posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:37 PM
Now, this is very interesting because they keep increasing the size of the security perimeters and closing museums and public parking and highways:
"Activists confront new challenge at Chicago NATO summit: persuading more protesters to show up
By Associated Press,
"CHICAGO — The stage seemed set for a showdown: G-8 and NATO leaders planned to hold back-to-back summits in Chicago that activists predicted could
draw tens of thousands of people protesting everything from war and poverty to unemployment and education cuts.
"But at the last minute, President Barack Obama moved the Group of 8 economic meeting to Camp David, the secluded presidential retreat in rural
Maryland, where demonstrators will be kept far away. Chicago kept the NATO meeting, which will focus on the war in Afghanistan and other international
security matters, not the economy...."
"...the protests are almost sure to be smaller and less dramatic than originally expected, experts said."
Here are some updates that I found on a really good blog by a Chi cop that has a lot of interesting stuff. I found the updates in the comments to one
of the stories:
This is the 9-page press release of closures, map included: