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Man Killed During Initiation at Masonic Lodge

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by network dude
Everything revolves around the Bible and God's word...

Except for murder of course, minor details...

"Masons take a solemn oath to kill all who violate any part of Masonic oaths... I have met many Masons through the years whom have testified of tragic and horrible deaths in their immediate family!"

"Taking an oath (which is of course blasphemous) to assassinate any fellow-freemason who tries to leave that organization" is by no stretch kind, loving, compassionate, or even the fruit of a rational mind. Being coerced to take such an oath is not only demonic, but outright defiant of Christ's command. According to Masonic oaths, Masons are to be killed if they reveal Masonic secrets"

Masonic Oaths were behind the Murder and cover-up of William Morgan

Sept. 11, 1826, Morgan was abducted. Within 48 hours three Masons murdered him. Twenty-two years later one of the three made a deathbed confession, the details of which can be read in Finney’s book on pages 6-10.

In 1826 and the year following there was a general consensus among Masons that Morgan was indeed killed as penalty for his crimes against the Brotherhood.

These oaths are crucial to the success of Freemasonry’s conspiracy for world dominion over governments and its planned annihilation of the Church. The Fraternity’s ability to maintain secrecy among its membership has determined its success in the past. Now, to guarantee its success in the future, William Morgan’s blatant disobedience to his Masonic obligation to “ever conceal and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry” demanded his immediate death. LINK

What is So Bad About Being a Mason?

Do you know what the Ten Commandments are? Of course you do. Did you know that the Masonic obligations break TWO of those commandments at least? The Lord God commands that we shall not kill (Exodus 20:13). Yet in their oaths, Masons swear that they would have their tongues torn out and cut from ear to ear if they ever revealed the secrets of just the 1st degree.

That is murder for them and suicide for the oath taker—both of which are breaking the 6th commandment. PLUS, they are asking God in heaven to come down and witness a solemn oath where they are consenting to break one of His commandments. If that isn't taking the name of the Lord in vain, what is the meaning of the word!? (Ex: 20:7)

How is Jesus glorified by this gruesome nonsense? Where is the gentle Savior in the concept of having one's tongue ripped out by its roots? The Second degree involves a solemn oath to have "your breast torn open and your heart plucked out..." third degree: to have "your body severed in two and your bowels taken thence..." and seventh degree: to have your "skull smote off and ...brains exposed to the meridian sun..."

Masons talk about friendship, morality and brotherly love and then swear that sort of grisly oath! Where is Christ in that? Masonic leaders will say that these oaths are only "symbolic" and that no one really takes them seriously. Actually, that is not true. As recently as the mid-'80s, a man in London was murdered according to Masonic ritual for betraying the Craft. However, even if the oaths were 'just fun and games', then they are calling down the Almighty God of the universe to witness an oath which they don't take seriously and which Jesus forbade them to take!

This is foolishness! It invites demonic habitation and must be repented of by every Mason who claims to be a true Christian!

edit on 9-5-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

"masons take a solemn oath to kill all who violate, la la la"

That one made me laugh out loud.

You actually believe this rubbish?
edit on 9-5-2012 by W3RLIED2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by artistpoet


Or maybe rover just had to take a piss.

Or he could be barking up the wrong tree

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
"masons take a solemn oath to kill all who violate, la la la"

That one made me laugh out loud.

You actually believe this rubbish?

Rubbish? What happened to "an ancient brotherhood dedicated to light, life, and truth..."

"In 1826 and the year following there was a general consensus among Masons that Morgan was indeed killed as penalty for his crimes against the Brotherhood..."

God ALSO laughs...

edit on 9-5-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

And you speak with the voice of God, do you?

If masons swore oathes to assassinate masons who left the fraternity, there would be a record number of murders.... People leave the fraternity all the time. It's almost worrying that you believe this crap.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I read it clearly the first time around. You do know that your source is bunk, right?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

By that definition then you can include any kind of group like military organizations or organized religion, but the problem is there is no "formal religious veneration or worship" in Lodge; Freemasonry is not a religion. Rituals doesn't equate religion as ritual is just a form of communication and everyone has some kind of ritual or rite that they do. Freemasonry is not a "system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator."

The last one though, that could apply to any group, plus the values of our fraternity are not sinister or malicious so if believing in good values is "cultish" then # I guess I belong to a cult.

