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Who are the Fascists?

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+10 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Fascism (play /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek rejuvenation of their nation based on commitment to an organic national community where its individuals are united together as one people in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood through a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through discipline, indoctrination, physical education, and eugenics.[3][4

Sounds like a certain group and the current potus, community organizer that believes in birth control and abortion which also controls mass media from schools and universities to hollywood and television

Fascism seeks to purify the nation of foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture.[5]

That sounds familiar foreign money going to the elections.

Fascism promotes political violence and war, as forms of direct action that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.

Sounds like OWS

Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violence against opponents or to overthrow a political system.[

Like the black panthers,code pink most recently OWS.

Fascism opposes multiple ideologies: conservatism, liberalism, and two major forms of socialism—communism and social democracy.[8]

Liberalism in American today is the antithesis of the word

Fascism claims to represent a synthesis of cohesive ideas previously divided between traditional political ideologies.[9] To achieve its goals, the fascist state purges forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration.[1

You mean like Pelosi and schummers "the first amendment needs to be fixed" and the famous "Fox News" needs to be taken off the air.

The fascist party is a vanguard party designed to initiate a revolution from above and to organize the nation upon fascist principles.[11] The fascist party and state is led by a supreme leader who exercises a dictatorship over the party, the government and other state institutions.

The current potus has bypassed congress many times during the last 3 years with his appoints of czars to the care act. and dictating ceo pay.

Fascism rejects liberal democracy based upon majority rule and the parliamentary system but fascists deny that they are against democracy as a whole.[

Why yes they do all i have heard is how obstructionsit the house Gop is.

Fascism condemns liberal democracy for basing government legitimacy on quantity rather than quality, and for causing quarreling partisan politics.

The gop are "Flat earthers" etc anyone who questions the actions of the current government questioning just throwing billions upon billions just to hit something and hope it sticks.

Green corporate loans,the Gm volts etc.

Fascists claim that their ideology is a trans-class movement, advocating resolution to domestic class conflict within a nation to secure national solidarity.[15] It claims that its goal of social nationalization of society emancipates the nation's proletariat, and promotes the assimilation of all classes into proletarian national culture.[15] While fascism opposes domestic class conflict, fascism believes that bourgeois-proletarian conflict primarily exists in national conflict between proletarian nations versus bourgeois nations; fascism declares support for the victory of proletarian nations.[16]

Sounds familiar "the rich should pay their fair share"

Fascists advocate a state-directed, regulated economy that is dedicated to the nation; the use and primacy of regulated private property and private enterprise contingent upon service to the nation, the use of state enterprise where private enterprise is failing or is inefficient, and autarky. It supports criminalization of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers because it deems these acts as prejudicial to the national community.[17]

WE know who believes the governemnt should control the economy and corporations the difference here is they support the criminalization of anyone who makes a profit.

So with reference to fascism while it is always associated to the right wing the simple fact is fascism :

Fascism is commonly described as "extreme right"[38][39] although some writers have found placing fascism on a conventional left-right political spectrum difficult.[40] There is a scholarly consensus that fascism was influenced by both left and right, conservative and anti-conservative, national and supranational, rational and anti-rational.[32] A number of historians have regarded fascism either as a revolutionary centrist doctrine, as a doctrine which mixes philosophies of the left and the right, or as both of those things.[33][34]

Revolutionary centrist doctrine sounds like hope and change,progessives and how they achieve their goals.

+17 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by neo96

oh please Obama can't be both socialist/communist and fascist. Fascist is right wing always has been always will be!!

This is a better understanding of Fascist, or how they come to power!!!

edit on 21-4-2012 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

All pollitical ideology shares ideals and views the article said that.

Fascism draws from communism and socialism and marxism.
edit on 21-4-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:11 PM
Since Bush I was in office, there was always "talk" about what he'd (any current president) would do to stay in power.
It happened with Bush.
Bush II.
Now Obama.

I have honest concerns with Obama. He has no regard with the legislative process, no respect for the other branches of government, and feels that the execuitive branch rules autonomously.

+31 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:14 PM
Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power. ~ Benito Mussolini

General Motors agrees...........

