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Are Left-Handed People Equal To Right-Handed People? Apparently Not!

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:25 PM
Both of my parents are left-handed. Of the four of us offspring, 3 of us are left-handed. My right handed older sister could not learn to tie her shoes because our mom was showing her how. A neighbor kid taught her to tie her shoes. She was the only one in my family with enough patience to teach me to tie my shoes, so I do that right-handed. Yes, there's a difference how lefties and righties tie their laces.

I learned to play the guitar right-handed and the trombone right-handed of course. The band instructor would not allow me to learn to play the trombone left-handed because of issues with uniformity.

Using my computer mouse with my right hand definitely has an advantage. My left hand is freed to write notes down while researching things on the internet.

I have been plagued with physical ailments my entire life and yes, I am sort of insane compared to a lot of my friends and even my direct family.....wife and kids. They don't understand why I do some of the things I do but these things make perfect sense to me.One of my children is left-handed. She understands me perfectly well. I watched as she grew up in a right-handed world, dealing with it's disadvantages, such as the right-handed design of scissors. I often would buy her things that were designed for left-handers to help her out.

I've pointed out many tools, especially power tools to my wife and explained how the designs are not leftie friendly. She still doesn't understand why I can't learn to comfortably use these tools.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

That is a good list for the most obvious differences in left and right minded people and seems right on target. Explains a lot about me and all of us lefties, I bet.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:27 PM
20 years ago a good friend of mine and I had this conversation. He was just hired in to a turbine division for G.E. He, along with about ~20 others were going through a indocrination course and every single one was left handed. Considering just about everyone there was a MIT or RIT grad, it just seemed logical to assume that there is something to the notion that lefties are perhaps smarter..?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You are evidence yourself of the mental deficiencies which may abound in all people left and right handed alike. My guess is that you are trying to "one up" someone who is an anathema to you and who is also left handed. Give it up. Left handed people are the only ones in their right mind.

edit on 14-5-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

This list is why we go round and round with a few obvious individuals here on ATS. From a post of mine in another thread "It's like Newton and Nostradamas arguing, neither ever being able to convince the other of what they "know" to be true.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by AFewGoodWomen

Originally posted by Juggernog

They are not equal at all
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You saying that you are superior to me?

Really? Is that what OP is stating? This has got to be the stupidest thread I ever read. Must have been started by a righty.
Left handed people rule the world. That's why there isn't a whole lot of us.
Glitch during the birthing process? Handedness is not determined during birth. Duh.
Judging by the intelligence of this post...I take it that OP is a common righty.
Whatever makes you feel better.
Tell me...what do you think about black, left-handed women? Are they considered mere animals to you?
I hope you break your right hand.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Basically, thats kind of the impression that I got but im not really worried lol..I was more or less kidding in my post, which is why I "winked" at the end

Ill let you put him in his place, you appear way more competent in doing that than I do

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

yeah. And short people got no reason to live.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog

Originally posted by AFewGoodWomen

Originally posted by Juggernog

They are not equal at all
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You saying that you are superior to me?

Really? Is that what OP is stating? This has got to be the stupidest thread I ever read. Must have been started by a righty.
Left handed people rule the world. That's why there isn't a whole lot of us.
Glitch during the birthing process? Handedness is not determined during birth. Duh.
Judging by the intelligence of this post...I take it that OP is a common righty.
Whatever makes you feel better.
Tell me...what do you think about black, left-handed women? Are they considered mere animals to you?
I hope you break your right hand.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Basically, thats kind of the impression that I got but im not really worried lol..I was more or less kidding in my post, which is why I "winked" at the end

Ill let you put him in his place, you appear way more competent in doing that than I do

This could be a trap! A way to lure all us lefties to one place so that we could be destroyed in one fell swoop. Righties know how defensive us lefties are after all!

If righties really wanted to keep lefties down, all they'd have to do is get rid of automatic transmissions.

Anyway, I'd rather be a part of Satan's army than a right-hander!

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia


Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

are all left handed

John McCain
Steve Forbes
Prince William and Charles
Ollie North
Buzz Aldrin
Lenny Bruce
Jimi Hendricks

Angelina Jolie
Judy Garland
Issac Hayes
Paul Mc Cartney
Lou Rawls
Dan Ackroyd
Tom Cruise
Matt Dillon
Betty Grable
Cary Grant
Robert Redford
Jerry Seinfeld



Leonardo Di Vinci

Lewis Carrol
HG Wells

...all lefties.

edit on 14-5-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by ModernAcademia


Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

are all left handed

John McCain
Steve Forbes
Prince William and Charles
Ollie North
Buzz Aldrin
Lenny Bruce
Jimi Hendricks

Angelina Jolie
Judy Garland
Issac Hayes
Paul Mc Cartney
Lou Rawls
Dan Ackroyd
Tom Cruise
Matt Dillon
Betty Grable
Cary Grant
Robert Redford
Jerry Seinfeld

Leonardo Di Vinci

Lewis Carrol
HG Wells

...all lefties.

edit on 14-5-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

As was Mozart, Beethoven, Picasso, Rodin, Aristotle, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc (one of the reasons she was considered a heretic), Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein(ambidextrous), Madonna, and I'm sure many other greats, but it was unfortunately suppressed.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Geez, it makes one wonder if the Illuminati is a group of left-handed people!
I wonder what Alistair Crowley was (not that I agree with his views).

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:05 PM
Being left-handed, the story interests and disturbs me all at the same time, thanks for sharing.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:08 PM
Your story trips me out.

