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Why CANADA should hang its head in SHAME in 2012!! (Warning: Graphic Pics)

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posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:24 AM
What a waste of time. You twist words and cry when someone stands up to your ignorance.
If america crashes, it's because of your kind

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:27 AM
Coyotes of the ocean, with their natural predators out of sync. They fish out areas, and under "normal" circumstances would be contained by more predators and the fact that they expand and eat themselves into starvation.

However, I will agree they should be killed humanely if it is being done.
edit on 1-6-2012 by SibylofErythrae because: and.....bwhahahahahahahahahaha.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
What a waste of time. You twist words and cry when someone stands up to your ignorance.
If america crashes, it's because of your kind

you derailed this great topic.......

i have not tried to insult but failed.

You lot kill seals......period.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by HamrHeed
What a waste of time. You twist words and cry when someone stands up to your ignorance.
If america crashes, it's because of your kind

you derailed this great topic.......

i have not tried to insult but failed.

You lot kill seals......period.

Well thats better than butchering iraqis i suppose

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Six6Six

Canadians club baby seals... ohh.. maybe that's why I get strange looks when I ask Canadians if they club babies in a general sense of the word.

Seal clubbing happens all over the World where ever Seals live. It happens in the US too, though technically not legally, "natives" still cary on the practice in Alaska. So does Norway and Russia.

Something about living in a cold wasteland makes you want to beat a cute little animal in the face.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:18 AM
i think the only reason people are concerned is because they are so if they were rats...then they would be ok with people realise how many rats have been slaughtered.....poor liitle rats....with their cute big eyes...and their long sweeping tails.
we are so cruel that we give them rat pellets and they take them home and feed their chillins.....

But in reality Canadians as a whole have protested year on year to stop the seal hunts....but it is about profits...not just about profits for seal products but also for protecting fish stocks. Now me being a not so proud Canadian moved to war mongering England so I can bring down the Rothchilds as for me i thinik the only real endangered species right now are human beings.....those pics of all the bloody seals is what it is going to llike like for mankind all over the world soon.....and it is all because of profits......there is more money in war than there is in once the human bodies start to pile high....i am sure the seal populations will soon run rabid.

Can we put all Canadians in the role of seal killers...i think not....but soon I believe we will all learn and experience killing....BUT...on a cheerful note.....once the human cull is done with the animal kingdom shall flourish.....sings ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHTSIDE OF LIFE>>DO >DOO>>>DO>>
edit on 033030p://f18Friday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 033030p://f21Friday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by Six6Six

My country was the one that spawned yours and owned most of the world at one time through pillaging and killing its way through differing lands. So ay what you want if it about humans I don't care, we will war with whoever for whatever!! You see I value Animal life more than human life,

*sighs* and you're trying to teach us how to be better humans ?

You are one sic and twisted puppy.

Actually you are so incredibly ridiculous in your statements, that I'm thinking you're just baiting, for the sheer entertainment of starting something.

edit on 1-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

No not at all.

You would see that through all my post I have been a great advocate of animal but I am for population reduction concerning humans as we can not sustain the growth we are adding too. The resources just do not go on forever.

We as humans are the problem on this planet and I am for control of it one way or another.

I don't goad....its just funny how you all tear apart other countries be it Iran, Syria, or even Mr Zimmerman who killed that black kid..but when a VALID problem is pointed out about your country you cry like babies and run around pointing finger. True cowards.

I never did think I would ever say something like this but but if you think this

I am for population reduction concerning humans as we can not sustain the growth we are adding too

Please fell free to go jump off the closest brige yourseft only

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
Im not ignorant to the fact of the post. Canada is responsible for the deaths of millions of seal by barbaric ways over the last few decades!! FACT just don't like the fact that it is true!

When did I say the killings don't happen? Or dispute the numbers of dead?... Of course I don't like that it's true, but that's opposite to what you said in your OP when you said how it's my favorite pastime. I don't really get your post because I never disputed the fact that it happens, my problem is with your other "facts" about how bashing baby seals is my necessity and my national sport...

