reply to post by BiggerPicture
Terrence McKenna was a brilliant man. It's such a shame that he isn't here now
I've already said this in another thread (which died I think) so I'll post it here, as I think it would contribute to this discussion.
Things are definitely changing. I used to be very skeptical of most threads like this on ATS, but now I see the evidence all around me, not only on
the news, but in my own locality. The world is changing, things have gotten out of control (politically, economically, and environmentally) and I
think we are definitely at the breaking point now. It just seems so strange to me that everything started getting really bad between the transition of
2011 and 2012. I never used to believe that anything was going to happen in 2012, but now I'm starting to really wonder if there may be some validity
to this. In the past decade alone we have all seen the amount of horrendous earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and hurricanes, and with every year that
goes by the disasters seem to get more and more frequent. It's not just limited to natural disasters either, but also a shift in our consciousness.
Look at the amount of protests and uprisings that have taken place in the last year alone. People are sick & tired of the way things are now and they
are becoming less fearful of TPTB every day. I don't think anybody can deny that this year is the last straw. The whole planet has hit a level of
absurdity that I very much doubt it can recover from without some
BIG changes. If something is going to happen this year, I don't claim to
know what it is. I don't think anybody knows exactly what will happen. But I feel that maybe I used to be too skeptical now that I have taken a good
look at what's going on around me.
Incidentally, I was listening to an old archived episode of Coast to Coast AM the other night (I think it was from June 2011.) It was open lines night
and one guy phoned in telling George that he works in the warehouse of a pharmaceutical distribution company, and that anti-anxiety medications are
flying off the shelves at an alarming rate. George went on to say that in the past two years he has noticed that people everywhere seem very jittery
and anxious. This makes me wonder if people can sense or feel that something is imminent, yet they don't know what. Maybe most people are starting to
pick up on some kind of subconscious vibe? Since around 2006/2007 I have 'felt something in my bones', but I don't know what; or why. And before
anybody says "It's all in your mind! You've just been reading too much about these Mayan prophecies" etc...
No. That isn't the case. I felt that something was weird even
before I had heard or read about this Mayan calendar stuff. I didn't hear about
this 2012 stuff until around 2009, because I never used to care about anything like that. I don't mean to say that I have anxiety problems or
anything. I don't. I've just become more aware... of everything.
Once again. I don't know
what will happen, or
how, I just know that something is afoot. I don't know if it's good or bad, or how long
it will last. I don't really know anything about it at all. I just know that strange things are beginning to happen all over the world. Maybe
Terrence McKenna is right. Maybe we're reaching the Singularity. There may be a huge shift in our consciousness as we know it.