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Legit Questions for ATS Liberals…Shed Some Light Please

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

A baby is actually a parasite from a scientific point of view, therefore it is alive, even if only a cell. My personal feeling regarding whether abortion is murder is that killing a developing baby is morally wrong after it develops a heartbeat.

I think you have just changed my mind completely about abortion. Congratulations.

I was never really on the fence but I could never think of my grandchild as a parasite...before or after a heartbeat. Now I am totally against it.

Thanks for pointing out the liberal point of view for me.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by seabag

I thought about adding my thoughts but after reading many of the posts of seabag, i have decided to not waste my time because it's obvious his motives is to trade barbs with people rather than gaining others input. If i'm not wrong, i think he is guilty of trashing the site's TOS. Regardless, maybe he would find what he's looking for in Realtalk or Yahoo's chat. There is a lot of people looking for a fight in those sites.

Also, before i leave this thread, I'd like to know his age. And judging by his username, i'd like to know if he is a member of the "Big Canoe Club."

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus
I would like to answer your questions from my personal point of view, as I cannot speak for anyone else. I sometimes make the same mistake many others make, which is taking the beliefs of the majority of liberals or conservatives and lumping them together as a representation of anyone affiliated with one of those parties. This is of course a mistake, which we should all keep in mind.

they aren't even aware of what they are inviting...

Defend the Constitution and only allow American Law to be established in this American Nation.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by AwakeinNM

liberals can't be fiscal conservatives no matter what the cost,

Yeah, like conservatives have a clue how to be fiscal conservatives. The last three free market preaching conservative president spent money in a manner that would make even a drunken sailor blush, of course all of it borrowed against future generations.

Wow, talk about living in a fantasy world.

You are confusing fiscal conservatives with Republicans - again.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Republicans sound like this...

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:01 AM
Sharia law discriminates against women. I don't know any rational person that subscribes to Sharia law as we have seen where there are honor killings, wife beatings, beheadings...... hardly liberal agenda. Speaking out against conservative women? (Hint.... its the conservative part). Sharpton? A lot of liberals know he's a big mouthed media seeking attention getter and wish he would disappear, liberal or not. And so on. Your questions are loaded, like.... Do you still beat your wife?

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:04 AM
Has anyone noticed how much more this thread has been trolled
by the group asking the "Questions" -

This thread is 15 pages long

While the thread directed at conservatives is 4 pages -
I noticed the Conservatives are NOT being attacked in that
thread. This thread on the other hand is troll bait...
edit on 9-4-2012 by braindeadconservatives because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

A baby is actually a parasite from a scientific point of view,

Thanks for pointing out the liberal point of view for me.

Nothing intellectually dishonest about this thread at all.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by LErickson

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

A baby is actually a parasite from a scientific point of view,

Thanks for pointing out the liberal point of view for me.

Nothing intellectually dishonest about this thread at all.

SO Erickson, since you are liberal

I wanna know why you like to murder little babies for fun?

Since you would rather be in Russia, why don't you just move there
and let the rest of us be? I sincerely want to know

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by jaxnmarko
Sharia law discriminates against women. I don't know any rational person that subscribes to Sharia law as we have seen where there are honor killings, wife beatings, beheadings...... hardly liberal agenda. Speaking out against conservative women? (Hint.... its the conservative part). Sharpton? A lot of liberals know he's a big mouthed media seeking attention getter and wish he would disappear, liberal or not. And so on. Your questions are loaded, like.... Do you still beat your wife?

not only that... they stand against every single belief which has founded your civilization (Christendom)

Our laws come from the Bible, not their version of it... there can be no coexistence here!

Obama's got a brother...

edit on 9-4-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by seabag

1) Homosexuality and Muslims - Devote Muslims kill homosexuals for being homosexual (fact). Yet, liberals support both the Homosexual agenda in America as well as Muslim Sharia Law. What gives?

2) Racism – (Hot topic these days…I know…I will tread lightly) It seems liberals keep the term “racists” alive. Why are vocal black democrats given praise by the left (Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel, Shiela Jackson Lee, etc) while vocal black conservatives (Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Herman Cain, etc) called names by the left?

Also, why do liberals continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at poverty level? Left policies have NEVER led to black prosperity (Chicago, Detroit, ALL of California, etc are good examples) yet they get the majority of the black vote. What does the left offer that should inspire black Americans and keep their vote? I think the tide is turning, by the way. This video is a good illustration of what I’ve said.

3) Pro Women yet Anti Conservative Women – Liberals say they’re for women’s rights yet they destroyed Sarah Palin and her family in 2008. Liberals love Hillary but what did they have to say about Condoleezza?? Have liberals ever denounced all of the chauvinist remarks about Bachman?


