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The Immigration conspiracy. Something IS happening!

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Which is just another side of the same coin. This is not a case of Belgium vs. Congo. It is a case of immoral rich folk vs. the people of Congo and Belgium. First they rape the people of Congo by imperialism, then they import them into Belgium to enable similar raping to continue in Belgium and create conflicts.


Then they import the Congolese?! Is that what you are saying? And these Congolese rape Belgium? Shame on you for even saying such a thing. Do you know how much wealth is siphoned away by Belgium and other imperialistic nations? What the Belgian governments give to the Congolese in Belgium isn't even a MILLIONTH of what they pillage. Stop fooling yourself in front of others.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by daaskapital

The exact same circumstances are happening here in Australia. Perhaps this is an international conspiracy. Something strange is happening for these African immigrants to be able to move to Western countries and be able to afford expensive houses/cars/clothes.

International conspiracy?! Maybe lay off the crack and alcohol for a few days will ya?!

If there was ever an international conspiracy it is the way Western countries completely RAPE(d) African countries, become rich off the resources, and then treat Africans as if they were a lower class of humans.

Then for you to complain about immigrants that are fleeing a war zone....and turn it into a conspiracy is just...deranged. Empty of empathy. Close minded and egoistic. Or what about the guy who had an encounter with a drunk fellow and bases his entire thinking on that one encounter?! That is straight up INSANITY!

Not to forget that these individuals who are fleeing, just came from a war zone(because the West needs resources) and are suffering from all kinds of war-related illnesses.

I would strongly advise you all to go see a mental health professional.

"Something strange is happening"

Yes, you guys are losing it and you're oblivious to it. That's very strange.

I saw the same things, new houses, new cars, business and school loans etc.... I didn't understand a lot of it since I was a child, but I remember feeling overwhelmed by a new culture who was rude, nonsocial and appeared to have no desire to learn the English language.

Boo hoo, you are ignorant. What happened in those days with Vietnam for them to flee?! You people are CLUELESS it seems!

He is as we are, merely a Christian. He goes to church, I do not, but we share the same values.

Oh man, you are IDOLIZING. That is completely AGAINST Christianity.

I have a problem with immigrants coming in and somehow affording a better life than well settled natives.

Get off your ass and work hard? You think the immigrants just "get" what they have?!

I am an Aussie and a Racist, my ancestors pioneered Australia and gave their lives for their country not to be rooted by a bunch of lazy shiftless trash, who have no intention of assimilating into society, they are just happy to suck off the Tit of the tax paying Aussies, the good thing about it all is when the Aussie has had enough they had better stay indoors, and don't let the sun shine on their ass.

Yeah yeah, your IQ points are nowhere near anything for ANYONE to take you serious. Only your fellow racists who you like to get the drift

Gotta love that every day ATS is getting more and more racist but the motto remains "deny ignorance". Why don't you posters here go read some history, educate yourself before calling others uneducated, then come back here and create a thread that is not vile to the point of disgusting. Unfreakingbelievable.

OK #, Australians dont have a problem with imigrants, this country was built by imigrants. what australians have a problem with is people who come here and dont do anything and get handouts for nothing.
watch the video clip mate and learn something.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:08 AM
part 2

as i was saying the Sharia law is for THEM not for YOU. so as for the person who robs u happens to be a muslim and u realized that that person is fine and no financial problems and capable of working hard , u have to demand him to be in a sharia court for robbing.

as for raping..... the veil face cover is not a muslim thing .. anybody who says its part of islam i'll tell u what ... as a female muslim wether u wear a veil or not and its the prayer call , u remove the face veil and do the prayer , the veil is used both men and women during a desert storm if u have asthma and not getting the dust in ur lungs as well too for a healthy person and ofcourse if ur skin is sensitive to the sun since we live in middle east .

as i was saying the veil and body cover does'nt prevent rape . i notice that pple say a female skin revealing clothes that shows stomach , inner thighs and chest gets raped but some say even though covered is raped.

so just to bring a bag of info and thoughts so we could lastly have a conclusion here

1. a rapist will target the less clothes than the clothed becasue less clothes easy to remove

2. a female wakes up in a bed with another man and screams rape even though both of them were drunk in a party and the both flirted and either one of them could have asked for a room and the other followed.

