posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Very interesting timing with this thread, I was just speaking to my parents about this recently. I am a 34-year-old female with an eidetic memory.
This simply means that beyond having a photographic memory, I can also recall sensory information linked to specific memories and moments of recall.
This seems to also carry over into my dream state, as I have been a lucid dreamer since childhood, without trying. On average, I have 3-5 lucid
dreams per week, that I can recall in full detail, including touch, taste, and smell. My 5-year-old son also has an eidetic memory. That being said,
I have wondered if that is why I am capable of earlier-than-normal recall.
For years, I would tell my mother that I remembered being little and rushing down into a basement area that had washers and dryers, long counters, and
short red curtains. It was very dark in there, but it was daytime. Looked like there was a bad storm outside. It was such a vivid memory, but the
place did not look familiar to me, except for that memory. Years later, I finally found out that that place was the basement/laundromat area of an
apartment complex my parents lived in--when I was an infant. My mom, for years. believed I must have heard the stoary about a tornado that came over
the building. I hadn't, and to prove I actually remembered it, I included information about the curtains and counters, exactly how they were laid
out. It was only then that I learned that I was, at most, 8 months old at the time. Since then, I have surprised both of my parents with memories I
have from childhood, including playing in a snowstorm in a blue and white furry coat with my dad, while an old neighborhood woman watched us play. I
was about 1 1/2 years old.
I maybe only have a few other memories from before 2 or 3, but mainly, I only have memories from age 4 and on.
Great topic!