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The Truth About the Garden of Eden Story

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posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Hydroman

yes and thank you for clarifying my discrepancy. I paraphrase from memory and even though I was taking Gingko to improve it... I kept forgetting to take them.

As far as your desires I can respect your will to self-destruct (according to my philosophy)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by anoncoholic

Originally posted by xstealth
reply to post by SilentKoala

Sin in the world didn't start because Eve ate an apple, fruit is here for our food.

Eating the apple was symbolic for having sex with Satan, hence Cain was the result, seed of the devil. This was the plan to prevent Jesus from coming.

The story continues on, why did God flood the earth? Satan was trying to pollute the bloodline in which Jesus would come through.

Quit thinking so hard about it, and use a Strong's Concordance, break the English back to the Hebrew and the story comes together easily.

Thank you for this post. I am not as Bible literate as I would hope (or should be) and my posts for the most part are drawn from what little I do know and I have never used a concordance. I always wanted to see the original text to be better able to deduce the meaning behind the facts... or translations as it were.

Anything I am saying comes from me on an intuitive level and now thanks to you my understanding should increase. I had never read that the tree is a family tree, it is something I surmised just like I interpret about being cast into (or just "in"and the translation changed the meaning) the pit meant (to me at least) being cast like a building block.(stone)

There is so much knowledge that brings wisdom contained in the Bible I am drawn to it like a hungry scholar searching for that answer to the most difficult of questions.

I think it is time to take a few days away from the contentious behavior and truly get back in touch with self - rather than reflect the environment I immerse myself.

Thanks again!

watch the video I just posted, it'll help you understand. He breaks it down for you.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by xstealth
reply to post by SilentKoala

Your argument presents more questions than answers.

Sin in the world didn't start because Eve ate an apple, fruit is here for our food.

Eating the apple was symbolic for having sex with Satan,

Why then were they allowed to "eat" of other fruit trees? Were they having sex with other creatures by "eating" of their trees? Why doesn't the Bible just come out and say it was sex, and condemn sex with the devil? If Eve could have sex with Satan could anyone else? How was that Eve gave Adam the fruit then, did Adam also have sex with Satan? Was it an orgy?

hence Cain was the result, seed of the devil.

What kin of creatures did God create that a serpent could impregnate a human woman? If Satan was able to impregnate Eve, why didn't Adam? Cain was the first born, born after the explulsion.

This was the plan to prevent Jesus from coming.

The seduction of Eve was a plan to prevent Jesus from coming? Why would he have to come? It seems that the seduction, more likely, made it certain that Jesus would come. That's bad logic for the wiley serpent.

The story continues on, why did God flood the earth? Satan was trying to pollute the bloodline in which Jesus would come through.

What difference would that make, since Jesus was born of virgin? God could have beamed him down full grown if he wanted to.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Hydroman

I neglected to add that I wasn't even talking to you so your rat can be as much of an ass as it desires afaic.

sleep well

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by windword

watch the video, it explains it much better than I can by typing. He covers your questions.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
As far as your desires I can respect your will to self-destruct (according to my philosophy)
I appreciate that.


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
I neglected to add that I wasn't even talking to you so your rat can be as much of an ass as it desires afaic.

sleep well
I didn't know I couldn't correct you even though you weren't addressing me. I just wanted to clear up the mistake you made in quoting that bible verse. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Thanks for the well wishes in my sleep, I could use it.
edit on 22-5-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by xstealth

I did watch the video. It's a far stretch of nonsense and doesn't address any of my questions, but adds to them. Was the serpent an animal or a tree? The Bible clearly says that there was a serpent and a tree in the story.

If you can't address any of my questions yourself, then I'm going to half to assume that you're just another brainwashed victim of a sect that frowns on critical thinking.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

If God said you shall surely die if they eat from the tree.
Where does that leave them if they refused to be beguiled and didn't eat there of. It simply deduced that death would have no place with them.

Is it not ?