4) Pro Abortion yet Anti-Death Penalty – Need I say more on this issue?

I’m really not looking for a fight and I truly want to understand what my fellow Americans of the liberal persuasion are thinking, particularly on these issues. I have other questions but this is good enough to get the ball rolling. I will keep my responses civil and on topic and I ask that you do the same.

I feel like this is a bill oreiley style attempt just to tick people off, but I'll bite. But first know that obviously I speak only for myself and no one else who considers themselves a liberal.

1. I have never known a single "liberal" who supports ANY religion in politics or law. It has no place there. I also don't support any religion really. As far as homosexuality, I definitely support everyone's right to be who they were when they were born, and I belive they deserve absolute equal treatment.

2. Liberals choose not to ignore racism or pretend we are living in a post racism world. We certainly wish that were so though. As far as the social programs, we would love nothing more than to see underprivileged minority's not have to rely on them. But as long as they do, the programs need to be there. Make company's pay not just a minimum wage, but a living wage. It's just the right thing to do.

3. I denounce any and all chauvinistic comments towards any woman. I also despise ignorance and cruelty as seen in the Iikes of bush, Bachman, and especially palin. We dislike that group because they are morons. Not their gender.

4. I don't think anyone is pro abortion. It's never a great thing. But it's also not our place to choose. It's a woman's right as it should be.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:36 AM
I consider myself an independent. Don’t like the liberal and conservative labels and division. It’s a media creation. Most normal people aren’t that black and white.
1) Homosexuality and Muslims-- I support rights for homosexuals but am not in on any kind of agenda that I know of. All people deserve equal rights. I don’t drink the Homosexuality-is-the-downfall-of-civilization cool aid. You shouldn't either. The old testament doesn't apply to modern life. I don’t support Sharia law. Why would you? It's the same old testament mentality. Humankind has evolved.
2) Racism –-I’m not a liberal but I realize that there are racists. Not a big fan of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton…sometimes they come across as opportunists. I’m really not a big fan of Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain either…both of whom come across as dishonest and lacking in moral character…at least to me.
3) Pro Women yet Anti Conservative Women –-- Too often women are degraded by conservatives. Take Rush Limbaugh for example and many leading Christian Conservatives who tell us that women should submit to their husbands. I completely dislike Sarah Palin though, and Michelle Bachman is a complete joke. I think Condoleezza rice is a very strong woman. There are strong women of high character with great leadership skills in both of the major political parties. Let's not treat women like objects though. Women make up one half of the population of the world and are complete equals to men. You're living in the male dominated middle ages if you don't get that.
4) Pro Abortion yet Anti-Death Penalty –-- Need I say more on this issue? There is a lot to say. Being pro-choice is not the same as being pro-abortion. Not even close. I am pro-choice but understand that abortion is complex issue for many. It just is. I also understand that it's easy for conservative candidates to stand up and tell us that they are pro-life or anti-abortion and then never do anything about it once in office. I believe strongly in the death penalty of child rapists. So there you have it.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by amazing

at this point considering Obama Voters are not even aware how they arrived in this country, it would be best just to return to the Republic and vote for the Constitution. (the word is derived from Constantine the Great) our language reflects our history of where we have been and where we are going.

Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance of all religions throughout the empire.
edit on 9-4-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by aries377

Hillary ran the country the first time she was in office? Maybe unofficially, but never in an official capacity. First Lady does not RUN the WH. Maybe in her instance she pulled a lot of weight. It's odd how liberals view a First Lady like that and seem to be ok with it as long as it's a liberal running things.
I wonder if you think Michelle O runs the country from her lofty place as well? That's a real scary thought too. But maybe that's where all this feeding schoolkids chicken mcNugget stuff instead of Mom's sandwiches is coming from.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by SisyphusRide

So many young people have been brainwashed by their Marxist professors. It's all an academic exercise to them. That young girl thinks she is so altruistic saying that everyone should love what they do and therefore doctors should not expect to get paid more than a "street sweeper" to use that guy's example. That is classic marxism, that everyone should have the same salary regardless of their efforts and/or the amount of skill they have. All that nonsense about Cuba having better doctors and the highest standard of living in the Caribbean. These people totally believe that stuff.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by SisyphusRide

So many young people have been brainwashed by their Marxist professors. It's all an academic exercise to them. That young girl thinks she is so altruistic saying that everyone should love what they do and therefore doctors should not expect to get paid more than a "street sweeper" to use that guy's example. That is classic marxism, that everyone should have the same salary regardless of their efforts and/or the amount of skill they have. All that nonsense about Cuba having better doctors and the highest standard of living in the Caribbean. These people totally believe that stuff.

