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Calamity Upon The Earth - New very interesting montage of strange current events. Must see!

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posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by stereologist

In 66CE when the Christian's who lived in Jerusalem, some of whom had relatives or had themselves personally heard Jesus warning as recounted by the Apostle Luke....

Luke 21:20-22. . ."Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. 21 Then let those in Ju·de′a begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her; 22 because these are days for meting out justice, that all the things written may be fulfilled. . ."

What do you think they did when they saw Cestius Gallus' Roman forces surround Jerusalem. in 66CE?

Do you think they remembered his words??!!... Of course they did... and Josephus and other historians record that as soon as he withdrew his forces they did just so... they acted upon the warning and fled to the City of Pella in the mountains.......

In other words they were watchful, recognised the signs and acted to preserve their lives.....they acted immediately and escaped the foretold calamity, when Titus returned with the might of Rome and laid seige to the City just 4 years later in 70CE....

Anyone reading the accounts of Josephus where woman ended up boiling their own babies as they were so starved, will know how devastating the seige and eventual destruction of Jerusalem was and how the Roman's exacted a truly cruel punishment on the Maccabean rebellion.

No doubt in 66CE some people argued that they were just trying to "shoehorn" Jesus words into events they saw before them and they were staying put. A bit like the tourists who refused to move out from their beach front bungalows after today's Tsunami warnings!

What about our day??!!

God is being patient with mankind..that's why he's had some of mankind sounding out a warning repeating his son's Jesus words who left a series of clues, when he was on the earth, so that people would know what was happening, if they could be bothered to listen.....

2 Peter 3:9, 10. . .Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. 10 Yet Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, . . .

Only Jehovah knows the day and the hour when the Great tribulation will break out - it will be preceeded by the nations declaring some form of Peace & Security and then turning on false religion.

Habakkuk 2:3 . . .For [the] vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.

(2 Chronicles 36:15, 16) 15 And Jehovah the God of their forefathers kept sending against them by means of his messengers, sending again and again, because he felt compassion for his people and for his dwelling. 16 But they were continually making jest at the messengers of the [true] God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing.
edit on 11-4-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:52 PM
That was a pretty neat compilation. I enjoyed it as it does make you think a little.

I like to read science, from basic to theoretical (well, to the capacity of my comprehension anyway). I also read philosophy and theology and I generally form my own opinions based on my mentally stored data and information from all sources. "I live with the madness of infinite possibility."

Just a couple of thoughts to toy around with (fun stuff)

Though the conservative scientist still like to argue that climate change is a hoax, the higher accredited and generally most respected scientist have a pretty much unanimous view on this...our weather patterns ARE shifting. Is this man made or a natural cycle? Jury is still out...but no one has EVER said it was going to be a pleasant, carefree walk in the park either way. Even if the climactic records say it happened before, nothing says it wasn't catastrophic. There is still a lot of questions about the large mammal die off at the end of the last ice age. No, there is not a general consensus...many top experts blatantly disagree with each other on this.

Edgar Cayce (yea, I know but just humor me on this) used the term "earth changes". Now he spoke of a lot of crap without any back up or proof...but I like the terminology..."earth changes".

Now in terms of these conversations people have on boards like this...there is always a loud voice that comes stomping into the room. Basically a big mouth and a closed mind. They inevitably try to take over the conversation and direct it to suit their point of view and rebuttal any one else's opinions (and it is ALL opinion based...even theirs). When I see them at work, I have to admit, my mind streams across the conspiracy theorists claims of TPTB plants that work to keep division and uncertainty going. I also recall a passage from the Bible (not an expert on Christian doctrine though I do read it occasionally) that says something about during the signs, a great deception would be sent down...well...If we are observing the signs, there are obviously those in power that would rather we not realize it.

There is another verse Christ spoke that the naysayers, skeptics, debunkers and cynics need to consider before bellowing their stance (as philosophical wisdom if nothing else) and that is "if a man be ignorant, let him be ignorant". If people want to be scared to death and think the world is ending....LET THEM! It is not your place or responsibility to change that...if they want to panic....who cares?

