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reply to post by BlueCollar1975
Here is a snippet from the site Myth: Canadian harvesting practices are worse and more inhumane compared to other countries. Reality: Canadian harvesting practices are among the best in the world. They are guided by rigorous animal welfare principles that are internationally recognized by virtually all independent observers. The Government of Canada monitors the seal harvest closely and it is committed to enforcing the regulations to the fullest extent of the law. According to Fisheries and Oceans observers, 98.5% of seals harvested in 2009 were harvested in compliance with the Marine Mammal Regulations, an indication of the high level of professionalism and the commitment to humaneness of Canadian sealers.
Originally posted by Six6Six
Its 2012. Most nations are discussing political issues concerning war, education, hunger, crime and other such matters that we as the public have come to expect. Among all these nations is Canada. Canada seems to try and poke its nose into various businesses for example Libya of recent and its message to the world of its tolerant and peaceful nature.
Canada seems to be sheep in wolfs clothes. It trys in vein to hide its horrendous and cruel true nature. Since at least the 60's Canada's CITIZENS have been partaking in a "SPORT" they often deny but altogether LOVE.
I am referring to Canadas favorite pastime: SEAL CLUBBING & BABY SEAL CLUBBING.
This is what a baby seal looks like when its healthy and most of all NOT clubbed to death for fun!!
Now, to the average Canadian this is a sport and a necessity, so they will not find this too disturbing or even wrong. However, as we are now in the year 2012, we as civilized societies with Human rights have also afforded animal certain rights too. There seems to be an Animal Rights act in Canada but it must be overlooked as this is part of Canadian culture.
In 2012, THIS YEAR, 400,000 seals were clubbed to death in their annual sporting event. That is nearly half a million. Each year seems to get progressively worse and yet nothing is done. There is a great charity / animal rights groups called Harpseals trying hard to get new laws past. HARPSEALS
It is hard to believe that this goes on at all let alone in a place like Canada. Below is a series of picture that REALLY show you the brutality of these Canadian Seal Killers.
Remember this is Graphic so please be advised.
First we have a couple of average Canadians looking harmless. Would you think these two or anyone like this could do the following?
I would like to add an extract from which describes some of the harsh and barbaric things these Canadian sportsmen do!!
Once they find the seals, the true horrific nature of this bizarre event unfolds. In the first phase of the hunt (in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, dominated by sealers from the Magdalen Islands of Quebec), sealers typically approach the seals and then club them with 'hakapiks' (long sticks with a hooked blade at one end). After clubbing the seals, they are supposed to perform the 'blinking-eye' test, checking whether the seals blink, before skinning them. If the seal is not dead, sealers may dispatch the seal with a variety of methods, including kicking in the face and/ or continuing to beat the seal pups on the head with the hakapiks. The sealer may move on to other seals before skinning them or may skin them at that time. He will drag the seal to the boat with the hook end of the hakapik. If the sealer did not bother to check whether the seal was dead, the seal may conscious when the hooked blade is plunged into its mouth or head. An analysis by a panel of veterinarians showed that about 40% of the seals are actually skinned alive.
THIS NEEDS TO END. If there are any decent Canadians who do NOT agree with this practice which happens every year then please try and do something about it. Inform your MP's this is wrong and not the TRUE CANADIAN WAY.
Most Canadians call this HUNTING or a SPORT. But it is not. It is for PROFIT and PROFIT alone.
When Russia stands up and says it is sick and wrong then somehow you have to believe that given it's Russia and their track record on certain things.
Last year Russia banned all seal products:
Russia, Canada's largest pelt market, banned seal product imports in August 2011. This fantastic news means that the sealing industry will be even more decimated than it was as a result of the ban on seal product imports by the European Union in 2010.
I say shame on Canada and its national winter sport. It is not right. I do not know what caused modern Canada to still adopt this kind of cowardly approach to making money.
edit on 31-5-2012 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by grey580
With all the natural and man made fibers. Do we really need seal fur?
Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by BlueCollar1975
Here is a snippet from the site Myth: Canadian harvesting practices are worse and more inhumane compared to other countries. Reality: Canadian harvesting practices are among the best in the world. They are guided by rigorous animal welfare principles that are internationally recognized by virtually all independent observers. The Government of Canada monitors the seal harvest closely and it is committed to enforcing the regulations to the fullest extent of the law. According to Fisheries and Oceans observers, 98.5% of seals harvested in 2009 were harvested in compliance with the Marine Mammal Regulations, an indication of the high level of professionalism and the commitment to humaneness of Canadian sealers.
Wow you gave me a link to the Candian governments website...mmmmmmmm biased and lies spring to mind!!!!
Sorry but the Canadian government are hardly going to put on their government website that the Seal Clubber are evil are they.
Of course they are going to lie and make it sound like its the best thing for the seals etc etc......all BS
Why not this site!! Canada Welcomes you!!
edit on 1-6-2012 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by JailTales
this thread just sounds like all "normal" canadians are more concerned clearing their own name than doing something about the actual problem
the op's sentiments are even more true for your protesting of the thread title. You should all hang your head in shame.
Seal clubbing wouldn't be allowed to happen in somewhere like the UK or France so why is it allowed to happen in Canada? Because you're all to lazy to do something, would rather sit on the internet whinging about your countrymen being called into question
Canada hang your head in shame or go to do something.
Originally posted by AzureSky
I like how you lumped me in with a group of people i do not agree with, i love it when that happens. So. do you live in Canada?
Did you know that most of the canadian population is centered around the border to the states and the coasts, right? So how can every canadian be a seal clubber if all the seals are 3,000km north of us? Think we all travel on our nuclear powered dog sleds?
Get over it. All countries have wiped countless species off the planet -forever-. And your complaining about 'Canadians' (not just canadians btw), killing some seals? Im not saying i agree with it, im saying you need to stop painting all of us with the same brush.
guess what? its going to happen. There are far worse things on this planet then seal clubbing. Yes they are cute. So are kids, but you don't seem to mind that 1/2 of all children in the world don't have enough food to eat. The seal hunt has been around far longer than your life, and is under strict regulation. If the seal population gets much larger than it is now, then the coastal fisheries will be destroyed. Dont like it, take a boat and go try and stop them.
Note: Also, If you have such an issue with it. Why not talk to the consumers that buy seal products? They're the ones that are the problem, considering all industry is supply and demand, if there was no demand, then there would be no need for a supply, correct?
Notenote: Most of the replies i see are troll replies.edit on 1/6/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by JailTales
this thread just sounds like all "normal" canadians are more concerned clearing their own name than doing something about the actual problem
the op's sentiments are even more true for your protesting of the thread title. You should all hang your head in shame.
Seal clubbing wouldn't be allowed to happen in somewhere like the UK or France so why is it allowed to happen in Canada? Because you're all to lazy to do something, would rather sit on the internet whinging about your countrymen being called into question
Canada hang your head in shame or go to do something.
Originally posted by Six6Six
Most Canadians call this HUNTING...
I say shame on Canada and its national winter sport.
Originally posted by Quoop
Wow the OP is actually retarded. The picture of average looking Canadians is actually Deaner and Farrel from FUBAR the movie..... We clearly have a troll here
Originally posted by Skywatcher2011
Originally posted by Six6Six
Most Canadians call this HUNTING...
I say shame on Canada and its national winter sport.
You are a complete dumbass with no education behind you. Canada's national winter sport is hockey. And your "most Canadians" quote not sure where you got that from. Stats Canada? Cite source please.
Originally posted by JailTales
this thread just sounds like all "normal" canadians are more concerned clearing their own name than doing something about the actual problem
the op's sentiments are even more true for your protesting of the thread title. You should all hang your head in shame.
Seal clubbing wouldn't be allowed to happen in somewhere like the UK or France so why is it allowed to happen in Canada? Because you're all to lazy to do something, would rather sit on the internet whinging about your countrymen being called into question
Canada hang your head in shame or go to do something.