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Originally posted by stupid girl
Originally posted by CAELENIUM
um, right.
Quoting latin doesn't automatically make your opinion trump all others, nor make you look smarter than everyone else.
*top that*
Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
Originally posted by stupid girl
Originally posted by CAELENIUM
um, right.
Quoting latin doesn't automatically make your opinion trump all others, nor make you look smarter than everyone else.
*top that*
Are they selling Ayn Rand narcissistic ego steroids in pharmacies now? Is that some sort of shtick? Is that ego fight for real? That's has to be comedy.
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Crazy? There are many who will dub me a ‘nut’ for what I have written in this book. My reply is this: Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground. -David Icke
Mighty oaks have a way of dropping tons of nuts down where they stand.
Okay. I'll be waiting for a line-by-line refutation of everything written in Icke's book, but not holding my breath of course. You guys can heap your one-liners but can never back them up.
17) But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
17) And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18) Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19) In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Crazy? There are many who will dub me a ‘nut’ for what I have written in this book. My reply is this: Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground. -David Icke
Mighty oaks have a way of dropping tons of nuts down where they stand.
Okay. I'll be waiting for a line-by-line refutation of everything written in Icke's book, but not holding my breath of course. You guys can heap your one-liners but can never back them up.
Haven't read this book, but have listened (in full) to a number of his speeches. Offhand, here are some examples
-stood in a magic spot in peru where he felt energy communicate truth to him, etc-
this of course cannot be disproven, as it is just a claim of something subjective and paranormal where nobody else with him noticed anything...he just stood in a spot and meditated for a bit, how do you refute something like that beyond...just stating what the objective facts big ray of spacelight came down, no angels appeared, etc.
-believes reptile people walk around wearing skin to hide their reptilian face-
first off, no proof at fingernail of a reptile found, nothing..just some wild conjecture based on ancient mythos.
But...BUT...lets say for a half second that his claims are true anyhow...lets toss out the sheer absurdity of it all and say..ok..sure..your right..reptilian aliens are here and disguised.
Since when is it ok to be racist? Not only is he crazy...but if he isn't crazy, then he is just some hillbilly wanting to hate on someone two wrongs there.
-nwo stuff-
This is the biggest issue I have with him. There is global corporatists that control the world (more or less) now..but the fact that he pushes his insane rantings on the same road as this very real issue cheapens the discussion. This is disinfo..its a poison pill shoved into a proper don't want to eat the dinner, because you will end up swallowing the you toss the whole lot out.
I don't know if Icke is literally clinically crazy or not..but what he did on the discourse of global dynamics is near unforgivable and the best anyone whom actually is concerned about the corporate ownership of this planet needs to dismiss icke as soon as possible as the disinfo it is (enough truth to listen, enough crazy to dismiss it all and prop up the status quo)
So thats my big beef with his movement.
(oh, and still waiting for that solar logos...mhmm...still waiting..)
2/3rds of his stuff is just ripping off Alice Bailey anyhow
Originally posted by stupid girl
Your OP has taken delusion to a whole new level.
Between this thread & the "Jesus Was Gay" thread, I feel like I need to go scrub my eyes with bleach.
For what it's worth now that we've amassed 10 pages of discussion on this drivel, I will share my point of view which I stated in a previous thread a few weeks ago. I do this with the intent and hope that the person who needs to read it will find it and it will help to lift the veil of deceit and lead them on to further Truths.
Good questions all! It is referred to as god because that serves the purpose of the experience (the fall and rise of humanity). It is a fake, and it is a liar (though he's supposed to lie). He might not even be a small-g god. But his heart's in the right place. Someone has to wear the devil suit when you live in duality, and he was willing to do it. He'll get his reward! As will everyone. The Creator truly is Omnibenevolent
Originally posted by steve1709
reply to post by seamus
G'day seamus. An interesting take on it but re this part of your explaination, "(note, this source is not the authoritarian himself; the authoritarian is merely the faithful servant of the Infinite). ", if this authoritarian is only a faithful servant, how come IT is referred to as god? Is it a fake?, Is it a LIAR?
Yeah. we're all lackeys, man. Get used to it. I guarantee you haven't got the resources, mental, physical, or spiritual, to manage the multiverse.
hey, hang on, that what it seemed to be in the OP too, wow, sure sounds like IT is a top thing. Pretending to be the be all and end all of everything when, by what you say, it is only something elses' lacky
They have no way that is not opened to them by the Creator. Remember, the devil himself has to ask permission to pick on Job.
