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Oakland City Council Cowers In The Face Of Brutal Truth

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posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:15 PM
Greetings to all and especially all my fellow members here in California. I feel privileged to bring this to you and to say I that I can call Jessica a personal friend of mine. On Ustream,YouTube and various other places she goes by the handle "BellaEiko" and has quickly become a legend among the occupy movement out here. There really isn't any other person or video I've seen that sticks it in and breaks it off quite like she does. check out the video it's well worth the watch

This is the most important video of the entire Occupy movement in my opinion. The truth has a certain ring to it and especially coming from a pillar of Occupy media/livestreaming like BellaEiko, who we have followed from her first streams way back when. The beginning of this video will be shocking to some, as will the end. Especially if they don’t know Bella and don’t realise what she has seen and been exposed to; her friends and fellow occupiers shot with rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades; beaten, gassed, arrested en masse by the notoriously vicious and unforgiving Oakland Police Department. As “radical” as some may interpret it; what she says is true. On all counts. Despite being the opposite of her in race & location; our experiences are very similar. We have both spent 8+ months battling a massive corporate media that flat out lies & omits critical information, slandering us – politicians who go to extreme & dodgy lengths to inconvenience and silence us – police who infiltrate and assault and arrest us.

I hope you enjoyed the video, please spread this around, news of this should reach as many as it can

+3 more 
posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:28 PM
Well I didn't watch the whole thing, its just some person bitching about things that are wrong.. But you know... she kinda killed her credibility with saying black power black panther thing...

And this is coming from someone who would protest something for a cause.. She just made a lot of people look like idiots i think. But meh I guess it takes a lot of us to make the world go round eh?

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Well I didn't watch the whole thing, its just some person bitching about things that are wrong.. But you know... she kinda killed her credibility with saying black power black panther thing...

And this is coming from someone who would protest something for a cause.. She just made a lot of people look like idiots i think. But meh I guess it takes a lot of us to make the world go round eh?

Yeah. And that's about the only thing I could understand her saying. She rambled so fast that I had no idea what she was saying. I do love her anger, though. It shows how we're getting to the point where we've had enough.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:44 PM
it's too bad that was all you guys got out of this video. whether you agree with her or not, what is staggeringly important here are the cries of support that she gets from the rest of the audience and the fact that her sentiments are shared by A LOT of people in this country right now.

i think racism is weak and only hurts us all by dividing us but i can understand where she is coming from. she feels war is being waged on her community. from her point of view, her community must unite or die.

besides, 95% of her message had more to do with economics than race.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by AzraelBane

I would not have sworn but I am awed by her passion and she is so right, **** is ****ed up. I was watching her stream on May Day when they got tear gassed, her friend who is asthmatic collapsed and she called 911 but the cops wouldn't let the ambulance through and they would not assist the man laying on the ground. She's right again about City Councils and it's happening nationwide with how they allocate money and curb urban farms and pass ordinances that choke people more and more and enable cops to be increasingly oppressive. That council got spoken to exactly how they deserved.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by AzraelBane

That was amazing,


She is the embodiment of all our frustrations.

And that ignorant city council C**T has the brass set to tell her that she SHOULD be with her sick mother instead of there, ALERTING the peoples representatives that inhuman acts are being committed on their very doorstep. UNBELIEVABLE simply UNBELIEVABLE

Well I didn't watch the whole thing, its just some person bitching about things that are wrong

Well ThichHeaded, with a thought process like that YOU SHOULD RUN FOR CITY COUNCIL, because your lack of empathy and understanding means your a shoe in. AND A CLOWN
Great name though, your mother must have known you well

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by InspirationEverywhere

Well I didn't watch the whole thing, its just some person bitching about things that are wrong

Well ThichHeaded, with a thought process like that YOU SHOULD RUN FOR CITY COUNCIL, because your lack of empathy and understanding means your a shoe in. AND A CLOWN
Great name though, your mother must have known you well

You know, Its funny you say this, I have been to many protests that i seemed to have some feeling about.. Being empathetic towards someone who shows hate of another race... Um no, I think not.. If this was clear plain english with a F here and an F there then it would be fine, but she straight up stated she is involved with the Black panthers and Agreed with their logic, this means not whites allowed.. Ironic I state this because well I aint even white I am native american... Interesting that eh?

But ya lets have her passion of hate of others fill us with mad rage.. That way we can do flash mobs into stores because the man let us down.. meh whatever........................

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:58 PM

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Don't confuse the Black Panthers with the New Black Panther Party or the Nation of Islam. Just sayin there's a big difference.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Ahh what?


posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:05 PM
The original black panthers were founded to protect black people from the police brutality in OAKLAND at that time. So it actually makes sense that she said it, seeing as she probably has family that was part of the original movement.

She really could have delivered it better. Yelling, cussing, and bringing race up makes most people not take you seriously.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:11 PM

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Kali74

your link..

The New Black Panther Party provoked a melee outside Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's campaign headquarters after she had lost a Democratic primary election to her opponent, Hank Johnson. The NBPP's Chief of Staff, Hashim Nzinga, had been acting as security detail for McKinney when he physically attacked reporters, calling them "Jews" and insisting that they must focus on Hank Johnson rather than on McKinney, since Johnson, he alleged, was a "Tom".

Same name, Same tatics...

Racism, the only thing people cant get a clue about..


here also.

Calling the NBPP extremist, critics have cited Muhammad's "Million Youth March" in Harlem, a youth equivalent of the Million Man March, in which the protest against police brutality included speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa.

edit on 5/26/2012 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

You were right the first time, you didnt watch the whole video, and you didnt understand any of it. I'm white and I KNOW by what I've heard and understood that she and I would stand side by side for FREEDOM , for LIBERTY.

