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Islam the Religion of Peace? I don't think so...

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I live in a third story apartment complex in Detroit and its straight shot or a straight view to the Masque across the street.
So this Islam thing, you don’t believe Jesus is the Christ
In addition, you don’t believe he was crucified
But there was another person put in his place
In addition, Jesus ascended into heaven unscathed.
Is that correct, Mr. Professional?
Please now, answer the question

once again , putting a twist on a subject you know nothing about , lets un twist this billy O madness ,

Both Islam and Christianity 1) revere Jesus and assert Jesus' holiness, in the sense that he lived in the world while being pure and free of sin; 2) believe that Mary, Jesus' mother, was decent, pure, and holy; 3) declare that Mary, a virgin, miraculously conceived Jesus; 4) assert that Jesus performed a number of miracles. Concerning Jesus, Islam and Christianity differ in the following ways: 1) While Christianity asserts that Jesus is both human and divine, Islam does not accept the belief in Jesus' divinity. Hence, while Christians worship Jesus, Muslims instead revere Jesus and believe in him as a prophet, using the Qur'an (not the Bible) as a reliable record of knowledge about Jesus; 2) Although Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, Muslims assert that God does not give birth and therefore has no sons or children. God is not physical for Muslims; and hence for Muslims God cannot be a father. 3) On the one hand, Christianity declares that Jesus was crucified. On the other hand, Islam asserts that it only seemed like Jesus was crucified, and that God miraculously "took him up to God, Himself." 4) While Christianity asserts that Jesus died in order to redeem the original sin of mankind or human sins as a whole, Muslims do not believe in Jesus as a redeemer and saviour, since they do not believe in original sin and since they do believe God's grace, guidance (in the form of prophetic revelation--the word of God), and human effort are sufficient for redemption and salvation.

and i hate to even post this ,cause its still a rough understanding of how we view jesus in Islam , i dont have the time to type everything out ,

but i am sure this will be simple enough for you to understand .. savvy ?

and peace be upon you Jesus , you brought the word of god to man kind and that word was love , thank you !

Allahu Ackbar !

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Bixxi3

Ah, we have another "special" poster.

First you claim that stuff in the Bible is equally bad as groping and molesting women protesting for equality, then a Christian claims he doesn't follow every letter of the old testament as he follows Christ. Then you say:

So you don't follow your religion most sacred writings. So your a pick and chose guy i see. Well i wonder what god will say about that when you go up to those pearly gates.

Which begs the question: Are you schizophrenic? Because one moment something is bad, then you are told that a Christian doesn't HAVE to follow every old testament law - and you take offense to that to the point of belittling and to the point of putting yourself next to God: "I wonder what god will say"...

Hello, we got free will. And how are we as humans supposed to grow if we do not discard the ways of the old, the outdated ways? It's as insane as keeping every candy wrapper after eating the candy or every box you ever bought something in.

Did you ever think logically about the country's history when you post these extreme stories?
how much the West (Majority Christain/chatholic) have had control over these third world countries.
they have been used and abused. And now thanks to the 'Arab spring' they are rising up showing how sick they are of the puppet governments that serve imperialist countries(AKA christian nations).

But now the West offers freedom to EVERYONE!

damn guy just 30 years before,1953, the CIA sponsored coup de-tate (sp??) of iran (to a dictatorship) women were finally allowed to vote,1920, in the USA.

Yes ,that was 1920, and right now it's 2012 and not 2112, or 2212 for you to act as smug. 2500 years ago Iran also had freedom, 2000 years ago Iran had freedom, 1500 years ago Islamic Arabs invaded Iran and since then, Iran knows no freedom. How the hell are you going to bring up Iran in an argument about Islam? It's the worst thing you can do as we Iranians have been fighting Islam for about 1500 years and counting.