3. if u have a female coworker and she found out the boss is giving u the upper managment , she can accuse u of raping her and ofcourse will ruin ur image and get fired while she was being sympathised and given her the job and more payment

so basically false accuse is more than the real accuse and sends confusion ... but i think that wether a person is wearing modet and fashionable or casual clothing and is sober , the real rapist will appear and be caught and the ones who are falsely accused will not just be less but NOT BROUGHT UP because if they wanna do it they can get a hooker or a gf or marriage or whatever.

in islam a female must be having a male with her and the reason was for protectionfrom the REAL attackers. but because it was in the past and women don't know self defense until now there is karate and u may aswell can have a female for protection ( example having a female cousin who knows martial arts and boxing ). or just urself u can walk alone.

anyways as i was about to say if the guy wether he attacked the female outside or attacked u by getting in her home and rape. the man will be stoned to death EXCEPT FOR THE FEMALE.

i know some of u reading that u read in the media tha a female is forced to marry a rapist is highly impossible due to reputation and ofcourse when families have a family gathering or holiday spending time together i mean seriously will u just allow a rapist inside ur home ? what if he rapes ur partner or possibly a male family member becuase u cannot marry an unknown person due to genetics and unwanted behaviour genes.

u may also think " oh what about couples who were killed "
if he really loved her he would have married her straight away because just think into " their " mind set because talking and communicating in public is bad and so they do it in private , if u chat with a person and u two can't stop thinking and laughing while talking because u enjoy and have same interests , its called love when the feeling overwhelms u that u have to be with her and see her , which is through marriage. if the parents refused then she accuses him of seducing her and threatening her so he raped her and she's pregnant ( even though she's not ) ofcourse he will be killed but she will convice them that u can't kill the baby's father and she must marry him....... oh the drama ... especially with the newspapers trying to keep her reputation clean .

if u think that a guy is luckily with 4 wives than u could not believe that she wanted to marry and say they're in love with him....... they actually married him for money they really don't care when he comes home unless they want diamond jewellary or else u know what happens if a guy does'nt do what a woman wants ....

like i said u don't know anything unless been there and seen it

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

It is PART of the imperialistic present. Do you even read what you type?!

You seem to have trouble with understanding written text. I suggest you get down from your high horse. And I agree, mass immigration is part of the imperialistic present, and needs to end.

Then they import the Congolese?! Is that what you are saying? And these Congolese rape Belgium? Shame on you for even saying such a thing. Do you know how much wealth is siphoned away by Belgium and other imperialistic nations? What the Belgian governments give to the Congolese in Belgium isn't even a MILLIONTH of what they pillage. Stop fooling yourself in front of others.

Way to miss the point. Immoral elite rapes the Congolese and Belgians. And as I said, past and present western imperialism does not in any way justify the idea that anti-immigration stance is somehow wrong, so I dont know why you even bring it up all the time.
edit on 24/4/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel

It would only take you two moments to think it out loud and realize how stupid, insensitive and quite frankly - racist it sounds. If you would have read history and learned from it you would know that's how Hitler riled up Germans against the Jewish people. There are numerous examples more of exactly this type of denigrating behavior leading to violence in history.

I have no idea how/why you are trying to connect this thread and myself to Hitler and Nazi Germany. I am not racist!

Maybe you need to go and talk to these Africans you are demonizing. Then you can learn where these houses come from. And you will also learn there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants who don't have these things.

I am not demonizing any Africans. As i said i do not understand, so how can i demonize them when i do not understand where they get all the money from? I will tell you now. You will never see an African living on the street before an Australian citizen!

