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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

So the key to no sludge is soaking well, blending hard and proper water ratio. Cool

BTW, today I bought distilled you find that necessary? I have a house soft water system, would that suffice?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by luciddream

i have thought about the addition of juice and sugar to make it taste better but since no one did thorough chemical analysis on the Liposomal Vitamin C, there is no way for us to know

You may want to rethink the sugar or O.J. as any sugar has a negative impact on Vit C intake, serum levels, and actually battles the Vit C for entry into cells.

I just take mine straight up and chase with water. The taste is like a creamy unsweetened lemonade and is really no big deal as I got used to it after the first week. Many others here have made a big whining stink about the taste, but lets be honest, we're not eating desert here. It's a vitamn. Everyone in my family that takes this, chases with water and the taste doesn't bother them.

The Negative Impact of Sugar on Vitamin C

Hold your nose and chase with water. Simple!

When i made it, i had no precipitates on the bottom... this happens when the initial mixture is not fully saturated(due to over saturation - when people add way too much ascorbic/lecithin than the quantity of the water could handle).

The correct end result, should be a uniform mixture. Any settling and seeing layers means it was improperly soaked, mixed, or not enough time being soaked, mixed, or sonicated.

There is another method using a paint gun hitting a metal plate and then 2-3 freeze/thaw cycles which is how the original scientists first made the Liposomal Mixtures, and I believe continue to use this method.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Okay, I'm not going the paint ball route. Lol

I'll try holding my breath and chasing with water for the first time.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:00 PM
What do you think about distilled water vs softened water?

Sorry for so many questions but I want to get this right from people that have experience.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:41 PM
I'll try and take an amateur stab at explaining why distilled water works the best. It is pure water and has a positive charge. This might make the encapsulation process more efficient.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 11:56 PM
Well after reading this entire thread finally, I am very happy to have ordered all my stuff last Thursday. I will more than likely be making the ascorbate type, thought I will probably experiment with both kinds. I inadvertantly ordered two of the USC's and after seeing that the ones on amazon seem to be low quality, I am glad I ordered two as I intend to stick with this for a while to better guage the effects long term.

My wife is really dragging her feet as far as agreeing to try this with me, which disappoints me greatly as she is the reason for it all. She nearly died from a Ecoli infection that mutated into a antibiotic resistant kind and went systemic. She had been in ICU for nearly a week and they were telling us that she shouldn't do any more of the terrible antibiotics they had her on as she had already gone thru 4 rounds of it and that it was the last line of defense in the antibiotic lineup. She appeared to me to be in very bad straights.

My teacher is an authority on colloidal silver and he gave us a gallon, and I got it to her right away. The infection never went septic and by the next day she was noticeably better, and within a few days she was able to leave the hospital. At any rate, even though the infection was gotten rid of, she never really came back to the level of health she had before it happened.

I am praying that this stuff can give her the return of stamina and health that she lost in that sickness, and I was so hoping to be able to report both of our results at the same time. I have read her post after post on the miraculous results to be found here, but it appears to be falling on deaf ears. I will make some and hopefully if it effects me to the better she will get on board with me.

At this point in time she can barely do the grocery shopping without being done in for a couple days after and getting a job is out of the question. Not working has been very hard on her morale and it has been hard on her for the lack of activity that goes along with not working. I think the key to mobility is keeping it moving. Once it stops it all hurts.

I know just how the guy feels being the conspiracy theory guy in the house lol. Pointed her at a lot of other sources, but I think the results of my own experience will come into it a lot.

I was taking 3-6 grams of chewable C a day for two months or so with Lecithin softgels with it, with no real noticeabe difference so I decided to jump in and do it correctly and see how it pans out. It's been a couple weeks since I took any C so hopefully I will notice a big difference. I also eat a couple kiwis for breakfast most mornings if I can keep them in supply.

