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George Zimmerman to be charged in Trayvon Martin shooting, official says

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posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Apparently we now live in a society where the court of public opinion is more important than a court of law.

No no no.

You live in a society where money is more important. Public opinion and law matter not. It is money that creates a public opinion and it is money that decides which laws stay or go. Think about it.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by atlguy

Okay, so you're saying I can follow you until I've frightened you enough to strike out. And if I kill you, it's your fault?
Forget the media. Forget the skintones.
I can follow you, for no other reason than my own fear and paranoia and when it pisses you off, and you do something about it, it's your fault. Okay. That makes perfect sense. Riiiiiight.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Littletruthseeker
reply to post by atlguy

Okay, so you're saying I can follow you until I've frightened you enough to strike out. And if I kill you, it's your fault?
Forget the media. Forget the skintones.
I can follow you, for no other reason than my own fear and paranoia and when it pisses you off, and you do something about it, it's your fault. Okay. That makes perfect sense. Riiiiiight.

Yes thats basically what Zimniats are saying

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Littletruthseeker
Okay, so you're saying I can follow you until I've frightened you enough to strike out. And if I kill you, it's your fault?

So ridiculous that you leave out, frightened enough to strike out and (allegedly) start bashing your head into the concrete repeatedly. That's not just a sock in to the nose, it's attempted murder for all intents and purposes. Why do you think they recommend helmets for children who ride bikes? Because many have died from a simple head bump on the concrete. Following somebody, is not illegal. Neither is shouting insults at somebody, but once you make it physical, then the law is broken, and once you make it physical enough to take the person who is bothering you's life, then they have the right to use equal force. Not saying that's what happened in this case, I wasn't there, but if it was, it was Martin's fault once he took it to the level of bashing his head into the concrete. If he did not repeatedly bash his head into the concrete, and it was just a punch in the nose that caused Zimmerman to shoot him, then it would be Zimmerman's fault, and it would be murder. I refuse to believe that you guys are really having such a hard time grasping that.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Deranged74

Originally posted by Littletruthseeker
reply to post by atlguy

Okay, so you're saying I can follow you until I've frightened you enough to strike out. And if I kill you, it's your fault?
Forget the media. Forget the skintones.
I can follow you, for no other reason than my own fear and paranoia and when it pisses you off, and you do something about it, it's your fault. Okay. That makes perfect sense. Riiiiiight.

Yes thats basically what Zimniats are saying
Only because it is true.
Someone can walk up to you and get in your face and say what they want, it doesn't give you any right strike
them. If Trayvon was being followed and felt that he was being harassed, he should have called 911 and reported it. Especially if he was scared, as has been presented so many times in this and other threads. What was he, 5 houses away from the house he was going to, and told his girlfriend on the phone that he had lost Zimmerman? Why didn't he just keep on his way and go into the house if he was scared?

If anyone thinks that I am pro-cop, check my post history. Better yet, ask Xcathedra. He will tell you that we have had many heated debates over police brutality and corruption.

If anyone thinks that I am racist, think what you may. I don't think that race has any business in this case. I am mixed race, and believe that too many people of every race use it as a crutch or as a means to power and profit.
edit on 15-4-2012 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Well, I don't see anything indicating Zimmerman had his head "bashed into the concrete repeatedly." Once i see evidence of that, then I'll take it into consideration. But if Zimmerman started the altercation, it doesn't matter if he did have his head 'bashed into the concrete repeatedly'. I can't just go up to some random person walking down the street and start a physical altercation with them and then kill them because they get the upper hand on me and then claim self defense.

If Martin started it without being provoked and did actually "bash his head into the concrete repeatedly," then it was self defense. I have not seen one tiny shred of evidence to indicate that's what happened. I haven't seen anything on Zimmerman as far as injuries to indicate he was in danger of losing his life. I'm sure if the defense has pictures of life-threatening injuries on Zimmerman from the night of the incident, they'll be showing them at some point.

Until then, the only thing I can go on is Zimmerman and his gun actively pursuing Martin against advice not to because "these a-holes always get away." And he made sure this one didn't that night. State of mind has a lot to do with one's actions in any given situation. He made his state of mind quite clear when you hear him on that 911 call. He had no intention of being civil about Martin walking down that street. He had Martin pegged as guilty from the moment he laid his eyes on him.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:00 PM
This case is getting ridiculous. His family needs to get over it. They keep pushing this agenda along with others and it's getting out of control. Zimmerman should of never followed Martin, and Martin shouldn't of attacked Zimmerman. Everyone is guilty in my opinion, and a stupid action, resulted in a major accident of Martin being shot. If anything Zimmerman should be charged with manslaughter. That's just my two cents.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
Well, I don't see anything indicating Zimmerman had his head "bashed into the concrete repeatedly." Once i see evidence of that, then I'll take it into consideration. But if Zimmerman started the altercation, it doesn't matter if he did have his head 'bashed into the concrete repeatedly'. I can't just go up to some random person walking down the street and start a physical altercation with them and then kill them because they get the upper hand on me and then claim self defense.

If Martin started it without being provoked and did actually "bash his head into the concrete repeatedly," then it was self defense. I have not seen one tiny shred of evidence to indicate that's what happened. I haven't seen anything on Zimmerman as far as injuries to indicate he was in danger of losing his life. I'm sure if the defense has pictures of life-threatening injuries on Zimmerman from the night of the incident, they'll be showing them at some point.

