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Man Killed During Initiation at Masonic Lodge

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posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:34 AM
Symbolism only goes so far, anyway. There are realities to deal with, not just abstractions of the intellect.

Although, the mystery of Christ is just that: a mystery.

There are deeper mysteries.... none of which Masonry or the OTO are concerned with.

How could they be? It's all about self-glorification and self-achievement, and the charity which they speak of is not charity for the benefit of mankind, but charity for the benefit of posterity.... because of a false sense of superiority, a false sense of attainment and ability.

Perhaps the meek are perfectly fine. Perhaps a Mason should be worried not about curing things of which they have no business bothering with, but of humbling themselves down to the level of the meek. So there need not be a need to "fix" anything. Because what is broken is our insistence that we know better.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:44 AM
It's quite simple... Masonry, at its heart, is controlled by ONE entity. All of the Western World, and most of the rest of the world, in fact.... only small pockets of groups and individuals remain who have been delivered from him.... even the Catholic Church is enslaved by it.

Does this posted below sound familiar? Look to the "good" dollar bill. This entity may intellectually be wrapped in secrecy, but look at what a glory hog he is. In EVERYONE's pockets!!!

From Wikipedia about the dajjal, or false messiah:

"His right eye will be punctured, and his left eye would be raised to his forehead and will be sparkling like a star. Only the believers will be able to read the word ‘Kufr’ [disbelief], inscribed in bold letters, on his forehead. There will be big mountains of smoke at both front and backsides of his caravan. People will anticipate food within those mountains, during the severe famine. All rivers, falling in his way, will become dry and he will call upon people in aloud voice, "O my friends come to me! I am your lord who has made your limbs and given you sustenance"

Another excerpt from wiki about the dajjal:

"Narrated Ibn Umar: Once Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved. Then, mentioning Dajjal, he said, "I warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed."[5]"

Was a man killed by Masonry? Many many men were killed by Masonry. Men, women, children, animals, and soon the Earth itself.... one giant burnt offering, giving the vampire god, the lifeless one, its sustenance.

edit on 20-1-2013 by PnezakYahakotima because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

you seem very passionate about this topic.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:12 AM
The Lord of Illusions.... to keep the dead buried and turning ceaselessly in their burning graves.

Oh no... another shooting, another war, another outbreak, another economic collapse, another useless leader heading another useless government, another environmental disaster, another reason why you should hide yourself and your children from everyone who does not live in a mid-sized so and so and drive a mid-sized so and so and work hard at a blue or white collar such and such for an honest day's wage of this or that!

All men, women, and children since the "DAWN"(!?) of civilization.... they have all died to feed the hunger of the dying god....

"I've been drawn into your magnet tar and trapped"

The dying vampire god, the crippled fisher king, the geometric ideal of the philosophers, the god of Israel...

Perhaps if Samael could see, if but for a moment, his insanity....

Perhaps he would stop sacrificing children, and perhaps the Masonic Tradidtion both here on Earth and in the Etheric after-death realms, could cease its constant judgment of souls as if it were their fault they were inept.

No, we are not inept. NO, we need no chosen few to rule and decide our fate.

Especially not an elite ruled by a suicidal insane god.

Masonry is the gateway to insanity, and insanity is the source of all magical power.

Magic is expressly forbidden by Christ. All who use it, whilst forgiven ultimately, will not feel welcome in the kingdom of God, The Holy Father, and The Holy Mother.

Think about this for a second.... you been watching these "social apocalypse" documentaries on Netflix, anyone?

Isn't it a little bizarre how badly the scientific elite deride humanity and wish to rip apart both our bodies and our genetics to rebuyild us.... making "good men better?"

Everything is connected to everything, so says Wilfred.

I believe that little dog called our conscience is right, and has been right since early childhood!

Something is wrong with the adults. They are ignorant of us children. They hate us and all they to is tell us to shut up and punish us.

They don't want us to remember where we come from, where we are going, or what other beings are trying to tell us something.

Somebody told me something disturbing recently, a high ranking Mason, and the guy who originally got me into joining the OTO....

"Masonry is like a virus. Get infected!"

A virus? What does a virus do? It has no real life of its own. It doesn't really co-exist very well with other organisms. It just multiplies and multiplies and multiplies until that organism is all sucked dry and then the organism as a whole dies.

But first.... it has to trick the cells into letting through the cell barriers, now doesn't it? And it also has to trick the cell into becoming its champion, in order to get the cell to become a factory for its incessant reproduction.

Look at Corporations, celebrity worship, government, educational systems, language, all of our so-called civilized thoughts, perceptions, and achievements....

all viruses...

We would reject them, if we had a chance to build up an immunity...

If we were even given one second of a chance, one moment to stop and meditate on it all.... to really stop and think....

Than this would not be known as a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy fact! The GREATEST and perhaps ONLY conspiracy to matter.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

why don't you start a new thread about this topic?

