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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 12:07 PM
You are correct about the need for DALLAS and his Bench to stop micro-managing playactions,the" Players need to be doing this themselves on the ice on-the-fly"

.Trading Sam Gagner was an epic screw-up,he was evolving into an elite on-ice line manager and this ran counter to what the Coaches wanted to be doing they wanted 100% Bench control at all times,the Coaches werent producing results but Gagners methods were,the stats valuations and support of them blackballed him and others trying to do the right things to help their team win they were GOOD MEN, now I want to see the people responsible for screwing them gone,and the stats inputs they used to screw Gagner and others GONE as well,nothing less will do.

Someone due to stats inputs has been blackballing good men and I want to see this influence GONE.This influence is over-the-top and has been out of control for to many years now.

If no one will come here to play we are eternally scewed,we will be on this insane Island of Dr. Morea-Lowe forever.

Stats inputs encourage Dallas to START with screwed-up lines,the adjustments are not misplaced they are to LATE and he is trying to get to where he SHOULD HAVE BEGAN.

Dallas is afraid to take chances,he is a text-book Coach and no doubt a good one,BUT this Oilers roster is far to talented and skilled to support a text-book Coaching focus,no way no how do you tun 3 #1 over-all picks into text-book players,never going to happen.To even try is DERELICT.

Ramsay IS the PERFECT compliment to Eakins to balance his focus out.

The 2 have PROVED they can make their System work,but like you pointed out,the players need TIME to develop chemistry,but TIME isnt all they need,they also need the System to be sypathetic to their skillsets,and THIS is where the main disconnect is.

The System which is text-book due to overbearing stats influences does NOT produce results,so thinking it CANNOT be the System naturally the Coaches play Roster Roulette trying to find men who are "dialed in" that night.There will NEVER be time to Gel in this type of System,text-book Systems are far to pro-active to allow for this "time",no results from by -the-book execution with a stats backed text-book System and the PLAYERS get blamed and then get benched or get yanked and replaced,it is a plug-and-pull style,it in no way supports patience.

Blame the System and its stats catalysed management program,and processes ,not the Coaches and the Men,if there even is an over-riding management program in place.

edit on 5-11-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 10:27 AM
Goaltenders DO NOT score goals.They are not what drives a Hockey team,you are stuck in stats/defensive mode man.

There is no such thing as a #1 "pairing d-man",another stats caused brainfart.

"Legitimate" is a stats supported application of the word man,put the stats pipe down!
This team has been losing for longer than a decade,you must be a NewFan.

If the same management structure on an organisational level dictates to Mac-T,Quinn,Renney,Krueger,and Eakins they do not have to be the problem.They may simply be symptoms of the deeper underlieing issue.

Statistical perspective inputs and applications are killing the Oilers and there is no denying or coveing up this well documented fact.

Statistics didnt have a name until Dellow was brought in as a sacrifice.

Some people see the game in numbers and some see it in dynamic actions, defensemen see it usually in numbers,most old coots have been immersed in stats since pee-wee in one form or another.

The Oilers turtled after Messier left and they began to rely on stats when they had not been doing so for a very long time.The Oilers wee lie babes in the Woods back then,the coin had been flipped and the entire NHL enjoyed screwing with the Team for the years of dominance they had inflicted uopn everyone,it was relentless punishment and the worst possible choice back then to run the team was a defenseman like K-Lowe,a smart statisticlly educated one.The NHL keyed in on Kevin and refused to give him even conventionl breaks.

The DEPARTURE from the Dynasty scenaario should have happened back then,but it didnt,instead a stats strong defensive mind was given absolute power,he did what he does,and his peers roasted him that poor sucker K-lowe took the beatings meant for ALL the Dynasty Oilers,he endured the payback as he tried to become a Hockey Manager . The pay-back will never stop,it is what it is.

You tried to make Mac-T,Quinn,Renney,Krueger,and Eakins take the BULLET FOR STATISTICAL INFLUENCES AND INPUTS.

Nice try.

I am intentionlly hitting stats right in the nuts,make no mistakes about it.

ANY of those Coaches with ANY of those Rosters had the potential to win the Stanley Cup,but not with a stats poisoned support structure.

You are trying to deflect the attack on statistical influences and inputs by naming names and positions as the causality of disconnects and it will not work.You are trying to personalise a problem that has nothing to do with the Coaches or Players or even the System.The stats poison runs deeper than the personell,it always does,that is how it survives and hides,behind the people who end up being victims of the stats caused disconnects and mis-valuations

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Is it only Ralphs attitude? Or is it his ACUMEN,his management processes through which he learned to simply overlay one mission statement upon an existing structure to optimse it without breaking it down?

Ralph learned to WORK WITH WHAT HE HAS,he learned to OPTIMALLY MANAGE his assets.

It wouldnt matter what Professional Sport Ralph Coached,if he uses this OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM he will recieve the exact same winning results.

The Oilers would be on their 4th Cup run had "someone" not interfered and intentionally and willfully deprived them of this OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM,you see Ralph LEARNED IT IN EDMONTON.The last 3 Cup winners are using the same management Programs to different degrees.

Ralph wasnt just fired he was muzzled, someone on the Oilers had something big to keep quiet,a vendetta to follow through on and Krueger was simply colatteral damage,I believe Ralph was working WITH THE MEN to implement this OPTIMAL management Program but the Oilers Upper Management disagreed with his direction.I think Sam Gagner and Smid and Ryan Jones were all sacked for this same reason,this same vendetta,someone was trying to defend their statistical way of thinking and ANYONE who challenged that has been black-balled,it has been a vendetta,one the driver was destined to lose.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 11:41 AM
It is the overburden of statistical influences and inputs stockpiled since Wayne and Mark left town that has been haunting this team to greater and greater degrees.

It has NEVER been the personell,it has ALWAYS BEEN the Management Program and intentions.

A defensive perspective traditionally relies on statistical grounding,, the Oilers went from being the Dynasty Team or the one to use the LEAST STATS and be managed by the most creative minds to ever skate on ice,to now becoming the NHLs recognised leader in suicide-by-Stats led by one of the least creative but strongest statisticlly Oilers ever, Kevin Lowe.......the results were 100% predictable BEFORE K-Lowe took over and SOME OF US were screming this same song back then.

