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This is a Sexist Thread! (Men's Rights)

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

The things I do now are of a much different nature than what I did in the 80's when the Cold War was raging. What I do now and where I go are to places that are sometimes in the U.S. as well as places where no one has a clue to who I am. I do not tour like I used to and even though I just finished a Disc....and I will be doing some Heyday's were in the 80's.

Because I have VERY LONG HAIR...when I go...I have to have it WOVEN into a Helmet of it's own! And this cost some money! I also do not do many JOB's anymore and the last had to do with Threat Assessment in Fl. which was not of a Classified Nature...the fact I went...but the Assessment was.

This plus the very fact that there is so much disinformation thrown up on these boards...and I can spot out who is up to it...and it is not from a source you would think....just the fact that you don't believe it is all the better. But when I talk about being lonely and finding the right person...this you can count on as GOOD ADVICE!

Now really think...what do you REALLY KNOW ABOUT ME? Have I EVER been specific about...other than Fl...where or what I was doing? Did I ever tell you who sent me? Did I ever even ONCE give you any idea of the Nature of what I was there to do other than to SOLVE PROBLEMS? I may have posted a lot...but none of it say's anything that could be used against my country. I have posted where about's I live but even a Hacker if they tried would first penetrate a Mid-Range Firewall only to become a TARGET.

This happened on the last board I posted on when someone of a bit of skill...decided due to their play some hacker games and was stupid enough to hack the Mid-Range Firewall. I had to intercede as I knew he was not a threat but he got the S#!% Scared out of him!

So by all means...believe what you makes no difference to me. I post as a way to keep my sanity. Even My Girl tends to get concerned when I make people she has a Heart of Gold and admonishes me for putting out things that are no longer classified but that does not mean that people are very aware of them.
Split Infinity

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
reply to post by Furbs

Well, I think many people would agree with you, but for myself, I do need and want comfort from men, and I do believe it is because of the "natural" instincts that I was "born" me when I say, I have tried to "over power" these feelings with "logic"....and so I have been told I'm smart, high IQ, gifted class as child, but it doesn't change the reality, that I feel "lost" without the support of Men.

You have a naturally High Social Intelligence that is not taken into account with these Flawed IQ tests. In reality...if anyone read the song lyrics I was a story about what people go through every moment of their lives...a BATTLE. In the lyrics is a Battle of Apollo vs. Dionysus. Now for those of you who did not have studies in this field...I will lay it out simple.

Apollo was in a battle with Dionysus...Apollo representing the Left Hemisphere of the Human Brain that governs REASON, LOGIC, SCIENCE, MATH and PLANNING. Dionysus represented the Right Hemisphere of the Human Brain that is responsible for EMOTIONS, CREATIVITY, ART, JOY, LOVE and what would be considered the HEART OF MAN. They battled and Apollo started first by giving Man all the Logic and Mental Capacity to Build Homes and Keep warm and PLAN for eventualities...but the People felt that they lacked something...something that they could not do Dionysus took over and Gave Man Love and Happiness and Art and creativity and Men and Women reveled in their Love of Life...but after awhile WINTER SET IN and because of lack of Apollo's Gift of Science and Technology as well as the ability to plan...People went Cold and Hungry and Died.

Cygnus in the story of the songs lyrics and how he was to appear is too complex an issue to discuss here but both Apollo and Dionysus seeing what HAVOC they had created declared the New Entity as WE WILL CALL YOU CYGNUS...THE GOD OF BALANCE YOU SHALL BE!

The point of the Song was one of the reasons I chose the Name...SPLIT within all of us we have two Hemispheres of our Brain which are Infinite Universes unto themselves...The Left Hemisphere or Apollo...which is in this TOPICS either a Man or Woman make choices and decisions or PLAN actions...the Right Hemisphere or How a Man or Woman on this Topic...LOVE or REVEL in LIFE or CREATE OPPORTUNITIES or create BEAUTY within the Heart or either a word or a touch or a thought.

As I have been saying all along...without CYGNUS...the GOD OF without the other is destructive and although this is only true on the AVERAGE...MEN ARE APOLLO AND WOMEN ARE DIONYSUS. When they are together...then is created CYGNUS...OR BALANCE...because without balance...we get people like I have been observing on this TOPIC...SELF DESTRUCTIVE...COLD OF HEART....OR SELF DECISIVE....ANGRY AT HEART....OR SAD OR LOST....LOST is the best word.