I agree... so where is the drive to better ones self in their system, with no mention of love this time around?

they just want equality for themselves because they are not educated well enough in the public school system imo as I was not.

but these are the gist of the youngsters that rocked his vote... and they are burning our streets this time around. It has been done before many times since the 60's, nothing new to their message just with a twist o the day and age.

...there's nothing new under the sun

edit on 9-4-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by LAKOTAWINS

Wow that is a great post.

Thanks for contributing.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Its believed by many that Nancy Reagan ran the country often while Ronald was in office, especially considering Ronald health while he was in office.

There are many couples that always work as a team that are tremendously successful.

I think Hillary had tremendous influence on policy, and I think people always felt that way. I also think Michelle has tremendous influence. Certainly they aren't the first powerful first women, going all the way back to Martha, and won't be the last.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:42 AM
Wow. These questions are really out of touch.

Some people have done a good job answering them -- but I think I need a shower even touching this stuff with a ten foot pole. If THIS is what a self-discribed Conservative thinks are important questions -- well I think you are going to need a lot more work to understand Liberals.

I find it troubling that this mindset exists in the 21st century....

... I mean, when Liberals say; "let's not bomb Iran" or that Muslims don't need to be demonized -- that isn't an approval for Sharia law or how SOME Arab countries treat women. It's backwards -- but we concentrate on AMERICA'S flaws first -- just like we correct our own kids, but let Preachers tell their children that demons possessed the crazy kid down the block. We bite our tongue. The REASON Conservatives hear Liberals "criticize" America and not other countries -- is for the same reason that we RAISE OUR OWN KIDS and expect more of them. Ignoring problems and flaws is weakness and enabling of bad behavior. Also -- you concentrate on what you CAN CHANGE -- not hope that some other country becomes better.

Staying up late worried about the neighbors doing something naughty -- well, that's usually a waste of time. I'd rather them be worried about me, if all things were equal. But anyway -- stay out of my bedroom.

Conservatives talk like they got their training on solutions and resolutions from Comic books -- and their ideas about Government and what Liberals think don't seem much more nuanced either.

I used to have more respect and patience with Conservatives - -heck, I USED to kind of consider myself one until I learned more of how the world works. But now I've kind of given up hope, and figure that Conservatives are mostly fear driven -- and might have great intelligence, but they don't really form their opinions unless driven by great emotion. So when they are angry watching Fox news, or having their heart swell with patriotism with a message from the military, or fear of hell fire at church -- THOSE are the only moments when they are receptive.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by aries377

Hillary ran the country the first time she was in office? Maybe unofficially, but never in an official capacity. First Lady does not RUN the WH. Maybe in her instance she pulled a lot of weight. It's odd how liberals view a First Lady like that and seem to be ok with it as long as it's a liberal running things.
I wonder if you think Michelle O runs the country from her lofty place as well? That's a real scary thought too. But maybe that's where all this feeding schoolkids chicken mcNugget stuff instead of Mom's sandwiches is coming from.

I never voted for Clinton -- because he didn't seem like a REAL Liberal to me -- I voted for Ross Perot (both times), because he was talking about the real issue; Lobbyists.

That said; I think most Liberals looked at Hillary and Bill as a "two for one." We aren't offended by a "pushy lady". The difference with Nancy Reagan running things (I always figured it was H W Bush -- but whatever), is that this lady doesn't know much of anything and consults a mystic for any hard questions. Reagan was senile MOST of his time in office. Either Bill or Hillary had the hutzpah to run things, but neither Nancy nor mentally challenged Ronny could do much more than sound thoughtful for a camera.

I wonder if you think Michelle O runs the country from her lofty place as well?
I'm not a fan of Obama's -- but I wonder about people who constantly accuse him of arrogance -- and Michelle? Seriously? I see these people as polished and competent -- I think you'd PREFER to use a word like "uppity"...

Rush Limbaugh and the Religious Right started this whole whisper campaign of "the one" and the entire "Obama thinks he's Jesus" or "Lucifer's son" is whole cloth invented by the Right to get the bible thumpers in a tizzy. It's not really anything new, it's just sunk to new depths.

Obama is, by any objective standard -- way to the right of Nixon. When I hear Republicans and Conservatives call him a Socialist, after he promises to cut Social Security and renew Bush's tax cuts for some insane reason -- the ONLY thing I'm thinking is I'm listening to a person who is totally out of touch.

So here's a hint; When you call Obama "the one" or say he's a Socialist -- at that point every Liberal within ear shot has stopped listening to you.

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