If you really are curious(which I don't think're trying to stir up something) then why have you never held a conversation with these immigrants?!

How am i trying to stir up something? i stated in my op that i don't want this thread to turn into a racial discrimnation thread, yet you are trying to make it one. You are the one trying to stir stuff up.

*Sigh* Go do some freaking reading please.

I do plenty of reading. But when this stuff happens internationally, something is happening

I don't think you even understand what you are talking about. What the hell does "International members" even mean?! Other white folk who hate immigrants just as much as you do?!

International members, as members from other countries on ATS which have been witnessing these occurences.

Because you lazy or dumb folk never had it in you to succeed as a decent human being in the first place?

Who are you trying to single out here? The lazy and dumb white people?

Please do tell WHY people are fleeing from war zones. Please do tell what kind of psychological trauma that brings with it.

i imagine that they will be severley traumatised. And when they immigrate, they bring all those problems with them and are unable to integrate into society, and only raise the crime rate. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of nice immigrants, just that most of the African ones i have seen are not very resepctful to others around them.

Please do tell what the effect of discrimination is upon these immigrants. ...See, you really don't understand what you're talking about. You are what they call; an aspiring political radical.

We are not discriminating, only addressing an international problem

I bet to every question you have there is already an answer, within the government. You've just not bothered to ask. That makes sense, because it seems you haven't bothered to do any actual research.

If i didn't do any research, i wouldn't have linked any sources

I'm not attacking you, I'm merely making it clear that your points are ridiculous and absurd to the point of insane. You are now playing the victim card while you yourself opened this thread to ATTACK immigrants. Go read your own thread back and see how you opened the door for racists to vomit up their nonsense.

I never said that you were attacking me. You were attacking plenty of members with your original post on page 7.

edit on 24-4-2012 by daaskapital because: quote stuff up

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by Nuker

Just FYI, that "picture" is retarded.

You know why?

Because even though you can LEARN from history, you cannot relate two completely different matters. Isn't it weird that you guys are completely ignorant of history, yet you choose to USE the native Americans as an example to further your own racist agendas? The way 90% of the posters here type it would seem that they never leave their house unless it's for the pub - they never intermingle or become friends with someone of a different skin color - nor does it seem they care enough for themselves to THINK about what they are saying, they don't care enough about themselves to educate themselves by reading. So please tell me, how does one take these (racist) people serious when their own lives are messed up - even though they had all the cards dealt to them from the start?!

would seem that they never leave their house unless it's for the pub - they never intermingle or become friends with someone of a different skin color

Let me tell you some facts about myself
- I go out with friends a lot
- I go to the gym 3-5 days week (Weight Lifting)
- I don't drink alcohol, and also, I hate pubs.
- My best friends backgrounds consists of the following:
- Cambodian background
- Laos background
- Moroccan background
and a few others (Which are Australian)

Hey, to tell you.. I'm a pretty peaceful person in life.

So please tell me, how does one take these (racist) people serious when their own lives are messed up

I'm doing well with my life, nothing is messed up.

There's a difference.. Rednecks, Bogans (And other people alike) want to wipe out every culture, and every non-white person in their country (Yes, it's true, they've even said it to me, and I've spoken to plenty of bogans. They all want them out of the country, or killed) They abuse the alcohol, smoke.. And not to mention, they are terrible at spelling. They are the people that I, nor anyone else, should take seriously. Although, I respect their opinions when talking to them (Which is like.. Once a year, anyway)

Wanting to preserve the uniqueness of your race and culture is not the same as wanting to destroy all others.

A Nationalist respects what's respectable in other nations and cultures while favoring his own, much as one favors one's own family ....regardless of who is "superior" by whatever standards.