I am a lefty and I felt saddened after reading your story.

Now I probably wont be able to sleep tonight

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a salem witch trial thing

After reading your story I really feel persecuted

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Studies have shown that the number of left-handers who make it to old age is drastically lower than the number of their right-handed peers.

lefties were 2.7 times more likely to suffer from immune disorders and 2.3 times more likely to have been hospitalized at some point.

Well Immune disorders is very specific, accidents is something else though as most of the tools we use are made for right-handed people.

Although left-handed people make up only 10 percent of the population as a whole, they compose a full 20 percent of schizophrenics. If you like those odds, you should know that left-handedness is also associated with dyslexia, ADD and some mood disorders.

Studies have shown that, if you're left-handed, you're twice as likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

More surprising, left-handers actually tended to exhibit subtle symptoms of PTSD.

Now that's pretty serious
This is the first time that I actually have come to hope that I get a right-handed son/daughter when I have kids.

If lefties are more prone to mental problems as well as immune disorders it may very well be something gone wrong during the mother's 9months of pregnancy.

So I see alot of threads and people often use the analogy of left handed people and how they are equal to right handed people.... well apparently not!

They are not equal at all
Being a leftie means you may have had a glitch during the birth process
The end result is not at all equal to being right handed.

Thoughts ATS?

I am left handed but was forced to be a right handed person while very young as lefties were frowned upon. But I can use either hand at will now and always have been able to. I can tell you that as a left handed person, I tend to think deeply on just about everything around me. My mind is always full of questions needing answers and desiring to know everything about everything. You get used to it.

Lefties are more intelligent and creative than their right handed rivals. Righties in comparison seem dull and in need of being told what to do all the time. They don't seem to get it until it is explained to them. Most righties can do things by repetition and can function in industry etc.

As for the lifespan, I can tell you that on average most righties die from other causes before it could ever be know if their genetics had a play in the game. Booze, drugs, over sexual activity/disease, and of course, stupidity of actions. Most criminals are righties, as are most who are currently on the never ending foodstamp and unemployment benefit wagon.

I could go on and on but why bother. As it is I'm about to be blasted by the righties. Here it comes.

edit on 14-5-2012 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Wow, for being a non-important thread, I've enjoyed reading it a lot. I'm also left-handed, have struggled through the right handed world for 60 years (never mastering the scissor technique), and am proud of my difference.

I have spent 40 years in the business world, in management, and found left-handers do tend to rise through the ranks being able to see the "big picture" or maybe not being so tunnel visioned as our right-handed brethren.
My one regret is none of my children inherited the trait as it has always made me feel special in any crowd.
It's been a blessing, not a curse to me, though at times, a definate pain in the ass.

In regards to the topic's question...anyone who can overcome the challenges of being a left-handed child
in a right-handed enviroment, obviously isn't equal, he or she is already on a higher path to success

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:26 PM
If the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, only left handed people are in their right mind

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
So, what's your point? Should we hate left-handers? Should we force all left-handers to use their right hands? Should we treat left-handers as second-class citizens? Should we not give left-handers the same rights as right-handers? Or.... should we realize that left-handers didn't choose their lot in life, and that we should have compassion for left-handers, treat them as human beings with the same rights as everyone else, regardless of the fact that they are in the minority?

By all means, since they're so different and only 10% of the population, it makes perfect sense to not allow them to marry right?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by volafox
I remember being told that in the bad old days, being left handed was a sign of being in league with the devil. Since similar attributes of this include being red headed, green eyed, allergic to silver, and other odds and ends, I'm pretty much screwed.

Wow! so a redheaded, green eyed lefty that's allergic to silver would be considered the anti-Christ??

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by kyred

But then there are times that make me laugh. As a forced rightie, sometimes someone will see me using my left hand for things like eating with a fork, writing, or some other thing that I do spontaneously. I just say oh well. And there are times when I relax more while changing back to a left handed position. Tools are the same way. If your a forced rightie, it should be the same for you too.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I am a lefty and I felt saddened after reading your story.

Seriously? How is it possible to become upset by this?

A story in ""? Which states "Studies have shown". "A thousand participates showed.....". What studies? Who did the studies?
What are the source of the studies? Who paid for the studies? Who were the participants? How was the data qualified/quantified?
Who interpreted it, and what tools were used to do so?

It's a joke.
edit on 5/14/2012 by BellaSabre because: No, seriously. It's a joke.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by donal
Wow, for being a non-important thread, I've enjoyed reading it a lot. I'm also left-handed, have struggled through the right handed world for 60 years (never mastering the scissor technique), and am proud of my difference.

I have spent 40 years in the business world, in management, and found left-handers do tend to rise through the ranks being able to see the "big picture" or maybe not being so tunnel visioned as our right-handed brethren.
My one regret is none of my children inherited the trait as it has always made me feel special in any crowd.
It's been a blessing, not a curse to me, though at times, a definate pain in the ass.

In regards to the topic's question...anyone who can overcome the challenges of being a left-handed child
in a right-handed enviroment, obviously isn't equal, he or she is already on a higher path to success

We left handers are the ruling class. We vault through the crowd on the way to the top because it is in us to do so. We excel, achieve, lead, and rule like an instinctive nature because we know they can be led and they will listen because they are not so smart as they believe themselves to be. And the best part is that we let them think that way to manipulate them into our service. For that I give you one of the best at manipulation and ability to rule (even though I don't care for him). Barack Ohbamma.

edit on 14-5-2012 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

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