Simple..... you just don't want to admit your ignorant as S&!# about Canada and came off as complete @$$.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:47 AM
HAHA, this reminds me of one of my dad's best friends that married a Eskimo woman up in Alaska & lived up there. He hunted seals with the rest of the tribe & met these folks in the bar that said they wanted to go out with him one week. So he took em out and they were taking all kind of pictures and he saw some other folks on the water that he knew & they informed him that the strangers he'd met in the bar, that were in the boat were actually PETA he casually walked over to the PETA folks and told em he had good spot for em to take some pictures & when they got their cameras out, he smashed em with his billy club and threw all their # in the ocean!
edit on 1-6-2012 by Mississippi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:15 AM
i am canadian and this is banned, people still do it, get caugh and go in jail... your data is outdated... not many people do this, like 0.01% people do this? huh? I think my statistic is overated too...

want me to start saying what american are stupid for? the list could be very long and humiliating.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by sweetstuff

Well a country is as a country does. You have voted for your current government and they are still not acting on this quickly enough.

IT seen worldwide as a Canadian THING. Its been going on for decade!! More people in canada last year protested for the legalization of POT that for the stopping of SEAL clubbling!! Why is that?

We have entire highways here paved with baby seals. They stand up best in the frozen, hostile tundra between our igloo cities.

By the numbers you posted here, it seems we have a problem. 400,000 every year means that if left unabated, their population growth would result in a carpet of harp seals across the north, increasing exponentially past that 400,000 mark. It is necessary to keep the population in check, or everything else will get eaten, and we'll have millions of starved harp seals. Less blood, though, so that's something.

This is basic population management. If you find the method unpalatable, well, you're in good company. Just try not to look too closely at the entire world food industry... Or you may never eat again.

As for the government crack... Really? Should we Canadians hold you personally responsible for the aggressive invasion of sovereign nations? Let's not get into that, shall we?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:33 AM
People that live in class house should not trough stone

SCANDAL OF THE BRITISH HORSE MEAT TRADE e-meat-trade-Scandal-of-the-British-horse-meat-trade-Scandal-of-the-British-horse-meat-trade-Scandal-of-the-British-horse-meat-trade-Scandal-of-the-Br itish-horse-meat-trade

So does that make you and all your county guilty also
Go clean your own backyard before coming here with your holy than god attitude.

You remind me off that old dumb blond joke

You hunter should quit hunting and killing poor animal for food
You should go to the market and buy your meat like everybody else

Have you ever been to a UK SLAUGHTER HOUSE


This release shows the latest monthly information on the slaughtering of cattle, sheep and pigs. It also
includes dressed carcase weight and meat production information. The key results for April 2012 are
given below:
• Cattle: UK prime cattle slaughterings were 5 per cent lower than in April 2011 at 193 thousand
head. Beef and veal production was 84 thousand tonnes, 3 per cent lower than in April 2011.
• Sheep: UK clean sheep slaughterings were slightly lower than in April 2011 at 958 thousand
head. Mutton and lamb production was 23 thousand tonnes, virtually unchanged compared to
April 2011.
• Pigs: UK clean pig slaughterings were 5 per cent higher than in April 2011 at 934 thousand
head. Pigmeat production was 76 thousand tonnes, 6 per cent higher than in April 2011

This release shows the latest monthly information on poultry outputs, including hatchery,
production and trade statistics. The key results for April 2012 are given below:
• UK broiler chick placings were 0.2 per cent lower than April 2011 at 87 million birds and UK
turkey placings were 8.9 per cent higher than April 2011 at 1.4 million birds.
• UK broiler slaughterings were 2.3 per cent higher than April 2011 at 84 million birds. UK turkey
slaughterings were 4.5 per cent lower than April 2011 at 1.2 million birds.
• UK poultry meat production was 150 thousand tonnes, 3.8 per cent higher than April 2011.

I guess if the food is process and you don’t see the killing you mind is clear
Ho I quess we should add a lot of prety picture of cattle , sheeps , pigs , chick , turkey for more special affect.
edit on 1-6-2012 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by skywalk
i am canadian and this is banned, people still do it, get caugh and go in jail... your data is outdated... not many people do this, like 0.01% people do this? huh? I think my statistic is overated too...

want me to start saying what american are stupid for? the list could be very long and humiliating.

Sadly he is not american but it seems that way when this type of critique comes out of nowhere. I will guess, he is a new immigrant in some western country. Canada maybe

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed

Originally posted by skywalk
i am canadian and this is banned, people still do it, get caugh and go in jail... your data is outdated... not many people do this, like 0.01% people do this? huh? I think my statistic is overated too...

want me to start saying what american are stupid for? the list could be very long and humiliating.

Sadly he is not american but it seems that way when this type of critique comes out of nowhere. I will guess, he is a new immigrant in some western country. Canada maybe

Think the OP is from the UK from this quote

My country was the one that spawned yours and owned most of the world at one time through pillaging and killing its way through differing lands. So ay what you want if it about humans I don't care, we will war with whoever for whatever!!

