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Can You Understand Me ?

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posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 02:39 PM


Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Is it possible that we could almost be a Dummy Kind of toy for another greater race. And they come in and can control us without us even knowing. We were under control and when we regain control people tell us we did something and we make up something in our minds of why we did it but it was really because of something else. HENCE, have you ever met someone that FLIPS out over everything little or big, what if that wasn't there fault and something just comes in and takes control maybe because there master likes to have alittle more fun than your master. ALMOST LIKE THE PEOPLE WITH ADD or Cancer , alzhiemerz or Bi Polar, disorders come because of these other things and we do not really have that much control over it.. Or suppose Saddam Husein had a master that was just plain krazy..... They can control our minds. And if you lose your mind you have nothing. THE MIND IS A VALUABLE THING THAT MOST PEOPLE DO NOT USE 20% of ... Just think about it ... Scientist know we can only use aproximately 20% of your brain. And there are "Phenomenons" going on all the time like that girl that can see XRAYS ... What if everyone can do that just have to learn how. Not so much in physical but mental capacaties. .... Hence Dea Jah Veaux ... Not sure if that is how you spell that . Please .. Someone Give me some insight on this.

[edit on 9/29/2004 by bet555]

[edit on 29-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 04:51 PM
No offense, but this post is utterly useless. You have provided a bunch of nonsense and expect us to 'believe you'. What astounds me is that you obviously have no idea what you're saying either.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:03 PM
That is what I thought would be the answer of my post. I guess noone wil ever be able to understand my thoughts. That is all they are is thoughts and you have to be able to think freely before you can think rationally.n/M ... I am just going to stop typing for you .. b/c of the obvious.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:10 PM

It's the nature of how things are.
Think about our cells in our body.
Are they under our control, or is it just the way there existence was meant to be?

Any network of thoughts can be something, depends how you perceive it. But even if you put a name tag on it, it wont change anything...
Just try to know for yourself that our mad world is the way it is for a reason, and it will set you free.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:12 PM
You have opened the box now how are you going to percieve it? Yes bet555 I am speaking to you. You are doing something most rational people can not because they have been programmed to think in fact. Well fact is something that is very hard to prove becuase it is basically the opinion of one persons idea or idea's that is passed to others who believe what they have said. Such as the color blue. Is it really blue? Or did someone say, "wow I like that, its blue" so that was presented to everyone else as "blue" but who is to say it actually isnt a gas, light, solid etc. Nobody will ever know because ideas are one's own thoughts that become fact when others believe what they are being told.

Your not nuts, you actually just woke up... Welcome........

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:22 PM
I have never met anyone that can think as me. Like the color blue it may really be red to me as blue is blue to you but I have learned blue is blue even though the physical color may actually be different from anything that I have ever seen. My eyes just may perceive the color blue in a different color than you. But I have learned it to be blue and it does not change everytime I see it it is the same color and I was taught that it was blue.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:39 PM
Why is Blue , Blue ? Is it the same colro to you and me or just the same Taught color to you and me ? I have many questions liek this that I wish to be answered someone older must have these questions answered if not I will before I die. !!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:46 PM
Interesting Bet, I just had that same conversation with my girlfriend.

Yes, I can understand you.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 07:36 PM
I know exactly what you're talking about. I too have recently 'woken up' so to speak. If you guys are anything like me, you'll find yourselves thinking a lot more about things that would just pass most people by. However, when thinking hard about something, you will regularly slam up against some kind of block, as if perception of what you are thinking about is out of your league.

I feel i'm understanding things a lot better, but the closer I look at things, I see them multiplied ten fold, the more I examine these new thoughts, the more I find again.

This post shows how you can perfectly visualise what you want to say but just can't break through the barrier and put it into words. I'm sure you guys will feel right at home at this website


posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 07:36 PM
Ok you all realize we DO use more than 20% of our brain right? There was actually a thread dealing with this under the medical section. I am extremely open minded in case your wondering, infact so open minded I do actually believe in alien genetic testings and lots of the topics presented I take into consideration. I do not however think people freak out because aliens are mind controlling us, its because humans have mental conditions - the human body is fragile and in NO WAY perfect. Taking into consideration every single thing that can go wrong you can see why I think this is nonsense. A corrupted strand of DNA for example can cause massive amounts of damage.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 07:56 PM
This type of thinking is barely new...since the first philosophers things like that were pondered

Especially that colour example you's been done, just said just argues that everyone perceives reality differently, each in their own way

"Can you really step into the same river twice" , that one's used to argue that you can never really know anything, because everything is constantly changing

a senior level high school course on philosophy goes over this kinda stuff for sure...

you've just barely cracked the can open on this've got a lot to learn

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by tandino
I know exactly what you're talking about. I too have recently 'woken up' so to speak. If you guys are anything like me, you'll find yourselves thinking a lot more about things that would just pass most people by. However, when thinking hard about something, you will regularly slam up against some kind of block, as if perception of what you are thinking about is out of your league.