Me personally? I think it's all natural. I think it has all happened before and will happen again. It will probably be unpleasant as we experience the "earth and climate" changes and who knows, there could be substantial loss of life. This too happened before, our species almost didn't make it before (evidenced in the DNA bottleneck)...but...oh well, shiz happens and we need a good shake up about now.

I'm not afraid and I am not going to be a "Prepper" for it. If it happens, it happens. I want a good seat to watch and hopefully I'll go quick and painlessly.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by JB1234

Some things just need to be stated a second time.

You've got it wrong. I am stating that your warnings are wrong. It's your shoehorning I am choosing to ignore or disregard or whatever you want to call it.

There is a difference between some historical event and your shoehorning.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Damrod

The loudest voices are those of the close minded that disregard the evidence and accept every nitwit claim made.

The gullible need to turn on their built-in wacko meters and look around them. Open up the mind to the evidence. Learn.

Are things strange or is someone misrepresenting events as being strange?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:16 PM
In addition to "The Powers That Be" there should also be a TPTF.

That stands for "The People That Fleece".

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Have it your own've ignored the questions I asked and the points I made.

I'm not showhorning anything... I am merely stating Jesus words written over 2,000 years ago.... the men and women who witnessed those events and the words he spoke and the people that followed him went on to be put through the most hideous of deaths for their faith at the hands of the Romans... both before the destruction of Jerusalem and afterwards

Seems rather odd to me if their faith was based on lies and myths....

The Romans thought up the most cruelests of examinations such as parents being made to watch their children thrown to the lions to test their faith. ALL they had to do was renounce their beleif in Jesus and align themseleves to Caesar. WHY? It makes no sense if Jesus words were meaningless and had no basis of truth behind them and his command to go out and preach to people about the message of good news of God's Kingdom and to warn people what would happen eventually.
edit on 11-4-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Meh...let the silly people be fleeced then. I find it rather interesting to observe... this apparent primal need for people to terrify themselves. If people want to think the world is ending and jump around pulling their hair out.......ok....I'll entertain the thought just to hear what you have to say. Doesn't mean I'm going to accept it.

I have always said we have far too many safety standards and we have stopped letting the silly people kill themselves's those damn continuous roll handtowels in the public restrooms...the ones with the sticker that says "Do not hang from towel by neck"....I say we remove those stickers...
edit on 4/11/2012 by Damrod because: stuff

edit on 4/11/2012 by Damrod because: spelling

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by JB1234
reply to post by stereologist

... the time when God would say enough is enough..mankind is simply ruining the Earth and if I don't step in and put matters right there might not be anyone or anything left!

I thought the Plan was to let the earth be completely trashed, and for God himself to create more problems (through the angels and trumpets of revelations), and then he was going to create a new heaven and earth for the believers in Christ?
So are you implying that God wants to save the planet from us now?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Damrod

There is another verse Christ spoke that the naysayers, skeptics, debunkers and cynics need to consider before bellowing their stance (as philosophical wisdom if nothing else) and that is "if a man be ignorant, let him be ignorant". If people want to be scared to death and think the world is ending....LET THEM! It is not your place or responsibility to change that...if they want to panic....who cares?

I think that where one can see pain and suffering cause by erroneous beliefs then one has an ethical obligation, if one has the information, to correct the unnecessary distress caused.
There are small children who are scared that the world is going to end and that seriously see no hope or point for the future. This is not right. Apocalyptic christianity seriously screwed my motivation to take any positive act for the future in the world from a young age.
Once one has made an attempt to expose the believer to other sources of information, then one has done one's duty. They are free to believe what they like.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by delusion

Revelation 11:18 . . ."and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

The Bible makes it very clear that the Earth will remain forever - God will NOT allow it to be destroyed...
he only warns that he will remove any bad tenants...just like any responsible landlord would.

