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The Truth About the Garden of Eden Story

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by anoncoholic

C2C last night in case you missed it. The 1AM time slot @ 41 minutes in validated what I posted here but comes from a demonic (channeled) perspective.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by coyote66

This is an EXCELLENT question, and it can be answered a number of ways.

For instance, in 1899, Rabbi and Professor Morris Jastrow of the University of Pennsylvania posited that the idea of eating, and immortality denied, came from the Adapa myth of the Babylonians. ("Adam and Eve in Babylonian Literature." The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. Vol. 15. No. 4.) In this theory, Adam is a recast of Adapa. In this tale, Adapa is told that the bread of life is actually the bread of death, and should he eat it, he would surely die. This was a lie. The interesting part here, is that Adapa is offered this bread of immortality by the god Ningishzidda (who, incidently, is my god.) Ningishzidda is both the god of trees and of serpents.

So, this is what I meant when I said "Satan" is both the serpent and the tree.

I could go deeper into this, if you are interested, as it becomes pretty mind-blowing.

Interesting, never heard this either. But what are you saying, you worship this god?

Yes please, tell me the story
Just jump directly to the mind blowing parts, its bcoz just like when I read a thick book (not a novel), I dont read from the first page onto the next, fashion. I rather go through the most interesting part first, and then seek out the missing part/explainations afterward
If you know what I am saying.... Cheers

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

THIS is the problem with people who like yourself are concetrating more on individual words or stories in the Bible. Is your Faith so fragile that to find out the truth about a few completely forget what the stories represent.

Jesus said something to the nature...If you do not believe in me...Believe in what I do. THIS is what is important. Things in the Bible such as GOD created the Heavens and the Earth in 6 days and rested on the an obvious Non-Fact. Yet rather than see what the reasoning and the lessons were that were written in the Bible and the Bible is incomplete and does not include the Gospels of Mary, Peter and fight TOOTH AND NAIL to try to prove things that Men wrote as a GOD would have no Logic to Write many of these things.

I resepect peoples Beliefs...yet you do not respect mine nor do you take the time to look into the REALITY of things. There have been many Evolving Versions of Man on Earth for close to 5 Million Years. We have developed Sexual Reproduction thus a Man and a Woman but we all came originally from a Single Celled Organism that Divided by Mitosis. SO LET ME ASK YOU THIS....WHAT LOGIC CAN YOU USE TO GIVE GOD A GENDER and why was that GENDER not FEMALE?

An Entity of power such as a GOD would have NO NEED FOR GENDER...thus the statement...GOD created MAN in HIS own IMAGE is OBVIOUSLY written by a Man. Split Infinity

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by thetiler

The Mormon Religion is one REALLY SCREWED UP ILLOGICAL BUCH OF #$@%! HOWEVER....MORMON people are some of the NICEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET! This is despite the rediculous concept of their long as this is the result...a bunch of VERY NICE PEOPLE....eceptions being the POLYGAMISTS AND PEDOPHLES that sometimes break off into their own sects...but besides this...MORMONS ARE NICE PEOPLE!

The People that REALLY PISS ME OFF are so called CHRISTIANS or BORN AGAINS their zeal to EVANGALIZE and spread their religious beliefs...they do things that JESUS HIMSELF WOULD GIVE THEM A GOOD SLAP! They do not practice what they preach when it comes to forgiveness and love and understanding as well as respect an not to EVER BE THE JUDGE as in their Religion...JUDGEMENT is GODS JOB!

Yet we have people on this topic right now who are Judging and breaking their own Rules of their SO DESPERATE TO PROVE BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE....RELIGION. I really feal sorry for them...but they all need a REALLY GOOD GODSMACK! Split Infinity

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Hydroman

It's just a coincidence that they were RED and REED in English....and whe words that were or a real improper significant mistranslation were PARTING AND CROSSING! Split Infinity

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:31 AM
Oh sweet mother of all what is good and pure
U are still on this thread.
Basicly satan is knowledge and god is spiritual thing.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by anoncoholic

Anon Please please know you are not alone. I have been inspired and revived in the reading of your posts. I am working on an answer. I call it the shareware key. The software is already installed in them, but they will not accept the free serial. This unlocks the understanding they unfortunately cannot comprehend.

The serial is LOVE. and it is blind, just like my faith is blind. I have no proof but what lives in my heart.