I started my vit C therapy for pain relief, as I also hurt myself this year and am no longer able to continue my pushup regimen which was like a all over pain relief for me. As soon as I stopped doing them (Partially paralyzed shoulder) my shoulders started getting arthritic and causing me to lose sleep from tossing and turning at night. I sincerely hope this can help us both and that I can get her to take it despite the taste.

Thanks for all the incredible information to be gleaned from your own personal experiences. You all are a great bunch and I would not have been sold on this without all this participation.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by kinglizard

Please invest in a stick blender. You can find them cheap on Amazon Ebay and sometimes wally world/walmart.

When adding your lecithin to the cup of water, stir it well, then let it soak for about 40 mins. Then take your stick blender and blend it for about 3 mins. The other cup of water that has been sitting with your C in it, blend with stick blender for about 1 to 2 min. Pour both mixes together and blend again for about 2 mins. Then add that to your sonic unit. If you do it this way, you will have a uniform end product with NO sludge or separation at the bottom of your jar.

As far as the taste goes. So many, as have I, found that if you have your chaser of juice, or milk set to go, hold your breath while shooting your Lipo-C dose, then immediately down the chaser while still holding your breath.

Doing it this way minimizes the taste, and aftertaste to make it not too bad.

Hope this helps...


I do not have a stick blender, but I do have a large food processor. Would it work to pour both soaked solutions together in the food processor and process it for several minutes?


posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 05:43 AM
Can anyone please tell me if either of the 2 ultrasonic cleaners below are any good?

Cleaner 1

Cleaner 2

The 2 above are cheap, one is available at a near by its convenient.

This one is my preffered but it is more expensive

Cleaner 3

i would really appreciate some opinions

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Use the 3rd one.

First 1 doesn't have any information, 2nd one has no info and bad reviews.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Softened water still has low amount of minerals, while distilled water has way less or none at all(different levels of distillation).

So distilled water still better as in purity.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Ok one thing I'm getting confused about at the moment is what is the correct procedure for best results (as well as measures)? Is the OP the correct method and measure or will I have to read the entire thread?

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

You can try it and find out after.....Dissolving before blending is very important.

In my opinion i think Lecithin is a bit more than needed.

I think im going to lower from 3 tbls to 2 tbls next time.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:42 AM
Got my last two ingredients today,Vit C powder and distilled water.
Just whizzed up a 500ml batch.
The foam was still there at 32 mins(my machine does 8mins at a time),so I gave it another 8mins.
By then most of the foam had gone,but there was a small amount left round the side.
The mix ended up a kind of off white/pale yellowish color.
I used lecisun(sunflower lethicin).
I have put it in a glass jar in a bag in the fridge to keep it dark.
Just had my 1st tablespoon of the stuff-didn't taste that bad,quite bitter but OK.

I will report back in a few days to say how I am getting on.

Thanks for the help folks!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 12:19 PM
A few questions-

Hi everyone,
first of all, love this thread and appreciate everyone's contributions to helping newbies understand this whole liposomal vitamin C thing. My ultrasonic cleaner comes today so i plan to start right away.

I do have a couple questions-
Has anyone previously used Lecithin regularly by itself, but have since noticed more pronounced benefits from it when it is incorporated as the Liposomal C?

I really like the taste of Healthforce Nutritionals Non-GMO Soy Lecithin- anyone have experience with it in their mix?

I have a small circle of friends already interested and I plan to provide it at cost, simply because I don't want to go broke supplying everyone. I'll probably give out samples, just for people to see if it effective for them and then go from there.

Also, I know quite a bit of people, as word of mouth gets around, I know potentially, more might want to try this stuff- does anyone here charge for their brews? Of course I will point them to making it on their own, but for those who would rather not for whatever reason.

I've never been very business minded, my heart is to help as many people as I can, but I also think it would be wise to be compensated some for my time and supplies...what would you say is fair? Can someone give me a breakdown (with list of brands used) of their costs per oz.?