Who cares who is to blame,these are obvious dynamics,not debatable issues.There is ONLY ONE TRUE HISTORY.

We dont need to get rid of anything but the lies, the reason things arent getting fixed is because there are to many layers and levels of excusatory armor between management and accountability.

Give the right people credit and spank those who need it.

The reality is that there is NO WAY KATZ is ever buying a Cup,the NHL will not work with his Managers,they are being black-balled like they have done to so many people,by the entire NHL..

Seriously, when you remove money from the equation you dis-empower the Oilers management tactics.If you ignore fiscal games they are very weak,they have gotten carried away with the "business side" of Hockey and have forgotten it is suppossed to be FUN.Katzes money is wake up and have some fun,try some new things like honesty before you all DO eventually get skidded.

Start by cleaning up your act at home,locally,there are local supporters who have been mistreated,start by properly validating and endorsing them,on-line and off-line.

There IS A CURE for the Oilers problems and it is a simple one, HUMBLE PIE.......the whole darn thing in one sitting.

You need to learn to LOSE learn to WIN,Oilers management learned that when they were on the ice,but did not translate that to the offices,they refuse to lose in the office and this has stunted their learning curve,cost them friends and allies and generally shot them in the foot.

I dont think anyone HAS TO GO,but "something" does have to go,the teflon elitist vendetta driven attitude has to go ASAP,if people need to go with it then that is their decision.The Oilers need to do some soul-searching.

If you protect and hide a weak link you do the Chain a dis-service,the Oilers are being poisoned by statisticlly driven weak links,in their efforts to preserve a useless perspective they have forfitted the future..

Lose the excusatory stats defense management lives by,and 99% of the problem is solved because they will finally have to critique each other professionally and with serious intentions and impacts.

Lets see the Fat Cats "compete" and fight it put amongst themselves like the Players have to,why not?

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 02:21 PM
try to keep an open mind because I have my own theories about the problems the Oilers are trying to figure out and how to fix them,but I do not use conventional statisticlly baased thinking when I approach the problem or the cures

I believe this Group exactly as it is could easily earn a Playoff spot this year.I firmly believe that the 4 game win streak can be repeated with one or two losses between runs.

This team should be 10-2-1. They started off on their own,after 5 losses something was added that 100% turned the results around not for 1 gme or 2 but for FOUR. "Something Powerfull" was "added" and it helped Eakins create consistant wins doing exaactly what he had been doing since game one...the Coaches have been consistant with the System this year. However "something" was ADDED to what they are maxing out at, that can for some reason take them over the top consistantly producing wins.

When that "something" was REMOVED the exact and predictable results showed up immeditly,exactly like the results produced in the first 5 games,losses showed up,games lost to small details easy to spot post-game but un-identified or remedied during games..

We have more than a small sample size of results to analyse now,we have both ends of the specrtum,losing streaks,BUT ALSO 4 game winning streak, this is much more positive and gives much more reason for hope than last season did.

All the Oilers need to do now is IDENTIFY THE "SOMETHING" that somehow turns them into winners, then ask it nicely to return and re-ignite the Team.It cannot be that hard to do with the resources a 230,000000 dollar NHL Team has to use right?

. There are lots of complaints and many suggestions of changing personell made by the thousands,but very very few of them are supported by dynamic data ,just stats which are useless.

All I hear most Fans and Media and Bloggers investigating are PEOPLE....very very few of us are giving detailed analysis of the PROCESSES,in one hour online I can hit the ten top NHL Oilers sites and find maybe 2 or 3 posters who even look to that side of the game and NONE of them are stats focused,they are the opposite,they post detailed dynamic descriptions of the things they see and this is 10x more helpfull than short stats based complints about personell are.

I have seen enough personell changes to believe this is a "process disconnect", and I am not willing to misrepresent that belief to satisfy my own or anyone elses bloodlust,being liked wasnt on anyones job description,and if we dont care who new comes in then why should we care about the ones here now?We need to care about WHY so many competant and able Groups failed at the same task,the simple numbers of men who have failed unequivocally point to a "process disconnect", it is either that or you believe the Oilers just ran into every bad luck pot-hole possible defying sttistics.

I believe it is a statisticlly catalysed "process disconnect' which began when Messier left town and has grown unabated since,in fact it is now the NHLs recognised leader in suicide-by-stats for Coaches and players.

I havent seen the Oilers embrrassed or completely brutalised,I have seen the Spirits start out low with losses,rocket up with confidence and surety with the wins then plummet down again with the recent losses.

Unless the Oilers hve found better cause of their current and historical woes,they need to pay attention to what I say,if they cant understand it then they better learn to.If they feel they can DEBATE it then lets get it on in an open or closed forum ,, lets rumble.

Even if just ONE Fan has an idea,it is better than 1000 just whining and complaining,and

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 10:49 AM
I like the focus of the article but the statistical rambelings made little to no sense,those silly stats are like a warped record with scratches on it that you have heard 1000 times, if you are old enough to remember those days.

Why dont you use those stats to tell us how to get this team back into a Playoff position like Ralph Kruger had us in so we have something to fight for, if your stats cant do that then they are useless,because the best results in 8 yeaars were produced by the Krueger and Gagner led Oilers,and the record states this to be fact.

If every single one of your stats do not fit what Kruegers Oilers were doing then your stats are flawed by proxy.

Every last one must fit, because that is where this team wants to be,in a PLAYOFF POSITION , so they can defend it.Right now they are focusing on defense so much but havent even learned how to put together the offense to WIN anything worth defending,the horse is being put before the cart,the offense MUST come first,then the defense will follow.This has been one big long defense-first regression , since Krueger was running things this team has regressed.

Any stats that say differently are bogus.

Jeeper creepers , who the heck trys to teach a core of skill players,elite offensive players,how to play defense in the NHL BEFORE he teaches them how to create the offense to produce the goals they will be defending? What is the explanation for this?

Who intentionally suppresses and artificially manages the growth and evolution of three #1 overall NHL Draft-picks chosen for their overwhelming offensive skillsets and mentlitys using a force-fed defensivly psychotic perspective and program, who would try to teach them this defensive walk BEFORE he taught them to crawl offensively?nd even plyes head-games with and BENCHES the youngest most vulnerable Rookie on the Roster in front of the entire team and his young peers in the Core.....what a dysfunctional set of decisions.

