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Alternative 3; A poorly timed April Fool’s prank or something more?

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Thank you for such a great post. Heading off to work here in Australia - have only read first couple of sections thoroughly. Will read more later tonight.

First thought that came to mind was - this has credibility - hoax in plain sight is something the cabal/illuminati/whatever. Lots of people go missing - no explanation - all ages all academic levels of learning and some with absolutely no trace and no motive.

Second thought was of the Government Medical Officer of one of the Swedish countries - her name escapes me - she posted a series of videos - she described in detail how the Russians took her to a deep underground 'office' and showed her all manner of Intergalactic Craft and Visitors. She is credible and highly educated.

Just my initial thoughts. Plenty has been hidden from the population on this beautiful but polluted Earth - why can't there be life elsewhere - where do all our taxes go?

Much Peace...

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

I understand what you are's a valid point.

My theory is , they would only do that if somehow they knew earth would not be here at all...totally gone or knocked out of orbit or something crazy like that.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Well fortanthem.....

from what you or they have said ....

The plan was to create joint bases on the dark side of the moon to serve as jumping off points to the Mars colony

Get ready to be In Awe....

my Thread...

Buzz Aldrin's Dream ,Helium 3 and Lunar Resource Base, page 1

Buzz Aldrin's Site

Buzz Aldrin Dreams of Mars
Oct, 19 2010
Fox News ?
By: Jeremy A. Kaplan

To get your Interest from This Article Above on Buzz Aldrin's Own Site

Aldrin believes NASA should move in stages toward a manned mission to Mars — and ultimately colonization on or near the Red Planet — by building outer space fuel stations and industrializing the moon. NASA has already spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching such projects, he noted, an investment that should be utilized — as recommended by Norm Augustine, former chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board and chairman of the Review of the U.S. Space Flight Plans Committee.

Aldrin endorses the formation of an International Lunar Development Corporation to begin commercial enterprises on the moon. And a broad collation of governments — Russia, China, India, the U.S., and others — should form this quasigovernmental organization, which would help private enterprises capitalize on the lunar resources. Together, these nations can build that lunar gas station.

“Who should send up the propellant? China, India, Europe. We’re going to Mars, we need propellant. And we could buy propellant from them at our moon gas station,” he told Vanity Fair in June.

Well i wont Spoil it Please Read the Rest of Article you will be like

to tell a little about this ... to Confirm it see the PDF Called 6013.pdf in the ATS Search Originally Posted By ATS Member Zorgon

Ohh yes I Almost forgot to Mention this !!!!!

Aldrin believes NASA should move in stages toward a manned mission to Mars — and ultimately colonization on or near the Red Planet — by building outer space fuel stations and industrializing the moon. NASA has already spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching such projects

All you Need to DO to Confirm these Research Project that Nasa has been doing within the Last 40+ years
is look for a Site called----- Information Bridge -----and just type Resource base Luna Base Etc

Here is the Site

OSTI - Information Bridge

A Basic LEGO Reactor Design for the Provision of Lunar Surface Power

Steps toward lunar settlement

Mechanical properties of lunar materials under anhydrous, hard vacuum conditions: applications of lunar glass structural components

This one Below is when MY Own Mouth Dropped '
' When I First Heard of this by Phillip Schneider
a Whistle Blower that was Murdered back in the Early 90s He Mentioned and There it is as He said it was Below ...... He said he Used this type of Machine here on Earth making Underground bases ...

In-situ rock melting applied to lunar base construction and for exploration drilling and coring on the moon

a Little info about it

An excavation technology based upon melting of rock and soil has been extensively developed at the prototype hardware and conceptual design levels for terrestrial conditions. Laboratory and field tests of rock-melting penetration have conclusively indicated that this excavation method is insensitive to rock, soil types, and conditions. Especially significant is the ability to form in-place glass linings or casings on the walls of boreholes, tunnels, and shafts. These factors indicate the unique potential for in situ construction of primary lunar base facilities. Drilling and coring equipment for resource exploration on the moon can also be devised that are largely automated and remotely operated. It is also very likely that lunar melt-glasses will have changed mechanical properties when formed in anhydrous and hard vacuum conditions. Rock melting experiments and prototype hardware designs for lunar rock-melting excavation applications are suggeste

This was Mentioned By Phillip Schneider a Working Version of it ... Almost 20 Yeast ago..

see Lunar concrete for construction on the Information Bridge

My Guess they have Tested These Projects and it actually worked ( Most of them )
Some of those PDF's has the Location Site's Where they have Tested Researched ...

edit on 1-4-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by timetothink

My theory is , they would only do that if somehow they knew earth would not be here at all...totally gone or knocked out of orbit or something crazy like that.

