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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by occy30
I can handle that.

Now next question. I plan on buying a bottle that is already complete. The bottles I see on the net seem to be about a months worth. Does this seem right? The home made stuff only last a 4 or 5 days unrefrigerated (not sure how long when refrigerated). Wanna make sure I get the right stuff.

Sure you can try the one's that are already made.

The whole "I make my own" part, is what really spurred alot of people on because you make it soooo much more cheaper then store bought. I think I paid about $40 total for the ingredients and that was enough for 6 months worth of batches. It's DIY part of it and the savings part which is just as awesome as the health benefits.

The batches I make last 2 weeks in the fridge, in a dark colored gin bottle (or any dark bottle to not let light in) and also I have one of those wine vacuum hand pump gadgets, so after I open and take my daily dose, I put thus gadget back on the bottle, give it about 50 pumps, pulling all the air out of the bottle, and stick back in the fridge. I have had batches last 3 weeks like this with no souring.

edit on 8-1-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:29 PM
I think the biggest problem here is when you guys decide to stop.

People can get addicted to vitamin. In fact its a known danger with pregnant women who consume high levels of supplements (other then folic acid which is absolute must) that newly born babies suffer from vitamin C withdrawals. I would argue that many ATS readers are people who are childless and hence unaware of this fact.

I think a few posters have already mentioned this however I think its worth repeating that this should not be a daily fixture in your life (unless you plan to consume it every day and have ready access to this).

Me, i might try it though I prefer to eat my green apple.

One of the major factors in the uptake of Vitamin C, and many other minerals and vitamin are the thousands of polyphenols that are found in fruit and vegetables. It is the interaction of these substances (and many are unknown) that are believed to be the reason why people who eat fruit and vegetable have far superior health outcomes then people who simply consume supplements. Obviously people deficient in vitamins will benefit from supplements but there are many other things that fruit and veg give us that don't involve vitamins.

Being pretty darn unhealthy I felt utterly wired, not dissimilar to the experiences the posters in this thread have found with "lipid encapsulated vitamin C", when I ate my first freshgreen apple in a long time.

In fact as a user of opiates, and suffering terrible withdrawals I found a single green apple completely staved off my withdrawals for 2 hours. I later discovered that regular high doses of vitamin C assist greatly in managing opiate withdrawals. Though the though of drinking vitamin c powder every 2-4 hours turned me off.

The other thing about taking fruit and vegetables over vitamin supplements is that you get significant benefits in other areas, namely blood sugar and fibre.

In summary I think you all need to consider the following

1 - the uptake mechanism for vitamin C, though somewhat understood, isn't completely understood. Covering something in fat does not make it uptake quicker in your stomach. There was a post, i think on page 4 or 5 who describes eloquently the mechanism in which Vitamin C enters cells, and it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with fat! Consuming vegetable fats in the manner noted in the method may not be a great idea. It could lead to longer term issues.
2 - dissolving vitamin C probably has a lot to do with peak availability in ones plasma as is the case with many other drugs that are consumed dissolved and in liquid form.
3 - lower doses of vitamin on a frequent basis allow for significant uptake, up to 90% if your taking under 50mg at a time. The reason why IV Vit C is effective is because that its a hyper dose but because its consistently and readily available for your body to use whenever it needs it.
4 - your body #s out excess vitamin C. Lets say your body needs 1000mg today but you eat 5000mg with a 90% uptake/bio availability - . this means 3500mg of vitamin C, irrespective of how you consumed it, will depart your body via your ass. Doesn't matter how much fat you coated it in, it ain't going to be used.
5 - I suspect those receiving a significant benefit would probably agree that they do not have a diet high in vitamin C (they have a good diet but few people eat foods that would be at the upper end of vitamin C requirements of your body (see why a single apple spun me out).

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by chugs

I've eaten fruits/veggies with high levels of vit C and taken Vit C pills, and NEVER EVER felt as many positive effects as I do on Liposomal Vit C and have an 80 year old grandmother, who before could barely move, is now on all 4's washing her wood floors, cooking all day, and doing laundry.

Liposomal Encapsulted Vitamins and Meds has now become a scientifically credible separate branch of medicine. They even have studies on the on the increase of effectiveness in Liposomal Antibiotics and also cancer meds.

My opinion is your post sounds like an uninformed first year med student trying to tell me about Vit C. There are people recovering from Cancer off this stuff and I've seen miracle recoveries in my own family off this stuff and feel it running through my whole systems and have not been sick or 6 months straight (even being around a house with kids where every single person got the stomach flu puke fest, I even finished a juice after one of the sick kids, and still nothing. Been around a whole office where everyone had the flu and still nothing)

Everyone in my family who takes this daily, has not been sick even being around contagious people.