Here is a stat for you from someone who doesnt like stats but will tell a lie by using stats to prove the truth..

What team over the last 3 Coaches has FORCED THE MOST GOALTENDER CHANGES by the opposition during the season?

Once you discover this then name the dates and Coach, then we will chat again,stats can be an aswome asset in the right hands,and if applied correctly

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 10:50 AM
Well put,and I might add that the Oilers can now produce specific stats like high shots on net using their advanced stats to show them how most NHL teams produce a high volume of shots in games,BUT...BUT...BUT... this in NO WAYS supports the optimisation of the Oilers current assets,instead it supports destroying the offensive core and replacing it with pluggers. who can produce shots the "average NHL way" using "average NHL tactics"...designed for the "average NHL player" when the bleeding Oilers are CONSTRUCTED of above average NHL Players.

An over-burden of Statistical inputs is ripping the Oilers apart from the inside out.

The idea is to score goals to win games,and this means a high shooting % across the board , that is how the NewAge Hockey Systems Intuitive Dynamic Mangement program would view things and what core value driver it executes around

.Not a high number of shots across the board,that would be a stats based regressive way to look at it.This IS HOW the Oilers look at it with their Mud-colored Stats Glasses on.Advanced stats are a sham,they are baseless and mis-representtive of future potentials,all stats can do is RE-PAINT a picture we have all already seen before,all stats can do is talk about the past,they cannot help us progressively create a new future..

Ralph Krueger s tactics led the Oilers to the last Playoff they held on record,anything less than that is defined as regression,any analysis which runs counter to this reality is flawed by proxy,the path to the Oilers solution to their current problems is clearly illustrated in their PAST System execution, they need to REACH BACK to re-discover it,not keep floundering forward into the dark trying to immitate it using stats based structures.

When the Oilers DO reach back 3-4 yeaars, they will find the Kings,Hawks,Blues,Flames and countless others using their exact System format.,maybe management can explain exactly how this is possible,because the record shows it to be reality

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 11:13 AM
The single influence which has been around since BEFORE 2000 and which has been growing exponentially within the Oiler organistion to the degree that they are the NHLs recognised leader in the area,is statistics.

The statistics support the by-the-book structure and mangement program for a defensive perspective,which support set-play defense-first systems.

The DAY Messier left the descent into stats hades began and it has been a relentless disease eating the Oilers to pieces ,hiding itself in places it could not be identified using traditional analysis methods.

Then the NewAge Hockey System was created by an Edmonton Oilers Fan online to specificlly counter this statistical disease and the NHSs creation and evolution produced programs like Intuitive Dynamic Management and Intuitive Dynamic Analysis which by proxy DIS-ENFRANCHISE and EXPOSE Statistics for the base-less,useless,regressive influences which they are.

The cause of the Oilers historical losing spiral HAS BEEN CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED AND A CURE HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THEM, they simply didnt like the taste of the BadMedicine they were fed 4years ago.

The Oilers strongest statistical addict is K-Lowe so naturally he has been the one most impacted by the creation of the NHS and its 4 year history if NHL impacts,by proxy he MUST be the stongest opponent to the Oilers pulling out of the statisticlly created tail-spin the Organisation is in.

K-Lowe met his match when stats met their Edmonton -created NewAge Hockey System match,stats have been dis-enfranchised and this trend will continue unabated now ,if K-Lowe doesnt evolve he by proxy MUST be next..

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:50 AM
Krueger was just learning the Intuitive Dynamic Management program the Oilers are now going back to,the things Ralph was learning back then are now being picked up by Dallas and Ramsay and the Players who still remember how to use them .

Ralph Kueger strength was listening to his players who were free-lancing and learning new things on their own,this helped Ralph evolve his own perspective.Believe me Ralph has taken lots out of his experiences in Edmonton.

The Oilers Players were learning first via osmosis,then the Kings Players via osmosis,then the Hawks Management via direct injection of the concepts,then the Blues Management followed the Hawks suit,then even the Flames bought in, and so on and so on.This is why the Western Conference has been leading the NHLs evolution over the last 4 years,it all began here.

The Oilers and Kings learned by osmosis one player buying in at time with no Coaching or mangement endorsements,the Oilers players had to "sell it" to their Coaches and managers and it didnt fly so well,the Kings had Sutter who was dazed and confused when some of his players found this NewAge program 4 years ago and he let them[Stolly] go with it the Hawks had Scotty Bowman identify the NewAge concepts for them when the Oiler players free-lancing by adding it to their System whipped the Hawks completely,Scotty approached things from a Managerial beginning and buy-in as have others.

Firing Ralph was IMHO a poorly concieved decision, but what troubled me the most was that the System Management program Krueger was learning with the men ,together with them, was 100% abandoned when he was removed,then the Roster was wiped out of any of those influences,the SAME influences we are now seeing the Oilers being FORCED to return to so they can catch up the the NHLs evolution

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 04:44 PM
Glad you did read it.I am not re-inventing the wheel,just cutting the stats completely out of the equation.

We all"see" the same things happening on the ice, our descriptions are in line with our perspectives, we are all different.Using stats is just one traditionally accepted and endorsed way of bringing different perspectives of the same dynamic actions onto the same page,it is not the only one.

Stats are the LEAST desirable way of bringing perspectives together,stats encourage debate as opposed to encouraging unity and problem solving.Debate is used to identify a problem not to solve it.

It is hard to bring people onto the same page in discussion because people usually want to use the path of least resistance and stats are the easiest for their minds to comprehend,the numbers are familiar.

You cannot seperate statistics and debate because statistics CATALYSE debate.

When the "numbers" catalyse a disconnect of this magnitude then they need to be removed from the equation as first-step.

There is only ONE RIGHT WAY,one OPTIMAL way to do everything.The Winning Formula is simply finding this one right way and excluding the MANY wrong ones.

There is no short-hand method of describing dynamic actions and reactions unless you use numbers,and IMHO this key issue is where the Oilers are shooting themselves in the foot.

When you shorten the discussion by endorsing a stats based perspective or methodology you miss the "small details"which make up the fine line between winning and losing in the NHL and in any sports dynamic.

There is no short-cut to winning ,but statistics will try to tell you there is.Only by explaining the dynamic interactions can you disenfranchise stats and get down to business.

