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WA Threatens to split from Australia

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Funk bunyip

Oh...and we have Massive Deserts in the U.S....we have turned much of them into lush Farmland as well as Las Vegas! LOL! Seriously....Australia could tap underground aquifers that would allow development into farmland or commercial Real Estate.

The U.S. also has VAST WILDERNESS areas of such a scope that huge zones have never had a Human Foot touch. Add to this Canada...which by the way...shares the Worlds Longest Unprotected Boarder with the U.S. and all one needs to do is show an enhanced Drivers License and you are in.

The State of Alaska alone is about 1 fifth or sixth of the entire Area of Australia at about 3 Million Square Kilometers with a population tht ranks 52nd in the World that number being smaller or about the same as one single U.S. State and there are 4 U.S. States that are about the same in population....4 out of 50 as well as Puerto Rico, Guam, and a whole lot of other U.S. Territories where the people are ALL U.S. CITIZENS....means that Australia....needs a population of about 175 MILLION to be able to fend for herself. Spliting up would be a TRAGEDY for the whole country!

As far as EXCUSES of the MAN HOLDING YOU DOWN....Puuullleeezzzzze! The ONLY THING holding down Australia is Australians! AND WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND ON EVERYTHING?!?
We were originally a British Colony. They tried to TAX us without giving us representation. Thus the Boston Tea Party and eventually we Kicked them out with the help of the French. But we certainly wouldn't place a King or Queen of Englands picture on our Money.

For GOD SAKES...they sent the first of you there as a place so far away from England that the original Criminals and I know some were not but instead just spoke their mind...would NEVER be able to get back...yet what is with the Royalty Worship? Split Infinity

Firstly Australia is not like the US where you have underground aquifiers and rivers running through your deserts. Australia is incredibly dry (even on the East coast). But there have been many suggestions on how to "rebirth" the inland from tide-manipulation to building artificial mountains to create rainfall.

Secondly, Australia does not need 175 million people in order to defend herself. Want proof? What about the Japanese in WW2? Australians banded together and fought them off with little outside help and no help from the British at all. That was then with a population of 7 million, today we have over 23 million people and rising so our chance of defending ourselves is significantly higher.

Thirdly, Australia HAS and is continually being held down by foreign powers namely the US and Britain. They fear what Australia could become and so have used their authority to undermine Australian interests. There are many examples of this occurring from the British using Australians as nuclear test subjects to the CIA overthrowing the Whitlam government.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by BLV12A
And before the mining boom, what was WA's contribution?

My dad worked away in Dampier 50 years ago,so its been around a long time.

It now accounts for 46% of national exports.
That should tell you how bad things are for the rest of the country.

Yeah pull your fingers out.

If you care so much about your fellow Aussies and your country, maybe you lot should stop your whining and just be happy that at least your state is in a position to keep the rest of the nation going for a change.
I'm sure if we look back through history, we will find examples of when other states wealth benefited WA too.

Oh you even want me to look for you?

I never said 2.3 million aren't important.

Never said you did,you alright? you said which I quoted.....

"WA is not a sizeable, population wise, part of the country.
It has 2.3 million people."

I'm saying that 17.6 million who live on the eastern seaboard have a bigger slice of the pie for obvious reasons.
More people means more money is needed.
Get it?

I get it we make most of the pie and thrown some crumbs so you can say suck it up.Heck they are even cutting the funding for training over here which is needed because of the labour shortage,or do you think every West Aussie is a multi millionaire?

I really don't give a damn about your highways.

Coarse not your not from here,so you give a damn only for yourself.

As for your prosperity. Please. You work hard?

Worked contracting to BHP for many years then started my own business and have not had a week off for the past 12 years,you decide.The tax myself and many others have forked over keep many bludgers on their butts.

So the rest of Australia are bludgers waiting for WA to work and hand over the cash? LOL

Thats the way your coming across.

I guess Australia's fairy god mother paid the bills before WA had it's mining boom?

I`ll still let you do the leg work on supplying the link where WA was milking the rest of the country or don`t your fingers work either?