In the end though, a cult does not necessarily mean bad or wrong.

reply to post by BiggerPicture

Except this club was not a part of the Masonic rituals or organization. All the facts point that it was an accident and those guilty of this blunder were punished. There is nothing in Freemasonry that involves sacrifice so your comment of "they're experts/pros at" is hot air.

reptilian masonic 12 days of destruction leadin up to may 20

What are you talking about?

reply to post by Afterthought

By your definition they mostly deal with religion, but as I said above, everyone has ritual. In Masonry, what ways do Lodges have for ensuring anything? All they do is ask for your to keep your word? They don't control our daily lives (micromanaging) or have any ability to enforce what they ask. I could right now proclaim everything I swore not to, but I won't because I still believe in keeping my word (integrity) and honor in tact.

reply to post by Afterthought

Would you say anti-Masons act in a cult-like behavior?

reply to post by Murgatroid

Actually we take no oath to kill or assassinate. That is a lie. If anyone violates their oath they are only expelled, nothing more. Taking an oath is not blasphemous. Brothers are capable of demitting or leaving the organization if they so wish. My year as Worshipful Master I signed a couple demit slips and they are sitll breathing. When we take an oath we are not coerced in any way, that is another lie.

As for the Morgan Affair, no one knows for sure who killed him, but regardless the anti-Masons ran a smear campaign and Freemasonry suffered greatly from the misconceived public opinion. Many anti-Masons say
that he was killed for writing a book on Masonic ritual, but fact remains there were plenty of books on rituals already out so there was no precedence to stop him. The Grand Lodge of NY condemned the actions of his disappearance as no one knows if he did indeed die as there was no body ever found.

Freemasonry does not seek world dominion over governments nor to usurp authority. Nor do they seek to destroy any religion or religious institution. That is a bunch of fear-mongering. Those, like the RCC and fundamental churches, hate private organizations as they do not allow these external entities to control and manipulate their information. The Church feared Freemasonry as it espoused free thought, tolerance, and didn't fall under their rule. They feared this loss of control and thus the smear campaigns and complete fabrication of information (propaganda). Their lies are still perpetuated and continued today. Secrecy is nothing more than privacy and for my part, I am an American, so I have the right to privacy and to assemble with who I wish.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

"Masons take a solemn oath to kill all who violate any part of Masonic oaths... I have met many Masons through the years whom have testified of tragic and horrible deaths in their immediate family!"

"Taking an oath (which is of course blasphemous) to assassinate any fellow-freemason who tries to leave that organization" is by no stretch kind, loving, compassionate, or even the fruit of a rational mind. Being coerced to take such an oath is not only demonic, but outright defiant of Christ's command. According to Masonic oaths, Masons are to be killed if they reveal Masonic secrets"

If you are going to use external sources than you really should be providing a link to them.

Particularly when they mention the killing of relatives of Masons. This of course does not support the first part of the quote which says Masons kill 'all who violate any part of Masonic oaths', which as non-Masons, they would not be privy to.

Now excuse me while I get my Masonic ninja-suit on and head down to Dunn, North Carolina to deal with some serious issues we are expreriencing there.

edit on 9-5-2012 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

To continue with that first link in the Morgan Affair paragraph. Each Grand Lodge, once chartered, is sovereign and independent.

Now in Paris, there is no concrete evidence to support that the Templars founded the Masonic Lodges. It's a romantic idea, one I wouldn't mind to find some truth to as it would be a fascinating study to be able to connect the dots across the centuries. If you knew anything about early French Masonry, you'd understand that there was not any mention of Templar or chivalric connections to Freemasonry until after Ramsay's Oration where, IMO, he attempted to further sell Freemasonry to the French Aristocracy by saying they stemmed from knights. He never mentioned the Templars though, he said they came from the Knights of St. John. Stephen Dafoe also wrote a great book on the Templar continuation myths and their ties to Freemasonry, debunking most of them with historical fact. He does point out however that some, not all, of the perpetuation myths came from a few Masons who were trying to build up the pedigree of their newly formed Masonic group.

You should also do some research on Scottish Rite Freemasonry and its development in France, and its development in America because your site is wrong on a few "facts". Plus the uniting of the two Grand Lodges in England had nothing to do with the Stuart House or rosicrucians. Nor did the uniting of the English Grand Lodges have any effect on the rituals of the American Grand Lodges. In fact, the biggest effect on American Masonic ritual came with Preston and Webb.

