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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Here ya go,but its very expensive-the homemade stuff will make loads more with just 1 can of lethicin and 500g of vit c for less than the price of this one tiny bottle!!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 12:31 PM
I just wanted to share a how my week has gone... my hubby (the skeptic) who just goes along with my vitamin c protocal probably just to humor me.... is the most unorganized person I know. That's okay, he just can't organize anything, like put dishes in the kitchen cabinets where they belong, or organize his tools in the garage....

We'll this week he has cleaned out his office.
Organized his book shelf and threw away stuff.
Organized all our music CDs.
Organized and threw out old VHS tapes.
Organized our entry closet (which was a total disaster).

And 80 year old mother (who lives with us) is now staying up until 8 or 9 pm, when she is usually in bed asleep by 7pm.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 01:21 PM
so I just spent the last 24 hours slowly making distilled water (cant get any where I live) and waiting for my ultrasonic cleaning thingy to turn up, which it did today. So this afternoon I made my first batch.

I made a double batch as I had just enough distilled water for that, so 2 cups of water with 6 tbl spoons of Lecithin, then 1 cup of water and 2 tbl spoons of vit c. My ultrasonic cleaner isnt that big so I did it in 2 batches once it was all whizzed up, which was a bit of a ball ache as it took twice as long as doing it all at once (obviously). To any one reading this thinking it sounds like a pain, it really isnt, I quite enjoyed it.

I blasted the first lot in the UC for 4 lots of 480 seconds (8 mins), so just over half an hour and it came out much as many here have stated, a bit like milk but a tad thicker, interestingly the second half of the batch I did for the same amount of time but left it for at least 10 mins between 480 sec blasts as i was cooking dinner, picking the kids up from school etc, in fact one time was more like an hour, anyway the second lot was thicker and gloopier than the first by quite a bit and had no foam on top at all by the time I finished.

Soooooo what was it like?

Quite honestly I was surprised by the almost instant affect. I took a shot of about 50 ml and within 20 mins was dancing around the kitchen making pizza feeling quite awesome! I really dont think that it was placebo because it was quite a pronounced effect, the best I can compare it to is a really strong energy drink without that horrid caffeine chemical feel. Im not sure if this was down to how crap I have been feeling lately so a big contrast but it had a definite effect. I could go on but I wont, all i can say is give this a go!

The one thing I am a little wary off is over doing it, has anyone found any evidence of negative effects of vit c? I have read all 3 threads and have seen nothing so far that had bells ringing. I'm going to continue researching and approach this with caution, so if anyone does have any info on the negatives of this I would like to read it.
What dose are people here taking?

so all in all I would say this stuff is good, really good!

I will come back and update in a few days


posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

Hi - the foam disappears during the ultrasonic cleaning


posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by doubledutch

Welcome to the wonderful world of Lipo-C energy blast. Nice huh....

I take it twice a day, 1.5 oz each dose. Never after 2:00 in the afternoon as it keeps me pretty energized late into the night. On a couple of occasions, I've taken 2oz as my wake up morning dose, when I knew I had a hectic schedule for the day. Zooooommmmmm....I go.

The only thing I've noticed about taking the extra amount in the morning, I have to remember to eat something later in the day, as cravings all went bye bye...hence all the weight loss on my part. I can see the junk food and diet pill industry not liking this to catch on on a mass level.

Thanks for your update. Good Luck on further improvement.'ll find yourself cleaning out that junk drawer in the kitchen soon....


edit on 11-1-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by doubledutch

you'll find yourself cleaning out that junk drawer in the kitchen soon....


edit on 11-1-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

Funny you should mention that, was just eyeing up our messy drawer!!

my mum happened to pop round as I was finishing up earlier so we had the shot together, she just texted to say she's just finished cleaning and feels great, she cant believe how much energy she has.

Im going to try to get my wife to have some in the morning and see how it effects her. I honestly cant believe how good this stuff is

thanks Des

edit on 11-1-2013 by doubledutch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by doubledutch

The one thing I am a little wary off is over doing it, has anyone found any evidence of negative effects of vit c? I have read all 3 threads and have seen nothing so far that had bells ringing. I'm going to continue researching and approach this with caution, so if anyone does have any info on the negatives of this I would like to read it.
What dose are people here taking?


The only negative I could find is that if you are diabetic it could give false high blood sugar readings. And that if you are dosing every day you really shouldn't do more than 2,500mg a day or there could be some counterproductive results.... don't have that info right in front of me.... but if I find it I'll post it.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by doubledutch

I made a double batch as I had just enough distilled water for that, so 2 cups of water with 6 tbl spoons of Lecithin, then 1 cup of water and 2 tbl spoons of vit c.

Your results will be a little stronger than others. Most batches have been made with:

1 Cup Distilled water + 3 Tablespoons of Lecithin
1 Cup Distilled water + 1 Tablespoon of Vit C.

Your Vit C batch is double strength, not that I think that is a problem.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Sorry to reply to an old post, but reading your thoughts on this thread make you sound ignorant. How did the caveman survive?? It won't be any good in the apocolypse....I've never been ill...

