Tranquility Truant, PART THREE
Before I do my calculation, let's review the incontrovertible FACTS as related in this unimpeachable testimony by Eagle launch FIDO Reed;
1) To derive this solution, according to Reed himself, all they "needed were landing site coordinates and a solid ephemeris on the CSM."
2) They had the latter, they knew where the CM was and could predict where it would be, but they did not have reliable landing site coordinates. Reed
said that his SELECT Officer explained that they "had five different sites". SELECT said to Reed that “we have MSFN(tracking radars), PNGS
(primary LM guidance computer), AGS(backup LM guidance computer), the targeted landing site and, oh yes, the geologist have determined yet another
site based upon the crew’s description of the landscape and correlating that with orbiter photos”. No two of these were even close to each other.
3) As the solutions provided to FIDO Reed did not agree with one another, Reed could not work with them. He could not use the numbers to solve for a
launch solution to bring Armstrong and Aldrin back together with Collins. Only if the solutions had agreed could the numbers have been trusted, and
as a matter of fact, Reed says at the end of this section;
"Later we would find out just where were we on the surface. We were actually over 25,000 feet from the nearest of the other five choices we had! "
That's Reed's exclamation mark not mine !!!!! So Reed is telling us here that later, when they found out just where they were, Tranquility Base at
0.6875 N and 23.43 E, the MSFN, PNGS and AGS solutions for the Eagle landing site given to Reed on the morning of 07/21/1969 were not only not
anywhere near to one another, but in addition, each solution was AT LEAST 25,000 feet or 4.7 miles from the Tranquility Base coordinates as they
would ultimately be determined at 0.6875 N and 23. 433 E .
So we are very clear as regards our FACTS now. Let's see if the Apollo 11 Mission Report Table 5-IV numbers corroborate Reed's telling of the story,
his unimpeachable, incontrovertible telling of the real-time Eagle landing site coordinate solution story as he came to anxiously experience it first
hand as the situation's KEY PLAYER on the morning of 07/21/1969
To solve for the distances between the landing site options, one simply determines the difference between the north coordinates and squares that, adds
that squared difference to the square of the difference between the east coordinates, and then takes the square root of that sum of squared
differences, a simply pythagorean solution. We'll start with the Apollo 11 Mission Report PNGS solution and calculate its distance from the AGS,
MSFN, and official Tranquility Base solutions. The Rendezvous radar solution was calculated right before the launch, and so for our purposes here, we
are really only interested in how far it was/is from the Tranquility base official solution at 0.6875 and 23.433 E.
PNGS/AGS distance difference in degrees is square root of (0.01 squared + 0.02 squared) = square root of (0.0001 + 0.0004) = square root of 0.0005 =
0.0224. The moon's circumference at the equator is 6,784 miles. So each degree covers 18.84 miles and 0.0224 degrees would cover .42 miles, 2229
feet. VERY CLOSE !!!
I'll move on, no longer any need to show my work, you can do the same and check my results.
PNGS/MSFN distance = 0.02 degrees = 0.38 miles or 1990 feet
PNGS/Tranquility Base official = 0.04 degrees = 0.754 miles or 3979 feet
Let's move on to the AGS set of solutions. We already have our PNGS number , .42 miles or 2229 feet
AGS/MSFN distance = 0.031 degrees = 0.59 miles or 3115 feet
AGS/Tranquility Base official distance = 0.063 degrees = 1.19 miles or 6267 feet
For the MSFN solution we already have PNGS distance = 0.38 miles or 1990 feet
For the AGS so;union we already have AGS distance = 0.59 miles or 3115 feet
And now for the MSFN/Tranquility Base official I find distance = .04 degrees = 0.754 miles = 3979 feet.
For the rendezvous radar solution/Tranquility Base official distance we have 0.0115 degrees or 0.217 miles or 1145 feet or 382 yards or 349 meters.
So , how do these Apollo 11 Mission Report numbers support or contradict the H. David Reed telling of the story ? Let's look at Reed's final
comment. Here he is once again from his chapter in FROM THE TRENCH OF MISSION CONTROL TO THE CRATERS OF THE MOON;
"Later we would find out just where were we on the surface. We were actually over 25,000 feet from the nearest of the other five choices we had! "
The Mission Report numbers could not be more inconsistent with Reed's telling of the story, and this inconsistency proves the Apollo 11 Mission
Report without question to be bogus, full on no question fraudulent.
PNGS solution as listed in the Mission Report is 3979 feet from Tranquility Base, NOT 25,000 or more feet from the same.
edit on 4-6-2012 by decisively because: spacing , caps
edit on 4-6-2012 by decisively because: added "be"
on 4-6-2012 by decisively because: added "N"
edit on 4-6-2012 by decisively because: apostrophe
edit on 4-6-2012 by
decisively because: added "determines the difference between the north coordinates and squares that, adds that difference to the square of the
difference between the east coordinates, and then takes the square root of that sum of squared differences,"
edit on 4-6-2012 by
decisively because: added "squared"
edit on 4-6-2012 by decisively because: spelling, spacing