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The Truth About the Garden of Eden Story

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
So...keep asking questions. The deeper you look...the more the facts point toward RELIGION BEING A CREATION OF MAN. This does not mean that there may not exist a GOD. But as the is written that Moses Parted the Red Sea. THIS IS FALSE AND A MISTRANSLATION. If you don't believe me...check out the Vatican Website.

MOSES crossed the REED SEA...
I understand that in English, "red" and "reed" are very similar and could be mistranslated into another language. But, are those two words similar in Hebrew?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Has anyone mentioned that during the entire Biblical era, the common writing style was in the form of allegory and metaphors and nobody took these stories literally? So we believe in talking snakes and magic trees and we think we're smarter than these ancient people?

Ask any Rabbi who is really a Rabbi and let them tell you what they think about people who take these stories literally.

Ms. Blavatsky says the "dead-letter" is for the "profane". She's knows what she's talking about.

There are MANY useful interpretations for ALL the stories in the Bible.... but literally ain't one of 'em. The Kabbalists who wrote the Bible purposely designed it that way to inform the initiates while duping the masses into submission and subservience through FEAR.

Learn to read your Bibles properly, or throw them in the garbage, because if you don't it will either destroy your life or prevent you from ever making any meaningful spiritual progress.

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. The indoctrination nearly destroyed me. It took decades to overcome it and I still have a ways to go before I'm completely detoxed. So I speak from experience.
edit on 23-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Hydroman

Reed: קָנֶה
pronounced: kawneh

Red: אדמני
pronounced: adomy

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by Hydroman

Reed: קָנֶה
pronounced: kawneh

Red: אדמני
pronounced: adomy

If that is the case, how did those words get mixed up?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Hydroman

I don't believe they did.
You'll have to ask the gentleman who was using the English language to make his point.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by SilentKoala

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by SilentKoala

Originally posted by anoncoholic
God doesn't lie.

Yes, but who is God? Is it your belief that "God" is the same being as the "Elohim" of the Genesis creation account? Did you know the word "Elohim" translated as "God" in the book of Genesis actually means "gods" ore more accurately, "mighty ones"?

Oh goody another opinionated interpretation turned into an absolute out of thin air. Just say, "Abracadabra" and it shall become fact just like the word of God.

It's not out of thin air. It's a known Hebrew word with a known meaning. Look at all the other uses of the same word in the bible, and in contemporaneous Hebrew sources, in context. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

In Genesis it's used in the singular. That's just the facts, mam. Your attempt to pluralize it simply does not hold water. This is pure crap

in the book of Genesis actually means "gods" ore more accurately, "mighty ones"
Pure fantasy.

You see, and you have to accept that there was no group of aliens that came down and seeded this planet, or whatever you believe.

You are obviously subtly and indirectly proselytizing some mythology of your own creation through spinning interpretations such as for example

in the book of Genesis actually means "gods" ore more accurately, "mighty ones"
bunk-a- boo

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Actually, the facts would be that it is used in a way that resembles the "Royal We."

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw


Kind of like a royal court yes? For when the King says we he refers to his court, 'we' will do a thing...etc., never actually means the King himself no?
edit on 23-5-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
You are obviously subtly and indirectly proselytizing some mythology of your own creation through spinning interpretations such as for example
Believers are guilty of this themselves...

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by SilentKoala

i am a few days late, of course, as usual, but your original post is gone. However, I did, peruse your link.....
it's interesting to me.....there are so many stories of the "original story," to the point, we really have no idea what the original story is.....
Often, I think of writing my own interpretation and experience of the "original story," but abandon the prospect because, after reading and thinking, there seems to be no point.....
What if you knew, and knowing destroyed everything you cared about, because this is hell, and in hell, everything you care about is destroyed and what you know is twisted to make you the one at fault when that destruction is happening....
I only say that, because if what I propose is true, should we not die for what is true rather than a lie?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:26 PM
the story is "woman" was created from Adam's rib......
is woman what creates life, giving birth, or the Woe to man.....
Is this whole story an allegory, and what does that allegory mean. And the language that describes that creation, what does it truly mean, is it a code for some other meaning, which is how we live and communicate now or something otherwise.....
And what, exactly, is in Adam, the first man's rib.....
Your whole thread, though its interpretation has been removed, is fascinating, because, through the analysis of it from what we know and suppose and interpret today, as opposed to what we thought it may have been and meant in the past, is so different and oppositional to what many of us have assumed all this time.
But, maybe I am the only one that suffers from this ignorance, and this webiste is wholly designed to deny....
But if all that is true, it's not really funny, is it.....