Well, firstly, well done. Other people aren't quite so fortunate, and you'd do well to investigate WHY modern humans have a deficiency in our diet.

Do you realise that even since WW2...that's not caveman days matey... that our vegetables are seriously laking the nutrients that our grandparents had? It has been scientifically proven, and many occasions that our fruit and veg are just a pale comparison to the old days, because of industrialization. If I told you that the vitamins and iron in spinach is today; 68% less than the spinach grown during WW2.... The same goes for any mass produced fruit and veg.

Even our meat is tainted. And you still bang on about the cavemen, and how great your health is....whoop de doo.

So, please...before you force your opinion on the threads you participate in, please do some proper research or else just refrain from posting your arrogant views.

K? Thanks.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:58 PM
Thank-you for this thread, OP. I have convinced my significant other that it is indeed important to correct our Vitamin C levels.

Along with another thread on the subject I am now using this information to order the items needed to create Liposomal Vitamin C.

Thank-you again.


posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington

Originally posted by doubledutch

I made a double batch as I had just enough distilled water for that, so 2 cups of water with 6 tbl spoons of Lecithin, then 1 cup of water and 2 tbl spoons of vit c.

Your results will be a little stronger than others. Most batches have been made with:

1 Cup Distilled water + 3 Tablespoons of Lecithin
1 Cup Distilled water + 1 Tablespoon of Vit C.

Your Vit C batch is double strength, not that I think that is a problem.

oh right, i just followed your's and others instructions...
here's the instructions from your awesome follow up thread:

"1.) Pour 3 TBsp Lecithin into 1 cup distilled water and soak at room temperature. Within 25 minutes all the granules should be soft. This is important, do not skip."

so I doubled it to 6 tbl spoons and 2 cups of water

"3.) Dissolve the 1 TBsp of Vitamin C crystals in ½ cup of COOL water. Keep stirring until all the crystals disappear. This is important, do not skip. "

and doubled this to 1 cup and 2 tbl spoons... is that not right?

Im sure that was the same as ive seen everywhere?

excellent work by the way!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington

Originally posted by doubledutch

The one thing I am a little wary off is over doing it, has anyone found any evidence of negative effects of vit c? I have read all 3 threads and have seen nothing so far that had bells ringing. I'm going to continue researching and approach this with caution, so if anyone does have any info on the negatives of this I would like to read it.
What dose are people here taking?


The only negative I could find is that if you are diabetic it could give false high blood sugar readings. And that if you are dosing every day you really shouldn't do more than 2,500mg a day or there could be some counterproductive results.... don't have that info right in front of me.... but if I find it I'll post it.

ok cool, well im not diabetic so no worries there...

does anyone know how I work out what 2500mg is in ML - or put another way, how many mg to an ml using the given ratios/mixture? sorry if this has been covered!


posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by doubledutch

Originally posted by Julie Washington

Originally posted by doubledutch

I made a double batch as I had just enough distilled water for that, so 2 cups of water with 6 tbl spoons of Lecithin, then 1 cup of water and 2 tbl spoons of vit c.

Your results will be a little stronger than others. Most batches have been made with:

1 Cup Distilled water + 3 Tablespoons of Lecithin
1 Cup Distilled water + 1 Tablespoon of Vit C.

Your Vit C batch is double strength, not that I think that is a problem.

oh right, i just followed your's and others instructions...
here's the instructions from your awesome follow up thread:

"1.) Pour 3 TBsp Lecithin into 1 cup distilled water and soak at room temperature. Within 25 minutes all the granules should be soft. This is important, do not skip."

so I doubled it to 6 tbl spoons and 2 cups of water

"3.) Dissolve the 1 TBsp of Vitamin C crystals in ½ cup of COOL water. Keep stirring until all the crystals disappear. This is important, do not skip. "

and doubled this to 1 cup and 2 tbl spoons... is that not right?

Im sure that was the same as ive seen everywhere?

excellent work by the way!

Yes, yes you are right and that is how I make mine.

Just remember that the total vitamin c mg is stronger than Megamind's recipe that uses 1 full cup of water per tablespoon of vitamin c. His result is 950mg per ounce shot. So ours will be a bit stronger than that, but I'm not a math wiz so I'm not sure what the exact amount will be.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by doubledutch
The one thing I am a little wary off is over doing it, has anyone found any evidence of negative effects of vit c? I have read all 3 threads and have seen nothing so far that had bells ringing. I'm going to continue researching and approach this with caution, so if anyone does have any info on the negatives of this I would like to read it.

You have internet. If you are on ATS, you can access Google. Read up on the side effects of Vitamin C. There is a proven link between cancer and taking excessive amounts of Vitamin C. Do you really think this is normal for your body? There are other negatives that the OP is very interested in suppressing here. How can you even claim you've done any research or ask people for info when you can't even Google? Good God! There are millions of websites. Start with wikipedia. They claim ATS is a refuge from the moronic masses but I really don't know about that anymore.