On top of this, I took a month off, and take days off here and there, and there weren't any Vit -C withdrawl systems or anything. Instead I went back to my old pre-Vit C sluggish and tired ways. Our bodies don't produce Vit C like many animals do, and we need it or we get scurvy.

Regular Vit C only absorbs into the blood stream at a few percent. Liposomal's are in the high 80's. Just do your research or try it yourself. No need to be scared

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:58 PM
I have some pharmaceutical grade vitamin c powder, but before I buy a jewlry cleaner, I'll try some that's pre-made and see how it goes.

Just ordered it. Will be at my doorstep Friday...

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Dominicus is being honest and truthful. I've had the exact same results. I'm 62, feel like I'm 42 or younger.

If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. jmoho...


posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Why do you keep mentioning blood pH levels? The body regulates blood pH levels quite well and keeps it stable all the time!

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 02:51 AM
I've been following this for a while and I think it might be time to give it a try! I'm always on the run so my diet usually suffers. Compound that with the fact that I really don't eat any fruit /citrus or vegetables high in vit C so I probably have chronically low levels. I think I'll start slow and try to work up to a level that feels right cause I don't think my body will know what to do with this "foreign" vitamin, lol.
Thanks to all who have put this info together! It has definitely made it much easier to know what to purchase. I have a few questions though. Has anyone noticed a difference between using just ascorbic acid as compared to the ascorbic acid and baking soda compound? Has anyone tried putting the mixture in a glass beaker and then sitting it in the cleaner to avoid contact with the metal?

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by dominicus

Dominicus is being honest and truthful. I've had the exact same results. I'm 62, feel like I'm 42 or younger.

If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. jmoho...


Des, your posts - more than any, inspired me the most. I spent the better part of an entire day reading 50+ pages on this thread before getting a bit weary. I was thankful for Julie condensing/recapping things on that "other" thread before it got shut down. But yesterday, after expanding my research, I needed no more convincing that this may be my last hope for overcoming a slow metabolism, brain fog, lethargy, etc.

So, I hit up my local HFS and Harbor Freight yesterday and was able to acquire the necessities. Pricey? Yes, I invested $50 - which was 20% off on everything I purchased, and included an extended warranty on the very last US cleaner that HF had! It'll be another day or so before I have the time to get started making the concoction......but I'm excited and will definitely contribute my experiences after I get started.

Not to detract from this great thread, but being as a few here mentioned being interested and short on funds to acquire things, let me throw the term Kombucha Tea into the mix. I've been drinking it for over a year now and can attest (albeit anecdotal) to it's greatness. Not so much for myself, but for many other's who've benefited greatly by it. It is very cheap to make, and it just basically boils down to the tea balancing the body's pH so your body has the ability to heal itself. It can be bought commercially - quite pricey, but again - you can make it yourself. Though it does take time, because it's a living food and must be fermented.

IMO, it's important to take responsibility for your own health as much as you can. And with Obamacare being forced upon us in nefarious ways, can you be sure you will get real health care? At this point in time I know I can't!
Cheers to everyone for better health.....

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by chugs

Being pretty darn unhealthy I felt utterly wired, not dissimilar to the experiences the posters in this thread have found with "lipid encapsulated vitamin C", when I ate my first freshgreen apple in a long time.

In fact as a user of opiates, and suffering terrible withdrawals I found a single green apple completely staved off my withdrawals for 2 hours. I later discovered that regular high doses of vitamin C assist greatly in managing opiate withdrawals. Though the though of drinking vitamin c powder every 2-4 hours turned me off.

Hey, FWIW, if those green apples ever stop working, Kava Kava is helpful for opiate withdrawal. Don't have that problem myself, but also FWIW, I know of someone who was able to reduce their dosage of Seroquel (anti psychotic) by 50% in a month's time by taking one Kava Kava capsule at bedtime with absolutely no negative effects. Went from a zombie to actually living again!

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 06:16 AM
Has anyone had any experience of using this lipo vit C to combat a bad back(sciatica)or athritis?
I have a dodgy back,and my mum has athritis,and I would buy the stuff to make lipo vit C if anyone has seen positive results for either complaint.

Is this a suitable jewelry cleaner to use?

Thanks all.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

I'm very tempted to bite the bullet and get the stuff necessary to make some but I can't believe how expensive all the ingredients are! I'd rather not foolishly fall for it and find out yet again that this is another fad riding on people's desperation for it to work. It came to about £60 in total for everything on!

I'd like to know what the best stuff is from Amazon from someone who has made their own and felt the results.

