reply to post by Jameela
There is no doubt that U.S. Policy in any matter always takes U.S. interests into account FIRST. This is the same with every other country on the
face of the Earth.
Even with this as a governing FACT....the U.S. Government as well as U.S. Aid Groups and even singular Citizens of the United States...contribute far
more aid in many things such as Money, Food, Protection, New Tech. that fuels the entire World Economy.
The U.S. is home to more Nobel Prize Winners than any other Nation. The U.S. is also the Bread Basket of the World...donate massive amounts of Food
Aid and without the ability of American Farmers to grow immense amounts of Wheat, Corn, Soy Beans, Rye...etc...there would be many people more
numbered in the MILLIONS...who would be starving to death without this Food Aid.
More than any other a degree that is incalculable...the U.S. Military...being a Global Force...has not only protected International
Shipping Lanes but also has performed Humanitarian acts such as responding to the needs of Japan after the Earthquake and Tsunami...faster and
reaching areas that Japans own forces and civilian agencies could not. This has been done many times over the years such as after the Giant Tsunami
in Indonesia and the greater area.
When it comes down to it...a person can vilify the United States as much as they want...but the facts show this to be unwarranted. No other Country
has stepped up to the plate to come anywhere near the level of Humanitarian Actions and Programs that the people of the United States have
accomplished and continue to do.
I sometimes work in the Third World and have seen how other countries deal excusivly with other Countries Warloards and as long as there is profit in
it for them...they turn a blind eye. I know that the U.S. has done this as well but at the very least when our Voting Population finds out...Heads
Roll. But in other countries even so called ENLIGHTENED EUROPEAN ones...Nuclear Reactors are built for countries that have no business of being
trusted to follow NPT agreements. Case in point...Russia selling IRAN Nuclear Tech. Iran signed the NPT and has broken just about every part of the
Treaty. EVERYONE KNEW ahead of time that selling Nuclear Tech. to Iran was a bad idea...the U.S. tried to stop it....look where we are now.
So before a person vilifies the U.S...TAKE A HARD LOOK AT YOUR OWN COUNTRY OR OTHERS. The MAIN reason for the start of WWII and the rise of the NAZI
PARTY was European demands of rediculously unreachable in payment and scope...WAR REPARATIONS demanded and impossed on a defeated WWI Germany. The
U.S. practicly SCREAMED to the European Nations...people in Germany are STARVING...they have no jobs or food and their country is in
shambles...demanding this level of payment is something they cannot afford and if you continue to keep they starving...SOMEONE OR GROUP will rise and
European Leaders scoffed at the U.S. warnings and very shortly after...Hitler and the Nazi's. In the Soviet Union...Stalin killed Millions of his
own people in forced relocation. In South East Asia...Japan killed Millions of Chinese and other people of that region. In this
day...Tribal Warlords kill Millions as they buy weapons from Russia or China or Middle Eastern Countries and steal USAID Food Supplies. In South
America and in Brazil and Argentina....CHILDREN who are homeless are rounded up by the Military and shot and killed and burried in Mass Graves...just
to keep them from being a nuisance to Rich Ocean Land or Business owners. And if you are a WOMAN who is unfortunate enough to be RAPED in many Middle
Eastern Nations...that Woman is burried in the ground up to her chest and then is STONED TO DEATH because even though raped...she is breaking their
Religious Law as they state she is having with another besides her Husband or sex out of Wedlock and in restore her Husbands and
families is traditional for the Husband or Father to cast the first stone in a long SLOW DEATH.
So tell me more about how evil the U.S. is....WHAT A JOKE! The only thing that keeps this entire World from going to WWIII is the UNITED STATES and
her MILITARY. The rest of the World is comprised of alot of people who are less than ANIMALS and who would Kill any of you in a second just for not
having a beard or not wearing a burka or veil.
I have been around the World...for those of you that post this drivel...isn't it nice that you have the ability to do so? While you sit safely in
your Home and make statements about things you know nothing is your right...unlike China where if you are able to get though the Chinese
Governments Internet Filters and post something they consider disapear. Split Infinity