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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by saintinwaiting

Most of these effects you are describing are not with the Liposomal C you are describing the effects of orally taking regular vitimin C in a pill form of which the part that is not absorbed will cause if in too high a dose the symtoms that you have described. That is why the Liposomal is so GREAT.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 10:55 PM
Glad to see people are still going on with the lipo c

I took 2 months off, to intentionally try to get sick, and finally about 4 days ago I managed to get tonsillitis, so I made a fresh batch and started taking it 2 days ago.. And now my tonsillitis is a tiny shade of a sore throat.

I love experimenting on my self

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Man, I just reading about studies they made about vitamin C on Hepatitis C. You can cure it with Vitamin injections since the bioavailability is too weak in its oral form but still, I didn't know that vitamin C was that powerful.

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by nosheeple

I have been following this thread from the beginning & have read all post, S&F OP in the beginning
of the thread.
I wish those using it would respond more often as it seems forever to hear
any results. My only worry is how it effects any medication someone is taking
on a regular basis.
I am also curious how it would effect someone with uncontrollable (over the edge)
anxiety. The Liposomal Vit-C has appeared to have more positive effects than negative.
So if anyone has any info regarding drug reactions I would greatly appreciate your info...


posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Ektar

I would not expect any help with that. It is just a vitamin after all. Everyone is chiming in with all the purported health benefits but I suspect it is just a plecebo effect that they are experiencing. I have to admit that I tried it too. I even bought the sonic cleaner which would have been a waste of money except my wife likes to keep her jewelry clean. I have been reading this thread and following it somewhat since the beginning and I am amazed that it has gone on this long.

I do take the vitamin C every day though... Even though only around 15-20% gets into your system if you take a gram a day it's still a high dose.

I also should probably add that I am an athelete and run every day as well as strength train. I have felt no difference at all when taking this concoction and in my opinion it is just hype; That's just my own experience though, I think you'd get far more benefit from exercise and proper diet.
edit on 11/25/2012 by wtbengineer because: (no reason given)

If you have anxiety that bad (which I have had for much of my life too) I'd see my doctor. There are things you can take to help in extreme situations but I still insist that diet and exercise will control it.
edit on 11/25/2012 by wtbengineer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 03:21 PM
Im going to give this a try.

I have NO idea why healthy folks would bother. WHen I was healthy, I was too busy to be on the comp and felt too good to bother with supplements.

Right now out of the blue Im having another flaky AI flare... they call it lupus-like, it is acting like another auto immune disorder... and Im getting vita D IV at the hospital. Im also catching everything that comes by and right on the heels of the real flu which kept me basically in bed, I now have a virus. C effects histamine in a way I need it to.. so Im trying it. When I was there yesterday I told them about this recipe and told them I was going to try it. Im sort of a special case and interesting to the Dr.. Im 100% NDN.. piegan Blackfeet.. parents were rez born, but I wasnt... different dietary requirements than Europeans and etc.. and I go to a research hospital.. Washington University. They seem interested in hearing if I am benefitted at all.. and I give enough blood to stock a bank in tests.. so I can report if there is any difference in my regular tests
These flares are killer and your quality of life is complete crap until it decides to respond to the drugs or goes away. Im sick of taking certain things.. so Im trying this.Before anyone flakes over the ":internet wisdom" of boosting the immune system is BAD for auto immune disorders.. BS. Im taking a buttload of D in an IV.. which boosts the immune response and I feel better.. and its prevented organ failure. Someday folks will stop taking all "research" as gospel and believing everything they read on the internet without due research of their own. Even with my daughters liver transplant.. the data on the net was WRONG.. including the medical journal BS. EVERYONE IS NOT ALIKE. I find it ludicrous to maintain one baseline as the ONLY baseline.. and discount everyone else.. some who are NOT white europeans. The wonderful scientists and researchers try to kill the rest of us off with their idiotic food pyramid and FDA approved diets and dosages.. they are not across the board correct for everyone. I kind of take offense concerning the FDA and medical researchers trying to kill me off.

The testing for this next Friday will only be : BUN, Creatine, T4free, UA w micro, TSH, non automated SED rate, ANA, Lipid panel, BMP, and D.