I feel i'm understanding things a lot better, but the closer I look at things, I see them multiplied ten fold, the more I examine these new thoughts, the more I find again.

This post shows how you can perfectly visualise what you want to say but just can't break through the barrier and put it into words. I'm sure you guys will feel right at home at this website


Great, so your thinking more, analyzing things. That's the first step. But what good does just that do. You could know everything in this world but it'd be useless if it was not acted upon. So why not spread knowledge, or make a difference? What have you awakened into, what do you see that those 'asleep' don't?

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 08:14 PM
What I've seen, what I've spoken to and experienced, cannot be explained on a 'normal' level or to a 'normal' person, even if it could be visualised in 3 or 4 dimensions with 5 or 6 senses. If you re-read my previous post, you'll see prattling on that it's beyond perception, mental block, out of my league etc etc. Please don't make me repeat myself again. This existence is much too short for constant repetition, one repetition is one too many.

If you too had 'woken up', you would know that me trying to explain this to someone still plugged in to the 'system' (I hate that cliche, but feel I must use it) can only be compared to me trying to explain to an ant, the inner workings of a combustion engine, including technical drawings ie. totally unfathomable.

I know i'm making practical, relevant steps. I'm not, however, prepared to go into them for fear of being branded a 'lone wolf' or debunked and discredited. Even if I wanted to it'd be hard to explain.



posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 09:29 PM
First and foremost what EXACTLY *is* "this"?!

Anyone REALLY thought about it? ( i think a couple folks in this thread have)...

"This" is exactly what YOUR mind perceives "this" to be. NOTHING more/ NOTHING less...

Let's start with the "easy stuff"...

Time... Is it real or a Human perception created to account for how we spend our days/nights?

Originally, it was invented so Man could track when to harvest and when sow seeds. TRUTH!

Nothing like SURVIVAL to create MANY "Truths" when necessary.

I like Bet's line of thought here. I have struggled with it for over 30 years.

What, exactly is "REAL"?

"Reality", is a construct, invented by Man to create order out of seeming chaos... So he might survive!

These are the types of questions that keep you up late at night pondering
the possibility that ALL of what we hold as TRUTH is nothing more than one GOOD salesman's perception...

An easily learned methodology that allowed his rather less intelligent Bretheren to grasp some sort of reliable system that kept the whole ball of wax rolling right up until today.

Who among us can prove otherwise? The whole basis of "reality" is solely BASED upon Man's own cognizant recognition of things passed down form one Human to another.

That kind of makes it susepct doesn't it?

I mean if "WE" created Reality, and "WE" are flawed carbon based entities then "reality" MUST be a flawed construct yes? No?

heh heh...


[edit on 9-29-2004 by Springer]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 02:48 AM
Of course anything is possible, but without any evidence it becomes unlikely. ADD and cancer etc. come from genetics and environment. I see no reason to think that Aliens are causing these things and masking them behind observable causes. If you want to make your case stronger maybe you should look for things which have no cause. Goodluck. I think about these things often, although I dont take them very seriously, I still ponder them a lot. Before jumping to wild conclusions, its always good to use a little bit of common sense. We use all of our brain, there's nothing too phenominal about deja vu, and I wouldnt place too much faith in people making paranormal claims, because 99% of the time you'll just end up disapointed when you find out they are frauds. I consider myself an open minded person, but there becomes a point when you can replace "open-minded" with gulliable. Throw a bit of heathly skepticism in there and things start making a lot more sense. Maybe you could even use your thinking to become a writer, movie producer, etc. The best advice I've proably ever gotten was that the universe seems to be an illusion, (real...obviously. Just 2 or more ways of looking at things) pick the best illusion that works for you.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:26 AM
Hello bet555, you certainly are getting further than most people, so that cannot be that bad at all.