I just don't get how ignorant people can be of the bigger picture and the simple principle of cause and effect.
Honestly i don't waste my time with people like you in real life, why do i bother on the internet

Obviously it only makes sense to listen to you, oh great one. Only you have the answers to life's questions. Who cares if Islam objectifies and oppresses women?? Women love to be oppressed, it's there in genesis right?! So either we oppress women and you allow people to keep their faith without your incessant crying how it's not fair that people have a faith and do not oppress women!

Can someone please chime in here a tell me im not crazy lol

I'm sorry. I've come to a different conclusion.

Go do some research into Islam and Islamic culture. Honestly, I bet you haven't done either one yet and that's why you come off as completely ignorant.
edit on 10-6-2012 by InfoKartel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

So why did Allah and Jesus create a false religion?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

We will all pray for you my son

please , don't call me your son , because you are my brother , and we are all the son's and daughters under the same god brother , i want you to know , that with all my heart , i love you and man kind , i am a Muslim , and i understand Islam , i have been on both sides , and i can tell you that i am in the Lions mouth being Muslim living in the US , but it does not matter , because i have found something that i never had , or understood , and that is GOD and LOVE , weather you feel the same , it does not matter , because my heart is pure , and god knows that i truly love all men and woman , brother we are all in the same tree ,reaching for the same fruit , and that fruit is god , however we are on different branches , do not judge your brothers , for they will not judge you , only god can do so , and if you ask me what or who is god , ill tell you he is a beautiful energy longing for attention from his children

with love


posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

I was hoping for something curter
I guess that is the answer
Mohammed was right
God and Jesus must have lied

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

So why did Allah and Jesus create a false religion?

man created false religion brother , man did , its i know it seems near impossible to figure it all out , but let me tell you its not , i used to think it would take years , to figure this all out , but it hit me so fast and so quick , and the rest just fell into place , it was like a light switch came on , and once you know that god is real , and by god i mean what ever created us , man , this world , that beautiful energy , once you know that its real , you change automatically , i cant explain it to you , for i am only a student , it was the prophets who were blessed with the guidance from god , and like them we can all be guided , but it starts with making the effort in your heart

"man" meaning the the men who falsified the holy books

with love

edit on 10-6-2012 by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

Rumi says:

Out of the Quran I draw the marrow; And throw away the bones to the dogs.

Now lets see if you are intelligent enough to decipher that.

Once you have figured it out, ask yourself if there is equality for women in Islamic cultures.

However, you live in America, that means you have no experience with Islamic culture. Weird that you would call yourself a Muslim then, reeks of wanting to belong to a group other than the group you were raised by. Maybe to piss them off, or psychologically distance yourself from them. Either way, you're an open book.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

No ,
You believe Jesus wasn’t crucified
It was some one else in his place

Jesus created a false religion in his name
God helped him get away with it

He fooled millions of people before Mohammed came along

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

Rumi says:

Out of the Quran I draw the marrow; And throw away the bones to the dogs.

Now lets see if you are intelligent enough to decipher that.

Once you have figured it out, ask yourself if there is equality for women in Islamic cultures.

However, you live in America, that means you have no experience with Islamic culture. Weird that you would call yourself a Muslim then, reeks of wanting to belong to a group other than the group you were raised by. Maybe to piss them off, or psychologically distance yourself from them. Either way, you're an open book.

ill get back to you question about the Quran,

can i ask you how do you know what paths i have walked in my life ? you know nothing about me or where i have been ? but it was a very clever way of trying to get info out of me

rumi is well known for being a sufi poet and hence u dont take the literal meaning his words to tell u what exactly he means.... bone and dogs fighting over a bone are typical examples of persian poetry used to show how unlearned people fight over a useless thing.... perhaps rumi means from his poetry that he has taken the fundamental verses of the Quran and follows them and has left the allegorical verses for unlearned people to quarrel over.... he does not mean to compare verses of Qurans to bones tossed over to dogs.... i hope u r getting my point.... quarreling over the mushtabihat verses of the Quran and their meanings is indeed a waste of time as Allah says clearly in the verse i quoted for u above that only Allah knows the hidden meaning of such verses....

