posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:14 AM
1....I dont care to hear from K-Lowe from what I have seen over the years given what he is and has had to work with he has done Yoemans
work,personally I cant stand his methods he doesnt admit when he has lost and plays dirty,has no reverse gear.Not my style,no open accountability.B.S
personified,but nice to have on your side in a fight which is what he was hired to do and accomplished,fight for the future of the Franchise he was
loyal to.No BS from NewAgeSys.
But I am afraid he has some 'splaining to do.
I know what kevin Lowe has to offer I watched his entire career from game one forward ,I dont believe he has been the right man since Nuge was Drafted
because he refused to bring in an offensive minded GM with the visions needed to support the obvious wealth of offensive acumen those two represented
since day one,throw in Yakupov and K-Lowe really became derelict in his refusal.
K-Lowe and the defensive juggernaught he had built were and are catalysed by a stats based perspective.This perspective was not balanced off to
compensate for the incoming elite offensive players we drafted,there was no time to waver those.The young men needed what Krueger was able to slowly
do for them,mentoring to their strengths, as bumpy as that process was it began to produce superior results which eventually caught the eye and
interest of other NHL Teams ,this natural and fitting Gypsy evolution was interuppted intentionally and K-Lowe is responsible for that interruption in
the Cores evolution.The defense must rest now so K-Lowe must either replace Mac-T or himself or bring in an offensive Guru because this Core needs
some Professionl level offensive mentoring from people who know how to produce offense without giving up their defensive focus.Because Katz is not
making any demands things remain the same and the results remain the same.
Stick with me now this IS STILL about Kevin Lowes defensive influences ,business tactics and their reach which he telegarphs down the line to his
There are many POHos and GMs and Head Coaches who have produced Championship levels of offense and defense,they go hand in hand.Dallas was a
one-dimensional defensive minded player and Coach coming into the relationship with the Oilers,he had a selling point they bought hook line and
sinker,what it was is very important to know,but we do not have the official version of that.BUT we do have a clear Template of Dallases last 5 years
of Coaching Hockey to look at and it is explicit and revealing and it illuminates Dallases evolution with 100% pinpoiont accuracy.Dallas as this
record shows was a one-dimensional defensive minded Coach until 4 years ago when he began to make specific and chronological chnges to his
philosophies and his tactics.THIS is what Mac-T keyed in on.
These changes Dallas was making were originating from somewhere EXTERNAL to his normal sphere of inputs,these same types of changes were also in
paralell action being made by NHL players and teams "beginnng" with the Oilers at the exact same time .The influences which caused Dallas to change
his own Style BEFORE he was hired were being learned concurrently and implemented concurrently in the NHL,exactly as the common source taught them ALL
to do.
Dallas veered from the directive of the common source which is not based on stats and their defensive set-play structure bat all and does not use
them in ny impactfull way when he was still in the AHL ...he cheated and skipped steps of the "process" this new input represented so he could keep
a dominant stats based defensive minded set-play structured influence in his processes,he needed to keep as much defensive perspective in his
Wheelhouse as he could but he NEEDED to implement some very dynamic movements and concepts to duplicate the new tactics he ws learning,when Mac-T was
presented with Dallases results from the previous 2 years he saw some of these NewAge philosophies concepts and results which he was trying to
duplicate himself...he took the bait.
...bait because he didnt realise at the time where Dallas had gained his own acumen,or didnt ask,or did know and didnt forsee the future impacts,Mac-T
may not have realised Dallases source of NewAge data that changed his style at the AHL level was exactly the same as Oilers players and Ralph Krueger
were learning at the NHL level,ha ha ha .
Except for one critical fact,Dallas had "cheated" to the defensive set-play stats supported side by only following the parts of the original
procceses he learned in the AHL which turned his fortunes,he only took what he liked,and this meant his particular methods of implementing these
newAge tactics and philosophies and concepts was tailored to the League he was playing in and to his personal strengths,this meant the fine tuning was
focused on a non-NHL game.
So two things happened,number one the "processes" Dallas created in an AHL incubator and mistakenly assumed would seamlessly transfer to the NHL
level DID NOT TRANSFER.The reasons are many and to complicated to explain here with limited time and space.
Number two, other NHL Teams mostly Western Conference ones were ALREADY using the same data as Dallas was with the Marlies to build their very own NHL
level functioning management programs which followed the original template or NewAge processes they shared as students with Dallas to the
letter....which is what the NewAge "processes" were designed to do,optimise the NHL level Systems.
You can see the deep waters Dallas is in now without help from the data source to get his concepts to evolve from AHL adequate to NHL adequate,he is
having troubles epic ones.Darkhorse was the placebo trying to use stats to replicate the NewAge influences before Dallas got here and Dellow was what
Dallas hoped would crack the data for him.
He simply needs to come clean and get the data he needs mainlined to him ASAP....from the original source....heres the killer....Kevin Lowe and
Maac-T have been trying to disenfranchise and fight off this exact same source of data for 4 years,they went to extremes to disenfranchise it,even
becoming NHL leaders in Advanced Statistical Analysis to create this disenfranchising dynamic.
They tried to simply duplicate NewAge philosophies concepts and processes they refused to a knowledge,valuate,validate,respect or retain,then pushed
the river by actively trying to disenfranchise it.....while they were trying desperately to reproduce it.
During this 4 year time-span the oilers Management were pushing the NHLs most cutting edge revolutionary ideas away from above while their own roster
and head coach was trying to learn and implement it, 3 Stanley Cups were won by NHL Teams directly implementing these exact same NewAge evolutionary
tactics,then Ralph Krueger and ALL players who could speak to this excluding the Core were run out of town ASAP.
If this story were true do you think the Core will give up their fight?They will leave Edmonton first before they let anyone discredit their very
experiences ,mark my words.
These young men know what influences are driving the NHLs current and future evolution because THEY are the primary drivers of it.
You see Jason,everything is hypothetical,no one can speak with surety or fact to what the Oilers think or intend or have done or not done ,I am
postulating here for entertainment purposes,I have no facts I am presenting here to support this in a concrete manner.
But Jason you might consider,hypotheticlly of course,that this story provides a baseline for EVERYTHING we see today happening to the Team in the
room now with the rejection of Ference due to the pretenses of how and why he was brought in,as well as the last 4_ years of evolution ....we might
also consider that this type of story would have to have 100% concrete statistical documented history,one which 100% fits the facts.
Hypotheticlly speaking Jason what if there was video of Pat Quinn implementing this exact same data when he worked for the Oilers,or what if Scotty
Bowman had officilly endorsed something unofficially recognised and un-named?Or what if Sutter had also endorsed this same data,as well as mny other
NHL Teams,and what if Json there was a CONCRETE 1007 DOCUMENTED STATISTICAL history which can never be removed to prove this out????
I guess the answer to the 1st question is Yes I would like to hear Kevin Lowe speak but only if he were connected to a polygraph machine.Which is
never going to happen,so I guess yes is really no now isnt it,huh?