Anyhoo, Im making some tonight and Ill report back with the personal experience and next Fri I get the blood tests for the post lipo-C .. should have results by that next Tues.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Advantage

I wish the very best for you! I've been on it since the beginning of this thread, have posted results at various times. Have not caught one single bug, that everyone around me has been getting over these past 4 months. Energy levels high, mental clarity, high. Lost 20 lbs didn't even try. Lost cravings for sweets pretty much. I'll be 62 years old in 2 weeks, and feel like I'm 20 yrs younger than before I started taking it. I look forward seeing to what your results are like.


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by MegaMind

reply to post by dominicus has it been working out for you guys after all these months? Sorry, I stopped on page 16. Reading the conversations between Muzzle and everyone else just hammered me.

ETA Ok and I just read the last 2 pages. Seems like most (everyone?) who have tried this are reporting positive results.

Originally posted by trig_grl
I've been trying to figure out a way around the soy as I am allergic to soy. Can the soy lecithin be substituted?Any suggestions?

This is also a good question. My father is allergic to soy. He's rather ancient and I would really like to find something to give him a boost if it has no downsides.
edit on 2-12-2012 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by AlanQaida

Now that's dedication.

Has anyone found an alternative for the sonic jewelry cleaner?
edit on 2-12-2012 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:47 PM
Googled Liposom Vitamin C initially i was thinking im going to have to apply this on the skin however il digress

I got to page 8 before i thought id skip a few pages to see how much content im going to have to review and believe me im not one to ask questions to answers that have already been answered probably 100 times prior but how the fudge am i expected to get through SIXTY EIGHT PAGES! If someone summarised this thread in a post could anyone post me the link ?

The only contribution i can offer at the moment is raising the bodies acidity level that was mentioned, oh i don't know possibly 60 summit pages back. Liposomal reduce the amount of vitamin C needed making it 8 times stronger or 80% more bioavailable another way of wording it. But this has probably already been mentioned so erm _javascript:icon('

Would like a summary, however threads this big usually peak round the 15-20th page but i don't wish to miss any gold nuggets of info that may have leaked into the other 40 or so pages after.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by TheLegend

paint gun- which is an adaptation of the "French Pressure Plate Method".I have no idea how well encapsulated the outcome but what I made looks and tastes very similar to commercial products.

Somebody who calls himself "Pylesgary" posted this somewhat elusive post also pictures in an adjoining file.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Hey Des
Glad to see you checking in every now and then....Do you have any
gray hair left? LOL! Seriously because earlier in the thread you said
your gray hair was turning back to it's natural color.
Wish I could try this but cannot afford to at the moment.
I have enjoyed following the thread & reading results.
I'm surprised that no one with ADD or ADHD has tried this yet,
unless I missed something.


posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 04:59 PM
I found DIY Liposomal C and GSH through this forum. I entered on page 32 a little over a month ago and branched out from there so I thought I'd post a response on options for Soy Lecithin.

Based on the discussion on the Yahoo DIY-LET list this is the only product extracted without hexane/solvents and is a fully organic (non-GMO) alternative to Soy Lecithin. All other Sunflower based Lecithin products are jacked up one way or another....mostly hexane extracted.

Also, there is some really REALLY technical discussion going on right now on that list as to whether this actually works by the LET mechanism described...I don't know...but I'm sold on it for now.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Ektar
reply to post by Destinyone

Hey Des
Glad to see you checking in every now and then....Do you have any
gray hair left? LOL! Seriously because earlier in the thread you said
your gray hair was turning back to it's natural color.
Wish I could try this but cannot afford to at the moment.
I have enjoyed following the thread & reading results.
I'm surprised that no one with ADD or ADHD has tried this yet,
unless I missed something.


I still have gray hair growing in, just not near as much. By that I mean, some places are now growing in brown. I've always, my whole life, had my hair grow in lighter in certain areas. So, most of my life, during the summer months, my hair would have large streaks of light brown to blond hair based on how much exposure to the sun I had.

Now, the areas where it did grow in lighter, are not growing new hair that is gray anymore. Strange...huh.

Plus, my hair is growing in thicker all over. I've always had rather long, thick, but fine textured hair anyways. I have to trim it about every couple of months to keep it at the middle of my lower back now, in length. My eye lashes seem a hell of a lot thicker too.

As a strange aside....I now am back to shaving my legs once a week too....have not had to do that for some years.

Hope that answers your questions....


posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:21 PM
hey guys n gals,

I lurk a lot and do not post, but I've followed this thread and am grateful for the replys, input and activity.