Yes, poor old WA, always over looked.
Always ignored.
As far as I can tell, WA has been all the rage in recent years with the mining boom and everyone wanting to go over and chase the big dollars.
Lots of people have gone over and resettled in WA.
Where do you think your population growth has come from? That fairy god mother I mentioned above?

Not enough there is still a large labour shortage,you guys must have a lot of bludgers over there as well.

If you think WA is ignored, try SA, NT, or Tassie...

I`m sure they are also over looked in many areas, as far as I can see if your not from Canberra and Victoria you mean very little.

And btw, maybe someone should tell your premier that not every state is as resource rich as WA..

No need he knows already,its just his nipples are sore.btw not every West Aussie works in the mining industry just like most Aussies in the rest of the country.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by BLV12A
The only states or mainland territories which can really complain about being ignored by Canberra, are SA, NT and TAS.

Queensland sure as hell has not been ignored by the feds. Are you kidding me?
They along with NSW and Victoria, are the spoilt brats of the federation.
Ok, so NSW and Vic get more, but Queensland is still far better off then the rest.

If WA goes, then SA and NT should join them.

Queensland is NOT spoilt you idiot. I dare you to come to Queensland and look at how badly the Commonwealth has ignored us, our roads are worse than those in India. Queensland and WA are the two power states of Australia they create the wealth that is taken to the southern states of NSW and Victoria who leech off us.
The PM doesn't understand Queenslanders she treats us like we are stupid, in fact none of them do all the PMs have ignored Queensland totally including national affairs yet we provide a substantial part of the wealth in this country. AS WELL Queensland IS the food bowl of Australia.

I'll give you an example of how they treat us, Melbourne had the Commonwealth games a few years ago and they recieved substantial money from the government, Sydney hosted the Olympics in 2000 and recieved plenty of government spending.
Yet when QUEENSLAND decides to host the games what do WE get????? NOTHING.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:46 PM
I'd like to know how this thread became a USA and Australia friendship/military friendship thread, when it start out about WA receeding from Australia?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by crackerjack
Ever since the ranga put the knife into Rudd, she's been milking the sweet spots of Australia dry.
I'm from Tasmainia and poor old Tassie gets the bum end of the Canbera stick as well, left in the dark as the 'mainlanders' sip their wines with our fruits of labor. Now you have the Queensland gov absolutly broke, man the public servents even got their coffee, tea and indoor plants taken away to cut costs, no more flights, only driving. I can understand why WA is pissed having to prob the other states up.

Sure now Australia's biggest income is from the resource boom, but punters beware, the Red Dragon takes what it wants and will do anything to get it, If you google Chinese SOE's buying up vast land in WA, the figures speak. Right now, I think the Premier has his head stuck too far up his bum with all his cash to actually see what's going to happen with the Chinese economy cooling and also the Chinese buying up alot of African resources coupled with prices for raw materials in Australia getting extreamly high, there's going to be a slowdown in direct demand. Now add the stupid carbon tax and mining taxes in and you end up with a poo storm in a tea cup.

PS. I just COULD NOT IMAGINE the WA people 'adapting' the asian culture at all. I mean are they going to set up some ping pong tables and ditch the footy, doubt it, just a statement from a greedy Premier.

If you want to know the true mining culture I suggest watching a movie called RED DOG.

Totally agree, Labour has wrecked this country into despair. In fact the Queensland government was borrowing close to 50 million per day just to pay its own government workers??? How #ed is that??
Then at the same time Juliar Gillard signs off a 500 million dollar aid deal with Afghanistan and sent the EU 7 billion dollars??? How is that even possible, we are broke. Spend that money on our own people # the rest of the world why should our tax payer dollars be sent to prop up the Greeks since they won't get off their asses and work!!!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Sublimecraft
reply to post by WarCry

An Aussie Civil war? Wouldn't happen mate

50% would call in sick.
20% would be too hung over
20% would be too late
and the remain 10% would defect

In all seriousness though, if WA did secede (unlikely I know atm), but if it did then I think there would be civil war in Australia. Canberra would try to retake Perth by military force in order to keep control of the resources. Unlikely scenario but a possible future one.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

I think there are many US Marines in Australia.
I hope they do not get involved again where they do not belong.
Who am I kidding, we know why the foreign force is there...