I am interested to read what you are writing, you seem passionate about it. Quite angry about things:

even this would be a good title:

"we need no chosen few to rule and decide our fate"
edit on 20/1/2013 by Thurisaz because: add

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Well seeing as the only way to truly speak of something accurately is to have direct experience with it... I guess I may differ from most "anti-masons"...

Plus I have a very good Source of Inspiration....

I return from both a Masonic/esoteric journey through Hell, and from another forum where Masons and psychopathic wizards have taken over.

They would rather talk about women's breasts and the circular arguments about Obama...

Yes, we know it's all a lie. Tell us something new. Point us in a true direction, and stop playing impossible circular mind games.

The worst thing is doubting who you are, or even if you are at all. That is true Hell, and that is how the virus gets in.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Oh I'm "new" here. So I need a certain amount of new posts in order to start a thread of my own.

Can I repost these in a new thread when I'm able? I forget. It's been a while.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:26 AM
I also don't agree with pushing Christ on people, as some "anti-masons" would like to do.

That is also very misleading and condescending.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:30 AM
Yeah, Christ is a real principle of existence, the cornerstone of true universal evolution.... which by the way didn't favor the dinosaurs, just so we can make a distinction between evolution and monster-making....

But no.... nobody needs to "be saved". If anyone rushes you to do something or to change, they are violent oppressors.

Masonry... it rushes you in.... from the moment you first come in, there's this big hurry to get you rushed through initiation into active membership.....

What does that sound like? Remember high school? I do. It was horrible, and I came out the other side more confused than when I came in.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

yes of course you can. If you are keen on starting a new thread on this based on your experience, copy and paste your posts into a word doc and refine it, then post it up when your ready. I speak from my own experience here insomuch that sometimes I am in a hurry and post a thread when it really could have been much better if I had have taken some time to refine it.

Masonry is a interesting and popular topic and so a lot of people will be interested in it. I have not read anything like you have shared so that is a good thing. You can offer up a different perspective.

u2u me when you have created your thread... I am interested in your perspective

oh and welcome to ATS.

edit on 20/1/2013 by Thurisaz because: typo

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:36 AM
Thank you.

I'll do that now before this thread becomes conveniently "lost in the archives of forgotten topics"

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

I have not been in the OTO, so it would be incredibly foolish of me to speak as if I knew anything about it. But I am a mason. And you can have a wonderful relationship with Christ, and still be a Freemason.

If you go out looking for demons and devils, you are likely to find them. If you ignore their existence, they have no power. Masons are not being misled. Unless they took advice about masonry from someone who has never been a mason.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by PnezakYahakotima
Masonry... it rushes you in.... from the moment you first come in, there's this big hurry to get you rushed through initiation into active membership.....

Do tell. I'd like to hear all about your extensive Regular Masonic experience. Clearly there's much I don't know


posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
I wonder if what happened was the same thing that happened to Brandon Lee.... A blank, which is a charge, but no bullet, dislodged a bullet that was stuck in the barrel.

Oh nevermind.....

Eid had two guns — one with blanks and one with real bullets — and apparently pulled the wrong one out of his pocket and fired, shooting James in the face, the lieutenant said

Sheer stupidity..... Why have two guns like that.....
edit on Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:13:06 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

Doesn't matter if it had blanks...blanks fired at point blank range, especially to the head stand a good chance of killing someone anyway.

A blank has the same charge as a normal round, the same casing, and uses the same chamber as a normal round.

When a normal round is fired, tiny shards and shavings left in the barrel from previous shots, or fragments of the blank rounds casing itself, can be propelled out at normal bullet tip velocities, and can kill you stone dead.

I always thought the Masonic 'near death / dying and rebirth cerermony was carried out with a sword placed close to the heart, not a gun?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by MysterX
I always thought the Masonic 'near death / dying and rebirth cerermony was carried out with a sword placed close to the heart, not a gun?

This was not a 'Masonic ceremony' and was a side-club that met in the lodge and had their own seperate initiation (hazing).

For what it is worth we do not use a sword either and in some juridictions I have seen the ritual done without any type of physical interaction with the candidates.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

First off, you're an anti-Mason, but that is irrelevant as your information is wrong.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by knightsofcydonia

do u have a source for that?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 02:17 AM
You guys have pretty much just given up defending your craft, haven't you?

I mean now it's basically just like "Nuh uh."

If you study your information in depth, you'll find that I come disturbingly close to something, don't I?

Hey it's okay. Admitting you're wrong is a good character builder.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

Well, all the information posted on this thread you posted on another which to that information I responded. I'm not duplicating and spamming this forum with the same massive information again and again.

I will always defend the Truth and stand by what is right.

If you study your information in depth, you'll find that I come disturbingly close to something, don't I?

No, actually you don't, but your convinced of your own superiority and our inferiority.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by PnezakYahakotima

Hey it's okay. Admitting you're wrong is a good character builder.

Let me know how that works out for ya.

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