reply to post by GLontra
My first completely formed memory is of my mother telling me to watch the baby while she went to the bathroom. The baby was lying on the couch on some
blankets and waving around. I stood looking at her and thought, "She's so ugly." And this baby was born about 15 months after me. So, around 15 months
of age was when I first became conscious that I was conscious. Obviously, if I knew the words to form that thought, I'd already been conscious... I
just don't remember it.
I have many memories between that one and when I start remembering daily events. I have many short memories from around age 2 where my older brother
and I are playing games we made up, climbing on a crib that we pretended was a mountain, talking to each other in the dark because we shared a room,
watching tv shows, talking spanish that we learned from tv, playing outside, racing our dog, playing with pigs and cows and chickens, planting and
maintaining gardens, gathering eggs, eating ice cream, going to church, painting a room, following blue dragonflies, seeing pigs and cows being lifted
with a crane from their pens to get slaughtered. Another sister being born several months before my 3rd birthday. Then, taking pictures at a
department store, and my mom helping me to fix my fancy "picture" dress and seeing a man standing and watching me through the plate glass window and I
told my mom that he was a pervert. (I have no clue where I got that word and understanding from, but I clearly knew what it meant at age 3, because I
remember thinking he was going to try to kidnap me because he probably liked to kiss little girls.
Memories from about age 3 onward are much clearer - I remember making meals and telling babysitters where certain things in the house were or how to
do things a certain way. I remember playing with my grandpa and him giving me candy. I remember going to a timeshare in Lake Tahoe with my family and
thinking it was awesome that the place had a fridge and stove, then floating outside in a yellow inflatable boat and also sitting near the water
watching a bright blue crab walk by. I remember going on trips in a big peach-colored van with several cousins and various aunts and uncles and
siblings. I remember going to Disneyland and loving it. I remember visiting my great-grandmothers and great-grandfather as well as various relatives,
most of whom I remember asking me, "Do you remember me?" to which I replied, "Yes, you're [name]." (So, I obviously remembered seeing them from when I
was a baby, but I no longer have the initial memory, just the memory of remembering.). I remember my grandfather dying. I remember my grandfather's
wake and funeral.
Around age four is when I started to have more thoughtful memories. I remember the day I realized that other people's minds did not have the same
thoughts as mine. I remember my grandmother riding to our house on a motor scooter and talking to her about my soon-to-be-born newest sister's name,
and her teasing me saying the baby should be named "Peaches". I remember gardening, and picking roses, and watering my grape vines. I remember my
sister being born, going on vacation to Mexico, where I learned how to swim and ran through the Gulf when the tide was out but got my sandals caught
in the mud and started feeling little crabs pinching my feet so ran away and left my sandals behind. I remember starting kindergarten and I even
remember that there were 13 people in my class and I remember their names and the names of my teachers.
Age five is very clear. I remember watching political events on television, outgoing president and incoming president and a war going on. I remember
hearing helicopters going overhead and thinking that since I lived in a desert and the war on tv was in a desert, that the war was going to be near my
house. I also remember being outside and hearing a bullet whiz past my head, then instinctively dropping to the ground and army crawling to the side
of the house where I would be safe. (Yes, some a-hole neighbor was shooting at a five year old girl.)
Now that I am writing about memories, I am remembering more memories which I usually only remember every once in awhile.
Anyway, now that I've gotten thoroughly carried away...
Interesting thread!
edit on 4/19/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)