ULTRA 7000 ULTRASONIC Cleaner Only requires warm water so no harmful chemicals

Lecisun Lecithin Granules Non-genetically modified

Ascorbic Acid 500g High Grade 100% Vitamin C - Pharmaceutica​l Grade Pure Powder

Distilled Water I'd love to know where to buy this in the UK without it costing such a ridiculous amount,
edit on 9-1-2013 by dodgygeeza because: Distilled water is not the same as de-ionised water

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

It does seem expensive I agree-but if it works as folks claim it does,I am tempeted to buy the stuff as well.
It would pay for itself after you make 500mls of it though,as 250ml of "made"liposomal vit C is £33 on amazon!

I will buy the kit if I hear any good feedback about how well it works on bad backs/athritis I think.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 07:39 AM
Finally got the ingredients in a small town, 50km outside of the city(city health stores just have tablet forms). Total cost was around $40 bucks, also ordered the Soniccator online, which is about $40 bucks as well and should arrive next week.

Can't wait to try it!
edit on 1/9/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Julie Washington
Thread Summary Here:

Liposomal Vitamin C - Thread Summary

I wanted to thank everyone for the U2U's for the Summary Thread I prepared.

Some were disappointed that the thread was closed, but actually this is a good thing and quite appropriate. The only purpose of the thread was to give a condensed summary for this thread because it has grown so large. And all comments, questions and results belong here in this thread.

Another reason is because I believe in this stuff so much, I didn't want people to miss out on this great "vitamin C therapy" (as I like to call it) because they didn't have time to read 70 pages.

I'm doing another thread strictly about the benefits of "Vitamin C" all with backed up with medical reports and studies. Including that the USDA recommended daily intake is wrong..... way wrong and I'll explain why and why they set the limit at what it is today. It is mind boggling!

Hope to have it done either today or tomorrow.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Has anyone had any experience of using this lipo vit C to combat a bad back(sciatica)or athritis?
I have a dodgy back,and my mum has athritis,and I would buy the stuff to make lipo vit C if anyone has seen positive results for either complaint.

I suffer from neither of the complaints you mention, but I'll add this - as you probably missed my post farther up on this page regarding the mention of Kombucha tea. I watched my SO's joints (fingers and toes) twist into some horrible configurations over the past 8 or 9-years from osteoarthritis. He would wake in the middle of the night with excruciating pain and was taking Rx pain meds several times a day. And I have a dear friend with sciatica who was being treated by a neurologist....lots of pain meds and very expensive shots, up to 2x a year. The Dr. even deadened a bunch of nerves in her feet. Plus, she also had suffered from ulcerative colitis for over two years.

But last year at this time I got them both to try my home brewed Kombucha tea. The results were absolutely amazing for both of them, in short order! The arthritis pain disappeared, the colitis cleared up with no changes in diet, and the reduced sciatica pain lessened the need for Oxycontin.....which is very addictive! I could add more, but I don't want to detract from this thread .... and I don't have the time or inclination to start a thread of my own at this time.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Has anyone had any experience of using this lipo vit C to combat a bad back(sciatica)or athritis?
I have a dodgy back,and my mum has athritis,and I would buy the stuff to make lipo vit C if anyone has seen positive results for either complaint.

Is this a suitable jewelry cleaner to use?

Thanks all.

Please read this about arthritis:

A Tale of Two Stories

Dr. Mehmet C. Oz and Dr. Michael F. Roizen, co-authors of "You: The Owner's Manual", recommend a higher dosage. "Shoot for 1200 milligrams of vitamin C a day--spread between your diet and supplements throughout the day."

Vitamin C: A Natural Way to Fight Arthritis

There is no way for your body to absorb 1200 mg a day through supplements. Because your body can only absorb about 15% of a 1,000 mg pill. So if you took 10 pills you would have massive diarrhea.

This is the beauty of Lipsomal Vitamin C.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:26 AM
I have ordered all the kit for this and cant wait to get started!

I've had a chest infection for the last 3 weeks and although it's now almost gone i'm still drained/tired all the time, feel week and rather crap. I also smoke (well just quit actually) so no doubt this will help with my low vit c levels.

I also just want to add that I have a good diet, eat organic when I can, hardly ever eat junk food and am not doing this instead of eating fruit and veg, that would be silly! - I just cant resist after all the solid feedback from respected members and the fact I feel like poop at the moment.

I will be back to give updates on how I get on.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Im also having trouble finding distilled water in the UK, please let me know if you find 1 letre bottles anywhere at a reasonable price, the only 1L bottles I could find are almost as much as that 5.5L tub you linked to.

Another thought on the distilled water (for all at ats).... I read it acts like a sponge, soaking up toxins, would it leach toxins from that plastic tub over time? After all 5.5 L is a lot of water and will take some time to get through, also it wont fit in my fridge!


posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by doubledutch

You can easily make it... you pretty much need steam of a clean water.

How to make distilled water.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by doubledutch

You can easily make it... you pretty much need steam of a clean water.

How to make distilled water.

Great stuff. Thanks luciddream

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