That would make more sense. But I think it's even less complicated than that. They don't particularly need any good reason to start building and inhabiting Mars. They could just do it because they can, and because having scientists on Mars would allow them to do analysis and experiments very easily. And if you want to get into some crazier theories, they could also be looking for hidden technology and other things that confirm their Ancient Alien Bloodline Illuminati Religion without letting the public know about it.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

February 2010 I read the following;

In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project.

Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project were revealed in an interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s website.

Ki’ Lia, a Stanford-educated artist, futurist and colleague of Ms. Eisenhower, has provided a corroborating first hand witness account of her and Ms. Eisenhower’s attempted recruitment into a secret human survival colony on Mars, available at Ki’ Lia’s website.

The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the human race on Earth in the event of a planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) that might depopulate the Earth.

In revealing these secret Mars colony plans, Ms. Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia have emerged to join a growing cadre of independent whistle blowers disclosing secret technologies and extraterrestrial-related covert operations of U.S. military-intelligence agencies and corporate entities.

Continue reading on Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project - Seattle exopolitics |

Source: 1qpDPTjBK


She speaks about being approached because of her being Dwight D. Eisenhower's great granddaughter about being asked if she would be willing to relocate to Mars.

Now, yes, maybe she is loonier then a goon, three packs short of a six pack but then again think of all the really major big shots that have resigned, disappeared and retired from "public life", particularly as of late.

Add to the fact that the top elite simply for some reason just don't seem to care about how devastated our planet's ecosystem is regressing nor how the majority of the people on this planet are surviving.

As well as maybe some, a very select few know something, are privy too information the majority of us aren't.

Description of video

Laura Eisenhower is an activist in the conscious movement. We talk about UFO's, extra-terrestrials, secret governments and programs, 2012, what people can do to awaken and get out of the game that "they" have created, and so much more!

Article: TOPIC: Laura Eisenhower - elite families going to Mars found here:

While I am still gathering information on this and not believing one way or the other yet, I suspect that those that could and should be really trying to clean up our planet - they aren't and they don't really seem to care so possibly that would leave one to believe they have another out, a "safe place" to go simply don't care about the rest of us.

Or it's all a illusion.

Who knows?

One last thought, most of our US Presidents, royalty and even many celebrities come from a core blood line group, a very elite and closed bloodline.

Starred and flagged the opening thread.

The video interview Ms. Eisenhower says there is life on Mars, forest and water on Mars. She talks about HAARP, the degeneration of Earth, the Illuminati, a global agenda for the "common people" of Earth.

Now before you laugh - before 1492 everyone thought that if you went beyond a certain point you would drop off the Earth, they also believe that the universe revolved around the earth (the common man, not the global elite - they knew better).

As this is a conspiracy site - I do think there is the possibility that if a few of the elite have a panic room, a safe place to go to, what would they care about what happens to the rest of us?

Too many people have come forth saying our public space program is a PR sham.

Anyway, interesting video. Ms. Eisenhower comes off as lucid, smart, truthful and passionate about the information she imparts in this video.

She also talks about mind control and I sincerely believe that is going on.

It's how the few control the many.

Like she says, "You don't have to believe me, just simply do the research for yourself."

Most people don't read or research serious stuff, they're too busy surviving both physically and emotionally and tired from work and life in general.................being distracted.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:43 PM
when the Alternative 3 Programs Ending about Earth to Mars ....

DID we go already to Mars in some way ?

USA already went to Mars : Astronaut Gene Cernan

ohh yeah a Slip of the Tough or did Buzz Actually went to Mars

He said it Two Times ...

or the Senile Old Age is just Kicking in ? or he just dont give a # anymore neither does Buzz Aldrin
as what i have been seeing lately Nor John Glens Comedy Skit on TV Comedy Program Frasier

Ahhh I doubt that Earthen's went to Mars in 1962 tho... LOL as Alternative 3 has Shown... Llol:

When you hear all these Talks about the Van Allen Belt the Radiation and the Temperature
and the Shuttle stay's around 400 miles above Earth and no Further...

whoa Wait a Minute What ...... ???????????

Well as im posting this and looking at the Information Bridge Site seeing if A Shuttle to the Moon Orbit was Plausible

Ive Found This!!!

Toward a permanent lunar settlement in the coming decade: the Columbus Project :
Publication Date 1985 Nov 19

View it

Columbus Project !!! WTF!!!! a Big WTF!!!