Without Love they cannot see Gods heart. They hold as tight as possible to the white Santa Clause booming out anger from a cloud. They cannot hear His cry that sad day. They cannot cry as I have (combat vet that I am).. to hear the words echo through all the universe and all of time...


Disclaimer; The following is a song. You may feel preached at if you read it. You have been warned. Do not read. Go away. If you continue you are at your own free will. I am not shoving anything down your throat.

Unashamed and naked in a garden that has never seen the rain,
Rulers of a kingdom, full of joy -- never marred by any pain,
The morning all around them seems to celebrate the life they've just begun;
And in the majesty of innocence the king and queen come walking in the sun

But the master of deception now begins with his dissection of the Word
And with all of his craft and subtly the serpent twists the simple truths they've heard,
While hanging in the balance is a world that has been placed at their command
And all their unborn children die as both of them bow down to Satan's hand.

And just before the ev'ning in the cool of the day, They hear the voice of God as He is walking
And they can't abide His presence, so they try to hide away;
But still they hear the sound as He is calling:

"Adam, Adam, where are you?
Adam, Adam, where are you?
Adam, Adam, where are you?"

In the stifling heat of summer now the gard'ner and his wife are in the field
And it seems that thorns and thistles are the only crop his stuggles ever yield
He eats his meals in sorrow 'til he sinks in to the dust whence he came
But all down through the ages he can hear his Maker calling out his name.

"Adam, Adam, where are you?
Adam, Adam, where are you?"

And though the curse has long be broken
Adams' sons are still the prisoners of their fears
Rushing helter skelter to destrution with their fingers in their ears
While the Fathers voice is calling with an urgency I've never heard before
"Won't you come in from the darkness now before it's time to finally close the door!"

"Adam, Adam, where are you?
Adam, Adam, where are you?
Adam, Adam, I love you!"

*Don Francisco 1994

Do not bother to ask the question. God Knew where Adam was. The question was rhetorical. It was Gods very first call to Adam to come back home.

edit on 25-5-2012 by jaywoo because: -spelling

edit on 25-5-2012 by jaywoo because: more spelling (song was cut & paste)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

It took a little under 30 thousand years to come up with a plan, and the plan was, to take away the most precious things to humans that make them like us.‘ LANGUAGE’ not only did they take away the language of TELEPATHY AND TELEKINESIS of every race on that planet, but they also created a language for them. To speak with tongue.

This was a another warning from the bible of not to trust...them.

TextBut the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by LastProphet527

It took a little under 30 thousand years to come up with a plan, and the plan was, to take away the most precious things to humans that make them like us.‘ LANGUAGE’ not only did they take away the language of TELEPATHY AND TELEKINESIS of every race on that planet, but they also created a language for them. To speak with tongue.

This was a another warning from the bible of not to trust...them.

TextBut the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

Now remember that the tower is a metaphor for the Babylonian civilization and that the actual tower is a ziggurat which is the template of how to construct that civilization where all parts of the ziggurat correspond with parts of civilization like the floor of a Grand lodge Masonic temple where the checkerboard floor represents the baker, the butcher, the candlestick maker etc.. AKA central planning of a community before zoning boards where invented by the very same people. Then Wall Street came along and smashed the hole concept and now we are left with economic chaos.

Note that quote, " they ceased building the city." and it does not mention a tower/ziggurat, only that it collapsed. It collapsed because King Nimrod who was basically a Mitt Romney of his day concentrated resources to only himself and his close elite allies dedicating those resources to their desires leaving no incentive for the people to keep working and they said, "the heck with this we are taking a hike." Like a mass breakout of a prison. You can't catch everyone and bring them back to the land of enslavement if everyone is leaving all at once in different directions after all. So the enslaved population of workers left Babylon to inhabit virgin lands like Europeans leaving the old world to come settle in the new world as history, I mean people
, repeats itself, um themselves, time and again.

After a few generations the scatted peoples of Nimrod's Babylon who became isolated from one another evolved their own languages and cultures.

The lesson to be learned is don't vote for pro Wall Street establishment Republicans nor DINOs, Democrats in name only. That would be the Clinton-s and their supporters.