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:18 PM

The nonsense that Right-wingers come up anymore gets more and more humorous with each passing day.

Very comical yet sad...

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors

The nonsense that Right-wingers come up anymore gets more and more humorous with each passing day.

Very comical yet sad...

So you're enjoying the shift to greater government control/oversight?

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:23 PM

but fascists deny that they are against democracy as a whole.[

Yep even Hitler and the SS didn't think what they were doing as bad.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:25 PM
The ptb are applauding your efforts whether there paying you or not!!!

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:27 PM
Well the powers that be and their supporters are usually the ones who going around calling people fascist

why not turn the table?
edit on 21-4-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:29 PM

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under
the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist
program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened."

-Norman Thomas

I think this applies here as well.
(I've used this quote quite a bit in the past few years)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by neo96

Fascism seeks to purify the nation of foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture.[5]

That sounds familiar foreign money going to the elections.

That actually sounds like an oxymoron.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Actually messed up that one forgot to add AIPAC mentioning Israel and jews always upsets fascists.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:40 PM
I see many arguments on these boards about fascism, socialism, communism.

But what we're talking about is converting one form of government into another. There is no cookie-cutter form one-size-fits-all to replacing one for of government with an authoritarian form.

What we're seeing in America is unique because nowhere on earth has there ever been a form of government like ours that has gone through a change of government type.

So many will immediately poo-poo the idea that it is happening because they can't immediately compare it to a previous authoritarian type.

Our government is changing.
It has changed.
It will continue to change.

I see it evolving to a more authoritarian type. It shares attibutes of marxism, communism, socialism, fascism.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Yes it is and THIS is why. It's not conservatism. It's not liberalism. Or any other "ism". It's those that care not about any ideology, only about power and money. It doesn't matter who is in the WH. Who's controlling Congress. Eisenhower warned us over 50 years ago and we didn't listen.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by neo96

oh please Obama can't be both socialist/communist and fascist. Fascist is right wing always has been always will be!!

Many would disagree with you...

Following the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II, the term fascist has been used as a pejorative word, often referring to widely varying movements across the political spectrum.

George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'". Richard Griffiths argued in 2005 that "fascism" is the "most misused, and over-used word, of our times". "Fascist" is sometimes applied to post-war organisations and ways of thinking that academics more commonly term "neo-fascist".

Contrary to the common mainstream academic and popular use of the term, Communist states have sometimes been referred to as "fascist", typically as an epithet. Marxist interpretations of the term have, for example, been applied in relation to Cuba under Fidel Castro and Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh.

Herbert Matthews, of the New York Times asked "Should we now place Stalinist Russia in the same category as Hitlerite Germany? Should we say that she is Fascist?"

J. Edgar Hoover wrote extensively of "Red Fascism".Chinese Marxists used the term to denounce the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet Split, and likewise, the Soviets used the term to identify Chinese Marxists.


posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by intrepid
I disagree.

Who sits in the White House reflects the mood of the people.

The uber-rich wll profit regardless. But there is a difference as to what type of government may profit the people.

Right now, we're at a crossroads.

Do we profit from government fiat?

Or do we profit from our own efforts?

We may find out in November.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Fascism is actually a far left ideology.. the three main branches of Left ideology are Fascism, Communism and Socialism.

Unlike the OP I view the "moderate" Neoconservatives and the "moderate" Democrats as being Fascist.. Fascism has more to do with blending corporate and government goals together and working as one towards a common end: Controlling the population. The military is used as a tool for national rejuvenation (ahem... Iraq.. Afghanistan..) and is an integral part of a Fascist's economy (Military industrial complex)

Fascism requires a very strong central government to provide in much the same way as a Socialist country, only it may do so through corporatized means (Obamacare.. health insurance industry etc) that will have a very strong relationship with the Federal Government.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:55 PM
Eisenhowers speech is been misinterpreted for many decades to sum it up best is with great power comes great responsiblity and the obligation to not misuse it.

It was not about centralized power nor was it about authoritarian power and totalitarian rule.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I know, it's Clinton but he makes a good point:

Bill Clinton – as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon in reply to why he wasn’t doing anything about UFO disclosure.

Sarah, there’s a government inside the government, and I don’t control it.

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