The motivation for creating a permanent lunar settlement is sketched, and reasons for doing so in the coming decade are put forward. A basic plan to accomplish this is outlined, along technical and programmatic axes. It is concluded that founding a lunar settlement on the five hundredth anniversary of the Columbus landing - a Columbus Project - could be executed as a volunteer-intensive American enterprise requiring roughly six thousand man-years of skilled endeavor and a total Governmental contribution of the order of a half-billion dollars. 8 figs

Note:: I think they ment Man Hours Not Years

anyways,,, search for Shuttle to Moon on the Information Bridge site ...

edit on 1-4-2012 by Wolfenz because: spelling as usual

OK see this PDF on Page 61 The 3rd Paragraph Towards the Left From NASA
Chapter 7 Case for Mars

it Say the C.I.A. Estimate's
that There Would be a Possible Piloted Flyby of Mars by the Soviet Union in 1992 ?

Mars book 2 - NASA's History Office

edit on 1-4-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:16 PM
The fact still remains that there WERE 3 "alternatives" put together by the powers that be. IF you are interested in this then I recommend you read this book.
The book itself is listed under "fiction" though the (collective authors) admit at the end of the book that the only way they were allowed to get published was to compromise the book to fiction, instead of non-fiction.

Even if the entire thing is a hoax (which I, and many other people seriously doubt) it's still a pretty good read, keeps you on the edge of your seat.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Morningglory
Great thread S&F!

I find the need to de-sex "The Batch Consignments" especially interesting. Reminds me of some attitudes today concerning reproductive rights of women. This "sex for procreation only" BS is not only backward it's a bit suspect imo. You might say it's about public health or to satisfy the religious but Idk it feels too controlling/purposeful to me.

Makes me think of THX1138, Fahrenheit 451 or 1984. In those stories intimate relationships between men and women led to outside the box thinking. Maybe there's something about the joining of humans during great sex that opens the mind...a true moment of clarity. Idk but it seems TPTB want control over everything in the daily lives of peons while the rich and famous pretty much do as they please. Are we already being groomed for "Batch Consignment" status?

Love threads like this they really get the wheels turning.

"Maybe there's something about the joining of humans during great sex that opens the mind...a true moment of clarity."

D.H. Lawrence certainly believed that. And the Hindu Tantrikas take sex even farther -- using sex as a means to God-realization or enlightenment. In the West, there are "Gnostics" who use the maithuna practice as well. Look at Aleister Crowley's work (although I'm not recommending Crowley as a role model -- he was a "nasty piece of work").

On a more mundane level, TPTB do not want strong emotional bonds between the servitors that might interfere with the efficient performance of their duties.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:47 PM
Alternative 3 may have been a hoax. This one however is obviously true.

edit on 1-4-2012 by BritofTexas because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
The idea that Alternative 3 was a hoax created to conceal the truth and discredit anyone who might find the truth reminds me of the Lone Gunmen Pilot.

To those that don't know, The Lone Gunman was a short lived spin off from The X-Files. To make a long story short, the pilot episode revolved around the three Lone Gunmen foiling a plot to fly remote controlled 747s into the World Trade Center.

I have the whole series on dvd and watching the pilot episode is really quite eerie. Many people have said that this was done to discredit anyone who found out "the truth" about 9/11. I can't say that it is or isn't but the similarities are rather odd.

TPTB are using so many mind games on us. We are being played -- that should be clear to anyone who has spent time on ATS or sites like it.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:22 PM
One thing I forgot in my last post, 1976 was one of the hottest, or the hottest and most prolonged summer in the UK, my guess is that the slide rules were coming out in the world of science, in the effort to understand what was going if not already. It could even be a hoax about a hoax. Whatever, it didn't start on the internet.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:22 PM
Curiouser and curiouser...wheels within wheels...

Great story, ForthAnthem!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by smurfy

1970's weather was unique in Northern California. At the start of the decade puddles froze every winter. The science text books all talked about the coming ice age. In the middle of the decade every summer was windy almost every day. Puddles haven't frozen in the winter since then.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by Shadowflux
The idea that Alternative 3 was a hoax created to conceal the truth and discredit anyone who might find the truth reminds me of the Lone Gunmen Pilot.

To those that don't know, The Lone Gunman was a short lived spin off from The X-Files. To make a long story short, the pilot episode revolved around the three Lone Gunmen foiling a plot to fly remote controlled 747s into the World Trade Center.

I have the whole series on dvd and watching the pilot episode is really quite eerie. Many people have said that this was done to discredit anyone who found out "the truth" about 9/11. I can't say that it is or isn't but the similarities are rather odd.

TPTB are using so many mind games on us. We are being played -- that should be clear to anyone who has spent time on ATS or sites like it.

All the shows were prior to the actual event, and as you say that would be well known here, and elsewhere. But, how did Hollywood get ahead of the game so explicitly, and in other movies, not so explicit.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

"Add to the fact that the top elite simply for some reason just don't seem to care about how devastated our planet's ecosystem is regressing nor how the majority of the people on this planet are surviving."