How does all that relate to the Garden of Eden story? The mechanism that Nimrod was employing was constructed out of the blueprint, the template, later to become Nimrod's temple, his ziggurat, that is referred to as the fruit of knowledge. How to enslave other people for your benefit. Evil, the devil whatever you want to call it. The Bible is all about how to escape evil, the enslavement traps of others who construct economic and government systems that first appear as enlightening, and then become enslavement traps to harness the labors of many for the benefit of the few.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
Quick question for those who are saying that Adam and Eve were created as immortal beings: What was the purpose of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden if they were immortal? God kicked them out of the Garden so that they couldn't eat from it and live forever. So, if you eat from it, you live forever. Yet, before they sinned they were already living forever, so the Tree of Life would have just been another tree in the garden that did nothing for them since they were already immortal.

Now, what if they had to keep eating from it to live forever and that's what made them "immortal"? Maybe the Tree of Life sustained them for a long time, but once they were kicked out, they could no longer be sustained by eating from that tree? If that is the case, then death was already in the world before they sinned. Any creature that didn't eat from that tree would die a natural death of old age.

This would be because it wasn't an actual tree...but a mechanism (of sorts) designed for another purpose, and warned against...

...and, why would 'detractors' continue to use the literal interpretation of a "story' they do not inherently believe to try to question the veracity of it? Makes no sense...

A warning was a parent who warns a child against present and clear dangers...albeit that the danger is part of the element being warned against (like knives, roadways etc. etc). The warning was not heeded...what was warned against transpired - there was no lie...


posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by SilentKoala

The Bible is full of contradictions!

Myths encapsulate important cultural truths (i.e. origin myths) and certain stories can diffuse to other geographic areas in close proximity through contact. It's almost inevitable for occurrences like this to happen as long as people can travel.

Although the bible is based upon the word of God, these are stories interpreted by man. Some of the stories may be true and others were created to prove a peticular point. None of us know for sure since we weren't there. The fact that there were other books that were left out of the final product proves that it was mankind and not god who decided what and what not to include. I guess that's why they call it faith.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by xstealth

Even if they were twins, how does that make one the offspring of Adam and one the offspring of the serpent? Women usually ovulate one egg per month, there are times when more than one drop, but the same ejaculation produces enough sperm to populate a large city. And the Bible does say that God told Adam and Eve to get busy. Eve should've been preggers already!

The Bible does support it

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:11 PM
I did not read this whole thread. BUT,

You are assuming something that is not explicitely stated!!!
No where does it say that the Fruit of the Tree of Life is what gives them life!
How do you know that the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge didn't in fact change them???
How do you know it didn't in fact change them and kill them???

The book of Genesis doesn't give us all the answers. It doesn't answer all of our questions. The more it answers, the more questions it would open up.

It comes down to what you believe. It always has and it always will.

Do you believe this world, life, universe, reality, and all it's inhabitants, relationships, and beauty are an accident?
Or, do you think that is too big a coincidence?

The answer to this question is, and always will be, personnal.
Your answer is one of three: Yes, No, or I don't know.
And that's where you will fall. PERIOD.
Your logic has holes in it all over the place. Not trying to be insensative, but this argument is not clever nor is it original. And it is full of holes from your leaps to assume facts that are not there nor provable.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:07 AM
The man of whom, under the name of Adam, tradition has preserved the memory, was one of those who, in some one of the countries of the globe, survived one of the great cataclysms which at various epochs have changed its surface, and who became the founder of one of the races that people the earth at the present day.

The laws of nature render it impossible that the amount of progress which we know to have been accomplished by the human race of our planet long before the time of Christ could have been accomplished so rapidly as must have been the case if it had only been in existence upon the globe since the period assigned as the date of Adam. The opinion most consonant with reason is that which regards the story of Adam as a myth, or as an allegory personifying the earliest ages of the world Diversity of Human Races.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by xstealth

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by xstealth

Even if they were twins, how does that make one the offspring of Adam and one the offspring of the serpent? Women usually ovulate one egg per month, there are times when more than one drop, but the same ejaculation produces enough sperm to populate a large city. And the Bible does say that God told Adam and Eve to get busy. Eve should've been preggers already!

The Bible does support it

The Bible DOES support what, that Cain and Able were twins and that one of them was the son of the serpent?

Could you please give an overview of what the very long video of some old preacher guy is attempting to proving?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Basically 'Satan' is the tree and the serpent...Tree relates to the 7 chakras in your body, while the serpent represents your Kundalini(Ida and Pingala) energy.

You could liken this to the Medical Caduceus..

'Satan' is both the Rod and the snakes that entwine it. He is the knowledge itself.
edit on 10-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by windword

Genesis 3:15 "And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed."

Seed is often used as a reference to a child...

