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Stop the christian hate

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posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Iason321

I think you are praying for your sake, not mine or anyone else's. Seriously, it's this kind of attitude that makes others not like to be around you. But that's ok to you, I know, because it means you are doing the Lord's work and you will receive many crowns in heaven for it. Jesus says be blessed when they hate you for his sake. So I guess it's all ok with you. It doesn't matter what we think. It's all about you.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Ellie Sagan

You don't understand whats happening,

it's not you whos making you absolutely sick at my prayers and the mention of God,

think about it.....

Remember, there's more happening around you than you can see

EDIT: Before I was saved, I was a very rotten person, I have slapped bibles out of peoples hands and threatened Christians lives for praying for me, because I was a naive child, now my eyes are opened and I must return the favor to my LORD for saving me.
edit on 4/13/2012 by Iason321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Iason321

I've said this in this thread more than once I think, I used to be Christian. I understand what's driving you. I used to do the same for people. You are showing me quite clearly how much I alienated people. It does more harm than good. You think you are doing good and you think you are doing what god wants you to, but consider this:

Matthew 6:6
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

You have received your just reward. You prayed for others to hear (read) and now you shall not receive the reward from your father that you so desired. You should not be making a show of your righteousness as you are. Along the same lines:

Matthew 6:16
16 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Now this is about fasting obviously, but it seems that it would stand to reason that it is the same with prayer and other displays of righteousness in the sight of others.

edit: By the way , I'd like to thank you for sharing a bit about how you used to be. That can take guts, I know. I have a bad past in quite a few ways, and it can be humbling and embarrassing at times.
edit on 13-4-2012 by Ellie Sagan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:50 PM
Blind faith can be dangerous, but my opion is that if someone finds comfort & peace in whatever religion - so let them be happy with that!

Regardless of what that/their religion may be? No?

(Btw! I belong to the Christian Church - but I am not a fanatic about the whole crap anyway - but I try to respect the whole thing as much as I can)

Am I going to hell for this?

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Most certainly not,

Your eternal fate is sealed,

However if you're lukewarm, you may sow and reap bad seeds here on earth, and make your life difficult,

Try and seek God and warm back up to him, your QOL will improve,

If not, continue in your ways, and your likely to experience some turmoil in your life (created by sin, and the law of karma and sowing and reaping)

God bless you, hold onto any grain of faith you got! Sometimes God seems far away, but he's really not...

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Ellie Sagan

What I'm doing is different from what Jesus forbade there,

I am not praying on a street for attention and recognition of men,
I could care less what men think of me, if they think negatively of me, than so be it,

I am praying for your well being and peace of mind knowing I did the right thing, and praying out of love,


posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Iason321

It is true that I don't really know what's in your heart, so I apologize for assuming. But, do you not think that the internet could be considered equivalent to a street these days? Many people will see what you've done, and you do know it. There are some things that I've done for others that I really wanted to share with others, but I didn't because I wanted the act to be pure, for no other reason than I wanted to help someone. This includes when I was a Christian and when I was not.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Ellie Sagan

You never stopped being a Christian, Christ never stopped living in you, and He still breathes in you, and you're still heaven bound, and I'm glad you came around and saw that I was not trying to make you mad or bully you or anything negative,

I am not praying for you to become a bible thumping holy roller over night either, all I'm praying for is that you give God a chance, try to read some of his Word or pray to Him, he still loves you, he'll still forgive you, the connection you once had, is still there, you just need to activate it....


posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by DissentFromDayOne

Originally posted by doomedtoday
These religious debates seem to get awfully heated. Am I to believe that this is because that is how God wants things to be? I'll just ask one question that I would like a real answer to, and please do not provide an answer to my question in the form of another question. IF Christianity, or for that matter I suppose the question could be asked about any religion, is the true religion and the ultimate answer to life, then why is it that we are not born knowing such things? How come the only way for a child to know anything about anything really, this doesn't have to solely pertain to religion if you want to counter my question, is to have it be forced down their throat by others? IF a religion was indeed the true way why wouldn't such a great god create us already knowing how we should act, that way we could at the very least know how we should live without being told. This wouldn't take away free will, it would simply allow for us to posses the knowledge of right and wrong so that we could make decisions for ourselves without others being able to easily misguide us. However, if such a god did not exist he would not be able to create us in such a way...

True Christianity is not a religion. True Christianity is a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The King James 1611 bible is the word of God. It is all you need.

