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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:35 AM
Last night I happend upon a website that sells a powder drink formulated by Dr. Pauling.

I am not here to give you a sales pitch, but to encourage you to read the testimonials. Some of the testimonials span several years and many of the testimonials are from patients who have had multple heart attacks and coronary heart disease.

These testimonals show just how powerful vitamin c is as a healing therapy.

Also, since they basically show the lable contents on the website, there is nothing stopping you from picking up the raw incredients and making it yourself at home. The product on the website is expensive and I wouldn't buy it before making it myself.

But keep in mind... this is a powder... and for some taking too much will cause diarrhea. That's why I'll stick to the liposomal.

The message to be gained is the benefits of high doses of Vitamin C.

Tower Laboratories

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:50 PM
Wife went to a naturopath that trained under Dr Weil. She has a masters in biology (Not sure what the specific title is) My wife went about other health issues. I told her to ask about LipoC. This person contends that:

1) the vitamin C that isnt absorbed is excreted in the feces, not urine
2) Plenty enough is absorbed naturally with no encapsulation
3) There are other vitamins that benefit from attachment to fats but not necessarily VitC

Basically she said dont waste your time and the info my wife was getting was bad info.

I'm not here to crash the party. Rather, I'd like to arm myself with facts from respectable studies that back the contentions made here. If you folks could point me at such references I'll pay for thevisit just to discuss with her. She aint cheap so pls, only published, respectable references pls. I'll report back what she says.

I've been taking this stuff but really dont feel anything profound in terms of health, energy etc. Just dont want to throw it out altogether without really knowing it is better than just eating healthy.

I readmany pages of this thread btw. Also, I rspect this Dr because she has done some miraculous things for my wife. I've been skeptical because I pay the bills, but the improvements I've seen in my wife are worth it.


posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

It was after that I went rounds with the doctor about the benefits of Vitamin C and she gave me that look - you know that look you get from someone who thinks you're crazy?

My mother has these pockets in her intestines where food gets stuck and then causes and infection (called diverticulitis) and is flares up every 6 months or so. Since we live close to a metropolitan area, all the doctors my mother has had over the years, have their businesses set up like cattle herd shops ....literally the Doc comes in for 2-3 minutes, see's what's up, writes a script, and he/she is off to the next patient.

It's a numbers game for them, to get through as many $heeple as po$$ible. So I went with her to her newest doc, and when he saw I was there, he actual spent double the time with us, answering my questions, and actually "being there" ...but still felt rushed. At the end of the day, I did my own research, found that colonics help, and now every time she flares up, she does her own at home colonic and the problem is instantly gone. (That's going on 1.5 years)

I just can't stand how the medical industry here is. Same thing with me every time I went to the doc. They just won't listen. It's the whole attitude of "I know better than you", which really sucks

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:47 PM
Hi all, greetings from Finland. I found this forum looking for info on DIY Lipo-C. This thread has been so far very helpful and interesting.My little kid has a brain cancer and a well known alternative doctor here in Finland recommended homemade liposomal C. So I’ve been learning a week now.

I just made a test with three batches that were prepared a bit differently. I want to share these experiences with you guys. Just made them last night and today, so can’t say how they affect, but on the “scientifical” side there’s something
Since someone here thought that it would be better to mix AA first in water and then add lecithin, I wanted to try that. Also there was talk about the temperature and that liposomes need at least 110F to form, so tried that too.

For all batches I used same non-GMO soy lecithin granules and pure AA. Ultrasonic unit is a 70W, 2.5litre model with heating and max 480sec timer. I have not been using distilled water, but cold tap water as it’s quite clean around here. I have not had any separating issues either with these batches or earlier ones I’ve made.

Batch 1 (regular recipe but with heating)

Mixed 3 tbsp lecithin in 1 cup cold water. Stirred with a spoon, then let it soak a little while. Then mixed it with a stick blender for maybe 2 minutes, and after that another 10-20min soaking.

Mixed 1 tbsp AA in ½ cup cold water and stirred it with spoon until dissolved.

Mixed the solutions together and blended with stick blender about 2 minutes. This formed some foam.

Then poured the solution to the US unit. Temperature at start was 79F. I switched the heater on and heated until temp reached 110F. I ran the unit 32 minutes total, and after the first 10minutes the temperature had reached 110F and kept in 113-117F range rest of the time. I stirred frequently.

Note: the unit quite frequently “spit” surprisingly big lumps of solution out of it, when the lid had to be taken off for stirring. Messy. Also I couldn’t get rid of all the foam in that 32min run.