As for the Masonic partiality, there is none given to soldiers from other soldiers. In fact, in Masonry I outrank most of my military leaders, but I have been given nothing that I didn't earn (punishment or reward). I actually faced anti-Masonic sentiment from some of my immediate supervisors. Nepotism will exist among any relationship; I've got out of a few speeding tickets because of my family name -- coming from a long line of law enforcement officers.

I'm sure though that these acts of partiality or of nepotism can be well documented by the anti-Masons. I have yet to see any anti-Mason prove it though so I'll be excited to see if you can.

Like religion, we cannot talk about politics nor is anyone guaranteed votes by all Masons. Masonry brings in men from all walks of life to include different political beliefs. To force a vote one way or the other would be an egregious violation and plus Freemasonry doesn't interfere with anything outside the Lodge so that point is mute. Nothing in our actual oaths say support this site's claim. Nor can "Masonic superiors" force their views on someone to make a politician vote a certain way. Again, that would be a violation and they would be expelled for such things.

The rest of your site is so messed up with historical inaccuracy, its just sad.

As for your link on why its so bad to be a Mason, know we do not take an oath to kill so we're not breaking that commandment. Nor do we take the Lord's name in vain. In fact if you read the Charges you'd see we're told never to take His name in vain, but to give him due homage and respect that is given from creature to Creator.

In your quote, it mentions a man in the mid-80s was murdered, but that man was tied to P2 which operated on its own and without a charter for their corruption. Hell, the Grand Orient of Italy that revoked P2's charter wasn't recognized for some years after that, I believe sometime in the 90s. This man was not a Mason nor was his death Masonic in any way.

Originally posted by Murgatroid
Rubbish? What happened to "an ancient brotherhood dedicated to light, life, and truth..."

Truth is a divine attribute and the first lesson in Freemasonry. Nothing we've said contradicts that.

Originally posted by Murgatroid
God ALSO laughs...

I'm sure at the fundamentalists who think they can speak for God.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Until you can learn to look for more unbiased sources, you will continue to be misled by Satan.
May God have mercy on your soul.

(see how I didn't claim I know what God's plans are, it's an acquired trend. Something I wish more "Christians" would do.)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Second Video regarding Satanic Masons and Mormons is very misleading and inaccurate in it's assumptions and interpretations regarding Mythology and Symbols and should be disregarded as the sensationalist BS it is.

How do you know? Are you a Mason? My impression is there's a good v evil split within the order where at least a faction of that group is into that sort of thing. Like all those symbols on the US 1$ bill. EG: MDCCLXXVI written around 3 pyramids and summed across the bottom = 666, plus all the 5 and 6 pointed stars, etc etc.

And similarly were Roosevelt (dollar design approver), and George Washington GOOD or EVIL masons? IDK. Who does? But I do find videos like that quite interesting - for entertainment if nothing else. And if people can call me crazy, dumb, or ____ without a 2nd thought other than not liking whatever I said... then them and their club seems fair game. For example, the anti-N-word reactionaries are re-inspiring racism and the use of the N-word via their over-reactions. The V-Speech hit on that concept quite well.

All that said... I also feel like adding that we have way too many innocent people in jail because jurors often vote their 'belief' rather than holding on to reason which SHOULD include doubt. Like you expressed regarding that video. GOOD! me too!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by reitze

Originally posted by artistpoet
Second Video regarding Satanic Masons and Mormons is very misleading and inaccurate in it's assumptions and interpretations regarding Mythology and Symbols and should be disregarded as the sensationalist BS it is.

How do you know? Are you a Mason? My impression is there's a good v evil split within the order where at least a faction of that group is into that sort of thing. Like all those symbols on the US 1$ bill. EG: MDCCLXXVI written around 3 pyramids and summed across the bottom = 666, plus all the 5 and 6 pointed stars, etc etc.

And similarly were Roosevelt (dollar design approver), and George Washington GOOD or EVIL masons? IDK. Who does? But I do find videos like that quite interesting - for entertainment if nothing else. And if people can call me crazy, dumb, or ____ without a 2nd thought other than not liking whatever I said... then them and their club seems fair game. For example, the anti-N-word reactionaries are re-inspiring racism and the use of the N-word via their over-reactions. The V-Speech hit on that concept quite well.

