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US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations

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posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:20 AM

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:24 AM


posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Juggernog

All this anti-UN nonsense is just that.

I don't see anyone talking about the plight of NAs. Instead, they're all focused on their UN-bashing as taught by Uncle Rupert and the rest of the right-wingtards.

Well, I guess the threads topic is two fold..
My main motivation for creating this thread was to denounce the UN's authority, as well as use this as an opportunity to say to them, go to hell.
However, I also recognize the plight of the Native Americans in the present, as well as the injustices theyve suffered in the past.

Make you feel better bro?

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by redneck13


How many brain cells did you need to use to type this?

Can people just forget about the UN for a second and focus on the treatment of NAs? Or are you really that #ing arrogant?

The title of this thread is............

US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations

Think he covered that.

Second,can you post something,just once,without using a swearword ? Can you also quit being confrontational,in all your posts ?


posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

star bro

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Juggernog
I wonder... If I tell the UN F**K YOU, will I be a terrorist?
Lol, seriously, just a few years ago, they were completely impotent but in the last few years, it seems that theyve gained a bit of recognition.
edit on 4-5-2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

I hate to be overly partisan, but the Democrat Party is consistently involved heavily with the UN and promoting it and signing treaties and implementing it in the local level. All one has to do is check what the Clinton admin and the Obama admin has done along these lines. Also, when Obama was still a Senator he co-sponsored with Biden the Global Poverty Act which if passed would have given another annual percentage of US GDP to the UN to (ostensibly) fight global poverty (you know those people around the world who live on less than a dollar a day). Hillary is all about the UN RIghts of the Child(transferring power from the natural parents to the State).

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:04 AM
Just to recap the non sense, The UN should have a new mandate to genetically test every person on the planet and award him or her, as close to a percentage as land equally divided among the populace according to their heritage. There is no need to stop there, as Homo sapiens have only been around a about 200,000 years. If we have any evidence contrary to what the fossil record reviles, we should return the land to its original owners singled celled animals. Will the amebas sliver forward to receive their deeds to their lands? The better-adapted species will always move out the priors that are the way nature works.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by Juggernog
I wonder... If I tell the UN F**K YOU, will I be a terrorist?
Lol, seriously, just a few years ago, they were completely impotent but in the last few years, it seems that theyve gained a bit of recognition.
edit on 4-5-2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

I hate to be overly partisan, but the Democrat Party is consistently involved heavily with the UN and promoting it and signing treaties and implementing it in the local level. All one has to do is check what the Clinton admin and the Obama admin has done along these lines. Also, when Obama was still a Senator he co-sponsored with Biden the Global Poverty Act which if passed would have given another annual percentage of US GDP to the UN to (ostensibly) fight global poverty (you know those people around the world who live on less than a dollar a day). Hillary is all about the UN RIghts of the Child(transferring power from the natural parents to the State).

Doesn’t that make a case for the one world government conspiracy theory?
First, they hit us with super inflation then the one World Bank.
Next thing you know its “pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Nations.”
Thanks but,
No Thanks

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by LaughingatHumanity
They should be allowed to return to the lives that their ancestors knew, and the ones that stay behind should be accepted as our own rather than divided.
edit on 4-5-2012 by LaughingatHumanity because: (no reason given)

How many of them do you actually think want to return to living like this?
It was not an easy life despite the romanticization of the period.

By this reasoning lets all abandon out lands and go back to whatever region our ancestors had a claim too.Though if we take that too far Africa may get a bit over crowded.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by MeesterB

When seeds are planted. They grow.

Early European "settlers and founders" planted seeds of deceit , theft and greed . That tree is starting to produce the fruits of it's kind. It's not about guilt. It's about the laws of nature. What a man sows, that shall he also reap. What a people sows, that shall they also reap. It's not guilt. That has already been established. It's too late to change the seeds or complain about the fruit. A seed can only produce the fruit of it's kind. Good fruit does not come from bad seeds. You don't understand this right now. But I thought I would plant this seed anyway because you will understand it later.


posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by RockLobster

Someone needs to put America in its place , and stop the domination of the world.

Domination of the World..........

Laughable. America is its own country .

See the many flags?

Putting America in its place?

Americans should put America back in its place.

Laughable ? ...... well in that case , Syria is its own country , Libya WAS its own country , Iraq and Afghanistan are their own countries , so who on earth are you to invade those countries ?

You seem to think that America is above every single law on this planet and they can do as they please , do you know how many innocent people have been slaughtered by American forces in the last decade alone ?

The UN , and NATO , are supposed to deal with countries like America ...... but because America is using the UN and NATO to invade countries that just isnt going to happen.

You`re all drugged off your faces 24/7 chanting "USA USA" whilst bombing cities full of children (bombed hospitals in Libya - which is a VERY SERIOUS war crime that CAN NOT BE IGNORED ).

Everything America does seems to be wrapped up in this bulltish religious babble .... "in god we trust" "one nation under god" .... religious extremism is a huge problem in America , and the fact that your secret services are setting up terror units , funding them , giving them orders ..... c`mon , if this was any other country the UN would have stepped in by now. But because America is the only country that is pathetic enough to actually use a nuclear weapon , everyone sits down shuts up and listens to the "master" with the big stick.

What you need to do is step back and look at your country through the eyes of a poor man in the countries you`ve destroyed ........ your country is not "superior" , your country is ignorant , arrogant , and over the past two decades .. has become scum.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:40 AM

US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations

The UN should return the stolen land they sit on in NYC to the United States.

The UN will do anything to weaken the United States.
It's a corrupt cesspool. It should be kicked out of our country
AND it's funding should be cut off!

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:56 AM
A. The BRITISH took over the country from the Native Americans, spread smallpox, created the trail of tears, etc.