I sense you being very facetious here.

The only part of my post that was facetious was the first line, because I do not believe that you intended to pay me a true compliment - hence my use of an emoticon.

The rest of my post was entirely sincere, and I appreciate a discourse with you.

My point is, since 3:22 contradicts this deduction - by saying that the tree of life is what gives immortality - it can no longer be assumed that immortality was a given.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by xstealth

I did watch the video. It's a far stretch of nonsense and doesn't address any of my questions, but adds to them. Was the serpent an animal or a tree? The Bible clearly says that there was a serpent and a tree in the story.

If you can't address any of my questions yourself, then I'm going to half to assume that you're just another brainwashed victim of a sect that frowns on critical thinking.

The serpent is another name for Satan...

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
Rev 20:2

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by xstealth

So, in Genesis, a serpent isn't really a serpent and tree isn't really a tree, is Eve really a woman?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by xstealth

So, in Genesis, a serpent isn't really a serpent and tree isn't really a tree, is Eve really a woman?

You know the answer to this. If you read the Bible with understanding, the entire story is easy to comprehend.

You have to be careful listening to the 'traditions' of man, I saw a preacher lie to a congregation of 5000 that we could all be raptured away before the sermon concluded. They all loved the message, it's going to be very easy for the serpent in the end days to claim to be Jesus.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by SilentKoala

The Bible is full of contradictions!

Myths encapsulate important cultural truths (i.e. origin myths) and certain stories can diffuse to other geographic areas in close proximity through contact. It's almost inevitable for occurrences like this to happen as long as people can travel.


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by xstealth

There's nothing wrong with my reading comprehension. It's the story that stinks, especially yours and your pastor's video version, of sex with Satan/the serpent.

I'll ask the question again, if Satan was able to impregnate Eve, why wasn't Adam able to? Weren't Adam and Eve supposed to "replenish"the earth. How could God have made such a genetic mistake of cross breading?

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Trees are trees in Genesis and the talking snake is a "beast of the field" not a talking tree. The serpent was talking about a tree.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Did Adam also have sex with Satan here?

14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Job 6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.

7 And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Satan clearly isn't crawling around eating dust. Did God's curse fail? Maybe the serpent wasn't Satan at all.....

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by SilentKoala

I don't think that you even believe this.

So, it makes me wonder...

Why would you make such a lengthy post trying convince people of something that you don't even believe?

I realize that I am WAY late to this party and I apologize if this has been brought up before, but Silent Koala isn't making or creating a post, he/she appears to be cut and pasting it from other sources. That is, of course, if he/she isn't the originator of the text that is found elsewhere on the internet (just google some of the text to find it elsewhere).

So, Koala, is this plagiarism or are you the actual original author?


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by guitarplayer

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by SilentKoala

The Bible is full of contradictions!

Myths encapsulate important cultural truths (i.e. origin myths) and certain stories can diffuse to other geographic areas in close proximity through contact. It's almost inevitable for occurrences like this to happen as long as people can travel.


1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6
2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48
3. God dwells in light
Tim 6:16
God dwells in darkness
1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2
4. God is seen and heard
Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/
Ex 24:9-11
God is invisible and cannot be heard
John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16
5. God is tired and rests
Ex 31:17
God is never tired and never rests
Is 40:28
6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things
Prov 15:3/ Ps 139:7-10/ Job 34:22,21
God is not everywhere present, neither sees nor knows all
Gen 11:5/ Gen 18:20,21/ Gen 3:8
7. God knows the hearts of men
Acts 1:24/ Ps 139:2,3
God tries men to find out what is in their heart
Deut 13:3/ Deut 8:2/ Gen 22:12
8. God is all powerful
Jer 32:27/ Matt 19:26
God is not all powerful
Judg 1:19

