likes to mix the pot now and through whatever the hell into it.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:09 AM
SNL - "How's He Doing" (Obama vote skit)

This is funny....but how far from the truth??? Just goes to show that racism, even in everywhere
edit on 13-6-2012 by LrBc1275 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by old_god

I may not like someone and I could well hold a grudge (but I try not to) however I don't "hate an entire race of people" because I don't like someone, this is what racism is supposed to mean.

That is what I used to think also, but racism does not equal hate anymore. The line has been moved. These days it is racist to admit there are differences between the races. If you happen to notice someone is black, then you are racist. That is why we are all racists.

I used to argue that I was NOT racist, because I don't hate anyone unless they have personally wronged me in some way, but turns out I am racist afterall, because I realize black people and white people and chinesee people and men and women are all different from one another. Turns out I am racist, bigot, sexist, and more.

Luckily, a lot of women like sexist, manly men, and a lot of black folks like honest white folks, and a lot of foreign folks don't understand why in the hell we pretend they are not different. So, my racism, bigotry, and sexism has always been a good thing and great conversation starters, LOL!

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Yes, because the genocide of Native Americans, Racial Profiling, Slavery, the Japanese "Internment" (read Concentration) Camps based in America during WW2, and many different invasions of Sovereign Nations makes America "The land of the free and home of the brave", where everyone is treated equally, right?

The way I see it, everyone is inherantly racist, because of the simple fact we fear what we don't understand, and until we spend time with other cultures, we can end up doing things which can be deemed racist.

I'm just glad I got the chance to spend 12 years doing a job where I basically got to meet people from all around the World. Literally. From retired Nepalese Ghurkas, Indians, Sri Lankans, Pakistanis, Russians, Germans, MANY different Islanders, from I-Kiribati's, to Tongans.

And to be honest, I can still be called racist, because alot of the time I preferred dealing with, and hanging around with, the Islanders, because they were, and still are, ALOT less arrogant than the white people I had to deal with. Basically the nicest 3 groups I dealt with were the Islanders, the Filipino's, and the Nepalese. They were honestly the greatest bunch of people to be around, because they treat everyone as equals. Whereas I found most of the "whites", like the Germans, Russians etc had an air of arrogance and superiority about them.

Although, to be honest, the people I most disliked to deal with were the Indian Officers, ESPECIALLY Senior Officers like Chief Mate, Chief Engineer and Captain. Most arrogant pricks I have ever dealt with. But that was because of the whole class system that is still in place in India, not because they are black. Although admittedly, I did have the most fun bringing them back down to Earth by telling them "You're on land now Sir, so your rank means jack sh*t. You may be able to pull that crap on board the vessel, but on land, you rank means nothing. And since I am working directly on orders of your superiors, that kinda puts you in a bad place right now, yeah?" Didn't used to do that all that often, but when I did, the Junior Officers and Rating would love it. And if they tried calling my bluff, I would usually pull out my phone and say "well we can call the Fleet Superintendant Captain right now, and tell him how you are acting like a d*ckhead. Shall we?", and that would usually pull em into line too.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:33 AM
Hell I'm racist, so chalk me up to the 1% that is man enough to admit it. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

See a black person acting like a human being? I think "eh". See a black person acting like an they're fresh out of a worldstar hip hop video? "yep, that's par for the course", probably going to die of AIDS.

I also dislike whites and latinos. Asians I don't mind too much, except for Singaporeans- some of them are muslim and I just don't trust those people.

EMBRACE DIVERSITY? HAH! Not in anyone's lifetime. We're different for a reason.
edit on 13-6-2012 by Dero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:42 AM
Going by this website alone, some Americans are hardly secret about being racist at all - quite blatant when you read between the lines (if you need to).

I think when it comes to any form of Hate, whether its racism, sexism, homophobia etc, yes it exists in society, and no - it should not be tolerated!

Some posters here can but try to intellectually blur the boundaries of what it means to be racist, its kind of entertaining and appalling all at the same time. To think you actually think you are capable of being smart whilst taking the pi** gives me a serious fit of ROFL.

Any form of hate is what it is - real simple!

What are you trying to do look for new hateful recruits, by asking if there are secret haters to get on board with you that you want to bring out of their closets, cause you need some fresh material - you know, like inspiration! You sure as hell need it. Amusing and dead boring all at the same time.

All people have their prejudices, its how they handle themselves is what matters in civilised society.

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