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OWS is pro-Obama? Think again!

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by seabag

Don't patronize me. Take an apology (and learn from it) for what it is instead of putting it in words that are some kind of attempt to rub my nose in it. I don't care if you ever support Occupy or not. What I care about is your trolling and that's exactly what it is. You know that picture was Black Bloc and not Occupy but you just go on because for some reason you seem to enjoy demonizing people. Occupiers are people and I happen to be one of them, I've shown you over and over that I know what I'm talking about and you just outright refuse to stop your BS.

Having a different approach to the problems we all face doesn't make it okay to perpetuate propaganda and lies. You have the right to say whatever garbage you want, but know that most people recognize it for the crap that it is.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Kali74

i call second on seabag for trolling,
he has used the exact same pics and arguments from months ago and only seams to want to pick a fight andnot debate,

he and the two of us have derailed the thread which i think is his real intent,
dont feed the trolls


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

Sorry, I can't ignore blatant misinformation, not when demonizing this movement is making it okay for the government to use stronger and stronger methods of silencing dissent. Convince the people that a movement is a threat through lies, set ups and slanted media. NO! We will not be labeled terrorists.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

that is the second time in two seperate threads you have yused the same language and pictures to attempt to smear OWS

either get some new material or stop reguratating the same crap over and again

Why?? I've used it more than twice and it still applies. You can't shed your reality!!

OWS is what it is!

you sound EXACTLY like the MSM naritive,
dirty hippies who dont want to work

If the shoe fits…

well you should get educated if your going to shoot your mouth off
because a few people in this thread have tryed to be curtious and disscuss things rationally

some thing to remember,
bashing OWS will get you no where on a thread like this,
it just makes you look like CNN


I appreciate your OPINION; and that's all it opinion.

OWS is not political to continue to try to say it is,
is disingenuos and ignorent

its NOT left against right
its people VS wall street

stop being devicive and do some reading

It’s a predominantly LEFT movement. If not then all of these miscreants would have joined the Tea Party years ago!

You need to do some reading!

edit on 21-5-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by XPLodER

Sorry, I can't ignore blatant misinformation, not when demonizing this movement is making it okay for the government to use stronger and stronger methods of silencing dissent. Convince the people that a movement is a threat through lies, set ups and slanted media. NO! We will not be labeled terrorists.

i will agree that blatent misinformation is being used, it is obvious to most readers that this is the case from seabag/xchen

we will not be labeled as terrorists as we are peaceful and non violent, and pose no threat or harm to anyone.
seabag is scared of MSM naritives, it is the MSM that terrorises him/them

it is legal to protest and peaceful assembly is protected by the constitution,
such as the tea party protests seabag loves to talk about,

the poliec cannot treat the tea party or OWS any different under the law

we cant be labeled as terrorists as no one in OWS wants to see any violence of any sort.

smile sea bag is desperate to try to smear OCCUPY,
it makes him look desperate


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Don't patronize me.

Here we go again!!

Take an apology (and learn from it) for what it is instead of putting it in words that are some kind of attempt to rub my nose in it.

I was being sincere!!

I don't care if you ever support Occupy or not. What I care about is your trolling and that's exactly what it is. You know that picture was Black Bloc and not Occupy but you just go on because for some reason you seem to enjoy demonizing people. Occupiers are people and I happen to be one of them, I've shown you over and over that I know what I'm talking about and you just outright refuse to stop your BS.

Black Bloc is OWS is Obama is MoveOn is Communist Party USA is Black Panthers is etc, etc, etc.

You’re all the same…birds of a feather…America haters.

Having a different approach to the problems we all face doesn't make it okay to perpetuate propaganda and lies. You have the right to say whatever garbage you want, but know that most people recognize it for the crap that it is.

Nothing I said was a lie!

That’s lame! You can’t defend your OWS so you go on the attack. OWS is what it is…everyone recognized it so you can stop the charade!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by seabag

ok this is where i do my impression of you,
tea party are all racists

do you see what i am doing,
a logical fallicy
yo know what you are doing here on this thread,

you seek to demonize a whole group for a small minority within that group

you are disingenious and i feel YOU support the tea party to the point of blindness to the real truth

wall street bankers are scum and so is anyone defending them

edit on 21-5-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by seabag

Black Bloc is OWS is Obama is MoveOn is Communist Party USA is Black Panthers is etc, etc, etc.

You’re all the same…birds of a feather…America haters.

from desperate to pathetic,
by your logic,
we are all black panthers and comunists,

ANYONE can join OWS ANYONE can participate,
you are just disinfo for the sake of the tea party,
what the matter with you,
does OWS make you so insecure that you feel you must attack everyone to feel good about the tea party?

are you the real radical?
because from your opinion you sound very fanatical


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by seabag

I love my country, don't you ever put those words in my mouth.

I say and act as I do BECAUSE I love my country and so does Occupy. You may be okay with a corrupt government that does nothing but harm us as well as the rest of the world, I am not. Hating those in government and their puppet masters is not the same as hating your country, difficult concept for small brains...I know.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

ok this is where i do my impression of you,
tea party are all racists

do you see what i am doing,
a logical fallicy
yo know what you are doing here on this thread,

you seek to demonize a whole group for a small minority within that group

you are disingenious and i feel YOU support the tea party to the point of blindness to the real truth

wall street bankers are scum and so is anyone defending them

Nice try but the violence happens at the majority of OWS gatherings. Thanks for the freshman college tutorial on logical fallacies!