I came up with .10 per ounce using Healthforce Nutritionals Lecithin (39 2 Tbl servings or) 78 Tbl per jar for $18.99 and Nutribiotic Ascorbic Acid (181 1/2 tsp servings or) 30 Tbl for $14.51. I would really appreciate it if someone could check my math.

Thank you, thank you for your input-


posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by alwayslearning01

Never tried lecithin by itself, but combined w/ the Vit C, I haven't got sick at all in 6 months being around plenty of sick people, whereas usually when just taking regular vit c pills, I would still end up sick.

I would re-think about selling this stuff, or at least don't tell anyone on the net that you sell it. Something like this would require basically you to be licensed, all your counter tops stainless steel, mountains of paperwork, etc. I have a friend who grew her own herbs and wanted to sell them in capsules and put them in stores, and there were mountains of requirements by our good ole gov't.

I personally barter batches or just show others how to do it. If I did sell batches, I wouldn't tell anyone about, just my personal take. If you look at all the other Lipo-C suppliers, they have labs, stainless equipment, etc. But if you can maybe outsource and make larger batches for sale that would be interesting, cause right now I'm seeing the $1 per dose on the market. So maybe selling per larger batch you might be on to something

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Appreciate the quick response Dominicus. I hope this thread goes on for a long time, so informative.

So, my biggest thing is I didn't want to go into the hole providing this stuff. Bartering is good! I have friends with farm fresh eggs...maybe I could get someone to do some minor repairs around the house...I could see this as a very valuable thing- plus I like the community feel of bartering.

Great, thanks!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by oddpenguin

Hello, oddpenguin. I've only used the stick blender since the start of this thread, as I already have one. But, in reading all posts in this thread, you'll find that many people have used other type blenders and food processors, with good results.

The objective is to make sure the mixture is totally dissolved, and completely blended for maximum encapsulation. If I were you, I'd use the highest setting on your processor, minimum 2 minutes. The time saving with the stick blender is worth considering. When I make mine, I pour one cup water into 2 small glass container, the stick blender will fit into. I then use stick blender to mix each ingredient in it's own container, in one cup of water. Then blend the two together in one container for final mixing, then into sonic unit for a minimum of 30 minutes total, depending how many cycles you need to run it through to total around 30 mins. Then I only have the two glass containers to wash and the stick blender after making it.

It would be a hassle to wash and clean my food processor after each use....I opted for the easy way, plus the stick blender mixes at a very high rate of speed, and mixes completely. I could not get the total liquefaction of my lecithin without the stick blender.

I just took a pic of my set-up so you have a visual to go with my words

My finished product...

I'm sure others, who mix other ways ,will chime in with their process and results. Good's well worth the effort...


edit on 14-1-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Got my last two ingredients today,Vit C powder and distilled water.
Just whizzed up a 500ml batch.
The foam was still there at 32 mins(my machine does 8mins at a time),so I gave it another 8mins.
By then most of the foam had gone,but there was a small amount left round the side.
The mix ended up a kind of off white/pale yellowish color.
I used lecisun(sunflower lethicin).
I have put it in a glass jar in a bag in the fridge to keep it dark.
Just had my 1st tablespoon of the stuff-didn't taste that bad,quite bitter but OK.

I will report back in a few days to say how I am getting on.

Thanks for the help folks!

Waiting on your verdict before going ahead with the purchase. Hope results are not disappointing!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 05:32 PM
Anyone get so eager they failed to start out slowly? Any ill effects?
I just made some and took an ounce, which I know isn't bad, but it's later in the day...

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by alwayslearning01

I take 1.5 oz, twice a day. One dose on waking so I take it on an empty stomach, the other dose before 2:00 pm in the afternoon. I think, it may depend on your metabolic rates on how it effects you. For me, taking it after 2:00, leaves me wide awake until late in the night. I've read where others didn't feel it so strongly in the evenings. I'm small in body and body weight, and 62 years old. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, I assume it does for me.

Hope that helps answer your question.


edit on 14-1-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

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