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by HamrHeed

Wow you just keep on spewing out the ridiculous statements Six6Six and you can't even blame me as I wasn't here. Tisk tisk. I find it very ironic when someone from England downs Canada on being a new immigrant nation. Do you realize your country still benefits greatly financially from it's association with Canada? Do you realize that Canada consists of many other nationalities and cultures? As for the statements about Canada being nothing without America. Perhaps you should educate yourself on economics and the facts that Canada provides almost all of America's water, oil, beef, wheat, etc.,. While no country is perfect, you seem to really have a grudge against Canada in particular. As for nothing of note here? 2nd largest country on the planet but nothing to see here, lol, congrats you win the ignorant hat award for the week.

Having been to England myself I will say I loved the architecture, absolutely beautiful. I didn't love the 'neds' or the fact that your countrymen seem to think it's fine to throw rubbish everywhere, never saw dirtier streets anywhere within the Northern Hemisphere than good ole England. Does that mean all Englishmen are slobs and pigs? Hardly. Do all the youth in England walk around in retarded looking matching trackies and drink Buckfast while harassing little old ladies and stabbing people just for kicks?

Stereotypes do little to improve one's understanding of an entire nation of people.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by CrikeyMagnet

Y'all Canadian Clubbers are alright by me, most of the people outside of the SouthEast in the United States are "soft" and really have no concept of the real world! There are a few outside of our region that have some common sense, but they are a small minority holding their views in a dense & urbanized population, that's never killed and cleaned their own food, grown a garden, ECT.... All they know are movies like "Bambi" and can not grasp "Game Managment".....for all you animal rights people looking for a rebuttal, I ask that you look up te definition of game Managment & then deliberate the issue from there...

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Trillium

Originally posted by HamrHeed

Originally posted by skywalk
i am canadian and this is banned, people still do it, get caugh and go in jail... your data is outdated... not many people do this, like 0.01% people do this? huh? I think my statistic is overated too...

want me to start saying what american are stupid for? the list could be very long and humiliating.

Sadly he is not american but it seems that way when this type of critique comes out of nowhere. I will guess, he is a new immigrant in some western country. Canada maybe

Think the OP is from the UK from this quote

My country was the one that spawned yours and owned most of the world at one time through pillaging and killing its way through differing lands. So ay what you want if it about humans I don't care, we will war with whoever for whatever!!

He is obviously a disgruntled immigrant because a real brit would KNOW that the british people had no part in the conquests of the queen or empire. Sure, alot of them gawk and take pics, but they are mostly the spiritually dead idiots with no future

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:14 AM
It's a long thread so obviously I haven't read anything except the ridiculous OP.

OUR sport is Hockey...

Next, everybody says that its inhumane to kill seals by clubbing. While I agree it gross, just think about the following; In the north pole, there's not much aside from ice.

What is to be used then? Clubbing was about the only way to kill them before. Today? Well, I see many people and countries condemning this, but what humane way did they offer to have those baby seals killed?


Also, seals oil help in making a medicament that can't be done otherwise.

So, all the people needing it should be denied?

Here is what Jacques Cousteau thought about the issue, and he was for population control...

Cousteau for Seal Hunting

"harp seal question is entirely emotional. We have to be logical. We have to aim our activity first to the endangered species. Those who are moved by the plight of the harp seal could also be moved by the plight of the pig, with which we make our bacon."

One must also remember that at the time Mr. Cousteau made this statement the harp seal population was around two million while today it is roughly six million.

A GROWING population of harp seals!? ...

Cousteau didn't understand why activists were focusing on a NON endangered specie while many others were.

Couldn't find a link for the meds made with seal oil.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:20 AM
Perhaps you should petition the Queen on behalf of the horrendous act of seal clubbing...

Or wait, the Queen owns this percentage of land within Canada so wouldn't that mean you financially benefit from said seal clubbing by living in England?

"Most federal Crown land is in the Canadian territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon), and is administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Only 4% of land in the provinces is federally-controlled, largely in the form of National Parks, Indian reserves, or Canadian Forces bases." Please NOTE this most of this seal clubbing you speak of goes on IN CROWN OWNED AREAS.

edit on 1-6-2012 by sweetstuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:30 AM
As for the American/Canadian relationship, this might enlighten you a bit.....well one can hope.

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