The end result was darker coloured and much thicker than earlier batches with a smaller US unit without heating.

Batch 2 (lecithin added to water that already has AA dissolved in it + heating)

Mixed 1 tbsp AA in 1 ½ cups cold water, stirred until dissolved.

Added 3 tbsp lecithin, stirred with spoon, then with blender maybe 1-2 minutes. This foamed a bit, not as much as batch 1 at this point. Solution sat in room temperature for about 2 hours (had to go out with the kid).

Then with the ultrasonic same procedure as with batch 1, heated until reached 110F and then stayed between 113-117F. Ended up with same colour as with batch 1 and maybe just a little even more thick.
This one also kept “spitting big lumps” out.

Batch 3 (let the lecithin+water soak over night in fridge + no heating with US unit)

Mixed 3 tbsp lecithin in 1 cup cold water. Mixed it with a blender for maybe 2 minutes, and after let it soak in the fridge over night.

Mixed 1 tbsp AA in ½ cup cold water and stirred it with spoon until dissolved. Put it in the fridge for a while before proceeding.

Then the lecithin water out of the fridge, short blending with blender. Added AA+water mix in and another short blending.

In the ultrasonic unit again 32 minutes, without heating. Temperature at start was 61F and in the end 100F. Stirred frequently.

Result was looking like the stuff I had made with a smaller US unit before, much lighter than batches 1&2, and also more liquid, not gooey at all. This time also I didn’t get rid of all foam in 32min, but there was less than with 1&2. This one didn’t shoot those big lumps but only splashed small droplets around. Must be something to do with the temp.
Ok, now comes the foam test with sodiumbicarbonate as instructed by Brooks Bradley.

Batch 1 formed foam about 2 1/3 inches. Batch 2 formed about 2 2/3 inches. Batch 3 a little more than 1,5 inches.

What made this interesting for me was that the foam on batches 1 and 2 didn’t disappear at all. Below are the pictures right after the batch 3 foaming, then 2 minutes later and again 1 minute after that. Foam on batch 3 had lowered to less than ½ inch in 2 min and a min later even more.



So this takes me to the conclusion that heat is not good, and adding AA before lecithin is not good. Also with my unit, 32 minutes may not be enough. Assuming the foam test works, there’s a question can it be done wrong? Can the size/shape of the container affect the result. It was shown that with my glasses there can be nearly 3 inches foam formed, and even the best one made 1,5 inches. And does it make a difference if the foam disappears quickly like with batch 3 or stays like with 1 and 2? Any “foam specialists” here who could help with these questions?

Sorry for long post.
edit on 7-2-2013 by arseni because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Timely
Would that be self administered or via GP ?

If self admin. Would that be sub-cutaneous or direct intravenous?
( btw. your sig. made for a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing :up

I will administer the shots myself subcutaneously twice a week. I'll probably numb the area the first few times with cold steel or ice...but I don't think it will be that bad.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
Wife went to a naturopath that trained under Dr Weil. She has a masters in biology (Not sure what the specific title is) My wife went about other health issues. I told her to ask about LipoC. This person contends that:

1) the vitamin C that isnt absorbed is excreted in the feces, not urine
2) Plenty enough is absorbed naturally with no encapsulation
3) There are other vitamins that benefit from attachment to fats but not necessarily VitC

Basically she said dont waste your time and the info my wife was getting was bad info.

I'm not here to crash the party. Rather, I'd like to arm myself with facts from respectable studies that back the contentions made here. If you folks could point me at such references I'll pay for thevisit just to discuss with her. She aint cheap so pls, only published, respectable references pls. I'll report back what she says.

I've been taking this stuff but really dont feel anything profound in terms of health, energy etc. Just dont want to throw it out altogether without really knowing it is better than just eating healthy.

I readmany pages of this thread btw. Also, I rspect this Dr because she has done some miraculous things for my wife. I've been skeptical because I pay the bills, but the improvements I've seen in my wife are worth it.


This is the problem with doctors who have no understanding about the difference of the delivery method of the Vitamin C.

So unbelievably frustrating. I experienced the same thing with my mother's doctor. These doctors are ignorant beyond belief.

Liposomal is a delivery method. So are Vitamin C Tablets.

The problem with vitamin C tablets is that they are broken down by the stomach and any unabsorbed Vitamin is excreted in the urine.

With Liposomal Vitamin C the Vitamin C is encapsulated so the stomach cannot break it down and the liposomes are 95%-100% absorbed into the lining of the stomach.