A person is LOST without a PARTNER regardless if Strait or Gay or Whatever...BUT WE NEED BALANCE...and there can be no balance with only one half OF A WHOLE! Split Infinity

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

How does your meandering reply relate in any way to the post your referenced?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
reply to post by Furbs

Well, I think many people would agree with you, but for myself, I do need and want comfort from men, and I do believe it is because of the "natural" instincts that I was "born" me when I say, I have tried to "over power" these feelings with "logic"....and so I have been told I'm smart, high IQ, gifted class as child, but it doesn't change the reality, that I feel "lost" without the support of Men.

And your own opinion is valid, as it relates to yourself, but to say that all women feel this way based on your experiences is a bit egocentric. All women are not like you. All men are not like me.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Early in this thread, I tried to make the same point. It was one of Rockefeller and Co.'s biggest "coos", from the "horse's mouth" David Rokefeller said, financing the "women's movement" doubled the tax base of the population, and gave them "control" of our children much earlier, cause Mom was working.

I respect and support any women that works by choice and actually I have acheived "success" in the work place, so I get it. took it's toll on my daughter, that's just a FACT, constantly "juggling" work and her needs, being late to important events in her life, cause I had a meeting I "couldn't" miss, the look on her face when she was sad, cause "mommy" had to go out of town , and she just had to "suck" it up.

She is now 21, and just moved back home, she has "issues", and now that I set my own hours, it's almost like I have to start all over again, "raising" her. I shared earlier how proud I am of my nephew and niece, and thier parents, and I BELIEVE with all my heart they have done so well because thier parents had a traditional marriage, and my sister stayed home with thier kids.

There is a BIG downside to the "women's lib" movement and I don't have the answers, I can only share my experiences and observations. It's a NO win situation, 2 out of 3 of the "Big" relationships in my life ended because the Men couldn't "handle" the "power" I had, and the 1st one ended because I pursued my education, and left.

If I could have a "do over" I would have done things MUCH differently, and hope to do things better in the future.

edit on 18-6-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

the Men couldn't "handle" the "power" I had,

You're so full of it.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I thought your song was great...and I will have to read it again with the "insight" of your last post....I'm at a loss for words, "very cool"♫

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Furbs
reply to post by SplitInfinity

How does your meandering reply relate in any way to the post your referenced?

I thought I was clear but for you...who I am worried about...I will be specific to your posts. I am well aware that this topic has to do with some Men...such as yourself...feeling as if there is a double standard and that there is no Equality as far as certain issues that some unfortunate Men must endure.

My post was intended to try to make you understand that regardless of the Unfairness of certain Laws as the pertain to a Mans rights....I am hoping that it will not CONSUME you with Hatred and Hopelessness. I am not familiar enough with you to know your specific circumstances or issues...but I do understand that dwelling on a perceived injustice will only hurt YOU...and will do nothing to help you.

Some of your statements have shown me that you have either sworn off Women or at the very least...caused you to group all women in the same grouping. They are not all like this and as I have said...whatever happened to you...deep down inside...your Subconscious KNEW it was a possibility. But I believe you ignored this warning and because of your not paying attention to what a part of you was trying to say...allowed yourself to get Hurt...and even victimized.

I have friends who have gone through the same thing and they were raked over the Hot Coals and NOTHING HURTS MORE than being tortured by someone you loved. It is in this aspect I urge you to LET GO OF YOUR ANGER as this will help you release the Pain. I wish you NO ILL WILL and hope anything I have said...whether I am off the mark or am dead on matters not as much as your WELL BEING and I have seen first hand a Man loose EVERYTHING and they had gone through a Divorce just before loosing part of their right Hip and thus leg and he was not with me but made it back to the States...he died because of a Blood Clot...but more anger and pain was shown by Him directed toward his ex-wife than the RPG....and she tried not to even allow a dying Man the chance to see his Kids. I told him to let go but it is not so easy. He died with Hate in his Heart.

As far as I know...although I don't know for are physically whole...Yes? You HAVE EVERYTHING AHEAD OF YOU! THE WORLD IS YOURS! And this my friend is the way you must look at it. Split Infinity

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Those lyrics are from the band Rush

edit on 6/18/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
reply to post by Furbs

Well, I think many people would agree with you, but for myself, I do need and want comfort from men, and I do believe it is because of the "natural" instincts that I was "born" me when I say, I have tried to "over power" these feelings with "logic"....and so I have been told I'm smart, high IQ, gifted class as child, but it doesn't change the reality, that I feel "lost" without the support of Men.

And your own opinion is valid, as it relates to yourself, but to say that all women feel this way based on your experiences is a bit egocentric. All women are not like you. All men are not like me.

Absolutely true, I agree...and yes, my "ego" is something I have struggled with, not something I am proud of greatest hope is to promote goodwill with knowledge and experiences that are my reality, and possibly others as well...TY for your thoughts....