That was and is her message LOUD AND CLEAR. She gives her support for the black panthers and then gives her support for all of Oakland. She then gives her support to all americans by quoting your constitution, and with her overall message of freedom, justice and liberty for all she shows her support for ALL EARTHS CHILDREN.

but she straight up stated she is involved with the Black panthers and Agreed with their logic, this means not whites allowed.. Ironic I state this because well I aint even white I am native american... Interesting that eh?

If all you saw was a racist shouting, then I my heart honestly breaks for you. She bore her soul, the spirit of all who seek to be free from oppression.

But ya lets have her passion of hate of others fill us with mad rage.. That way we can do flash mobs into stores because the man let us down.

The MAN has let us down, HE'S poisoned our food, HE'S poisoned our water, HE'S poisoned our land, and HE'S poisoned our hearts.
The seriousness of today's world could never ever ever be overstated. Maybe a flash mob could be the very spark our generation needs.

meh whatever........................

How articulate, the words of heartless hack. I am deeply saddened by your very existence. I am truly sorry for you.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Not the same at all...not gonna argue about it though.

edit on 26-5-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:24 PM
considering that if you look at all the oakland police murders that have taken place lately, it's more than valid to bring up the panthers when you take into account that almost every act of violence the opd commits is toward young black people.

You know, Its funny you say this, I have been to many protests that i seemed to have some feeling about.. Being empathetic towards someone who shows hate of another race... Um no, I think not.. If this was clear plain english with a F here and an F there then it would be fine, but she straight up stated she is involved with the Black panthers and Agreed with their logic, this means not whites allowed.. Ironic I state this because well I aint even white I am native american... Interesting that eh? But ya lets have her passion of hate of others fill us with mad rage.. That way we can do flash mobs into stores because the man let us down.. meh whatever........................

perhaps your ears are clogged or you just didn't want to listen. fact is she does speak clearly despite the use of profanity. where did she say she agreed with their logic? by saying black power? you've got to be kidding me
nothing of what she said suggested any kind of hate toward anything but police abusing their power and the council not doing their job. where was hate toward white people mentioned at all?. oddly enough I'm native american as well and I didn't take anywhere near the same thing you took from this. the only people that earn any kind of hate from me are those that seek to oppress and enslave people based on a selfish agenda. all races,creeds and colors can fall into that category including our own and it's taken on a person by person basis. spend some time on the res and see if you don't feel a little differently

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by InspirationEverywhere
reply to post by ThichHeaded

You were right the first time, you didnt watch the whole video, and you didnt understand any of it. I'm white and I KNOW by what I've heard and understood that she and I would stand side by side for FREEDOM , for LIBERTY.

That was and is her message LOUD AND CLEAR. She gives her support for the black panthers and then gives her support for all of Oakland. She then gives her support to all americans by quoting your constitution, and with her overall message of freedom, justice and liberty for all she shows her support for ALL EARTHS CHILDREN.

You mean that same new group i quoted in the other guys post.. I bet her version of liberty and freedom is for a few not all..

My understanding of freedom is for all.. It does not matter who and why you are.. you are free end of story.. I dont stand behind a group that is apparently known to spread hate to their followers to get their message of freedom across..

But hey.. You see 1 thing I see another.. I see a race filled speech and you see something else... But like i said my vision is we are all free, not some of us...

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Actually I am going to argue about it.

New Black Panter Party

The New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black political organization founded in Dallas, Texas in 1989. Despite its name, NBPP is not an official successor to the Black Panther Party.[1] Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that the newer party is illegitimate and have firmly declared that "there is no new Black Panther Party".[1] The Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights consider the New Black Panthers to be a hate group.[2][3][4]

Black Panthers

The Black Panther Party (originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense) was an African-American revolutionary leftist organization active in the United States from 1966 until 1982. The Black Panther Party achieved national and international notoriety through its involvement in the Black Power movement and U.S. politics of the 1960s and 1970s. The group's "provocative rhetoric, militant posture, and cultural and political flourishes permanently altered the contours of American Identity."[1]

Gaining national prominence, the Black Panther Party became an icon of the counterculture of the 1960s.[7] Ultimately, the Panthers condemned black nationalism as "black racism" and became more focused on socialism without racial exclusivity.[8] They instituted a variety of community social programs designed to alleviate poverty, improve health among inner city black communities, and soften the Party's public image.[9] The Black Panther Party's most widely known programs were its armed citizens' patrols to evaluate behavior of police officers and its Free Breakfast for Children program. However, the group's political goals were often overshadowed by their confrontational, militant, and violent tactics against police.[10]

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I bet her version of liberty and freedom is for a few not all..

And you might have heard that if you had listened to the whole speech, maybe more then the few moments you admitted to earlier.

You see 1 thing I see another.. I see a race

Thats damn right, you see race, I see a fellow human being with her chest open and her heart bleeding.

Answer me this, If you had stood beside her at those protests would she have racially abused you? if a tear gas canister had hit you, do you think for a second she would have got some pleasure from that? Would she have let you bleed out from some wound? PLEASE wake up.


posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Kali74

What are you fighting about?

Your own links have stated that this group has been involved in talking about the extermination of a race, and talking how someone is a jew for whatever reasons on your own link..

You cant have a defense of a race is they are using race to combat the supposed racism that is happening.. It doesn't solve anything.. Just cause they are black and don't like white people it is not relevant to many peoples freedom.. They need a new group that is founded by someone like MLK or something because if racism vs racism is going to be the new thing then I feel sorry for the many of you... Free for all End of story...

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