I take 1 gram of Vitamin C maximum and not even everyday, and I certainly don't use this rediculous time wasting method. It's fascinating to see how desperate people are for a cure, a magic pill, something to do it all for them, relying upon this thread instead of researching and learning about their own health themselves.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 05:31 PM
OK... I have a glass of Liposomal Vitamin C here in front of me. I ordered it from amazon. I mixed the little gel packert with plain carbonated water from my SodaStream (I love plain carbonated water). I added a little lemon juice.
I hope carbonated water doesn't interfere with the lipid coating...

Oh, and Linus Pauling was a big advocate of large amounts of vitamin C. Read about him here:
And Here:
Here goes...
edit on 11-1-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2013 by davjan4 because: additional info and spelling

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by SteveR

I do have the internet and you do have an attitude problem...

what information exactly is the op suppressing?

oooooh nooooo do you mean these terrible side effects?

Serious side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare, because the body cannot store the vitamin. However, amounts greater than 2,000 mg/day are not recommended because such high doses can lead to stomach upset and diarrhea.

if its so easy go and find this info and show us! I have done a bit of a search and cant find anything more damning than the above - I suggest you stop being so rude and back up your statement.

no need to be so rude and aggressive

edit on 11-1-2013 by doubledutch because: to teach the troll a lesson

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by SteveR

Do you really think this is normal for your body? There are other negatives that the OP is very interested in suppressing here.

Hey there!!! I'm the OP of this thread. Unless your a troll or a paid schill, please feel free to state, with back up, what exactly I'm suppressing, considering the liposomal tech is now a credible medical tech used in anti-biotics and cancer therapies as well. I got nothing to hide or suppress.

Go look up Linus Pauling's research and find out what happens when the body does not get adequate Vit C. Fear mongering are we?

There are millions of websites. Start with wikipedia. They claim ATS is a refuge from the moronic masses but I really don't know about that anymore.

So why are you here then? By default that then makes you also a moronic mass.

It's fascinating to see how desperate people are for a cure, a magic pill, something to do it all for them, relying upon this thread instead of researching and learning about their own health themselves.

Assumptions are the root of ignorance, and you sorrily display both like a badge on a jacket of stupidity. I hope you come around eventually, cause it's sad to have this status quo zombified mind programming view with which you venomously spit here.
edit on 11-1-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by dominicus

hey op, thanks for bringing this info to us. good work. It's just a shame that there are always some grumpy sad old trolls with no real info to bring, just negative attitude and a bs approach.

SteveR unless you have something to bring to the thread other than your negativity then go elsewhere... im sure theres plenty of threads you can troll on

good work dominicus

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by doubledutch
reply to post by dominicus

hey op, thanks for bringing this info to us. good work. It's just a shame that there are always some grumpy sad old trolls with no real info to bring, just negative attitude and a bs approach.

SteveR unless you have something to bring to the thread other than your negativity then go elsewhere... im sure theres plenty of threads you can troll on

good work dominicus

Hey No Problem.....

My whole motivation and purpose for this thread is because this Lipososmal Vit-C has been a miracle in my life, mother, grandma, aunt's, various friends and cousins ...everyone I know who has tried it has had ridiculous improvements in health and swear buy it.

My whole thing is ....see for yourself if it works for you. You don't even have to buy all the stuff to make it, cause the ready made packets can be bought cheaply and One can test that way with little investment. That plus I've been around various sicknesses in the last 6 months and NOTHING has touched me.

LAst time I was sick was food poisoning from a jimmy johns sandwich ...and guess how I got passed that in less than 12 hours? ...Lipo-Vit_C !!!!

Don't take my word for it, see for yourselves if what I say is true

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by doubledutch
The one thing I am a little wary off is over doing it, has anyone found any evidence of negative effects of vit c? I have read all 3 threads and have seen nothing so far that had bells ringing. I'm going to continue researching and approach this with caution, so if anyone does have any info on the negatives of this I would like to read it.

You have internet. If you are on ATS, you can access Google. Read up on the side effects of Vitamin C. There is a proven link between cancer and taking excessive amounts of Vitamin C. Do you really think this is normal for your body? There are other negatives that the OP is very interested in suppressing here. How can you even claim you've done any research or ask people for info when you can't even Google? Good God! There are millions of websites. Start with wikipedia. They claim ATS is a refuge from the moronic masses but I really don't know about that anymore.

I take 1 gram of Vitamin C maximum and not even everyday, and I certainly don't use this rediculous time wasting method. It's fascinating to see how desperate people are for a cure, a magic pill, something to do it all for them, relying upon this thread instead of researching and learning about their own health themselves.

Wow, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Links to cancer and excessive vitamin C? - Prove it. Show me the medical studies that report this.

You obviously haven't read my thread about Vitamin C - What You Don't Know May Kill You. I suggest you take a look at the medical studies I've back up the thread with that proves the ability of Vitamin C to kill cancer cells.

And sure there are side affects to taking too much over the counter vitamin C tablets - diarrhea.

But there are no side affects to taking Liposomal Vitamin C.

I suggest you brush up on your research, and I don't recommend using Wiki as your resource.

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