To force change upon the Oilers someone is going to have to dig in deeply and FIGHT TO REMOVE THE STATS CANCER.

In Edmonton when you battle stats the first Warrior you face is the strongest one,Kevin Lowe.Once you piss him off you are in deep waters permanently.His memory sure isnt going anywhere.

If you try to force-feed anything to K-Lowe he will fight you to the death,you are on his trust list or not,it is simple.

No one has ever had the moxie or the superior information based on results to get past the Guard at the Gates.Because Kevin demands results before he will mke decisions he pigeon-holes himself into only listening to stats based discussions which have documented track records he can refer back to,Kevin has never tried to CREATE winning team,he hs only tried to RE-CREATE a winning team based on his statistical memories of the Dynasty team and how HE thought it worked,how he SAW it work.

I dont BLAME K-Lowe for what he has been doing,nor do I BLAME Mac-T or Dallas, I BLAME their group refusal to break from the safety of statistical excuses,their failure to take risks,the same risks they ask their men to take nightly.You my pass that blame on to Katz who has allowed this dynamic to happen,by reinforcing the Status quo and discouraging risk taking,which to statistical perspectives means learning.

By proxy most hockey fans do not see things my way,they want blood and they do not see things any differently than K-Lowe does,they are like him and dont even know it,they are doing what Kevin would do,fighting not learning statistics screw everyone equally,Fans Players and Managers.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 05:38 PM
You have no idea how or why the Eskies have improved their Teams results this year

What the Eskiomos have ccomplished they have accomplished TOGETHER,Coach Joneses contributions to those impacts are much further reaching than simply fast paced practices.It is "what" they are practising that matters.Not the speeds.Fast paced may or may not accurately simulate game conditions,it depends on your tactical focus as a Team.

Chris Jones correctly believes that the pace you set in practice carries over into games...NOT...that ONLY fast paced practices carry over....what are you trying to do here?Misrepresent things intentionlly?

The Eskimos have a new organizational Philosophy and much improved tactical management,including in practice.

Why are you..trying to represent Football as being different dynamiclly than Hockey? You are trying to influence people to believe there are few to no paralells between the management of a Football Team and the Management of Hockey Team,or a Soccer Team,you are a con-job.

Football is every bit as fluid and dynamic as Hockey and the management programs can be identical.You are pro-actively throwing up a smokescreen.Why?

You do mean that "traditionally" every play in Football is scripted right?Because 'traditionally" every play in Hockey is scripted,right?

Statisticlly managed Systems in all sports rely on set-plays which are scripted.

The Kings,Hawks,Blues,Flames,and others use a SUPERIOR non-statisticlly catalysed Management program which does NOT use set plays and in the process disenfranchises statistics and produces superior results.

I see where you're going now,so lets have some fun.One of the reasons for the Eskies improved performance this year has been attributed to their "New-Age Uniforms" ,when they were released that is what the Player showcasing it on TV called it,did you need the video feed of that?

One of the reasons for the Eskies improved performance this year has been attributed to their new Team motto,"All for one and One4all", that is what an Eskimo said was their new team motto,did you need the video feed for that?

Give Ed Hervey or Chris Jones a call and ASK THEM what they have been doing differently this year.They are not sequestered from the City and the Eskimos Fanbase.Then you can get your story straight.

You might need to hold off on that for bit however,they are in the "process" of becoming Champions,you will need to wait just a few more games.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 12:26 PM
Thank goodness you noticed.

We havent always been biatches.

That game was the exact one where Scotty Bowman "noticed some new transition tactics" the Oilers were using and said he was going to tell his managers to implement them,that led him directly to one of the Hawks best regular seasons ever and a Stanley Cup to stop LAs repeat.The Kings Players catalysed by Stoll had already been using this same set of processes which they learned from the same source at the same time as the Oilers Players catalysed by Gagner,an Edmonton online blogger named MOMA2.

I have wondered to this day if Bowman was talking about what Krueger was doing then or if he was talking about what the Players were ADDING to his wisdom , because at the end of Ralphs tenure he and the Players were COMMUNICATING WELL and working TOGETHER.The Oilers players were sharing data with their Coach they had confidence in,online data later named the NewAge Hockey System by its creator .

"SOMETHING" was being added to the Oilers System execution,it was cutting edge and NewgAge.

Something so powerfull the Smartest analytical mind in Hockey Scotty Bowman noticed commented and then implemented it, this System HAS A NAME,it is called the NewAge Hockey System,and its core programs are called Intuitive Dynamic Management and Intuitive Dynamic Analysis.

Pat Quinn is forever recorded openly discussing NHS tactics and philosophys verbatim on the ice with the Oilers Players when the System was being created so techniclly the Oilers were the 1s Team to recognise the datas online value and implement it but something went terribly wrong and this connection was severed and only players continued following the data ,Scotty Bowman is eternally recorded having his epiphany in media on the Radio.

The Oilers-Hawks game you mention was a critical turning point for the Oilers,they missed the Boat and the Hawk hopped on.The OILERS taught the HAWKS the NewAge Hockey System tactics,then the Oilers melted down and abandoned this NewAge non-stats based management process while the Hawks ran with it and won a Cup immediatly from the only NHL Team with management endorsing the use of the NHSs Intuitive Dynamic Management program the LA Kings.

The NewAge Hockey System was created FOR the Oilers ,in Edmonton,by an Oilers Fan,it belongs to the City of Champions.

You want Bold? Well is this "bold" enough for you....the Oilers "should" be working on their 4th Cup and be called a Dynasty,the Kings and Hawks BOTH used Systems data created for and given to the OILERS.But somehow this "Oilers Advantage" went from Pat Quinn and the Players/Kruegers hands to the garbage can,someone intentionally disenfranchised Championship quality data which other NHL Teams recognised and endorsed.

The Oilers recognised this dynamic and tried using statistical inputs like Darkhorse Analytics and Dellow to try to reproduce these NewAge Hockey System impacts,failing to accept what other NHL Teams did, that stats based management programs are inferior to non-stats based ones like Intuitive Dynamic Management and Intuitive Dynamic Analysis.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 12:27 PM
If Dallas ran a Tab at Tims and treated me right he would be Coaching top 5 NHL Club right now.

Dallas is doing things people dont fully understand ,he is breaking new ground even other Western Conference Teams havent trodden upon.