From there the Vitamin C is deposited into the Liver, and then into the blood stream.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) states that the saturation level of Vitamin C is a single daily 200 mg dose and further stated that higher doses did not increase baseline levels.

Dr. Hickey proved that they were wrong when they said that the blood plasma could only absorb about 220 uM/L. In Dr. Hickey’s medical study he proved that he could raise the blood plasma in excess of 400 uM/L, twice what the NIH said was possible.

NIH also stated that in order to achieve “cytotoxic levels” (toxic to cancer and other diseases) could only be obtained with intravenous infusions. However, Dr. Hickey’s study demonstrated that single doses of liposomal formulation can give levels above 400 uM/L.

He further went on to say that published results from treating lymphoma cells with 300 uM/L showed 30% necrosis (cancer cell death), while increasing to 400 uML increased the cell death to 50%.

Read This Study - PDF File

This same conclusion was proven By the British firm BioLab in London.

The liposomal form of vitamin C employed in this study consists of 1-gram (1000 milligram) dose sachets of vitamin C powder encapsulated in lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), as supplied by Livon Laboratories of Henderson, Nevada, USA.

A British laboratory (Biolab, London) that has conducted thousands of vitamin C assays over a 10-year period, confirms that 20-gram and 36-gram doses of oral vitamin C, as utilized by researchers Hickey and Roberts, achieved far higher blood concentration than had ever been measured previously. Repeated dosing rather than massive single-dose vitamin C averts side effects such as diarrhea.

Why this landmark study has been completely overlooked by the cancer community goes unexplained.

The study was published in a journal catalogued by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), but articles from that journal cannot be accessed at the NLM website. When this report was submitted for publication, the publisher of the journal suddenly changed editors and the new editor attempted to scratch the report from its publication schedule altogether.

Finally the report did get published, but suddenly the journal itself was discontinued and its articles no longer indexed by NLM. It appears an intentional effort was made to bury this study. An online abstract is provided at the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine website.


Abstract of Study

edit on 7-2-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:28 PM

Dr. Tom Levy also concludes the same opinion:

The NIH’s insistence that the body has “tight controls”, which prevent oral vitamin C from functioning as an anti-cancer agent, is wrong.

In our book Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C, we have shown that the NIH claims for blood “saturation” at a low level (70 !M/L) are incorrect.

The NIH authors never admitted this error, despite a long email correspondence between Hickey and Levine. However, they have changed the wording they use, from “saturated” to “tight controls”, and increased the level by about three times (to 200 !M/L).

It would appear that they are holding onto an outdated idea about how vitamin C acts in the body. As a alternative, we have proposed a dynamic flow model, in which, at high doses, vitamin C flows through the body, providing antioxidant support,potentially preventing cancer growth and killing cancer cells.

However, the recent NIH study, while interesting, adds little to the studies it replicates. More interesting is the lack of historical perspective, which may detract from the people, such as Hugh Riordan, Abram Hoffer, or

Linus Pauling, who deserve the credit for carrying out original research, despite conventional medicine actively suppressing their work.

The groundbreaking work of doctors such as those in the British Society for Ecological Medicine, who have risked their careers to provide vitamin C based treatments for cancer and other conditions should be recognised.

These pioneering doctors are often well aware of the scientific evidence and should not be described as “complementary” or “alternative”.

Perhaps, one day, the media will realise the true story of vitamin C and cancer, and patients will have the opportunity to benefit.

Dr. Tom Levy Study PDF File

Dr. Riordan shares what we have learned in 29 years of administering high dose vitamin C to people with cancer and viral ailments. Learn the latest in how nutrients affect gene expression

Dr. Saul on Vitamin C:

Then after you understand this go read my thread "What You Don't Know" in my signature link so you understand all the benefits.

If you are not really feeling the boost that you want - you should increase your dosage.

One more:

edit on 7-2-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by arseni


So sorry to here about your child. It must be devastating to see a little one suffer.

So happy you have an alternative doctor supporting the liposomal therapy.

However.... when battling cancer he may need doses beyond what you can give him through liposomal. You should also research IV Liposomal Vitamin C and seek this treatment as well.

I've seen some youtube videos where they treat cancer with 50,000 - 100,000 mgs of Vitamin C, which I don't think you can get through the liposomal.

(Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that).