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by wwwchronos
This thread is work of DEVIL

Oh Really?

When I was a good Baptist growing up I was told not to question God, The Bible or The Baptist Religion. At 20 I learned The Baptist dont do some things Jesus told them to do and do do some other things that are not even in the Bible. On asking about this no one had any clue why - guess they never thought to question what was the truth.

You know what.. their favorite way to make converts is the Roman Road and it's not biblical. It's taken out of context. How do I know? Read the 4 gospels and then the Acts of the disciples actually making converts - they did not lead people in a sinners prayer but always without exception made people Repent and be Baptized for the forgiveness of their sins - No sinners prayer. They had to repent, turn away from their sin then always Not for symbolism but for forgiveness, get baptized.

Now those are two very different ways of looking at this how do you get "saved" business. One is actually in the bible, repent and be baptized, and the other is not, a sinners prayer. If I had not questioned these things and simply blindly believed everything they wanted me to swallow I would have been remiss in my education and really trying to know the truth God wanted for me to know.

This thread is no different. You may not agree with all the OP has to say on this subject but it is food for thought. God would be proud his creations were trying to use the brains He gave them. The Hebrew people wrote in a coded form of language. This is known. They buried many secrets in The Bible and only those with the keys had the power to uncover those secrets. The high priests of the temples had the keys - yes very much like encryption keys. The Gentile population nor most of the Jews do not have the Keys if anyone still does save for The Holy Spirit who is supposed to lead into all truth and uncover that which is hidden.

The Baptist didn't have the Key so they created the Roman Road instead of following what was actually written and acted on. When I showed them in the Bible how people were made converts to Christianity as plain as day over and over again - and in context, I was told this information is from The Devil. It was still valid as a Baptist belief because it still involved the belief in Jesus and what he died for and accepting that, just the way made to obtain it was different - yet the Baptists threw this away and told me I was from the Devil.

For the first time I viewed the people all friends and relatives I grew up with, as simpletons and sheep being led to the slaughter. It was they who were deceived. I had the proof written in front of me just waiting for over 2000 years for me to have an open mind and earnestly search for Truth. If that is what the Op is doing, then who are you or anyone else to tell him he cannot explore these possibilities?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by windword

Genesis 3:15 "And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed."

Seed is often used as a reference to a child...

Yeah, I know about that verse/curse. But still, that verse talks of separate seeds, not that Eve must bear the serpent's seed.

That verse doesn't answer the question at hand:

Even if they were twins, how does that make one the offspring of Adam and one the offspring of the serpent? Women usually ovulate one egg per month, there are times when more than one drop, but the same ejaculation produces enough sperm to populate a large city. And the Bible does say that God told Adam and Eve to get busy. Eve should've been preggers already!

There is no scripture to suggest that Cain and Abel were twins. The first twins that are mentioned in the Bible, that I am aware of, were Jacob and Esau. So where does this idea of them being twins, Cain being the evil twin who was fathered by Satan and Abel being just plain human, come from?

If God created them, Adam and Eve, ergo mankind. male and female, and God told them to "replenish" the earth, shouldn't Eve have been already pregnant with Cain, Adam's "seed," at the time of the "fall?" Or was their fall immediately after Eve's creation?

Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, "I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD."
Genesis 4:1

No talk of twins here!

According to the Biblical story, Eve gave birth to one child, Cain, and he was Adam's son, not Satan's.

This idea that Eve gave birth to the serpent's child is absurd and impossible to take literally. A snake/tree can't get a human woman pregnant. That's was Adam's job!

There isn't even any indication that Satan, or the serpent, tempted or coerced Cain to kill his brother. He did it on his own, out of human emotion, the emotion of jealousy that the same emotion that God himself later displays in the Bible.

edit on 10-7-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by coyote66

Basically 'Satan' is the tree and the serpent...Tree relates to the 7 chakras in your body, while the serpent represents your Kundalini(Ida and Pingala) energy.

You could liken this to the Medical Caduceus..

'Satan' is both the Rod and the snakes that entwine it. He is the knowledge itself.
edit on 10-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

I also found something else about the tree. In ancient times, the first things what people worshiped were trees and huge stones. Sometimes it is called dynamisms belief systems.

The tree represents the male phalus, and the stone, the female genitales? Since the natural shape of a tree automaticaly symbolizes thus of the male reproductive organ.

What do you think, does this make sense?

edit on 19-7-2012 by coyote66 because: (no reason given)

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