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:37 PM
Men's rights?

How about YOU go make ME a sandwich. I'm tired.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I thought your song was great...and I will have to read it again with the "insight" of your last post....I'm at a loss for words, "very cool"♫

Quit being so gullible.

That dude is full of [snip]


No one in that band fits the profile he claims.

So one way or another he's lying. OK

edit on 6/18/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by IpsissimusMagus

Of course they are...I made sure I posted that at the end of the lyrics if you read them. The words were written by Neil Peart the I posted. Split Infinity

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

So you did, OK

My apologies. I thought you were claiming that you wrote that song.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by IpsissimusMagus

This is what I have also been trying to diffuse. Even though I clearly posted RUSH as being the Band and even made sure to post who wrote the Lyrics as well as who wrote the music and even denoted they were obviously skimmed through more interested in finding something Negative to use against what I posted rather than try to understand the reasoning behind why I posted them.

This is the sorry state of affairs that this topic has devolved into. When people are more interested in Vengeance than Hope and the Inspiration to try to solve a just shows how OUT OF BALANCE the entire Topic has become.

This makes my Heart Sad...but only for a moment because I am an OPTIMIST! If more people were...I am fairly certain that we would have a better world. Split Infinity

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by Furbs
reply to post by SplitInfinity

How does your meandering reply relate in any way to the post your referenced?

I thought I was clear but for you...who I am worried about...I will be specific to your posts. I am well aware that this topic has to do with some Men...such as yourself...feeling as if there is a double standard and that there is no Equality as far as certain issues that some unfortunate Men must endure.

My post was intended to try to make you understand that regardless of the Unfairness of certain Laws as the pertain to a Mans rights....I am hoping that it will not CONSUME you with Hatred and Hopelessness. I am not familiar enough with you to know your specific circumstances or issues...but I do understand that dwelling on a perceived injustice will only hurt YOU...and will do nothing to help you.

Some of your statements have shown me that you have either sworn off Women or at the very least...caused you to group all women in the same grouping. They are not all like this and as I have said...whatever happened to you...deep down inside...your Subconscious KNEW it was a possibility. But I believe you ignored this warning and because of your not paying attention to what a part of you was trying to say...allowed yourself to get Hurt...and even victimized.

I have friends who have gone through the same thing and they were raked over the Hot Coals and NOTHING HURTS MORE than being tortured by someone you loved. It is in this aspect I urge you to LET GO OF YOUR ANGER as this will help you release the Pain. I wish you NO ILL WILL and hope anything I have said...whether I am off the mark or am dead on matters not as much as your WELL BEING and I have seen first hand a Man loose EVERYTHING and they had gone through a Divorce just before loosing part of their right Hip and thus leg and he was not with me but made it back to the States...he died because of a Blood Clot...but more anger and pain was shown by Him directed toward his ex-wife than the RPG....and she tried not to even allow a dying Man the chance to see his Kids. I told him to let go but it is not so easy. He died with Hate in his Heart.

As far as I know...although I don't know for are physically whole...Yes? You HAVE EVERYTHING AHEAD OF YOU! THE WORLD IS YOURS! And this my friend is the way you must look at it. Split Infinity

Again, how does any of this relate to anything that I posted?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

No, you posted the lyrics in two different posts. The first post does not contain the credits to the author.

I recognized them, as I am a fan of RUSH, you previously claimed your band is "ONE WORD".

I don't think that I made an unfair assumption.

To clear up the confusion. I am MountainLaurel's "ex".


I have nothing against you. Except I have an honest curiosity about what band you might have been a member.
edit on 6/18/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:31 PM


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:33 PM


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by IpsissimusMagus

One last thing...about no one fitting the profile. I provided a way for you to access a Song on another Board that I cleared with Legal as it is not my sole be downloaded. I chose the song because it was from the early 80's and now that I think about it...I believe Legal let me release two songs....but they was chosen as they were never released and although were only sound reinforced to 70%...but they still sound good.

I believe I posted that info on this topic...if I can crazy as my life's story is still true. I do not need you to believe that...but if you stay on this site for any length of might run into a few people who know me in real life. They will not tell you who I am and use Split Infinity to refer to me...but they know me.

There is a Company that is called Blackbird Avionics of which I am a Buddy of the Owner of the Company as it is not public. He and I were around when F-117's were flying Missions over Soviet Held Eastern Europe as well as a few other places I cannot go into.

I also have spoken to Physicist Mitsuo Kaku at one of the 4 yearly Label CD Release Party's I must attend by contract. He will also confirm that Split Infinity is a Real Deal. Split Infinity

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