As my Dad used to say..."There's nowt wrong with the's just the people who live on it"

So no one should be concerned that the Bible says the Earth is going to be destroyed -= it doesn't far from it

(Psalm 104:5) . . .He has founded the earth upon its established places; It will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.

edit on 11-4-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:22 PM
Okay thanks for clarifying, I did not know that.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by JB1234

Regardless of past history, you were attempting to match current events to parts of the bible. Past history has no bearing on what you were doing.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by stereologist

You mean like the 1st century Christian's did in Jerusalem in 66CE when they heeded Jesus warning and fled to the mountains as soon as they had the opportunity, when they percieved his prophecy of the Roman armies encamping all around Jerusalem?!!

The point I was attempting to show was that Jesus words came true then....just as they are coming true in our day.

"Luke 21:29-31 . . .“Note the fig tree and all the other trees: 30 When they are already in the bud, by observing it YOU know for yourselves that now the summer is near. 31 In this way YOU also, when YOU see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near."

Jesus told ALL Christians to "keep on the watch and be alert"....whilst the rest of the world would in the main refuse to listen and scoff. What you are replying also with all due respect kinda fulfills the words Peter wrote -

2 Peter 3:3, 4 . . .For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires 4 and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”

The Bible contains historical events and characters that as were placed before us

Jude 7. . .are placed before [us] as a [warning] example . . .

Days are coming when mankind will become fearful of what is happening...

Luke 21:26-28 . . .while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. ...........

However discerning people who recognised that Jesus words were coming true..... - JUST LIKE THE ONES IN JERUSALEM IN 66CE DID would realise what was taking place and in stark contrast would recognise that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled as Luke goes on to say in the same verse........

"But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift YOUR heads up. . (Luke 21:28) . . .because YOUR deliverance is getting near.”."

Can you see the point I'm trying to make here??!!

The end of this system will usher in a time period of true peace and security under a world government overseen by Jesus. Far from being something to be fearful about it is actually something to look forward to

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by JB1234

The point I was attempting to show was that Jesus words came true then....just as they are coming true in our day.

Therein lies the problem. You are equating a past event as support for your shoehorning. You are equating biblical text to current modern events. That has been done for 2000 years. What happened in the past has no bearing on whether or not your shoehorning is correct.

Can you see the point I'm trying to make here??!!

Yes. Your logical failure is that you think that your ideas are validated by an event nearly 2000 years ago. They are not.

Here is Jude 7

just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

or another version

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

So these refer to two cities that can't be found.

Then you switch over to Luke

21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

The second coming has been predicted for the following years 30, 60, 90, multiple times in the 2nd century, 365, 400, 500, 968, 992, 1000, 1005, 1033, 1147, 1179, 1205, 1284, 1346, 1496, 1524, 1533, 1669, 1689, 1736, 1783, 1792, 1830, 1832, 1843, 1844, 1850, 1856, 1881, 1891, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1994, 2000, 2001, and these are only the better known years.

So many believers want to be there when this event happens. So many believers think they are special and will be there to see this happen.

I would suggest that any prediction is of the same nature as all of the failures I listed.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Jay-morris
reply to post by MamaJ

Okay, so these noises only happen in places where there are
not many people, or they do happen in populated area's, but
most people ignore the very loud, strange sound coming from
the skies lol You would think a loud strange sound like that would
have thousands of people talking about it, apart from a few youtube

What would you accept for proof of something audible other than an audio clip

I smell a troll

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:50 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this video.

Something is going to happen soon.

My inner higher being is telling me.

Thank you again.

Love is the only thing that will save us from the depths of destruction.


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by gunshooter
reply to post by BiggerPicture

just my two cents but this quack seems like a hippie drug peddler to me.
"Here, do some of this, and see the world for what it is MAN!, Its AAAWWWESOME!"

not saying there is anything wrong with hippies, but what else could this guy be classified as?

I take it that you have not read anything or watched any videos of Terrance Mckenna?