B. AMERICANS took the country from the BRITISH in the revolutionary war.

C. America is such a melting pot I am betting most of us could prove Native American or hispanic blood somewhere in our mix. I myself am 1/64 native american. Is that enough to be a "victim"?

D. Since there was no United States when all this happened why should we make any reparations at all? Also, how far back are we going and who gets to choose the rightful owners? Should we return Germany to the Nazis? China to the India? Iceland to the Vikings? France to the celtics?

E. Native Americans already hold about 56 MILLION acres. How much more do they need?

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Juggernog

The funny thing is, the UN was designed as a precursor to one-world government, and was funded into existence by the Rothschilds, who consequently want your country to fail. Funny how they're trying to play the role of the responsible parent to distract from the fact that the UN is not even close to being a force for good. Did you know that every time the UN enters a "peacekeeping" mission in a nation, child trafficking rates skyrocket within 6 months of them being there? Pretty spooky stuff. That being said, what you guys (as well as us north of the border) did to the natives goes beyond despotism. I personally would be for giving back every shred of land that we stole back to them. It just sucks that (at least up here) we have almost sucked the independance right out of them, making them dependant on the system (the plan from day one). They went from the one group that could thrive without imperialist intervention (the big R didn't like that one bit) to one of the most heavily-dependant demographics in Canada and the States. It just reeks of social engineering. I wonder if they would still know what to do with it if we did give them the land back, but the fact remains that it is rightfully theirs. We stole it. You won't hear any of that uber-patriotic "Mind your own business!" bullcrap from me. In all honesty, I don't see anything really in common between me and the herd, and I see that we have created far more problems than we claim to have fixed, so I say give it all back. I don't want it anymore.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:43 PM
(Taps water glass to call some attention for a second)

(taps a bit harder.....)

(shatters the glass as folks finally notice the bunny on his little box)

Guys, this is now at least the second thread on this general issue to derail from the point of the UN using a domestic injustice in our own society to get their claws into our nation with our full invitation. This IS NOT about the Native Americans. Not for us and most importantly, NOT for the United Nations! Prior to 2008, I recall it was a UN report on race relations and equality in the United States. That never made big I assume they didn't get their results to call for action then. NOW they have Native Americans to scream about and one last time, the Indians get screwed by the outsiders claiming to help.

I have a hard time believing that ATS members, of all people, would fall for this line of phooey. It's the VERY SIMILAR line of crap The United States and other Western Nations serve on a plate to other nations purely as a pretense to get a foothold and establish a long term growing presence. It's been wrong while it's been happening elsewhere all these years and it's absolutely wrong now.

There is something else to consider here. When the United States or European Do-Gooders get their claws into a nation, they never...EVER..leave. Even France was still a colonial power to Algeria right into the 90's with quite a little war going on down there by natives who felt differently on the whole matter. Why would anyone believe for an instant that the U.S. can permit the U.N. to get a foothold here on some strictly internal pretense like this, then expect them to promptly leave on cue and when the stated business is complete??

If the U.N. comes to help, it's themselves they'll be helping and right to one of the last big fertile lands the U.N. has never properly conquered. There is just NO upside to this. None at all.....and the Indians OF ALL PEOPLE should know better than to believe another goober with a cause who takes pity and says they're going to help.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by americanwoman

Well put...people just don't get it...humans spread all over the globe from one original place....the NA came from somewhere else too....stop with the nonsense and the guilt. They are treating NA like welfare recipients too, how about everybody help themselves ? I just found out we have NA in our family I am not leaving. Trust me..they are getting their revenge with the casinos or they can come of the reservations and live as Americans. Everyone is a victim these's been hundreds of years get on with your lives.

I ll be waiting for the insults that I know will follow.....

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I hear you, bunny, the UN is evil disguised as out for the wolf in sheeps clothing.

If anyone wants help the NAs then organize an American group and have it....that is what being a sovereign nation should do...not invite outsiders. We should take the same advice when it comes to Lybia and others....if they ask for help or are threatening us, then fine...otherwise let's use our troops and money at home.....STAY AWAY FROM THE UN.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:22 PM
Work this out UN:
The Gauls are to blame for the American Indians in the first place.
So sue them.

From Biblical times into the end of Roman time at the fall of Rome 400AD
shipping communications were established. Mostly gold was shipped back
from the American West and Mexico.

Left stranded for 1000 years Columbus had to deal with savages they thought
but they were one of us all along.

If not the Gauls and the destruction of Rome blame those sailing the globe and
those finding gold and those wanting gold way before 400AD.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by MeesterB
First returning land to Indians then we'll be cutting reparation checks. I'm sure some Chinese Americans will want some money for discrimination. Maybe Mexico will want some land back too.

ALL on the back of the guilty white man... shame on them.

Plus Australia will have to be returned to the aborigines and on and on.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by americanwoman
A. The BRITISH took over the country from the Native Americans, spread smallpox, created the trail of tears, etc.

B. AMERICANS took the country from the BRITISH in the revolutionary war.

C. America is such a melting pot I am betting most of us could prove Native American or hispanic blood somewhere in our mix. I myself am 1/64 native american. Is that enough to be a "victim"?

D. Since there was no United States when all this happened why should we make any reparations at all? Also, how far back are we going and who gets to choose the rightful owners? Should we return Germany to the Nazis? China to the India? Iceland to the Vikings? France to the celtics?

E. Native Americans already hold about 56 MILLION acres. How much more do they need?

You don't know your OWN Countrys history. The "Trail Of Tears" happened after 1830.:-

The War Of Independence ended in 1783 did it not?

Have you not heard of "The Indian Removal Act"?

You can blame us British for somethings but not bull# you just came out with.

And maybe you should take a trip here:-

Good old UN..........Telling it like it is.

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