Pft, I don't want my troops in your country either, thats my money paying for them to rent that base. It wouldn't bother me a bit if we stopped staffing 1500 bases we do not need and paying 3 trillion a year to keep them supplied. I'm all for letting Austaralia play the worlds police force for a change instead of sitting on the sidelines and backbiting us.

We don't want your troops in our country either, how would you like it if we sent Australian troops armed through your suburbs?
Its spelt "AUSTRALIA" not "Austaralia" ffs its not hard.
Oh really, we sit on the sidelines?
I guess you would be surprised to learn that Australia has a military, and even more surprised to know that Australia is the only country to have fought alongside the US in every war since WW2.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by OrchusGhule
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

I hate to do this, but its killing me. The words you are looking for are "secede" and "secession", NOT "succeed" and "succession." As long as we're discussing something like this, we might as well get the language correct.

Partaining to the thread, I'm not too familiar with Australian politics, but just how badly would TPTB in Australia want WA to remain with the whole? Enough to promote civil war? Do the social conditions exist (tension between areas and people) to facilitate such an event?
edit on 20-5-2012 by OrchusGhule because: (no reason given)

Yeah my bad, I wasn't exactly sure how it was spelt but thanks for clearing it up. I suppose the social conditions do exist for example, WA (Western Australia-state) is currently in a mining boom but the South-Eastern States of NSW and Victoria are in full blown recession. So the more populous states of NSW and VIC are literally "stealing" the profits of WA and leaving squat for the Westralians.

But enough to promote civil war? No not yet but if the GST taxes aren't made equal for WA soon and if Commonwealth spending doesn't increase for them then there is more than likely going to be a "diplomatic" crisis in the near future.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
Dident Western Australia threaten to leave the Federation if Australia became a republic?

By the way support for becoming a republic is at an all time low.

Yes that is true. I myself personally support a parliamentary republic, enough with the monarch we have been ruled by them for over 225+ years.

The reason support for a republic is at an all time low is because Queen Elizabeth is just too loved in Australia to dump her now. But once shes gone in a few years and Charles comes to the throne watch how quickly the support will rise....

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

but still...Australians do not move or work at the frantic pace that Americans one does.

are you serious? Who are you to make such a generalised call? we would have the same ratio of hard working people to lazy ones as any first world nation would have, INCLUDING America. If I am not mistaken the US was considered the most overweight country in the world (albeit i'm sure Aus isn't that far behind) but I'm sure that doesn't make for "frantic paced working". In fact there would be a ton of countries or "races" that would trump the US in work ethic, if you want to be politically incorrect about it. From my experience over there the hardest working ones certainly don't come from a caucasian background.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Look at the value of Australia's currency compared to the US.

Australia could spend $500 Billion tomorrow and make it's people happier....but then the Chinese Yuan will be greatly over valued and they'd be able to get Australia's raw materials much cheaper.

That's why they want to keep the Australian currency propped up, to pull in more Chinese Yuan....contain China.

What Australia should be doing is asking China why it's Yuan is not being increased in value....China's artificial undervaluing of its currency is what is making some in Australia not live up to par where they should be.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Let the good times really roll man!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:46 PM
Posting here from Canada. Haven't read the whole thread. It's the okker in me.

We have this same disease here in Canada with Alberta. One part of the country moves into an economic boom and suddenly, they feel they can go it alone and that the rest of the country is dragging them down, like a crippled relative, who really, by rights, should be just shot in the head and left by the side of the road, so that they can go on to rule the world, like God intended them to.

Every part of a country should get a fair shake. One part of the country should not be a predator on the others, but this separation talk is a disease that could ruin everything for everybody. Don't kid yourselves WA. Negotiate fair deals, yes. But stow the separation talk, and don't be so quick to throw the rest of the country away as garbage.