Racists at TTP rallies were thrown out each and every time.

Why doesn’t OWS throw out the ‘Black Block’ I always here about???

Oh, that’s right! It’s because OWS accepts everyone (except the people who just happen to start fires and break windows!!).

Got it!

edit on 21-5-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by seabag

get this through your thick head you under educated person you

to be OCCUPY you must first denounce violence of any sort
so by DEFINITION none of the damge or violence is by occupy

Oh, that’s right! It’s because OWS accepts everyone (except the people who just happen to start fires and break windows!!).

this is because anyone who is ACUALLY OCCUPY has agreed to non violence PEACEFUL civic action.

twist that statement again,
go on
peaceful non violent
twist that again
go on

black block is NOT OCCUPY

twist that
go on

you are just twisting words trying to be cleaver
you are a die hard tea party supporter with beef for OWS

i expect you to twist that to
go on


edit on 21-5-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by seabag

Why doesn’t OWS throw out the ‘Black Block’ I always here about???

we cant "throw out people" because to do so would call for violence
the black bloc is not occupy, they are not helping occupy

would you use violence to remove the black bloc?


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Kali74

I love my country, don't you ever put those words in my mouth.

I say and act as I do BECAUSE I love my country and so does Occupy. You may be okay with a corrupt government that does nothing but harm us as well as the rest of the world, I am not. Hating those in government and their puppet masters is not the same as hating your country, difficult concept for small brains...I know.

You’re a self-avowed communist, Kali!!

That’s NOT AMERICA! You want to transform America!

I risked my life for AMERICA and I support your right to support whatever you’d like. But don’t EVEN TRY TO SAY that you support the America that I believe in; a constitutional America.

I support your rights granted under the constitution. Anybody who wants to change the constitution isn’t ‘American’ IMO. You have legal status but you aren’t ‘AMERICAN’ if you want to change this country!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by seabag

risked my life for AMERICA and I support your right to support whatever you’d like. But don’t EVEN TRY TO SAY that you support the America that I believe in; a constitutional America.

show mw where in the constitution WHERE does it say that BAILING OUT BANKS is constitutional?
show me where socialism for the TBTF banks is constitutional?

tell me about capitalism where money from your unborn childeren is pledged to the banks for their mistakes?

tell me a patriot would sit still and watch wall street crash the us economy?

you are disingenious to the zenith


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by seabag

I'm not a communist, where'd you get that from?

I see some value in communism but more philosophically not as a system of governance and I think we can borrow SOME economic models from it but not all. So I guess not hating communism makes me an America hating commie? I support the Constitution 100% and have always done so very vocally. I was also born here and am every bit as American as you.

Are you delusional?
edit on 21-5-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by seabag

show mw where in the constitution WHERE does it say that BAILING OUT BANKS is constitutional?
show me where socialism for the TBTF banks is constitutional?

tell me about capitalism where money from your unborn childeren is pledged to the banks for their mistakes?

tell me a patriot would sit still and watch wall street crash the us economy?

you are disingenious to the zenith


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Kali74

I love my country, don't you ever put those words in my mouth.

I say and act as I do BECAUSE I love my country and so does Occupy. You may be okay with a corrupt government that does nothing but harm us as well as the rest of the world, I am not. Hating those in government and their puppet masters is not the same as hating your country, difficult concept for small brains...I know.

You’re a self-avowed communist, Kali!!

That’s NOT AMERICA! You want to transform America!

I risked my life for AMERICA and I support your right to support whatever you’d like. But don’t EVEN TRY TO SAY that you support the America that I believe in; a constitutional America.

I support your rights granted under the constitution. Anybody who wants to change the constitution isn’t ‘American’ IMO. You have legal status but you aren’t ‘AMERICAN’ if you want to change this country!

America will always be transforming. That's why the constitution you speak of can be amended and is referred to as a living document. Who are you to tell another citizen that they are not an American? Maybe one day you will realize that socialism and communism are not the threat, it's the rampant fascism that is already here and running things. Hopefully one day we will return to our constitution and a representative republic.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:07 PM

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

show mw where in the constitution WHERE does it say that BAILING OUT BANKS is constitutional?
show me where socialism for the TBTF banks is constitutional?

tell me about capitalism where money from your unborn childeren is pledged to the banks for their mistakes?

It doesn’t say any of that in the constitution!

Have I advocated any of that?

Logical fallacy – false choice comes to mind! Just saying!

tell me a patriot would sit still and watch wall street crash the us economy?

A patriot wouldn’t. Tell me how OWS’ers are patriots. Is it because they’re unemployed and hold a sign?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Kali74

I'm not a communist, where'd you get that from?

From a PM which I cannot post and based on most of your responses which I don’t care to research and quote!

I see some value in communism but more philosophically not as a system of governance and I think we can borrow SOME economic models from it but not all.

There you go!

Don’t play stupid, Kali! You’ve got enough stars…

So I guess not hating communism makes me an America hating commie? I support the Constitution 100% and have always done so very vocally. I was also born here and am every bit as American as you.

Does the constitution support wealth redistribution? OWS does!

Are you delusional?


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