Moral Precepts

24. Robbery commanded
Ex 3:21,22/ Ex 12:35,36
Robbery forbidden
Lev 19:13/ Ex 20:15
25. Lying approved and sanctioned
Josh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22
Lying forbidden
Ex 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:8
26. Hatred to the Edomite sanctioned
2 Kings 14:7,3
Hatred to the Edomite forbidden
Deut 23:7
27. Killing commanded
Ex 32:27
Killing forbidden
Ex 20:13
28. The blood-shedder must die
Gen 9:5,6
The blood-shedder must not die
Gen 4:15
29. The making of images forbidden
Ex 20:4
The making of images commanded
Ex 25:18,20
30. Slavery and oppression ordained
Gen 9:25/ Lev 25:45,46/ Joel 3:8
Slavery and oppression forbidden
Is 58:6/ Ex 22:21/ Ex 21:16/ Matt 23:10
31. Improvidence enjoyed
Matt 6:28,31,34/ Luke 6:30,35/ Luke 12:3
Improvidence condemned
1 Tim 5:8/ Prov 13:22
32. Anger approved
Eph 4:26
Anger disapproved
Eccl 7:9/ Prov 22:24/ James 1:20
33. Good works to be seen of men
Matt 5:16
Good works not to be seen of men
Matt 6:1
34. Judging of others forbidden
Matt 7:1,2
Judging of others approved
1 Cor 6:2-4/ 1 Cor 5:12
35. Christ taught non-resistance
Matt 5:39/ Matt 26:52
Christ taught and practiced physical resistance

There are far and away too many to list here.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by guitarplayer

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by SilentKoala

The Bible is full of contradictions!

Myths encapsulate important cultural truths (i.e. origin myths) and certain stories can diffuse to other geographic areas in close proximity through contact. It's almost inevitable for occurrences like this to happen as long as people can travel.


1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6
2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48
3. God dwells in light
Tim 6:16
God dwells in darkness
1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2
4. God is seen and heard
Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/
Ex 24:9-11
God is invisible and cannot be heard
John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16
5. God is tired and rests
Ex 31:17
God is never tired and never rests
Is 40:28
6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things
Prov 15:3/ Ps 139:7-10/ Job 34:22,21
God is not everywhere present, neither sees nor knows all
Gen 11:5/ Gen 18:20,21/ Gen 3:8
7. God knows the hearts of men
Acts 1:24/ Ps 139:2,3
God tries men to find out what is in their heart
Deut 13:3/ Deut 8:2/ Gen 22:12
8. God is all powerful
Jer 32:27/ Matt 19:26
God is not all powerful
Judg 1:19

Moral Precepts

24. Robbery commanded
Ex 3:21,22/ Ex 12:35,36
Robbery forbidden
Lev 19:13/ Ex 20:15
25. Lying approved and sanctioned
Josh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22
Lying forbidden
Ex 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:8
26. Hatred to the Edomite sanctioned
2 Kings 14:7,3
Hatred to the Edomite forbidden
Deut 23:7
27. Killing commanded
Ex 32:27
Killing forbidden
Ex 20:13
28. The blood-shedder must die
Gen 9:5,6
The blood-shedder must not die
Gen 4:15
29. The making of images forbidden
Ex 20:4
The making of images commanded
Ex 25:18,20
30. Slavery and oppression ordained
Gen 9:25/ Lev 25:45,46/ Joel 3:8
Slavery and oppression forbidden
Is 58:6/ Ex 22:21/ Ex 21:16/ Matt 23:10
31. Improvidence enjoyed
Matt 6:28,31,34/ Luke 6:30,35/ Luke 12:3
Improvidence condemned
1 Tim 5:8/ Prov 13:22
32. Anger approved
Eph 4:26
Anger disapproved
Eccl 7:9/ Prov 22:24/ James 1:20
33. Good works to be seen of men
Matt 5:16
Good works not to be seen of men
Matt 6:1
34. Judging of others forbidden
Matt 7:1,2
Judging of others approved
1 Cor 6:2-4/ 1 Cor 5:12
35. Christ taught non-resistance
Matt 5:39/ Matt 26:52
Christ taught and practiced physical resistance

There are far and away too many to list here.

semantics and too numerous to address point by point but lets start at the beginning.