Until then, the only thing I can go on is Zimmerman and his gun actively pursuing Martin against advice not to because "these a-holes always get away." And he made sure this one didn't that night. State of mind has a lot to do with one's actions in any given situation. He made his state of mind quite clear when you hear him on that 911 call. He had no intention of being civil about Martin walking down that street. He had Martin pegged as guilty from the moment he laid his eyes on him.

I dont know looked like a nasty gash on the back of his head to me. The gash on the back of his head looked to be about 4 inches long. So to say theres no evidence is showing a bias on our part just look at the facts.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

I thought about this a lot lately and I would not ask a man - or a woman - who lives miles away from the next house, to give away their guns.
What frightens me in the discussions is more, that people think, they need a gun to protect themselves against their countrymen, be they blacks or policemen or the government itself. And it even becomes more frightening when every case of shooting is played down, because somebody fears, they lose the right to have a gun.

I understand, that the USA has very different towns and regions, where sometimes you could be very isolated and sometimes you are in a rough neighborhood. But while I think, you should be able to protect yourselves in the widelands, I think trouble only would get worse, if everybody is running around with a gun in the towns.
We here are living very close to each other and aggressions occur. If everybody had a gun in his jacket, then we surely would have a bloodbath every now and then.

Since you have both kind of regions, maybe you also need laws, that take in account the living situation. At least there should be possibilities to change a bad style of life somehow. Nobody wants to feel the threat of being killed day by day.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Yes indeed, our system only has 15 years as the highest penalty. Germany it is. We could make more of it, since we thought this as the lowest penalty for some crimes, but since we are part of the European Union, we have to accept the decisions of the European Court and they say, you cannot keep someone in prison longer than you said. This means, we have to free all our prisoners after 15 years, because we said, 15 years is "lifelong".

That's stupid and sad. If we would say now, person X has to be kept in prison, because of this and that, the European Court would say, we don't have any right to do this, because we only sentenced him to 15 years. So we have to change our system to get it in accord with the European system.

We simply have to let free a lot of criminals according to European law.

Still I don't think anybody's life would get better if everyone would have a gun. In my real life I don't meet too many gunmen. And I am living in one of the worst parts of this town. Usually I don't meet gangsters, but simply neighbors.

edit on 15-4-2012 by Siddharta because: found one typo too much

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 06:49 PM
Mhm, just feel like I have to add, that I feel very lucky, that I was not followed by a paranoid Zimmermann these days.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 07:51 PM
Arm the passengers!

Archie Bunker on gun control and hijacking...

I could end hijacking tomorrow, all ya gotta do is arm all the passengers. Pass out the pistols before takeoff and pick them up at the end of the flight.

Translation: An armed society is a polite society.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 08:27 PM
Yahoo is now censoring and outright blocking all comments regarding their latest news on the issue. Seems to be funny that all the comments are in support of Zimmerman. Yahoo-Google sucks, time to deal with someone else.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Siddharta

Lots of good points to your post. In fact, the laws in New York City are different than the rest of the state. Even though I have a NY pistol permit I am not allowed to bring my weapon into the city, or the five boroughs without the consent of the police chief. In NYC, I believe it is more difficult to obtain a CCW permit. Most permits are residenced-based, meaning they must stay in the home, or the person can only travel to a gun range with them. I live in Upstate NY, which is more rural, and the gun laws are different and more liberal I would say.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Now we can all agree on where the body was located. This is from fire and rescue tapes of the night of the shooting. And includes a map of the neighborhood. So it seems George's street sign story is bogus, for starters....

Trayvon Martin's Body Location 2 Per Sanford Fire and Rescue

And here is another interesting video this youtube poster put up...they do some calculations based on the 911 calls, ect. Im sure people will find lots to say what isn't correct about it in there opinion, Im just sharing because I thought it was interesting and others may want to see it as well.

Zimmerman - A Story That Cannot Be True

And just for further information and reminder, here is a clip of Trayvon's dad describing where the police told him his sons body was located.

Trayvon Martin's Reported Body Location 1

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:06 PM
New photos of zimmerman are like 30 pounds slimmer

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

That looks like a pixalated blurry shadow to me. I'll wait and see what pictures they may have taken of him the night of the incident, if they release them.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by pizzanazi75

There wrong on the first video. 2831 Retreat View Cir is the second condo not the third. Easiest way to tell where the back yards are to look at the overhangs they are over the sliding glass doors.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by pizzanazi75

There wrong on the first video. 2831 Retreat View Cir is the second condo not the third. Easiest way to tell where the back yards are to look at the overhangs they are over the sliding glass doors.

How do you know which one is 2831? When I put it into google maps I get the same thing as the video. And those are common back yards. So if someone calls and says 'my backyard' it doesn't necessarily mean directly behind their house....Also if you watch the video with Trayvons dad you can see where the body was reported to him to be...which appears it would actually be across the sidewalk in the back of 2831 making the actual backyard of some one on Twin Lakes Dr......

Even if the video is off by one house ... what difference would that make to the actual scenario of what happened that night?

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 11:41 PM
all i gotta say is that if zimmermans head was "bashed in repeatedly" in a "life threatening manner" you would think he would have needed some heavy medical attention perhaps even held for observation/possible concussion, you would think that the SPD would have taken some pictures of those wounds for evidence not just written it down, especially since they let him go home that night, you would think there are xrays of a broken nose, you would think they still have the clothes from the scuffle and dna samples. i am sure they have all that as evidence right??????????????????????? well we havent seen all the evidence so hopefully that type of evidence will show up in the trial since it was such an "open and shut case" that they let the guy go home after killing someone.

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