Because, knowing all that, and here where we are, what else may have been in Adam's rib, attached to the creation of women, interpreted as the "woe to man" and extrapolated into the future?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by tetra50
Because, knowing all that, and here where we are, what else may have been in Adam's rib, attached to the creation of women, interpreted as the "woe to man" and extrapolated into the future?
Why do men think that the word "woman" means "woe to man"? I feel no "woe" when I think of women. On the contrary, I feel a nice, happy tingle when I think of them. They often cause me to touch myself in pleasurable ways. I even like all shapes, sizes, and colors. All over the age of 18 of course.....

edit on 23-5-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by tetra50
Because, knowing all that, and here where we are, what else may have been in Adam's rib, attached to the creation of women, interpreted as the "woe to man" and extrapolated into the future?
Why do men think that the word "woman" means "woe to man"? I feel no "woe" when I think of women. On the contrary, I feel a nice, happy tingle when I think of them. They often cause me to touch myself in pleasurable ways. I even like all shapes, sizes, and colors. All over the age of 18 of course.....

edit on 23-5-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

I don't know why some think of that, Hydro......maybe to make something guilty that isn't really, so we will all reject where we came from, what birthed us....I hope not....and Thank the Lord for men like you, that think of us as no woe, and describe what you do, above, for this is what makes all life possible, and should be embraced wholeheartedly......

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
reply to post by CodyOutlaw


Kind of like a royal court yes? For when the King says we he refers to his court, 'we' will do a thing...etc., never actually means the King himself no?
edit on 23-5-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

Maybe, indeed

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
You believe that Satan 1. Has a penis and testicles (reproductive organs).

That totally made me bust a gut. The devil with a dong.

2. Has compatible dna with humans.?


I remember making fun of my sister for reading those Twilight books, pointing out the soap-operatic absurdity by asking her how exactly a vampire could have a baby with a human. Ridonkulous, even if vampires were some sort of "unknown species." She told me how the author of the books said they (the vamps) had snake venom or something in their bodies instead of blood and the venom was also used as saliva and their jiz...omg, I am laughing my ass off right now....anyway, the venom replaced the blood in their body so the venom, aka blood/saliva/jiz substitute, also contained their DNA.
I just left it at that because I could have lived the rest of my life without that little nugget of info.

Can fallen angels mate with each other and produce offspring amongst themselves?

That would definitely be a negatory.
From what I understand, that is one of the main reasons they wanted to hump the mortal ladies. Supposedly they were mad at God for creating them as androgenous entities without the ability to procreate in their original form and dimension. Maybe that's one of the things meant in the Bible when it says that they wanted to be "like" God-- they wanted to make their own little people and play God with them. Well that's what it says about Satan anyway, that he wanted to be like God. That could be one of the ways he felt entitled to do so.

I dunno, anyway their dumbasses wanted some babies for their very own self so they came down to Earth & started ridin' dirrrty with us. Then their whacked-out Chernobyl-mutant monster kids started tearing sh*t up, acting like animals, having sex with animals, eating each other, I mean, these were the original "devil kids" that would make Rosemary's Baby, Chucky, that Omen kid and the Exorcist girl COMBINED look like Sesame Street. Like the Garbage Pail Kids on PCP.
I just remember I used to wonder about Genesis 6 and why God felt like he had to kill all the animals too. It just seemed so harsh & I couldn't wrap my brain around how that could be justified. Not that my Creator needs to justify Himself, I just believed that there must have been a specific reason-- at that time I just didn't know what that reason was.

If not, why do they have reproductive capabilities?

Good question. An even better one is HOW?!??
That's definitely gonna be one of my first three questions when I get to the other side.

What was god thinking when he made them?

HA HA! Seriously? That's like, the $64 GAZILLION dollar question.
But who can know the mind of God?
If we needed to know all these details, I have no doubt God would have provided them to us.
Even if He did, it still wouldn't matter because we'd just come up with more questions. I don't know about you, but my 4 yr old drives me up the friggin' wall on a regular basis with "Why do dogs have hair? How are cars made? Where do Indians live? Why is my tongue red? Why blah blah blah? Where are we going? Why are we going there? Who is gonna be there? Will everybody be wearing pants? What blabba blabba blah gaddy blah..."
Sometimes you just gotta shut your yapper and let the person in charge take care of business, ya dig?

God has granted me enough wisdom to understand that all these curious details have no bearing on our relationship with Him and only serve to distract us from the truly important things.
We don't seek a relationship with God for answers to sate our vain curiosity, we seek a relationship with Him because we love Him, trust Him and just want to be with Him. I think only when we no longer care about the answers, would we even be able to comprehend them anyway.
So by that rationale, the answers don't matter.
Personally, I reached a point where I had to quit allowing my questions to be my God, and let God be my God.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by stupid girl
That totally made me bust a gut. The devil with a dong.
I hope he keeps that thing away from me while I'm on fire. It'd be bad enough for normal penetration, but a dong on fire penetrating my butt on fire....ouchie.