God was satisfied with His works and yet later God is dissatisfied. He created and saw it was good ie: satisfied. Man fell from Grace and God is dissatisfied.

God dwells in chosen temples (the body is the temple of the Lord and many churches imply it is within a building and the congregation but it is within our own body that God dwells hence God doesn't reside in temples (the buildings)

Each of those can be understood with a duality in meaning.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
I'm not so sure. You could be right, but let's look at it like this: You've prepared a meal for your children. You've made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. It all looks delicious. Yet, you tell them that they can eat the fried chicken and mashed potatoes, but if they eat the corn they will die. Why put the corn there to begin with, and what will make them die? Is it poisonous? Will something jump out and kill them? What is the mechanics behind the death? Who invented it?

I don't really have a definitive answer for that, Sugar.

I don't think it was something physiologically poisonous, no.
I've heard several theological postulations on why it was there in the first place. One of them being the correct postulation that in order for us to truly have free will, we had to be given the option to exercise it.

In my previous post, I attempted to fumble through relating my POV insofar as "What's the whole point of our existence?"
My reasoning was:
In wanting to have children, I longed to experience the intimate dichotomy of a relationship with something that was a part of myself, yet distinctly separate from myself.
I wanted to give life to have the reward of a life that held true value.
I wanted to have a symbiotic relationship, teaching that extension of myself, but also to learn from it.

And because I believe that:
We were made in God's image, capable of emulating His likeness.

Then I concluded that:
That's what God wanted too.
That's what His intention was, and still is.

I don't think death was an invention, I believe that death was a result. Did it exist before our fall? I reckon it did, but I do not believe that the original creation of man was intended to ever experience it. We opened the door for death to introduce itself when we chose to parent ourselves rather than trust God's plan. Yes, God knew we would choose poorly, therefore His ultimate plan included our redemption. Why does it have to play out this way? Why do we have to experience this life with all of its flaws, evil and pain? I don't know, but I believe and trust that God does.

edit on 22-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2012 by stupid girl because: because I am retarded

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by anoncoholic

God dwells in chosen temples (the body is the temple of the Lord and many churches imply it is within a building and the congregation but it is within our own body that God dwells hence God doesn't reside in temples (the buildings)

Each of those can be understood with a duality in meaning.

8 “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. 9 Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.

After this, God become interior decorator extraordinaire!

31 “Make a lampstand of pure gold. Hammer out its base and shaft, and make its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms of one piece with them. 32 Six branches are to extend from the sides of the lampstand—three on one side and three on the other. 33 Three cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms are to be on one branch, three on the next branch, and the same for all six branches extending from the lampstand. 34 And on the lampstand there are to be four cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms. 35 One bud shall be under the first pair of branches extending from the lampstand, a second bud under the second pair, and a third bud under the third pair—six branches in all. 36 The buds and branches shall all be of one piece with the lampstand, hammered out of pure gold.

26 “Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim woven into them by a skilled worker. 2 All the curtains are to be the same size —twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide.[a] 3 Join five of the curtains together, and do the same with the other five. 4 Make loops of blue material along the edge of the end curtain in one set, and do the same with the end curtain in the other set. 5 Make fifty loops on one curtain and fifty loops on the end curtain of the other set, with the loops opposite each other. 6 Then make fifty gold clasps and use them to fasten the curtains together so that the tabernacle is a unit.

He sure is persnickity! You think he really didn't dwell there?

Why do think it so important to Christians and Jews to rebuild the Temple on the Mount?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:40 PM
From what i saw such as the shedding of blood you have taken different situations and tried to apply one constant to both situations. This does not always apply. Such as thou shalt not kill is different than defending ones life. Show me where under the same circumstances and in the same testament where God has commanded two different treatments of the same circumstance.

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