I think he has a unique sort of genius to him and you gotta love the way he enunciates his words,pure mint.

I find his theories intriguing at the very least,I have no evidence to prove or disprove them,I am from the school of thought that anything is theoretically possible and remain open minded.

Shamans/medicine men ingest hallucinogenics to go on a spirit journey,bring back cures/treatments for the sick,personal discovery,spiritual enlightenment.
Many people who have taken Ayahuasca have returned cured of drug and alcohol addiction,many have also seen "Machine elves" manning the fabrics of time

Look up Rick Strassman he is a M.D. and has done research with D.M.T. really interesting and profound work imho.

Rick Strassman MD performed the first new human studies with psychedelic drugs in the US in over 20 years. His research involved the powerful naturally-occurring compound, '___' – N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Led to this substance through his earlier study of the pineal gland as a potential biological locus for spiritual experiences, he administered several hundred doses of '___' to approximately 60 volunteers between 1990 and 1995.
He wrote about this research in the popular book, '___': The Spirit Molecule, now in its 15th printing. With three distinguished collaborators, he co-authored Inner Paths to Outer Space, which looks more carefully at the common "other worlds" experience that volunteers frequently reported during his research.


You are entitled to your opinion but unless you have done some research into Mckenna I do not think it is fair or right to label him as a quack,now,that is my opinion.

On Topic:
Thank you OP S&F!

I really enjoyed watching that particular video,I do not know or claim if anything is going to happen in 2012 but I believe it is possible,who really knows,none of us,right? Not 100% sure of much as human beings we are like infants amongst the infinitely vast cosmos.

I do not know why but I actually got teary eyed,choked up watching that video...I admit honestly for all to see & that is not like me at all,I am a 29 year old grown man but not a prideful one nor am I ashamed of showing emotion it is just I rarely show it openly.

Something in that video hit me hard...Call it intuition,anticipation,fear, & compassion for my fellow human brothers & sisters...For the earth...A flood of emotions hit me like a sack of bricks...Made me get what I like to call "Internal goose bumps" for lack of a better word.

Does that mean the world is going to end? Of course not.Could the world end as we know it? Absolutely.

I believe something Needs to happen,we could all use a wake up call and reminder that life is sacred and deserves to be respected,cherished and recolonized as the miracle that it is...whether that be a divinely or evolutionary creation is irrelevant...The creation happened...Here we are,That is truly what matters.

edit on 17-4-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by PerfectPerception

Originally posted by gunshooter
reply to post by BiggerPicture

just my two cents but this quack seems like a hippie drug peddler to me.
"Here, do some of this, and see the world for what it is MAN!, Its AAAWWWESOME!"

not saying there is anything wrong with hippies, but what else could this guy be classified as?

I take it that you have not read anything or watched any videos of Terrance Mckenna?

I think he has a unique sort of genius to him and you gotta love the way he enunciates his words,pure mint.

I find his theories intriguing at the very least,I have no evidence to prove or disprove them,I am from the school of thought that anything is theoretically possible and remain open minded.

Shamans/medicine men ingest hallucinogenics to go on a spirit journey,bring back cures/treatments for the sick,personal discovery,spiritual enlightenment.
Many people who have taken Ayahuasca have returned cured of drug and alcohol addiction,many have also seen "Machine elves" manning the fabrics of time

Look up Rick Strassman he is a M.D. and has done research with D.M.T. really interesting and profound work imho.

Rick Strassman MD performed the first new human studies with psychedelic drugs in the US in over 20 years. His research involved the powerful naturally-occurring compound, '___' – N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Led to this substance through his earlier study of the pineal gland as a potential biological locus for spiritual experiences, he administered several hundred doses of '___' to approximately 60 volunteers between 1990 and 1995.
He wrote about this research in the popular book, '___': The Spirit Molecule, now in its 15th printing. With three distinguished collaborators, he co-authored Inner Paths to Outer Space, which looks more carefully at the common "other worlds" experience that volunteers frequently reported during his research.