Dallas made one critical mistake,he didnt follow through,he found innovative data he related to and implemented to some degrees but he failed to follow through and connect with the source.

I have created a Tactical Dynamic Template of Dallases last 5 years of Coaching Hockey,4 years ago Dallas began making marked changes in his philosophies and tactics,he strayed from his established norms in several key core value areas,and in adjusting these processes he produced markedly improved results,again in key areas.

This 2 year evolution and the results it produced vaulted Dallas into Mac-Ts radar scope.

Dallas was implementing NewAge Hockey System data before he even hit the NHL.This is what caught Mac-Ts eye.

Dallas has bitten off more than he can chew,if he had my help implementing MY NewAge Hockey System programs over top of his structure and management processes instead of trying to cut me out of the process and reverse-engineer the concepts using BS stats inputs which screwed his vision up,his particular System focus would kill the Kings and Hawks and anyone else.

Dallas is a defensive minded structure and stats focused and fixated Coach who discovered some optimal management processes 4 years ago when others were also being introduced ,he recognised the impacts and value and chose to use the data but he DID NOT follow through with the processes,he instead "adjusted" the "processes" to fit his stats based structure fixation.

Dallas found sucess below the NHL level with these adjusted concepts,but he didnt realise how much of the same data NHL teams had been absorbing at the same time as he was and how they had chosen to FOLLOW THROUGH with the "correct processes" which are based of Intuition NOT stats.Mac-T made the Primary mistake missing this disconnect because he knew the Kings and Hawks were already using this NHS data at the NHL level,not Dallas.Dallas got hammered to snot because he was trying to use a similar System to the Kings and Hawks and for a bit Kruegers Oilers BUT BUT BUT Dallas was managing his System using a stats catalysed perspective and program.....while the NHL teams who were equal to him on the NHS learning curve were already seamlessly using Intuitive Dynamic Management and Intuitive Dynamic Analysis properly and sucessfully.They had abandoned stats.

Dallas has actually taken the NHS philosophys and concepts further than any other NHL Team,but he has not been able to adequately manage the System using stats based processes.

I designed and created the NewAge Hockey System and its Intuitive Dynamic Management and Intuitive Dynamic Analysis programs,I DID NOT use stats anywhere in the process,the NHS is based 100% on a blend of Dynamic action and Intuition.

Not Darkhorse Analytics,not the Hackathon Winner,not Eakins neophyte attempt at duplicating the NHSs impacts,not Dellow,nothing statisticlly dependant can or will ever compete with a System like the NewAge Hockey System which is managed using the science of dynamic action and the pseudo-science of Intuition.

Dallas is the least to blame for this mess in my opinion,someone or something stopped him from finding the source of this data and using it,he knows very well where it originates from,but he is stonewalled from using it or refuses to use it,either way this dereliction will cost him his job soon.At the end of the day the next Coach in line will face the same things Quinn,Renney,Krueger,and Eakins faced NHL evolution,upper mnagement will not concede to change and each and every one of these Coaches has had acess to the NHLs most cutting edge innovations over the lst 4 years,the innovations driving NHL League evolution beginning in the Western Conference where the NHS was released and radiating outward,even as we speak just look at the Flames now.

The NEXT Coach will still have to endorse and implement the NHS,it doesnt matter who it is because the entire NHL has evolved dramaticlly in that direction over the last 4 years

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:14 AM
1....I dont care to hear from K-Lowe from what I have seen over the years given what he is and has had to work with he has done Yoemans work,personally I cant stand his methods he doesnt admit when he has lost and plays dirty,has no reverse gear.Not my style,no open accountability.B.S personified,but nice to have on your side in a fight which is what he was hired to do and accomplished,fight for the future of the Franchise he was loyal to.No BS from NewAgeSys.

But I am afraid he has some 'splaining to do.

I know what kevin Lowe has to offer I watched his entire career from game one forward ,I dont believe he has been the right man since Nuge was Drafted because he refused to bring in an offensive minded GM with the visions needed to support the obvious wealth of offensive acumen those two represented since day one,throw in Yakupov and K-Lowe really became derelict in his refusal.

K-Lowe and the defensive juggernaught he had built were and are catalysed by a stats based perspective.This perspective was not balanced off to compensate for the incoming elite offensive players we drafted,there was no time to waver those.The young men needed what Krueger was able to slowly do for them,mentoring to their strengths, as bumpy as that process was it began to produce superior results which eventually caught the eye and interest of other NHL Teams ,this natural and fitting Gypsy evolution was interuppted intentionally and K-Lowe is responsible for that interruption in the Cores evolution.The defense must rest now so K-Lowe must either replace Mac-T or himself or bring in an offensive Guru because this Core needs some Professionl level offensive mentoring from people who know how to produce offense without giving up their defensive focus.Because Katz is not making any demands things remain the same and the results remain the same.

Stick with me now this IS STILL about Kevin Lowes defensive influences ,business tactics and their reach which he telegarphs down the line to his subordinates..

There are many POHos and GMs and Head Coaches who have produced Championship levels of offense and defense,they go hand in hand.Dallas was a one-dimensional defensive minded player and Coach coming into the relationship with the Oilers,he had a selling point they bought hook line and sinker,what it was is very important to know,but we do not have the official version of that.BUT we do have a clear Template of Dallases last 5 years of Coaching Hockey to look at and it is explicit and revealing and it illuminates Dallases evolution with 100% pinpoiont accuracy.Dallas as this record shows was a one-dimensional defensive minded Coach until 4 years ago when he began to make specific and chronological chnges to his philosophies and his tactics.THIS is what Mac-T keyed in on.

These changes Dallas was making were originating from somewhere EXTERNAL to his normal sphere of inputs,these same types of changes were also in paralell action being made by NHL players and teams "beginnng" with the Oilers at the exact same time .The influences which caused Dallas to change his own Style BEFORE he was hired were being learned concurrently and implemented concurrently in the NHL,exactly as the common source taught them ALL to do.

Dallas veered from the directive of the common source which is not based on stats and their defensive set-play structure bat all and does not use them in ny impactfull way when he was still in the AHL ...he cheated and skipped steps of the "process" this new input represented so he could keep a dominant stats based defensive minded set-play structured influence in his processes,he needed to keep as much defensive perspective in his Wheelhouse as he could but he NEEDED to implement some very dynamic movements and concepts to duplicate the new tactics he ws learning,when Mac-T was presented with Dallases results from the previous 2 years he saw some of these NewAge philosophies concepts and results which he was trying to duplicate himself...he took the bait.