I am compelled to let others know that Ive made my own Liposomal C for me (30s) and my father (60). I and my father drink at least a shot a day in the morning, (sometimes 2) for the last several months and both of us have lost a few pounds, had more energy, grown Dark youthful colored hair (my dad was 50% grey and is now less than 10%. He looks at least 10 years younger with the color and complexion improvement. I am happy with the "percieved" improvement in energy and alertness and as a very cautious, health minded (more so as I age) feel this stuff has NO side affects. Ive had problems with anxiety and stress in the past and this in no way has had an negative impact.

MY personal overall improvements from Lipo C:

Natural Hair Color comes back if grey or if lighter turns dark
Natural unjittered Energy
Skin healthier
More Alert
Slight wieght loss

Thanks everyone for the comments. You gave me enough confidence to try this and its.going to remain a part of my diet for years to come.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Ektar
reply to post by Destinyone

Hey Des
Glad to see you checking in every now and then....Do you have any
gray hair left? LOL! Seriously because earlier in the thread you said
your gray hair was turning back to it's natural color.
Wish I could try this but cannot afford to at the moment.
I have enjoyed following the thread & reading results.
I'm surprised that no one with ADD or ADHD has tried this yet,
unless I missed something.


I'm glad you posted that... I have ADD but don't take any prescription meds and I made my own batch of this stuff. I've been taking it for 2 days.

Not long after taking the first dose, I noticed that my mind was much clearer than normal and I was able to put my thoughts into clear and complete statements without the normal amount of effort. My mind is usually racing so badly that I feel as though my sentences are cut short or come out sounding strange... almost as though I forget the point I'm making halfway through, and forget the original intent of the sentence toward the end. It makes it awkward to carry on small-talk conversations. The Liposomal Vitamin C definitely helps my mind to stay clear.

I've also noticed that my usual social anxiety is all but non-existent. I don't feel awkward and stand-offish when I speak with cashiers and random folks I encounter while out and about, like I normally do. I'm much more friendly toward people in general. I don't have an "I'm being judged" feeling when I'm in public.

I have practically zero angry outbursts when driving, unlike usual.

I have no desire to eat unhealthy foods or spend money so it seems that some of the impulsiveness of ADD has been quelled.

Ever since moving to my current city, I've had allergy and sinus issues but I've breathed better through my nose the last couple days than I have since living here.

Say what you want about the stuff, but I'm definitely having noticeable effects.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

That is SOOOoooo awesome for you!! I took it for about 2 to 3 months after seeing the thread on here and I too felt very good and experienced all the benefits that you did. The only side effect for me was... oh, I guess I'll tell... gas! I was not pleasant to be around and I work in a fairly small office with 7 other people! There happens to be a person in the office who claims to have allergies to anything that smells like air freshener, so I couldn't spray anything in the air. Anyway, I stopped for a few weeks because of that and after around day 2, I began to feel more tired; going back to the way I was prior. I made more and began again. I love the results, but don't love that terrible side effect. I lost around 10 pounds during the first couple of months.
I would love to find a way to begin the vit c again! I was taking 2 oz twice a day; in the morning and at lunchtime on an empty stomach.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by EdwynaGolden

I wonder if it's the lecithin you're using that's causing the problem? Maybe you could try a different lecithin. Are you using soy or sunflower? Maybe switch from one to the other? Something to think about anyway.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:29 PM
Just checking in again on this thread.

As reported previously, my wife and I still use Lipo C. She has never had menstrual pain since ingesting Lipo C. Her energy is always up. I don't feel anything different except I haven't caught a cold or been sick ever since.

What I would like to know is if there are any recent good stories of folks using Lipo C to treat cancer, as opposed to chemo and radiation. Just a little study I am doing for now.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Quick update and some useful info.

I have stopped doing the lipoC concoction and have started to use this product instead

My wife and I each take a little teaspoon, like 1/2tps and mix it in a small glass of orange juice. The effects, taste and energy are better than my lipo stuff that I made

It is 5000mg per teaspoon and it is non-acidic. I never had a bathroom issue and the effects are provable to us. My wife and I work in the same complex around the same people and everyone around us has gotten sick, but neither of us have even gotten the sniffles. We take it once, 3 times a week, M-W-F, and whenever we are around sick coworkers, we double our dose.

We stopped doing the ultrasonic due to the metallic taste that it produced and the fact that it tasted horrible too.

This product is available at Wholefoods.


edit on 17/12/12 by sirric because: clarifiy statements

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