You are entitled to your opinion but unless you have done some research into Mckenna I do not think it is fair or right to label him as a quack,now,that is my opinion.

On Topic:
Thank you OP S&F!

I really enjoyed watching that particular video,I do not know or claim if anything is going to happen in 2012 but I believe it is possible,who really knows,none of us,right? Not 100% sure of much as human beings we are like infants amongst the infinitely vast cosmos.

I do not know why but I actually got teary eyed,choked up watching that video...I admit honestly for all to see & that is not like me at all,I am a 29 year old grown man but not a prideful one nor am I ashamed of showing emotion it is just I rarely show it openly.

Something in that video hit me hard...Call it intuition,anticipation,fear, & compassion for my fellow human brothers & sisters...For the earth...A flood of emotions hit me like a sack of bricks...Made me get what I like to call "Internal goose bumps" for lack of a better word.

Does that mean the world is going to end? Of course not.Could the world end as we know it? Absolutely.

I believe something Needs to happen,we could all use a wake up call and reminder that life is sacred and deserves to be respected,cherished and recolonized as the miracle that it is...whether that be a divinely or evolutionary creation is irrelevant...The creation happened...Here we are,That is truly what matters.

edit on 17-4-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

McKenna is....well....not quite right in the head. He and David Icke should have gotten together...they both see nothing but "Doom"

I disagree. Where I DO see the potential for collapse and failure...I also see the potential for us to be better than we ever thought possible.

I respect your points about '___'. I have recently started studying it and it's anthropological uses through the ages by a plethora of cultures....fascinating stuff. I do not...however....think it's going to matter on the world stage...unless we spike all the world leaders tea with a dose or's meaningless conjecture.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by JB1234
8.9 Earthquake with an aftershock of 8.2 off Indonesia.... Unbeleivable what's going on with the Earth currently and still most people will ignore and dismiss all of these signs that Jesus gave us to watch out for.

(Luke 21:11) . . .and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages. . .

This is true... however not all have eyes that see nor ears that hear. They would rather be stubborn and ignore the "signs" because after all... the signs are but a myth to them.

Its called deception. Some can be deceived.... while others are clearly focused on the Truth and the Light. It is what sets "us" free from any burdens.

Whatever may or may not happen to the Earth or the human species is nothing compared to what can happen when our energy transforms. The bigger picture is what matters to me.

If we indeed go by what is written then we know for a fact the Earth does not cease. There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. We know this... so... no worries.

edit on 17-4-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Damrod

I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

I have to say though you are wrong,in my opinon and from my own personal observations on Icke and Mckenna.

The documentaries/books of Icke that I have watched/read (pretty much all of them) have given me a pretty good idea of his theories & philosophies...He always makes mention of oneness,love and freedom from the imprisonment of our "overlords" and the matrix.

The same could be said for Mckenna for the most part,He might just be a little tougher to digest for other reasons than say,Reptilian shape-shifters...They are both profound in their own specific ways though.

He is not as you seem to be stuck on, spreading "DOOM" (Great game btw) everywhere,I am led to believe you have not checked out enough material of Icke or Mckenna's to justify saying what you did.

Or you are sorely missing the point.

Opinions are like *,we all have them,I understand and respect your opinion it just does not seem to match everything I have read,watched and pondered when it comes to these two.

Icke speaks about exactly what you said,even in the midst of hate,negativity and oppression there is still hope,advancement and the opportunity to break free of the chains that have bound us.

So sorry but I do not see what you are basing your conclusions on?

Mckenna is an eccentric,oddly yet incredibly speaking free thinker...Yeah,he may seem to endorse the "hippy" lifestyle and philosophy which may initially turn many away.

if anyone honestly took the time and more importantly opened their mind long enough to listen,ponder and attempt to discern everything the man is saying might just end up learning something...Even if the only thing they learn is freeing,opening their minds to new ideas and letting the mind wander with beautiful imaginative splendor.

To each their own.

All the best.
edit on 17-4-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

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