it means that nothing in the Quran is to be discarded and thrown to dogs for quarelling

so doing a quick search , i hope i have enlighten you on what it means i will look further into this ,

edit on 10-6-2012 by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

No ,
You believe Jesus wasn’t crucified
It was some one else in his place

Jesus created a false religion in his name
God helped him get away with it

He fooled millions of people before Mohammed came along

what are you saying ?

are what are you reciting ?

please , by all meas use the quran to back up what your saying

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

the marrow,, is it not good for both man and dogs,, why would God wish ill health on either,,
and if a master gives his dogs only bones and no marrow,, will his dogs turn too another for what they can not recieve ,,willingly?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:55 AM
1 See Qur’an, 24:25. Unless otherwise noted, Qur’an quotations are taken from The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, tr. (Beltsville: Amana Publications, 1989).

2 Qur’an 19:23-26, 30-33, M. H. Shakir, tr. (Elmhurst: Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an Inc., 2002).

3 Qur’an 42:13.

4 Qur’an 43:59, 63-64.

5 Qur’an 3:52.

6 Qur’an 5:111.

7 Qur’an 57:26.

8 1 Corinthians 15:3-5. All Bible quotations are from the New American Standard Bible.

9 See 1 Clement 42:3.

10 See Polycarp, To the Philippians 1:2, 2:1-2, 9:2, 12:2.

11 See Josephus, Antiquities 18.64, and Tacitus, Annals 15.44.

12 Lucian of Samosata, The Death of Peregrine, 11-13.

13 Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a.

14 Qur’an 4:157-158. According to Muslim tradition, Allah made Judas Iscariot look like Jesus, so that Judas was crucified in Jesus’ place.

15 To associate partners with God is to commit the sin of shirk.

16 Qur’an 61:14, M. H. Shakir Translation

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:57 AM


posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by InfoKartel

the marrow,, is it not good for both man and dogs,, why would God wish ill health on either,,
and if a master gives his dogs only bones and no marrow,, will his dogs turn too another for what they can not recieve ,,willingly?

Rumi was an intellectual and a poet in his day.

The marrow, being the essence, the spiritual aspect, is sucked out, is learned - made own.

The bone, the shell, the candy wrapper, is thrown out to the dogs. Dogs meaning ignorant folk, who are stuck with a bunch of meaningless words they try to give meaning to.

It's incredibly profound, and then to imagine it was said by someone that lived in the 13th century.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by InfoKartel

the marrow,, is it not good for both man and dogs,, why would God wish ill health on either,,
and if a master gives his dogs only bones and no marrow,, will his dogs turn too another for what they can not recieve ,,willingly?

is this something you made up ? if not cause you please fallow the T&C and post the source ?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

can i ask you how do you know what paths i have walked in my life ? you know nothing about me or where i have been ? but it was a very clever way of trying to get info out of me

That's why I said you don't know Islamic culture.

Imagine paying extra taxes right now, because you are Muslim and not Christian. That's a taste of Islamic culture.

Your mother, sister(s), daughter(s), are not allowed to wander the streets alone and God forbid they get raped and are married - they get killed.

You will most likely whisper those words into the ears of your children, "making" them Muslim. Now if you lived in an Islamic culture and your child grows up and wishes to ditch the religion, much like you ditched Christianity - then they would be punished, and that punishment goes all the way to the death penalty.

Now ask yourself if you've found God or Love when you don't even know what it is you've found!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by InfoKartel

the marrow,, is it not good for both man and dogs,, why would God wish ill health on either,,
and if a master gives his dogs only bones and no marrow,, will his dogs turn too another for what they can not recieve ,,willingly?

Rumi was an intellectual and a poet in his day.

The marrow, being the essence, the spiritual aspect, is sucked out, is learned - made own.