People have to remember, not to get confused with wannabe Nationalists.. This includes - Rednecks, Bogans, Neo-Nazi's, KKK members, and swastika wearers (And others)

I patiently await your reply, kind sir.

edit on 24-4-2012 by Nuker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by repeatoffender

You think I would even give what you say a single thought when you are going around curse-word filters to call others names?! Grow up.

"here watch this youtube clip, learn something".

What a joke.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by repeatoffender

You think I would even give what you say a single thought when you are going around curse-word filters to call others names?! Grow up.

"here watch this youtube clip, learn something".

What a joke.

To arrogant to have an open mind. You may actually learn something if you did have one.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:21 AM

i imagine that they will be severley traumatised. And when they immigrate, they bring all those problems with them and are unable to integrate into society, and only raise the crime rate.

This. By highlighting the struggle of the immigrants and conflicts happening in their countries, you only support the anti-immigration stance. Because I dont want traumatised, uneducated or dysfunctional people creating problems in my country. I want a limited number of educated and easily assimilated immigrants contributing positively to our economy and way of life. This kind of immigration I have no problem with, no matter what race, religion or ethnicity.
edit on 24/4/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:21 AM


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Nuker

Wanting to preserve the uniqueness of your race and culture is not the same as wanting to destroy all others.

There is one race. The human race. Whenever someone tells me otherwise they lose all credibility in my eyes. Why? Simple biology.

And people talking about "preserving culture" sounds extremely stupid to me. It sounds like something someone who is stuck in time would say. Why not take good parts of your culture and leave the bad parts behind?

A Nationalist respects what's respectable in other nations and cultures while favoring his own, much as one favors one's own family ....regardless of who is "superior" by whatever standards.

Ah, nationalism...a scoundrels last resort. Nothing good ever comes from the kind of mental isolation that nationalism brings. Not anymore.

People have to remember, not to get confused with wannabe Nationalists.. This includes - Rednecks, Bogans, Neo-Nazi's, KKK members, and swastika wearers (And others)

Nationalism is nationalism. I understand your point, but sadly, it is an outdated one. It doesn't even make sense to you know who made up nationalism as it exists today and for what purpose?

edit on 24-4-2012 by InfoKartel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Way to miss the point. Immoral elite rapes the Congolese and Belgians. And as I said, past and present western imperialism does not in any way justify the idea that anti-immigration stance is somehow wrong, so I dont know why you even bring it up all the time.


You need to learn how to read, not me. In fact, I've got no trouble understanding any of the points you guys make but obviously to you, I misunderstand every one of them and you have to explain it to me over and over again, because you're just that much smarter.

How do the "immoral elites"(that's a faulty argument by the way, but lets not dwell on something intellectuals dwell on, right?) rape the Belgians to the same degree, or even a millionth of a fraction, that they are abusing Congo? It's like you understand what's being done to the Congolese, but you try to minimize it by saying...that the Belgians are being abused to the same degree(how exactly is war being organized between tribal leaders in Belgium, I'll leave you to explain).

Why? Because they are immigrants and every of their wrongdoing is worth a million of native wrongdoings in your eyes?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

And people talking to be about "preserving culture" sounds extremely stupid to me. It sounds like something someone who is stuck in time would say.

Why? Cultures still differ a lot around the world, so the concern of preserving culture and introducing negative cultural elements by immigration is valid.

Explain, please.

Why not take good parts of your culture and leave the bad parts behind?

This is something every immigrant should do in the first place. The problem is, many dont.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:27 AM


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

How do the "immoral elites"(that's a faulty argument by the way, but lets not dwell on something intellectuals dwell on, right?) rape the Belgians to the same degree, or even a millionth of a fraction, that they are abusing Congo?

I never said that it is to the same degree. It is not, nor does it need to be for my point to be valid.

Because they are immigrants and every of their wrongdoing is worth a million of native wrongdoings in your eyes?