As far as anything is concerned, it all could be possible. The only trouble is the path to recognising if that truth aligns to you or not. As Springer was saying, reality is primarily defined by us, taught to us, and accepted by us. Does this hold strong for truth? Maybe so, maybe not. I think a lot of people are waiting for something/someone else to tell them what truth is. When infact, there is nothing wrong with the truths you find in yourself, as they are just as justifiable as any other. Don't concern your truths or beliefs with the negativities from others, else they'll become your own. Welcome, and deny ignorance.


posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:10 AM
Thank you all for participating please continue to give me your advice.

These are just comments nothing mroe ok ... the beginning where you are talking about the Solar System, could almost be another Body or some kind of living thing that we are just little living organisms that they look at underneath a microsope of thier own. We are living in because we are so smal in comparison to it. Go farther in depth that is an interesting Thought. Also on the part were you think that someone else put us here ... I have thought about this many times I think that another WAY WAY more advanced race put us here. But, in actuallity the Advanced race is Just Humans, that have Evolved tremendous amounts more than us and they are not sure how they got were they got. But they Have read books and stuff of how it began so .... Since the World is Endless. They decided to find a planet with the exact amount of Gravity . Oxygen and all and start all over and monitor us and see how we are doing. Hence the reason we started with Adam and Eve. But as we went along we did better than they thought we would. They always stayed in little groups and always made the strong survive. Just like the ANimals on this planet. I think they wanted us to learn from the Tiger chasing thier prey and getting the weakest one so the Pack survives. I think we were suppose to learn that but some where along the way, We went way off. Starting to think more about what each other thought about each other and all instead of just living for fun. We now don't live to Fish Hunt and play we live to Drive our BMW to the store and Show off our new wife Boobs with my New Rolex.

Sorry got a little carried away there and it might all run together but. It just have some point to it. Hope you get what I was trying to say anyways ttyl peace.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:18 AM
Just want some talking about this so here you go... if there was another race before us that wanted to see waht exactly happend to them and how they evelolved. Then maybe they were keeping a Journal about it maybe the bible is this journal and that is the reason through time the whispers have gotten alittle more thrown off and a little more thrown off Pass a secret around in a circle of 10 people when it back to you it will be something alittle different think about hundreds of years of time. What do you think happend.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by bet555

Please don't use all caps, it reads as if you are yelling.

Why do you think these things are true? Have you seen a psychologist? What do they think about this? Have you ever been on medication, or are you supposed to be on it now? I am not saying this to be 'insulting', some people might take it that way, but there is really nothing wrong with taking medication or seeing a psychologist.

you have to be able to think freely before you can think rationally.

Actually its quite the opposite, at least if one doen't want the 'free thinking' to be strongly slanted torwards paranoia.

But I understand what you are gettting at, you are saying people could be having their minds controlled in such a way that they don't even know it, that they think thier thoughts and actions are their own when in reality they are being controlled by some other entity. Or am I misunderstanding you?

I'm not, however, prepared to go into them for fear of being branded a 'lone wolf' or debunked and discredited

You pretend to be a free thinker but you make a statement like that? If your thoughts cannot be clearly abnd coherently put forward so that others can analyse and understand them, well, why even mention that you have them? If you are reaching blocks or limits in your perception, why not try to explain them? Perhaps others have gotten past similiar blocks? Also, and i think this is a decent rule of thumb, if you can't explain something to someone else, then you don't really understand it. (actually I think that the original saying was something liek 'don't try to explain something you don't understand' or some such)

Originally, it was invented so Man could track when to harvest and when sow seeds. TRUTH!

The calender was invented for this purpose, but time itself wasn't invented for that. Consider a universe with out time. I would say it would look like one of two things. One would be a static universe, where noting moves, nothing changes, and nothing fluctuates grows or anything. What is time but the passage of change no? The other option is basically the same, however, instead of say a set of ball bearings held motionless (with even their atoms motionless and their electrons motionelss etc etc) in an otherwise empty universe like the previous example, this is a universe where those ball bearings rolled all over the place, but, with 'time' removed, the bearings are simultaneously present at all possible positions of their rolling paths. In a sense this is really the same thing as the other, but I think it does serve to distinguish between time as lack of change and time as that which allows us to experience events 'in sequence'.

Reality", is a construct, invented by Man to create order out of seeming chaos... So he might survive!

Man must create a perception of reality, definitely, but there is some sort of objective reality out there that man is perceiving no? Unexpected things happen, heck other people exist even. While the actual perception in my mind of the colour 'blue' is an illusury perception, there is still a series of photons streaming from said object at a particular wavelength that are hitting the molecules of my eyes causing them to react in a specific way and sending a particular series of electric impulses down my nerces into a bundle of nerves called a brain and registering as 'wavelength x at postion 1156 by 1145 at time 1467 etc etc' and my perception is the colour blue at that position at that time. Similarly, if a pipe smashes me in the skull, bradykinins are realeased by my nerves, and other chemical receptors are released and a signal is send that there is pressure and pain and the sensation of blood running down my head and other perceptions. But a particular drug or neuro-transmiter blocker will stop me from feeling pain or any sensation, or even make me feel entirely different sensations or perceive that something entirely different is happening, but I'll still be a twitching body crumpled on the floor with serious head trauma.

Who among us can prove otherwise?

I would say that no one can disprove this arguement, which is something like 'solipism', however, if it is true, why does science work then? Why can a guy a thousand years ago take a stick, put the middle of it ontop of a rock, and push down on one end and use the other to lift an inordinately heavy rock, and why can a guy today do the same thing?

I think that another WAY WAY more advanced race put us here

Why do you think this?

Hence the reason we started with Adam and Eve.

Why are you giving that particular myth any credence?

We now don't live to Fish Hunt and play we live to Drive our BMW to the store and Show off our new wife Boobs with my New Rolex.

I am sorry to say that primitive man lived (and primitive socieites today still live) mean violent existences. Perhaps they were happy with it, but if people are happy driving their bmw and their wife with implants and a partiuclarly shiny time-keeping device, well, why denigrate that happiness? And if people aren't happy with it, as many obviously aren't, why assume that they would be happier if they had to break their bones to bring down large prey, or had to stay up all night to make sure the fire was still going to keep the hungy wolves away, or worrying about having their skulls gnawed on by their neighbors?

maybe the bible is this journal

Why would they give us the bible then? And how would the bible be a journal of this experiment? Its terribly inaccurate and imprecise. If it was a log book kept by the creators then it would have to look completely different or else it wouldn't be a log book of an experiment.

What do you think happend.

As far as what, how humans came into existance? Humans, being apes, evolved from more primitive apes. Humans weren't the only 'intelligent' apes, (or rather, the lineage that would become modern humans) and they lived with and competed with these other life forms and other tribes of their own life forms. Eventually, the way it worked out, and for whatever the reasons, the other homonids became extinct, and only homo sapiens was left. Or did you mean what do I think about the bible and how its changed? I think that the people that created the stories, that some of the stories were passed on orally for a long time, and that eventually some were written down amoung some peoples. I think that people copied from manuscripts these books for a long time, but maybe they also memorized the words and passed the stories as oral tradition even after they were written down. Either way errors were introduced, and, also, either way, a lot was conserved. But, more important than that, the context and allegorical and literal meaing of most of it has been lost, with the result now that people today don't understand it in the same way that people 6-7 thousand years ago did. The new testament, being a more recent series of texts, have a different story of their history.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by bet555

Please don't use all caps, it reads as if you are yelling.

Why do you think these things are true? Have you seen a psychologist? What do they think about this? Have you ever been on medication, or are you supposed to be on it now? I am not saying this to be 'insulting', some people might take it that way, but there is really nothing wrong with taking medication or seeing a psychologist.

WAS YELLING AT YOU ALL !!! ... what you think I did that on purpose. You have the most interesting mind of almost anyone that I have come in contact with. But in saying that you need to open back up it is almost as if you one day opened up and now have just closed back and stopped. Well don't stop ... thinking ... it will make you think you are done here ... if you do not expand your mind.

I think these things are true because when I start talking about how I can control my dreams, my friends trip out on me I have been told everything from that is against God to that is silly. For when I feel something for someone like I know what they have been through all the time even peopel I just walk by, and I hate it ! My girlfriend gets freaked out b/c I talk to her about stuff that she doesn't know I know. What am I doing ? Should I try and stop or try and not stop. It is hard sometimes to not listen to what I feel. But sometimes when I am occupied with something else it is easier.

[edit on 9/30/2004 by bet555]

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