A rainy day can come to WA too.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Oh man I missed this one!

Pft, I don't want my troops in your country either, thats my money paying for them to rent that base. It wouldn't bother me a bit if we stopped staffing 1500 bases we do not need and paying 3 trillion a year to keep them supplied.

I was all for you on this until I read the next bit and I`ve got a ton of respect for you lonewolf....

I'm all for letting Austaralia play the worlds police force for a change instead of sitting on the sidelines and backbiting us.

Maybe if your own police were able to treat its own citizens with some respect you might have a better chance of treating the rest of the world with some.

This threads video is one of many

Sitting on the sidelines? tell that to the Aussies soldiers families who have lost their lives due to America`s BS war,if your Gov didn`t stick its nose into other peoples business in the first place for their own gain then maybe America would have more credibility in the eye`s of the rest of the world.

This morning on the news our PM was over there and pledging aid to Afganastan,why were we there again? "hand Bin Ladin over or we`ll bomb the crap out of you!!" then Sadam, show us your WMD`s "sorry don`t have any?" well we`ll bomb the crap out of you too anyway,don`t worry let Australia mop up after you guys cause that how you treat your friends.

Do you really believe American Gov has the moral compass to be a world police?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
Posting here from Canada. Haven't read the whole thread. It's the okker in me.

love it.

Every part of a country should get a fair shake. One part of the country should not be a predator on the others, but this separation talk is a disease that could ruin everything for everybody. Don't kid yourselves WA. Negotiate fair deals, yes. But stow the separation talk, and don't be so quick to throw the rest of the country away as garbage.

A rainy day can come to WA too.

Agreed,the seperation talk is all wind imo and people shouldn`t worry about it,its just Barnetts way of trying to be heard when talking to deaf politicians over the years on getting fair treatment.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:36 PM
And when the mining boom comes to a crashing halt, like all Industry booms do, the first place states like WA and QLD will come running to with their hands out will be................Canberra !

And if mining companies are making billion dollar profits, then shouldn't they share some of the responsibility of putting funding back into the states being mined, and removing the need for assistance from Canberra in the first place ???

And for those complaining that the East coast of Australia receives all the funding from Canberra, you might want to have a look into where the majority of Australia's residents live !

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by g146541

The slogan of the Marines is Semper Fideles meaning always faithful.

You should show some respect.

Some of my best friends are Marines. They are honorable men and women and would NOT attack innocents.

Don't have a dog in this fight, we do have a big state that could get along fine without the rest of the US and was once and might be again their own country and that state is Texas. Our own civil war was the most painful history, brother against brother. People here think the war was about slavery but really it was to prevent the south from splitting off from the north. Slavery was a minor issue.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by kawika

Always faithful yes, but to whom?
Certainly not the indiginous peoples of other lands, they have proven that since their inception.
I'm glad you can speak for your friends that would never fire on innocents, I'm sure that will mean alot when they get the propaganda that tells them who their "enemy" is.

I give respect where respect is due, killing a brown man thousands of miles from my home when his only transportation is a cart or camel is not much of a threat to me, no matter how big his gun may be.

We do agree on the US civil war though.
I don't think US forces should be in Australia, we in the US would not stand for 5000 Chinese troops in Texas.
Goose / Gander and all.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

I like Perth! If WA splits does that mean they will be a different colony still beholding to the UK crown in their ridiculous feudal ponzi scam? Or will they become a real country, responsible to their citizens?

If they're going to become a country, sign me up! I'd go in a heartbeat!

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by kawika
reply to post by g146541

The slogan of the Marines is Semper Fideles meaning always faithful.

You should show some respect.

Some of my best friends are Marines. They are honorable men and women and would NOT attack innocents.

I'm sure they're wonderful people. That's not the point.

The point is that we don't want a garrison of your soldiers in our country, any more than most of you would want ours. That is not an insult to the Marines; it applies to the American military in general terms.

Americans have a lot to learn about the sovereignty of other people's countries. You consider your own country to be utterly sacrosanct, and yet you will gladly invade any other on the planet. The English language has a word for that.


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