posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:38 PM
I remember a word that I used as a kid. Tawosha. For some reason I associated that word with "love-making".
I also remember believing there was a portal behind the cloths-dryer, due to me dropping a toy behind it while my mom was folding clothes. She said
"It's gone baby.." So I just assumed there was a hole to nowhere back there.
I have a fear of rocking-horses/carousel horses because I had one as a kid which I hated. I repeatedly told my parents "It's smiling at me!!!" It
had that classic, full speed grimace exposing it's teeth and tongue. Mom and dad told me that they heard me screaming one night and had found that I
had fallen out of my bed, catching the horse around the neck on the way down. I was hanging by the horse's neck, screaming my head off. It was at
that point that they decided to put it outside on top of the pigeon pin. All was well until they left my curtain open, a lightning storm with winds
came, and there was that sinister steed, rocking back and forth up on the pigeon pin, smiling at me in the lightning. I was probably about 2-3 years
The earliest most vivid memory I have is when I was three. Dad took me and a twelve year old neighborhood boy hunting for pigeons down at an
abandoned cotton gin. I don't remember much of that, but what I do remember is Kevin "the boy" and my Dad talking. Kevin was holding the 12 guage
shotgun, between himself and my Dad. He had his thumb down the barrel. I was mulling about, when I looked over and saw the gun. I nonchalantly
walked over to the two of them, put my tiny finger on the trigger and thumb went everywhere. If you're still out there Kevin, I'm sorry. You're
the reason I still don't own a gun 31 years later. Glad it was a different world then, a time when my Dad wouldn't have been charged with child
endangerment, CPS swooping in and adding insult to injury in the name of misguided public safety.
Good thread.