Originally posted by stupid girl
I remember making fun of my sister for reading those Twilight books, pointing out the soap-operatic absurdity by asking her how exactly a vampire could have a baby with a human. Ridonkulous, even if vampires were some sort of "unknown species." She told me how the author of the books said they (the vamps) had snake venom or something in their bodies instead of blood and the venom was also used as saliva and their jiz...omg, I am laughing my ass off right now....anyway, the venom replaced the blood in their body so the venom, aka blood/saliva/jiz substitute, also contained their DNA.
I just left it at that because I could have lived the rest of my life without that little nugget of info.
Makes perfect sense.

Originally posted by stupid girl
From what I understand, that is one of the main reasons they wanted to hump the mortal ladies. Supposedly they were mad at God for creating them as androgenous entities without the ability to procreate in their original form and dimension. Maybe that's one of the things meant in the Bible when it says that they wanted to be "like" God-- they wanted to make their own little people and play God with them. Well that's what it says about Satan anyway, that he wanted to be like God. That could be one of the ways he felt entitled to do so.

I dunno, anyway their dumbasses wanted some babies for their very own self so they came down to Earth & started ridin' dirrrty with us. Then their whacked-out Chernobyl-mutant monster kids started tearing sh*t up, acting like animals, having sex with animals, eating each other, I mean, these were the original "devil kids" that would make Rosemary's Baby, Chucky, that Omen kid and the Exorcist girl COMBINED look like Sesame Street. Like the Garbage Pail Kids on PCP.
I am so turned on right now.

Originally posted by stupid girl
Good question. An even better one is HOW?!??
That's definitely gonna be one of my first three questions when I get to the other side.
What's the other dos (that's "two" in spanish)?

Originally posted by stupid girl
HA HA! Seriously? That's like, the $64 GAZILLION dollar question.
But who can know the mind of God?
If we needed to know all these details, I have no doubt God would have provided them to us.
Even if He did, it still wouldn't matter because we'd just come up with more questions. I don't know about you, but my 4 yr old drives me up the friggin' wall on a regular basis with "Why do dogs have hair? How are cars made? Where do Indians live? Why is my tongue red? Why blah blah blah? Where are we going? Why are we going there? Who is gonna be there? Will everybody be wearing pants? What blabba blabba blah gaddy blah..."
Sometimes you just gotta shut your yapper and let the person in charge take care of business, ya dig?
But if you have the answers, and are omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and exist within eternity, why not oblige?

Originally posted by stupid girl
God has granted me enough wisdom to understand that all these curious details have no bearing on our relationship with Him and only serve to distract us from the truly important things.
We don't seek a relationship with God for answers to sate our vain curiosity, we seek a relationship with Him because we love Him, trust Him and just want to be with Him. I think only when we no longer care about the answers, would we even be able to comprehend them anyway.
So by that rationale, the answers don't matter.
Personally, I reached a point where I had to quit allowing my questions to be my God, and let God be my God.
Yeah, but these questions may help me understand this god's character better if I had the answers. Maybe it would help me decide if I wanted to follow this god or not, instead of just doing it because he says he is a good god.
edit on 23-5-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:13 AM

i saw this on tv, and it made me think that maybe the story of adam and eve is to tattletale that the quest and craving for knowledge and advancement is from the nagging of women...

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by coyote66

The "tree" is the "serpent".
Or, simply put, the god of the tree of knowledge and the god of serpents is one and the same.

what's the "Tree of Knowledge"? never heard of this before. where/what's the origin of it?

but i know another serpent god, Quetzlcotl (hard spelling, hope it's correct) of the Mayan. but that's it.

do you say there was a real serpent god (alien), or a tree of knowledge? or was it a symbolism of an abstract concept/state of mind/idea(l)? a metaphor to explain something subtle?
edit on 24-5-2012 by coyote66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:16 AM
Have any of your read hamlets mill , a critical look at all of the creation stories of the old world , before christianity and how they are all incredibly similar in a nature and are all based on the zodiac , from Maya to China to egypt to the viking gods and greek gods .

They all share the same story and are all repeated throughout history in more or less the same fashion.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by coyote66

This is an EXCELLENT question, and it can be answered a number of ways.

For instance, in 1899, Rabbi and Professor Morris Jastrow of the University of Pennsylvania posited that the idea of eating, and immortality denied, came from the Adapa myth of the Babylonians. ("Adam and Eve in Babylonian Literature." The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. Vol. 15. No. 4.) In this theory, Adam is a recast of Adapa. In this tale, Adapa is told that the bread of life is actually the bread of death, and should he eat it, he would surely die. This was a lie. The interesting part here, is that Adapa is offered this bread of immortality by the god Ningishzidda (who, incidently, is my god.) Ningishzidda is both the god of trees and of serpents.

So, this is what I meant when I said "Satan" is both the serpent and the tree.

I could go deeper into this, if you are interested, as it becomes pretty mind-blowing.

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