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Originally posted by braindeadconservatives
Obama's a dictator now
If Obama were a dictator, why didn't he impose universal healthcare like he wanted to?
1.Removing local police presence from communities and replacing them with a federally-paid (that’s US taxpayer-paid) Obama-controlled National Police force. It is starting—in earnest—in Detroit
2.Obama is stepping up his issuance of illegal Executive Orders, INCLUDING the Dream Act that was voted down by Congress and opposed by a majority of the American people. Nevertheless, in June 2011, Obama issued an Executive fiat to ‘create’ it. Congress did nothing and still does nothing today
4.The Obama/Holder “Operation Gunwalker: Fast & Furious” was and is directly attributable to Dictator-in-Chief Obama. Since shortly after the C-span2 video was published in 2009, in my columns I have referred to Deputy Attorney General Ogden’s statement on said video that he was “directed” by “the president” to “take action” against the drug cartels. This action began as “Operation Gunrunner” and its name was changed to the infamous one we know today. However, the operation was never planned to fight against the drug cartels. Instead, it was developed as a means to fight WITH the cartels against the US citizenry. The operation was affected (and don’t forget “directed“) by Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder to do one thing: Remove legally-owned guns from US citizen under the Obama-manipulated premise that guns were being illegally sold to the drug cartels by Americans.
Originally posted by L00kingGlass
Originally posted by xuenchen
Originally posted by L00kingGlass
reply to post by ElectricUniverse
You sir, or mam are very wrong. Fascism is a LEFTWING ideology.
Wow lol... No it is not. Yikes!
yes it IS an extreme liberal left wing agenda !!
Fascism is far right wing/authoritarianism. The left wing equivalent is communism/authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism is the key.
Edit: I agree that there's an agenda, however calling fascism extreme left wing is absurd and misinformed.
Someone posted this earlier, good example:
edit on 22-4-2012 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by sonnny1
Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power. ~ Benito Mussolini
"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".
Unfortunately, in the United States the term “libertarian” has become, since the 1970s, associated with the right-wing, i.e., supporters of “free-market” capitalism. That defenders of the hierarchy associated with private property seek to associate the term “libertarian” for their authoritarian system is both unfortunate and somewhat unbelievable to any genuine libertarian. Equally unfortunately, thanks to the power of money and the relative small size of the anarchist movement in America, this appropriation of the term has become, to a large extent, the default meaning there. Somewhat ironically, this results in some right-wing “libertarians” complaining that we genuine libertarians have “stolen” their name in order to associate our socialist ideas with it!
The original political meanings of ‘left’ and ‘right’ have changed since their origin in the French estates general in 1789. There the people sitting on the left could be viewed as more or less anti-statists with those on the right being state-interventionists of one kind or another. In this interpretation of the pristine sense, libertarianism was clearly at the extreme left-wing.
The way they can do it is by spreading the notion that fascism is totalitarianism of a particularly brutal and obvious sort, while concealing the true essence of fascism, the essence that leads to all the good and bad that fascism can produce and, inevitably, as we have seen in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy or Corporate America, does produce.
That predatory essence is the unification/combination of state and corporate power.
So it's facism when a woman makes decisions with own body, but not facism when you want the government to decide what decision she can and can't make with her own body. It's also apparantly eugenics despite the fact that there's no actual reason to call it so. I guess we can add facism and eugenics to the list of words you clearly don't understand (I guess Obama controls the dictionaries now).
Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by ANOK
Actually fascism supports Darwinism, survival of the fittest. This causes racism, because some races are considered inferior.
Pretty fascist when a woman pops a pill or aborts a fetus after all it is "survival of the fittest" and then write laws to support that belief.
Eugenics by any other name
Because when I think left-leaning libertarian, I think fascism and communism. And when you think about it, facism and communism really are just lighter forms of anarchism. I can't tell if you're joking of if you're just incredibly ignorant.
Originally posted by xuenchen
I disagree with the diagram.
It is not accurate.
Fascism and Communism belong in the upper left quadrant...
All the way over and in between social democracy and anarchism.
Do you not understand that Hitler and Mussolini WERE BOTH SOCIALISTS?...
Originally posted by neo96
the study of methods of improving the quality of the human race by selective breeding.
Abortion is a method of improving the quality of life of the host and chooses to have or not have or when to have it.
Same as the pill.
a authoritarian means of control over someone else in other words fascist.
They do so by brainwashing and propaganda.
Call me crazy (which in your case would be blatant projection), but wouldn't controlling what a person does with their own bodies be considered fascist (or are women not people to you)? Also, is it really eugenics when no one is being forced to do so by the government? Seriously, your post makes no sense whatsoever, which I can't help but feel I'm going to say a lot if this arugment continues any longer.
Originally posted by neo96
the study of methods of improving the quality of the human race by selective breeding.
Abortion is a method of improving the quality of life of the host and chooses to have or not have or when to have it.
Same as the pill.
a authoritarian means of control over someone else in other words fascist.