Originally posted by Destiny10
I forgot to mention that people will do anything to get what they want, even sell their soul. Sometimes, I believe it is an accident or error, but often it is deliberate. Yes, I believe that some have actually sold their soul to the devil for the man, for the woman, for wealth, for anything their little heart desires. They figure God forgives and all will be well. "Do what thou wilt." huh, hope you're not the one in their way!edit on 04/18/2012 by Destiny10 because: (no reason given)
I'm not so sure. You could be right, but let's look at it like this: You've prepared a meal for your children. You've made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. It all looks delicious. Yet, you tell them that they can eat the fried chicken and mashed potatoes, but if they eat the corn they will die. Why put the corn there to begin with, and what will make them die? Is it poisonous? Will something jump out and kill them? What is the mechanics behind the death? Who invented it?
Originally posted by stupid girl
And for me, your other question is moot:
Would you threaten them with death?
If I tell my child that by eating Oleander they will die, that is a fact not a threat. I have never questioned God's intent in that regard, therefore I disagree with your point of view and have nothing of value to share with you in the attempt to answer your question.
You mixed the two. The path is broad and the gate is wide that leads to destruction and many find it. Small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life and few find it. Matthew 7:13-14
Originally posted by anoncoholic
No amount of historical evidence will sway the contrary opinions and as the Bible states, the path is wide but the gate is narrow.
You don't want to believe in the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita. You deny the divinity of those gods. But seriously, in the same way you don't believe those things, we don't believe your biblical stories either. Sure, there may be truth in them, but is it really the word of a god, or the acts of a god?
Originally posted by anoncoholic
They do not want to believe the Bible nor admit that Adam and Eve were real flesh and blood but instead push the concept of a fable stolen from prior cultures. They will treasure words of men and deny the divinity of God.
I ask questions to the muslims when they post too. Don't you? Are you attacking them when you do?
Originally posted by anoncoholic
It had all been written and doesn't surprise but what is surprising that no amount of logic or reasoning will change them... true to their natures anytime a thread of Faith is posted they attack it relentlessly and in waves since they like to tag-team the believers.
I don't give a # about being blessed or receiving awards.
Originally posted by anoncoholic
While I floundered on this action in thinking "Blessed are those who believe yet have not seen" (I didn't want to rob any of their rightful Blessing) it now occurs to me that not all are so Blessed even though the gates of Heaven will still be open for them if they only come to believe.
i apologize if i offended you, it was just my take.
Originally posted by steve1709
Originally posted by solongandgoodnight
genesis is a difficult read really. there are so many questions as you go along. i think it is important to remember that everything in the book was passed down orally through many many years before it was written. point being, there's no telling how everything really happened. the stories could've been butchered through the oral tradition over time. just my two cents. (:
I didn't know that clay tablets and cylinder seals could talk. Many of the bible stories are summaries of the information found in the Sumerian tablets. 10s of 1000s of them, DUG UP so for others on here alluding to them being fake, (that would mean someone must have dug up a mountain, put the many many tablets down ALL OVER THE PLACE and replaced the mountain) have been found and the early books of the bible show a very uncanny similarity to them. So the idea of the "stories" being passed down orally is old hat imo
Originally posted by xstealth
Sin in the world didn't start because Eve ate an apple, fruit is here for our food.
Eating the apple was symbolic for having sex with Satan, hence Cain was the result, seed of the devil. This was the plan to prevent Jesus from coming.
Originally posted by Deetermined
Originally posted by xstealth
Sin in the world didn't start because Eve ate an apple, fruit is here for our food.
Eating the apple was symbolic for having sex with Satan, hence Cain was the result, seed of the devil. This was the plan to prevent Jesus from coming.
Can you please point me in the direction of where this interpretation and information comes from?
Eve wasn't the only one who ate from the apple, Adam did too. So, what are you saying?
As you will recall, this all happened before Abel was born too, yet it wasn't the line of Abel from which Jesus was born either. It was from their 3rd son, Seth, that Jesus' lineage began.
Can you please explain this for me?
Originally posted by xstealth
reply to post by SilentKoala
Sin in the world didn't start because Eve ate an apple, fruit is here for our food.
Eating the apple was symbolic for having sex with Satan, hence Cain was the result, seed of the devil. This was the plan to prevent Jesus from coming.
The story continues on, why did God flood the earth? Satan was trying to pollute the bloodline in which Jesus would come through.
Quit thinking so hard about it, and use a Strong's Concordance, break the English back to the Hebrew and the story comes together easily.