"... I suspect that those that could and should be really trying to clean up our planet - they aren't and they don't really seem to care so possibly that would leave one to believe they have another out, a "safe place" to go simply don't care about the rest of us."

Yes, this is what really spikes my curiosity. If TPTB really wanted to clean up the environment, they have the power to change laws, bring out new technologies -- but they seem to have no serious interest in saving the environment.

Cap & Trade is a scam for banks & new tech industries to make billions -- does nothing to save the environment. More importantly why do they continue to poison our oceans with dangerous off-shore drilling and the careless use of highly toxic dispersants?

"The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the human race on Earth in the event of a planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) that might depopulate the Earth."

Maybe they know that Earth goes thru a periodic pole shift that will destroy most life on the surface of the planet?

Some might say Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, is a disinfo agent for the Elite. Or that she simply found a clever way to milk money from the "conspiracy cow."

I'm not sure what exactly the Elite plan is, but I am sure that we are being played.

edit on 1-4-2012 by AuranVector because: attempt to reformat.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Definite hoax. I finished part 1 of the original Alternative 3 video, but I couldn't watch any further. It was pretty ridiculous and the acting is horrible. There was a lot of problems with their "investigation." I don't see any point in moving forward with this.

Are there plans today for a manned-mission to Mars... probably, hopefully. But Alternative 3 and that idea are completely independent IMO.

It would be pretty crazy that we get to this point in civilization, the earth 4.6 billions years old, and it ends here... with us. I suppose it has to end at some point, but man, we would be the most unlucky bastards ever.
edit on 1-4-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by six67seven
Definite hoax. I finished part 1 of the original Alternative 3 video, but I couldn't watch any further. It was pretty ridiculous and the acting is horrible. There was a lot of problems with their "investigation." I don't see any point in moving forward with this.

Are there plans today for a manned-mission to Mars... probably, hopefully. But Alternative 3 and that idea are completely independent IMO.

It would be pretty crazy that we get to this point in civilization, the earth 4.6 billions years old, and it ends here... with us. I suppose it has to end at some point, but man, we would be the most unlucky bastards ever.
edit on 1-4-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

This was created for a TV show billed as a hoax.

The "cheesey-ness" of the production has been pointed out by other viewers & researchers.

Some feel this sloppiness was intentional -- a "red herring" to support the idea that this must be a hoax and no intelligent person would take these ideas seriously.

Except that, after the "cheesey" show aired, some very intelligent people took these ideas very seriously.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:13 PM
The footage of the flight over Mars feels very real somehow.It would not suprise me if it was real.

The worm like thing in the soil is chilling.
edit on 1-4-2012 by paperface because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by six67seven
Definite hoax. I finished part 1 of the original Alternative 3 video, but I couldn't watch any further. It was pretty ridiculous and the acting is horrible. There was a lot of problems with their "investigation." I don't see any point in moving forward with this.

Are there plans today for a manned-mission to Mars... probably, hopefully. But Alternative 3 and that idea are completely independent IMO.

It would be pretty crazy that we get to this point in civilization, the earth 4.6 billions years old, and it ends here... with us. I suppose it has to end at some point, but man, we would be the most unlucky bastards ever.
edit on 1-4-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

This was created for a TV show billed as a hoax.

The "cheesey-ness" of the production has been pointed out by other viewers & researchers.

Some feel this sloppiness was intentional -- a "red herring" to support the idea that this must be a hoax and no intelligent person would take these ideas seriously.

Except that, after the "cheesey" show aired, some very intelligent people took these ideas very seriously.

Intelligent according to whom? "Intelligent" people do dumb stuff all the time? Minds can be easily fooled no matter how intelligent someone may be.

Who are these very intelligent people anyway? Do we have the letters from these 'highly intelligent' people? No, "unfortunately they were lost".... yeah ... VERY MYSTERIOUS.... April fools!

Don't ignore the fact that there aren't many facts to this...
edit on 1-4-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by six67seven

Intelligent according to whom? "Intelligent" people do dumb stuff all the time? Minds can be easily fooled no matter how intelligent someone may be.

Who are these very intelligent people anyway? Do we have the letters from these 'highly intelligent' people? No, "unfortunately they were lost".... yeah ... VERY MYSTERIOUS.... April fools!

Don't ignore the fact that there aren't many facts to this...

Leslie Watkins, co-author of the book “Alternative 3” was “contacted by an American researcher who had earlier been informed by a SENIOR editor at Penguin Books that Alternative 3 was fiction based on facts.”*

In a letter Watkins explained to the American researcher:

“The TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it was fiction. I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out, particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world-including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility-convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.”

“Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.”

”So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.”

* “Casebook on Alternative 3” by Jim Keith, page 14.

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