The bone, the shell, the candy wrapper, is thrown out to the dogs. Dogs meaning ignorant folk, who are stuck with a bunch of meaningless words they try to give meaning to.

It's incredibly profound, and then to imagine it was said by someone that lived in the 13th century.

ok mr twisty , your trying to tiwst just like redneck did

His poetry speaks the universal language of love, faith, and tolerance, and he has been hailed by numerous literary authorities as one of the greatest poets of all time. Jalal ad-din Muhammad Rumi’s words have rung out for more than 800 years, resonating with readers around the world and transcending all religions with his common themes of unity and faith in God’s will. Millions turn to Rumi’s words for inspiration, strength, and peace. Rumi, a follower of the mystical Sufi branch of Islam, presented visions of the world centuries ago that hold true today. Whether you’re looking for a soul-inspiring image or for wisdom on human nature, Rumi’s poetry has something for you. We’ve chosen some of the most beautiful and wise Rumi quotes from our own virtual library to share with you. Click through the Rumi gallery to be inspired. Read more:

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere

and for the record wiki is inaccurate ,claiming that when you engage in "Jihad" your a mujahid ? no! it says it right their , "striving in the way of god " anyone who is religious is in a struggle , from the evils of this world ,

• Do we judge Islam by the actions of its founder?

Muhammad personally took part in 28 violent Jihads


• Do we judge Islam by what is written in its holy books?

24% of the Median Koran and 21% of the Hadith is concerned with violent Jihad.
97% of Jihad passages are violent.

Statistical Islam

• Do we judge Islam based on the actions of modern day Muslims?

Since 9/11 Muslim Jihadi have carried out 19,021 terrorist attacks


Or do we judge Islam on the basis of your reassuring words that Jihad is a non violent concept?

I admire your peaceful interpretation of Islam. Sadly it is an interpretation clearly not shared by Muhammad himself.

edit on 10-6-2012 by ollncasino because: formatting

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

Twist? What did I twist? Here's another part for you from Rumi.

I noticed you try to make him into a Muslim when it's quite clear he wants nothing to do with it as he says:

I am neither Christian, Jew, Infidel, nor Muslim! I am from neither the East, nor West. I hail not from the land or from the sea. I am not from the land of India or China, Bulgaria or Saqsin, nor Iraq or Khorasan". Having lost his mundane identity, Rumi has attained a higher supra-existence, for he says "I have shed duality, and see the two worlds as one.

I seek One, i know One, i see One, i read One". It is in this shedding of duality that one is able to reconcile the opposites — sulh-e-azdad — and find the harmonious music of the spheres: "To look at the ocean, beyond the spray, to look at the essence, beyond the words".

But then again, it's a tactic from Muslims to do that. Anyone that lived in an Islamic period must have been Muslim...right?

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

can i ask you how do you know what paths i have walked in my life ? you know nothing about me or where i have been ? but it was a very clever way of trying to get info out of me

That's why I said you don't know Islamic culture.

Imagine paying extra taxes right now, because you are Muslim and not Christian. That's a taste of Islamic culture.

Your mother, sister(s), daughter(s), are not allowed to wander the streets alone and God forbid they get raped and are married - they get killed.

You will most likely whisper those words into the ears of your children, "making" them Muslim. Now if you lived in an Islamic culture and your child grows up and wishes to ditch the religion, much like you ditched Christianity - then they would be punished, and that punishment goes all the way to the death penalty.

Now ask yourself if you've found God or Love when you don't even know what it is you've found!

your Ignorance is besides you my good man , for the record i have lived in an Islamic state , in southern Russia , and well , never experiences anything your talking about here , you must be quoting from some anti source , can you please tell me where you picked up on thees ideas ? also it was a great experiences, and as soon as the opportunity comes , ill be moving their , i know what i have found , do you know what your doing ? your trying to push me away from GOD AND LOVE ? i am at peace , i have found god , why would you try and take that from me ?

is that not evil in its self ?

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