You wrote: "...why is it that we are not born knowing such things?" The bible says we DO know just by seeing what God has made on this earth and we have no excuse:

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Not believing in God is a sin. Repent (turn from sin and turn to God) and believe on Jesus Christ for salvation.

See link below for how to get saved....I hope and pray that you do.

You bring me no proof. You tell me that a book is the ultimate answer but that book was indeed written by the hands of men. Harry Potter was a book, as was The Lord of The Rings series, yet you do not consider them to be the ultimate answer, why? This "God" has never been seen, sure it might have been written that a few guys in the story witnessed him/her/it in some manner, but that is the only proof that we have of its existence. Please do not misunderstand me, I mean you no harm or ill will, I do not write this with any intent of offending you. I am only asking for evidence of something that has yet to be proven to me. The concept of evolution has been proven to me, I can believe that. I am not going to lie to you, IF an evil lord that would punish the misguided people who are otherwise good people, a lord that would persecute people for being homosexual, or any deity that would be so strict and unforgiving as the one in the old testament exists, he/she/it is in my opinion of no more importance to me than any criminal scumbag human walking the Earth today. I would love for some kind of higher power to actually exist, and for the good people to be rewarded after their time here is up. However, I refuse to believe that the only way to be a good person is to believe what you are told, I think it is acceptable to question, and I believe that any just God(s) would not punish a good human for living life in their own way and asking whatever questions may come to mind just as long as they are a good person and do not treat others poorly. I do not believe you should have to fear your god, and if you should, that god is nothing more than a coward. You see I have asked many times for the God(s) to answer me, to show me the way, and I've yet to hear back. I do not fear death or going to your hell because I have no reason to. I have done nothing wrong, IF some kind of hell exists I have done nothing to be punished for so I do not fear it. I also do not fear it, or fear the wrath of your God because I have no reason to believe he/she/it really exists, and there is no reason to fear that which is not real and thus cannot harm you in any way. Please, feel more than free to prove the existence of your deity to me, just do not insult my intelligence by attempting to convince me that being told that you better believe something because that is what you are told qualifies as proof, because I have made no efforts to insult your intelligence. I have only stated my opinion and if in doing so I have offended you in some way I do apologize because doing so was not my intent.
edit on 13-4-2012 by doomedtoday because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by windword

Hardened hearts can be softened through fervent prayer and ceaseless love,

No, I will not quit, and now I will pray for you windword,


Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to stock up on sage for smudging the house.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by starheart

Originally posted by Ericthenewbie

Originally posted by Starchild23

Originally posted by Ellie Sagan
reply to post by starheart

What makes you, and others like you, think that no one can have any real hope in anything else other than your Jesus? To me that's like saying you have no say in the outcome of your life and yourself.

Who said anything about my Jesus? Are you so wrapped up in your Christian thing that you think there are multiple Jesus's?

Jesus may have been a real man, but who knows if he's a talking figurehead, or if his conversations were reworked to someone else's satisfaction.

I believe in the "Causality Sequence", a web of variables so infinitely large, that humankind is incapable of grasping the entirety of it. There are as many different futures and possibilities, outcomes and destinies, as this web of variables allows.

That's about it.

The comment she made wasn't aimed at you it was aimed at starheart and if you look at her posts she used to be a Christian but is no longer. (no sense in fighting amongst ourselves).

Excuse me, I am ATHEIST!!! I just defend religion and faith, no matter if they are Christians, Jews, Buddhist, New Age, scientific; when i see something valuable getting destroyed and brought down, i defend it.

I was only pointing out that Ellie Sagan was responding to your post and not starchild23...I never said anything negative towards you, sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to do.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by EdwynaGolden

Originally posted by Ericthenewbie

Originally posted by IronArm
Wow. This thread went downhill really quick.

I'll reliterate my previous point.

Don't be a dumb sheep Christian.

Be a Christian with some knowledge, some attentiveness, and try to pertain to the Fruits of the Spirit.

Also, some ability to use proper grammar and spelling would be appreciated, as to lessen the poor outlook on the Followers and our intellect. may want to follow your own advice's "reiterate".

OMG... How 'sheepish' to call out someone for a typo.... stupid actually...

