posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 11:32 PM
Alternative 3 an old brand of snakeoil.
Anyway, interesting video. Ms. Eisenhower comes off as lucid, smart, truthful and passionate about the information she imparts in this video.
She also talks about mind control and I sincerely believe that is going on.
It's how the few control the many.
Like she says, "You don't have to believe me, just simply do the research for yourself."
Did the research. There is no instance of any credible prood offered to show that a secret program exisits to ferry the elite to Mars.
If people watching TV and movies are being influenced to behave and dress a certain way, ok yeh there is mind influence and control being exerted at
that level. If peoples mind states are influenced by illegal and legal subscription drugs, yeh ok those people may be susceptible and influencable,
in certain scenarios or around certain voices, eg passionate story tellings of new agers.
Need to maintain an objective view on all these stories. If you have to place trust in something, place it on your own common sense.