Absolutely not.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by Maslo

Way to miss the point. Immoral elite rapes the Congolese and Belgians. And as I said, past and present western imperialism does not in any way justify the idea that anti-immigration stance is somehow wrong, so I dont know why you even bring it up all the time.


You need to learn how to read, not me. In fact, I've got no trouble understanding any of the points you guys make but obviously to you, I misunderstand every one of them and you have to explain it to me over and over again, because you're just that much smarter.

How do the "immoral elites"(that's a faulty argument by the way, but lets not dwell on something intellectuals dwell on, right?) rape the Belgians to the same degree, or even a millionth of a fraction, that they are abusing Congo? It's like you understand what's being done to the Congolese, but you try to minimize it by saying...that the Belgians are being abused to the same degree(how exactly is war being organized between tribal leaders in Belgium, I'll leave you to explain).

Why? Because they are immigrants and every of their wrongdoing is worth a million of native wrongdoings in your eyes?

You are the one who will not listen to us. You are clearly trying your hardest to discredit us and label us names in which we do not deserve. So, you do need to learn how to read

It is not Belgium's fault, only the member in which run the country. Is it the citizens fault for what their government does? No, it is not.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I do plenty f reading. But when this stuff happens internationally, something is happening

EVERYTHING happens internationally. And all the time, something is happening.

International members, as members from other countries on ATS which have been witnessing these occurences.

(I understand what you are saying, but it's like you don't understand what I'm saying...)

Who are you trying to single out here? The lazy and dumb white people?

Just those who are minimizing the suffering of others because they have to share and mommy and daddy never taught them how to share.

i imagine that they will be severley traumatised. And when they immigrate, they bring all those problems with them and are unable to integrate into society, and only raise the crime rate.

...How the hell you even got that from trauma I don't know, obviously you have a doctorate in psychology and psychiatry.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of nice immigrants, just that most of the African ones i have seen are not very resepctful to others around them.

It would seem that you are even less respecting of others than they are of you. And it would seem that you can't even tell a country from a continent. How disrespectful is that?

We are not discriminating, only addressing an international problem

...yes, blow it out of proportion in that little twisted world of yours. That should get people to jump on your bandwagon.

If i didn't do any research, i wouldn't have linked any sources

"googles immigration" ... "See, I did research"...

Grow up will you? ACTUAL research.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

i imagine that they will be severley traumatised. And when they immigrate, they bring all those problems with them and are unable to integrate into society, and only raise the crime rate.

This. By highlighting the struggle of the immigrants and conflicts happening in their countries, you only support the anti-immigration stance. Because I dont want traumatised, uneducated or dysfunctional people creating problems in my country. I want a limited number of educated and easily assimilated immigrants contributing positively to our economy and way of life. This kind of immigration I have no problem with, no matter what race, religion or ethnicity.
edit on 24/4/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Wait, so it's okay that you rape and pillage their countries. Become rich with their resources. Feed your kids to grow into soldiers to pillage additional nations off their resources...but...they are not allowed to flee to your country because they are traumatized due to the war you brought to their soil? Wow, the audacity is insane. Literally, you are speaking as if you don't have a brain to think.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Obviously I have an open mind. Otherwise I wouldn't be better at spelling than you. Even though I'm an immigrant who doesn't even live in an English speaking country. I have an open enough mind to read your points, give them thought and respond. A courtesy which none of you, save for one, have shown me. That's weird isn't it? For you to tell me with a closed mind, that I don't have an open mind.
edit on 24-4-2012 by InfoKartel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

Wait, so it's okay that you rape and pillage their countries. Become rich with their resources. Feed your kids to grow into soldiers to pillage additional nations off their resources...but...they are not allowed to flee to your country because they are traumatized due to the war you brought to their soil? Wow, the audacity is insane. Literally, you are speaking as if you don't have a brain to think.

You seem to have trouble understanding simple concepts, and I am the one who doesnt have a brain?

I dont think it is okay, as I have repeatedly stated. Such imperialism needs to end.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

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