...bait because he didnt realise at the time where Dallas had gained his own acumen,or didnt ask,or did know and didnt forsee the future impacts,Mac-T may not have realised Dallases source of NewAge data that changed his style at the AHL level was exactly the same as Oilers players and Ralph Krueger were learning at the NHL level,ha ha ha .

Except for one critical fact,Dallas had "cheated" to the defensive set-play stats supported side by only following the parts of the original procceses he learned in the AHL which turned his fortunes,he only took what he liked,and this meant his particular methods of implementing these newAge tactics and philosophies and concepts was tailored to the League he was playing in and to his personal strengths,this meant the fine tuning was focused on a non-NHL game.

So two things happened,number one the "processes" Dallas created in an AHL incubator and mistakenly assumed would seamlessly transfer to the NHL level DID NOT TRANSFER.The reasons are many and to complicated to explain here with limited time and space.

Number two, other NHL Teams mostly Western Conference ones were ALREADY using the same data as Dallas was with the Marlies to build their very own NHL level functioning management programs which followed the original template or NewAge processes they shared as students with Dallas to the letter....which is what the NewAge "processes" were designed to do,optimise the NHL level Systems.

You can see the deep waters Dallas is in now without help from the data source to get his concepts to evolve from AHL adequate to NHL adequate,he is having troubles epic ones.Darkhorse was the placebo trying to use stats to replicate the NewAge influences before Dallas got here and Dellow was what Dallas hoped would crack the data for him.

He simply needs to come clean and get the data he needs mainlined to him ASAP....from the original source....heres the killer....Kevin Lowe and Maac-T have been trying to disenfranchise and fight off this exact same source of data for 4 years,they went to extremes to disenfranchise it,even becoming NHL leaders in Advanced Statistical Analysis to create this disenfranchising dynamic.

They tried to simply duplicate NewAge philosophies concepts and processes they refused to a knowledge,valuate,validate,respect or retain,then pushed the river by actively trying to disenfranchise it.....while they were trying desperately to reproduce it.

During this 4 year time-span the oilers Management were pushing the NHLs most cutting edge revolutionary ideas away from above while their own roster and head coach was trying to learn and implement it, 3 Stanley Cups were won by NHL Teams directly implementing these exact same NewAge evolutionary tactics,then Ralph Krueger and ALL players who could speak to this excluding the Core were run out of town ASAP.

If this story were true do you think the Core will give up their fight?They will leave Edmonton first before they let anyone discredit their very experiences ,mark my words.

These young men know what influences are driving the NHLs current and future evolution because THEY are the primary drivers of it.

You see Jason,everything is hypothetical,no one can speak with surety or fact to what the Oilers think or intend or have done or not done ,I am postulating here for entertainment purposes,I have no facts I am presenting here to support this in a concrete manner.

But Jason you might consider,hypotheticlly of course,that this story provides a baseline for EVERYTHING we see today happening to the Team in the room now with the rejection of Ference due to the pretenses of how and why he was brought in,as well as the last 4_ years of evolution ....we might also consider that this type of story would have to have 100% concrete statistical documented history,one which 100% fits the facts.

Hypotheticlly speaking Jason what if there was video of Pat Quinn implementing this exact same data when he worked for the Oilers,or what if Scotty Bowman had officilly endorsed something unofficially recognised and un-named?Or what if Sutter had also endorsed this same data,as well as mny other NHL Teams,and what if Json there was a CONCRETE 1007 DOCUMENTED STATISTICAL history which can never be removed to prove this out????

I guess the answer to the 1st question is Yes I would like to hear Kevin Lowe speak but only if he were connected to a polygraph machine.Which is never going to happen,so I guess yes is really no now isnt it,huh?

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 12:35 PM
This post is hypothetical and is for entertainment purposes only.

If you dont have a "process" which is superior to the Oilers you cannot see the Majic tricks they play,the Skype is always quicker than the eye.

O.E.G....need I say more?

I dont think O.E.G by proxy disempowers the old long term losing Oilers processes or management messages.It "can" do this,maybe it does maybe it doesnt.

The reality is that under any structure K-Lowe is the most insulated one of the Group.Mc-T is the first big fish victim of a return to more traditional methods where individuals are accountable with no Round Table groupspeak support or insulation ....IF IF IF O.E.G isnt just playing yet another majic trick on us all.

I dont think Mac-T is the problem,or ever was.There is more than one issue at play here,there is a long term documented history of losing AND there is a shorter 4 year history of unusually abherrant decision making,the "drivers" behind those two issues are both stats caused but for different generational reasons .

Taking on the Historical driver is simply a matter of identifying statistical defensive minded perspectives as having become rampant and damaging since Wayne and Mark left taking their one-dimensional Intuitive management process with them,then trimming them back one by one weaning the Staff off of them.If the Oilers stats people were so inclined they could easily point this out to the Oilers,but then they would become unemployed.

Taking on the recent driver of the Oilers odd-ball decisions is another story,it is only 4 years old but it is critical,you see there is a documented history of a "process" being made available which replaces the Intuitive management acumen of Wayne and Mark and transfers it to the entire lineup.This process was not accepted well by the Oilers TPTB because it was new and had no statistical track record to support itself with and no Managers would take a risk on it based on their own acumen and valuations alone.

LA and Chicago and St. Louis and Calgary and and others did accept this process.LA had it introduced by the Players who discovered it online then it was accepted by the Coaches who let the Players run with it,the Hawks identified the influences in a different way and BEGAN with Management on-board,the teams after these ones used the examples avilable as well as online data to begin with Managements full support.

There are clear and indisputable evidences both numericlly or statisticlly and dynamiclly on video which show this evolution from its very beginnings.In time those intentionally disenfranchising these evidences will become identifiable.

The stats show specific teams creating specific STAND-OUT statistical patterns directly produced by the same management influence.The stats record is one which shows the most sucessfull NHL teams over the last 4 years all gravitating to the same NewAge Management program.Because this is a NewAge management program the stats patterns are unique and STAND-OUT in stark contrast to decdes of stats patterns.You cant miss them as a stats guy unless you intentionlly overlook them.

Both of these two core dynamics pre-date Mac-Ts tenures,it is odd but he was the victim of the long term one when he was a Coach in Edmonton and he walked right into a #e-storm with the 2nd more recent one 18-20 months ago,he didnt see it coming.Or did he?

Mac-T CAN sort this out,he is actually the best man on the Oilers for this particular job.

At the end of the day if he does "get to the bottom" of this he will be absolutely validated in pulling the plug and would be one of the few Oilers Managers walking way from this tire fire with his NHL resume and reputation intact.

Mac-T is in a unique position,he can help show how the long term problem contributed to the short term problem and kill two birds with one stone,he can show that even K-Lowe is not responsible in whole for the last several decades of organisational decay by proving the problem was terminally entrenched before K-Lowe took over,then he can save Dallses crews arse by showing reasonable causality for their contributions to the poor decision making over the last 2 years,by proxy every Head Coach over several decades will be to some impactfull degree vindicated as will many players and managers ,and a very small number of long gone Managers will be saddled with the real accountability for planting yesteryears stats based seeds of todays discontent, for what that is worth .

As much as this might piss some people off,the reality is that the blame for the long term and short term losing results originates within a historic dysfunctional and supported dynamic which in the most ironic way clears every single current Oiler manager and employee from direct accountabilty.

They can ALL walk on the long term dysfunction and the short term derelict unethical decision making of the last 4 years,IF IF IF Mac-T stays on the straight and narrow and does in fact get to the bottom of things.

But if there is any further attempts to blur or cloud the disclosure of these documented dynamics[dam stats when used right,huh?] it will be impossible to remove them from the record or claim they were anything else.

See the catch-22 now....the cure was found 4 years go and not taken,now there is no factual way to identify direct long term causality of underperforming processes without clearly documenting a recent overt refusal to make the needed changes when a solution was provided You must sacrifice your stats people who facillitated this or pin it on someone else.

Remember ten good progressive changes can be undone by one untruth,but an untruth will never create even one good progressive change.

Keep trying to cover but not cure the abcess and the infection will grow.

Keep pushing Mac-T.At the end of the day history will show you were not at fault,but were in fact doing the best thing for the Team.You didnt start the original fire decades ago and you were not here 4 years ago throwing gasoline on the current one.But you are the ONLY man who is not implicated in the last 4 years debacle and the defending of it,the only one with the history acumen and guts and now data to put the fire out.

****YT Howling Mouse or Roaring Mouse...the Oilers can be as tough as they want to be.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 09:07 PM
Willis,that is simply beautifull prose,you have encapsulted both the philosophical and conceptual dynamic actions and impacts within one complete process,a fine example of a Tactical Dynamic Template.

Have you any ideas how absolutely cutting edge you could make statistical ideologys if you blended your current perspective with mine in the proper manner,and natural sequence,if you put pride aside and participted in a mico-status quo in which you agreed willingly to put statistics specificlly in the secondary supportive observational role they are naturally suited to .

The current evolving advanced statistics have not been able to breach the gap in trying to blend the primary dynamic causality of impacts and the finite statistical records of those impacts in a process based manner,there have been many well supported attempts which are as we speak failing miserably.Just look at the Oilers,if Dellow was used properly his inputs could be contributing to wins instead of losses.

These valuable statistical applications are being pissed away by people more interested in generating attention for themselves than they are with furthering the advance of the blending of statistical and Intuitive perspectives.They are trying to present statisticlly based processes as being descriptive of and representative of dynamic actions in order that stats inputs my be presented to NHL teams and Fans as being the catalysts behind progressive change.

As things stand I see ZERO sucess for purveyors of advanced statistical analysis, basic traditional stats used in traditional applications have not been proven to be inferior to any of the new stats ideas.

Of all things in the world one should not try to spin-doctor or misrepresent statistics are the most unyeilding.Stats will always tell a true story when presented properly and in the process disenfranchise these advanced statistical ideas.This is why traditional stats applications have not been and will never be improved upon,they have a finite role.

But this doesnt mean the current stats ideas do not have potential,it simply means the Cart was put before the Horse.

Why dont you put some stats into your excellent dialogs?You might be surprised what happens when you START with my ideas then begin to add statistical valuations to the dynamic causalitys they naturally match.

I will say you could have shortened it up little by simply saying there is an orgnizational level communication breakdown caused by disconnects inherant to multi-level mangement processes.

You may have added that these processes are designed to insulate and protect Upper levels from recieving accountability which is why they have survived so long,....Just saying not criticising.

I would call your description of the NHS philosophies and concepts the cure for replacing these multi-level management processes with a superior trnsparent alterntive.

My intentionally expanded words or your eloquently abbrieviated ones ,it matters not the presentation Willis , the reality remains that the NHS and its non-stats based
Intuitive Dynmic processes are exactly what the Oilers have needed for a long time.And your stasts inputs need a place to become as impactfull as they can be,right now all Dellow and Dallas need is the NHS to bring their efforts together.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:15 PM
Eakins stressed how he came into Edmonton trying to teach the complex “swarm” defensive system"

-Sorry David but I dont see any connection to the word Swarm,Kevin McCartnay from Winnipeg started some rumor Dallas had a new System called the "Swarm"......turned out there is no such thing as the "Swarm"....but Dallas sure was using some new System tactics wasnt he?If they werent the "Swarm" then we are all left to wonder where they came from?

Dallas was trying to use the NewAge Hockey System and he didnt know what he was doing he was in over his head,he tried to disenfranchise the superior system and re-invent the NHS his own ways and failed miserably

There never was a "Swam" David,the System Dallas tried to use is called the Newage Hockey System. .

"We probably got ahead of ourselves a little bit system-wise. We should have probably went harder after the fundamentals of the game. And that’s one thing I take out of it for myself

-Dallas got ahead of himself "System-wise" because he didnt respect the source of his data and refused to corect the record.He couldnt go harder on the "fundamentals of the game" becuse he couldnt implement them into the Newge Hockey System when he tried to do so,no Dellow couldnt help him either,neither one of them know anything about the NewAge Hockey System they were just trying to duplicate it and the Pegger McCartnay invented the name Swarm for their own agendas.The NHS was ceated in Edmonton by an Edmontonian and an Oilers Fan.