But don't stop the liposomal and give him as much as he will take! Also Low Carb Diet and NO sugar! Both of those feed the cancer and dilute the affects of the Vitamin C.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

Thanks. I'll let you know what feedback I get.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by Julie Washington

Thank you for your reply, Julie. Funny thing is, she's not really suffering at all. She's nearly 3 years old now and having the disease for 9 months. First she had surgery, then chemotherapy (didn't work), and just another surgery. The wound on her head has healed unbelievably quickly, and overall she's in great condition. Happy, content, full of life and joy, as a child should be. Also very intelligent and verbally talented. She leaves the worrying for us adults

What comes to the IV C treatment, that's what I proposed to the doctor but he said he hasn't experience on how it works for little kids. What i've read about liposomal, it's said that liposomal C tissue bioavailability is between 4 to 10 times (depending on the source) better than IV. At the moment we're giving her 4 ounces daily divided in 5 doses. There's about 3600mg vit C (of which unknown amount is encapsulated - that's the problem here) in 4 ounces and so far there's been no bowel issues or other adverse effects. She's also been on a ketogenic diet since beginning of December. Her appetite was lost during the chemo so she has gastrostomic feeding tube, which makes it easy to give her whatever needed as long as in liquid form.

In my first post i didn't seem to get the images right, here's links to them if you care to take a look.. do you have an opinion if that batch 3 is useful or not.. and any hints to make the results better?

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Hi, everyone.....I'm back, with a concern/question that hopefully someone can answer for me.

Less than 2-weeks after starting lipo C, my Dr. put me on an antibiotic. Within hours of taking the first dose, I started having unpleasant side effects. By the second day, I felt energy, ached like I had the flu; blah, blah, blah.
I upped the lipo C dosage and didn't feel any better so I stopped taking it. Four days of hell on the antibiotic (took 2x a day); I dropped the dosage to once daily and started feeling a little better but did not resume the lipo C therapy.

OK, so here's the problem. It's been about 4-days since I finished up the antibiotic and decided to get back on track with the lipo C, 1-oz doses. I didn't have any issues with it, but the next day the lipo C had a strong fishy taste to it. Could this be an indication that the lecithin has turned rancid? I still have about 6-oz of that batch left, but have no desire to try it again....the taste really was that bad!

Should I just start all over with a new batch of lipo C?

Also, I joined the Yahoo DIY Lipo C forum and the other day there was mention of taking lipo C while on an antibiotic being a no-no. So I guess I did the right thing in discontinuing it, temporarily.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by blackangel13
My main question is this, can there be anything done about the taste? Mine tastes/smells more like the soy lecithin and doesn't really taste sour like some people have mentioned. I mixed it with OJ and was able to take it OK. My wife on the other hand is not good at taking shots or drinking large amounts of liquid. She tried it this morning and couldn't get 1 tablespoon mixed with ~2oz of OJ down. Her eyes started watering and heaving took place

So is there anything you can add to it to make it taste better without being detrimental to the effects of it?

sorry to quote myself, just wanted to bump this and see if anyone had any ideas on what can be added to the mixture to improve the taste without ruining the lipo c in the process? again, my batch i made does not taste sour at all so i believe i was able to achieve really good encapsulation. It tastes/smells exactly like the soy lecithin in the bottle smells. I really want my wife to be able to take it but in its current form there is no way she will be getting it down

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by blackangel13

Have you tried adding a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda?
I haven't,but it may alter the taste.
Other than that,you could try sunflower lethicin(search for "lecisun").

Thats what I use,and it tatses OK,but still quite bitter.
Hope that helps.

Has anyone had any experience using Lipo Vit C to fight off chicken pox?
My bro-in-law has got it bad-hes in his early 30's,and I have made a fresh batch for him,to be delivered today.
I am hoping it will help his rash heal faster.
Can't make it worse I guess..

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by arseni

Ok, now comes the foam test with sodiumbicarbonate as instructed by Brooks Bradley.

Batch 1 formed foam about 2 1/3 inches. Batch 2 formed about 2 2/3 inches. Batch 3 a little more than 1,5 inches.

What made this interesting for me was that the foam on batches 1 and 2 didn’t disappear at all. Below are the pictures right after the batch 3 foaming, then 2 minutes later and again 1 minute after that. Foam on batch 3 had lowered to less than ½ inch in 2 min and a min later even more.

So this takes me to the conclusion that heat is not good, and adding AA before lecithin is not good. Also with my unit, 32 minutes may not be enough. Assuming the foam test works, there’s a question can it be done wrong? Can the size/shape of the container affect the result. It was shown that with my glasses there can be nearly 3 inches foam formed, and even the best one made 1,5 inches. And does it make a difference if the foam disappears quickly like with batch 3 or stays like with 1 and 2?

Well to me it looks like 1 and 2 are bad and 3 is a keeper.