Umm '"sheepish"..."stupid" ? Strange as I'm not the one that posts with a "typo" while at the same time telling others to "use proper grammar and spelling.." it's a bit hypocritical on their part is it not? Always remember that when you point the finger at someone, there is one finger aimed at them and three fingers aimed back at yourself.

edit on 13-4-2012 by Ericthenewbie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

Nah, the spellings right ... maybe you and others are just taking the two 'different' words, (which in my opinion are not necessarily too far apart in meaning), out of the context that I meant? I'm no genius, I just think it is silly to point out typo's... NBD

The worst part of this thread is that it is in the "Religion" forum.... Of course no one will agree

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by EdwynaGolden
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

Nah, the spellings right ... maybe you and others are just taking the two 'different' words, (which in my opinion are not necessarily too far apart in meaning), out of the context that I meant? I'm no genius, I just think it is silly to point out typo's... NBD

The worst part of this thread is that it is in the "Religion" forum.... Of course no one will agree

If the spelling was right as they intended, they wouldn't have gone back and corrected/edited it. I only pointed out the error because of the request they made to others to use "proper grammar and spelling" within the same post (which was hypocritical on their part). Calling me names because of it only puts the egg on your face.. after all I haven't pointed out any of the spelling or grammatical errors within your posts.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Ellie Sagan
reply to post by Iason321

You know, I wasn't going to respond to this but it keeps rolling around in my head. Don't pray for me please. I don't want to follow your god. I don't care how bad that sounds.
You Christians think you are doing a loving thing by praying that we change our minds and open our hearts to believe like you do, but really, is it loving? How about if I was a pagan and I thought you would be immensely better off and in touch with your spirit side or whatever that I start praying to my deities for you to turn your ways around and come to what I believe to be the truth and the better way? Would you be happy about me praying that for you? No? Well it is what I think is best for you. I love you and want you to be happy, so I will pray to a god or goddess that I relate to for your "salvation" from your sins of only believing in Jesus for salvation.

Unfortunately, I have many people in my life praying for me to return to Jesus. I don't want to, and I didn't make the decision lightly. I have thought long and hard and had a tough time figuring it out. Sort of. The toughest part was that I would be leaving a way of life that many of my loved ones would be terribly distraught over. I have so much to say here, but this will suffice for now.

Thank you Ellie!!! I SOOOOO wanted to say this very thing
Blessed Be!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Ericthenewbie

Originally posted by EdwynaGolden
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

Nah, the spellings right ... maybe you and others are just taking the two 'different' words, (which in my opinion are not necessarily too far apart in meaning), out of the context that I meant? I'm no genius, I just think it is silly to point out typo's... NBD

The worst part of this thread is that it is in the "Religion" forum.... Of course no one will agree

If the spelling was right as they intended, they wouldn't have gone back and corrected/edited it. I only pointed out the error because of the request they made to others to use "proper grammar and spelling" within the same post (which was hypocritical on their part). Calling me names because of it only puts the egg on your face.. after all I haven't pointed out any of the spelling or grammatical errors within your posts.

Yes, I did see the spelling mistake and just didn't think it was a big deal. I apologize if you think I called you names, I shouldn't have done that. I was only thinking that it was stupid to add more fuel to this "Spirited" fire by pointing out the obvious. I agree since taking the last 30 mins or so to find the thread, that the poster was being a tad bit 'cocky' by his last statement. As if they never make mistakes... but this is about people like me, supposedly hating christians.... That's why I'm here. To say that I don't hate ANYONE... I despise their close minded attitudes and unwillingness to learn someone else's Truth. I do apologize for any name calling to you. Namaste!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
I have about 400+ threads in my file where I'm the last poster still waiting for a response from someone.

Maybe you should ask yourself - - why that is.

I already know Anne.

People refuse to say "you're right, I was wrong." They usually leave and never come back to the thread.

It's common internet forum behavior, not just here.

Their "my ATS" page reads their recent active threads just like mine does.

EDIT: The be honest though, several peeps I've went to war with in the past have gotten themselves banned.

edit on 14-4-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Am I going to hell for this?

If you're not fanatic you've never met Him, or self is still in the way.

If this song ends with you either on the floor in repentance or desiring to you have the Holy Spirit inside you. If it doesn't He's not there, He's outside knocking ready to come in.

Simple test of His Presence.

edit on 14-4-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Wow, okay, who cares about spelling?

I cfn tise ljqe tnrs aml dhy awd pfwbte ctn sjxrl rgbd it.

Because the brain doesn't look at every letter but jumps from word to word.

Quit you grammar Nazis. lol

edit on 14-4-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:48 AM

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