All that said... I also feel like adding that we have way too many innocent people in jail because jurors often vote their 'belief' rather than holding on to reason which SHOULD include doubt. Like you expressed regarding that video. GOOD! me too!

Because I have studied Mythology and symbolism - the second video you posted is inaccurate and the symbols have been misread to come to an assumption so the accusations are not substantiated
edit on 9-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Because I have studied Mythology and symbolism - the second video you posted is inaccurate and the symbols have been misread to come to an assumption so the accusations are not substantiated.

Thanks for clarifying... I'm not surprised some of it was wrong. Watching that stuff it seems like quite a stretch to find all those symbols in things, let alone assume it all has such 'satanic' meaning.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by reitze

Originally posted by artistpoet
Because I have studied Mythology and symbolism - the second video you posted is inaccurate and the symbols have been misread to come to an assumption so the accusations are not substantiated.

Thanks for clarifying... I'm not surprised some of it was wrong. Watching that stuff it seems like quite a stretch to find all those symbols in things, let alone assume it all has such 'satanic' meaning.

The symbols were certainly right but it was the reading of them that was corrupt as is Satanism in my opinion
Satanism is a religion based on corruption is what I think
The same symbols can mean something quite different
But you have to trace them back to their most original source to read their true intention which preceded any religion they are now ascribed to

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by reitze

Originally posted by artistpoet
Because I have studied Mythology and symbolism - the second video you posted is inaccurate and the symbols have been misread to come to an assumption so the accusations are not substantiated.

Thanks for clarifying... I'm not surprised some of it was wrong. Watching that stuff it seems like quite a stretch to find all those symbols in things, let alone assume it all has such 'satanic' meaning.

The symbols were certainly right but it was the reading of them that was corrupt as is Satanism in my opinion
Satanism is a religion based on corruption is what I think
The same symbols can mean something quite different
But you have to trace them back to their most original source to read their true intention which preceded any religion they are now ascribed to

Yea, that seems another good point... like the Nazi swasticka or Jewish-star or pagan star --- on face value seem to be just cool images... but for certain groups represent either good or evil... depends on who is interpreting.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by reitze

Yeah the Swastika has been found on artifacts dating back to Ancient Troy
The Star of David also is ancient
But yes these symbols are used in a corrupted way - I am sure Hitler thought the Swastika was really cool but now that symbol has been corrupted in the Human Psyche to have negative meaning.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:59 PM
Wow. You folks are cold. Poking fun about my dog after I've left.
I used the term 'ritualistic' because our walks happen at the same time every day. Kind of like your frat meetings happen at the same time every week.
I've changed my mind and I've decided I have nothing to prove to any of you. I believe that Masonry is a cult simply based on number 5 of the first source I listed earlier in reference to cult definitions.
I can't believe that a bunch of "enlightened" little boys have a go about my dog once I'm logged off. For your information (not that any of you ingrates would care), I learned on Monday that my smart and faithful friend's immune system is beginning to fail him. So much for all of you knowing what true friendship and love is all about. Have fun in your lodges playing with your blindfolds and swords with one pant leg cinched up. You people truly are hoodwinked and cut your noses off despite your faces.
When you use your charity to help young burn victims and cancer sufferers, do you mock them and/or their pets when you're in the safety of your lodge? I wouldn't doubt if you folks make fun of whatever stuffed animal they need to cuddle to ease their fear and pain.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

Oh grow some skin. They didn't say anything mean, just mocked you via your dog. What? You can dish out something, but can't take it?

You can believe whatever you want, but that doesn't mean it is true. I shot your definition and maybe only one stands to reason, but then again you could apply those to any organization.

I'm sorry about your friend's health, but how does your friend's health issues negate what we know about true friendship? You don't know about our lives. You don't know how we interact with our friends and how close we are. That's just a petty attack.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:32 AM
"What? You can dish out something, but can't take it?"

That's good ole masonic tit for tat! Jesus says turn the other cheek lucifer says let thy vengeance be tenfold upon your enemies.

I think the purpose of the near death experience is to create a deep seated bond with that person. Any time they feel like going against the lodge they probably think back to their "near death experiences"

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:34 AM
"They didn't say anything mean, just mocked you"

just had to reaffirm...more masonic doublespeak

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