I have not done the bicarb test on mine, but I will later today as I did it a little differently and want to check the results.

I've read Brooks Bradley comments that 5 grams of LET Vitamin C is equivalent to 50 grams of IV Vitamin C. My head is not understanding that... so maybe if someone could explain it to the lay person...

I think over sonicating it will not help. When I did that it the sonicator got too warm and my solution separated. So I don't think heat in the sonicator is a good thing.

I have found it best to not "over think" it.

I also think that after 20-30 minutes of sonicating you are done, regarless if there are any bubbles left. I immediately refrigerate and have since had no separation issues, it appears to come out perfectly. However, I still need to do the bicarb test.

edit on 8-2-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Toots

Toots, I read somewhere that the Lipo Vit C "enhances" antibiotics (makes them act stronger?) I don't know where I read that...

Perhaps the antibotics are still in your system altering your tastebuds which may be why it tastes bad. Make a new batch and see if it still tastes funny, then you'll have your answer.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by blackangel13


If she just cannot tolerate the taste, then I would at least mix it in with a glass of juice. This is the way I give it to my 80 year old mother and I see positive results from her, so it seems to be working.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington
reply to post by blackangel13


If she just cannot tolerate the taste, then I would at least mix it in with a glass of juice. This is the way I give it to my 80 year old mother and I see positive results from her, so it seems to be working.

Thank you for the reply. I was so focused on the taste aspect i guess i neglected a couple of relevant details. I am currently taking it mixed with OJ and while it helps you can still taste the nastiness of it, but its doable for me. Now back to my wife, there are 2 issues with her, one she can't do shots and two she can't drink lots of liquid at one time. So in order to reduce the taste so she could drink it would take probably around 10-16oz of OJ, which is more than she can drink in a short amount of time. and the shot method while less liquid doesn't work cause as soon as the smell reaches her she starts gagging and can't even attempt to get it down

to the other poster about the bicarbonate soda, i have not tried that yet, i was under the impression that was to counter act the sour taste which is not my issue. plus it sounded like you do that before sonicating and i have only made the 1 batch so far.

I did find a post mentioning using vanilla and stevia (sp?) to make it taste better, that will be what i try next, does anyone think using either of those will reduce the effectiveness of it?

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by blackangel13

Originally posted by Julie Washington
reply to post by blackangel13


If she just cannot tolerate the taste, then I would at least mix it in with a glass of juice. This is the way I give it to my 80 year old mother and I see positive results from her, so it seems to be working.

Thank you for the reply. I was so focused on the taste aspect i guess i neglected a couple of relevant details. I am currently taking it mixed with OJ and while it helps you can still taste the nastiness of it, but its doable for me. Now back to my wife, there are 2 issues with her, one she can't do shots and two she can't drink lots of liquid at one time. So in order to reduce the taste so she could drink it would take probably around 10-16oz of OJ, which is more than she can drink in a short amount of time. and the shot method while less liquid doesn't work cause as soon as the smell reaches her she starts gagging and can't even attempt to get it down

to the other poster about the bicarbonate soda, i have not tried that yet, i was under the impression that was to counter act the sour taste which is not my issue. plus it sounded like you do that before sonicating and i have only made the 1 batch so far.

I did find a post mentioning using vanilla and stevia (sp?) to make it taste better, that will be what i try next, does anyone think using either of those will reduce the effectiveness of it?

I don't know if this would work, but what about using those empty capsules that people use to put herbal and other medicinal powders? You could get the largest size and pour the lipo-C into the capsules. You'd have to take more than one capsule, but you wouldn't taste a thing. Would that work at all?

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by blackangel13

So in order to reduce the taste so she could drink it would take probably around 10-16oz of OJ, which is more than she can drink in a short amount of time. and the shot method while less liquid doesn't work cause as soon as the smell reaches her she starts gagging and can't even attempt to get it down

try the stevia or vanilla combo, or do like my sister, and tell her to plug her nose when she swallows it down and then use a chaser like water or juice to cleanse the pallet. After a while she got used to it and doesn't plug her nose anymore

or do like Kaylaluv mentioned and get yourself some empty large sized liqui-gels/lliqui-capsules off of ebay, and you can fills those up for her
edit on 8-2-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 02:04 PM
Well apparently Mercola has jumped on the Liposomal Vitamin C train!

They have just come out with Liposomal Vitamin C Capsules (Made with sunflower lecithin)

500mgs per capsule and a 60 capsule bottle costs $15.00.

That's not too bad of a price.

Unfortunately due to high demand - the are out of stock!


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