You may at any time begin to write the story the truthfull way David, ,I believe Mac-T when he says he will get to the bottom of things, and when that is done with there will be no more mention of the Swarm.

There will however be mention of the NewAge Hockey System. which has had an epic impact on the NHL in the lst 4+ years and continues to do so.

The last 3 Stanley Cup winning Teams used differing degrees of the NewAge Hockey Systems tactical database.

You may now use the correct name David the NewAge Hockey System,,the "Swarm" story was never going to fly..Never.

posted on Jan, 13 2015 @ 03:46 AM
Todd you deserve one clear opportunity,here it is,the team site is deleting my posts at will,I have a stack of Facebook likes from posts they have consistantly deleted.This is overt suppression,the exact same type I encountered over 4 years ago.This time I am not wasting effort,not one iota,this is the only red flag you get.I was interfered with by someone managing the site in the beginning,so this area of the organisation was not audited adequately,the same problem from the same place 4 years later means nothing has effectively changed.If MacT plans to get the "the bottom of it" then he will need to find out who is causing this intentional interference and who was doing it over 4 years ago.

Todd,I posted data for the Panthers game but it was deleted,I posted several relevant articles over the last week which were deleted but whose general focus was then re-written and posted by someone else,so the ideas are getting through then being deleted then re-posted,there are several well known sports writers and bloggers who write in MSM publications who are working in concert to support their buddies Dallas and Dellow by deleting and undermining anything related to the NHS.

The Panthers simply pre-scouted you and keyed in on your Hawks gameplan which you carried through in back to back games,you walked into a big right hand.Dont overthink it ,dont look for statistical reasoning,they had your number because you forgot to switch it up,they keyed in on your approach to the puck pressure,they also keyed in on how effective you were against the Hawks stopping their N/S focus,so they kept it E/W and used simple team wide tactics to neutralise your extended stick puck pressure,they basicllly just side-stepped every time anticipating a consistant focus by everyone on your team, which is exctly what they got.

I was dialed in in the 1st three minutes,but couldnt get any data posted on the GDB...I was trying and did not leave you hanging,however I am NOT giving it another shot,had you understood how they were keying in on you ,I am sure you could have made the needed adjustments to battle them back.

Just do yourself a favor,find out who has been suppressing things from that site for so long,there are enemies on the inside with old loyalties,I was kiboshed by someone involved in the site long ago and have a gut instinct it is the same cabal,run em off whoever it is,you are being messed with from deep on the inside pal.

Who would want you to be deprived of timely NHS data which would help your cause?

Anyone who tunes in here and is a friend of Todds ought to let him know he getting hit in the 6 o'clock position somewhere up around the middle of his back.Same group,same agenda,Katz and his Auditors are putzes.They dont know where the real non-fiscal impacts are generated they dont suspect there is any problem within their own group like this.

Good luck Todd,just keep a level head and do not over-react,try not to wear the same gameplan 2 games in a row,in the NHL that is a recipie for disaster,have a Plan B ready even if you only use it for a period to keep them guessing.Keep in mind that you DID have the right gameplan for them....they were just ready for you....I had your back but someone wouldnt let me get through,it was not fluke and I am not trying again.

You are going to have some real snakes-in-the-grass for the rest of this season,good luck when your bosses cnt even corect their website people who have been screwing them for over 4 years now,in fact I wouldnt doubt there was a clear and documented connection between the site-nazi and the stats con-jobs trying to monetise someone elses mojo.A few Bloggers,a few Lawyers,a few MSM Reporters,looks like a nice tight group with a lot of overlapping stakeholder concerns to me.Todd google the "swarm"....find out where it came from[winnipeg blogger],why it was pushed online,and WHO benefitted from that action...both then and today....a LOT of money has already been made by this adhoc group if it is all added together,from jobs in the NHL to Seminars to website traffic to many more peripheral fiscal benefits,its looking like a big juicy case of Conspiracy to me.And I mean the techincal conspiracy not the conspiracy theory.Lots and lots of money made by a stakeholder group with an agenda can be traced to this issue this many years later.Tsk,Tsk,Tsk.Good thing its not your problem huh Todd?

posted on Jan, 13 2015 @ 07:55 PM
Tarasenko should have had a pe-game contact on every possesion sticker beside his picture , thats basic,and they were looking give and go with him all game,a no brainer, there is another give and go on the 2nd goal,since the 1st minute the Oilers defense has been collapsing,exactly what you dont do against the Blues,ever.

This was not allowed to post,but it is what you need to hear,plus you should have used you time-out to stop and talk about exactly these things.

The Blues are a possesion/transition team and they use Moma2s NewAge Hockey System.If you wnt to stop them you need to drrive their d-men back further consistantly then you need to stop their first d-zone transition.They are staging WAYY up high in their d-zone and putting numbers in the n-zone clogging it up,you need to forecheck them with two men laterally co-ordinated and push them back so they stage their breakout from deeper in their zone.

They are using simple give and gos to kill you.They have been consistantly looking for the same plays ALL GAME and there has been no aknowledgement orr adjustments.

There has to be contact on a few specific players to pick them out of the give and goes early when they make the pass they need to be removed from the playaction and picked out.
Stand up on the blue-line, get the forecheck in their faces to stop their 1st transition deeper in their zone use the Hammer and Anvil.Burn their d-men for cheating up so high when they stage their breakouts.

If you dont do these few things they will blow you out,remember to pull Ben after 4 goals,dont heng him out to dry he just got back on his feet.

Thats enough to get you started.

Todd this is the only time I will be doing this,I have been 86'ed on some sites since Eakins was canned,the Oilers site is censoring,and its not worth the efforts ,so valuate things .

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 03:51 PM
You dont get it yet Todd,there are at a minimum 2 MSM writers and 4 active impactfull online influences working together in a peripheral way.They are all supportive of the stats BS movement,you might as well toss in your pre-decessor and his side-kick.

Directly tell the men to avoid online Oilers sites,there is a loosely formed but unified influence in play here, it cannot be battled conventionally.There are stakeholders on multiple fronts .

The positives the men might be looking for will no longer be found on those sites.Right now Nail is the target of choice for this group which includes Dallas as one of their Symbols due to his support of Dellows stats,Nail is simply collateral damage in bigger issue you dont fully grasp right now,one outside of your perimeter.

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